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2019-10-13 20:42:55 -07:00
; Tests for opcode range 0x84-0x8F
; ---------------------------------
; Opcodes 0x88 and 0x89 will be tested by hand
; because assembler always uses 0x8A and 0x8B.
; 0x84 - TEST REG8/MEM8,REG8
; ############################################################
mov dx,es ; Increment ES so it is not the same as DS
inc dx
mov es,dx
TEST_84_0: ; TEST MEM8,REG8 - Test flags
mov byte [00050],0FF
mov dx,00000
test byte [00050],dl ; Overflow should NEVER be set
jno PASS_84_0 ; If not set, then we passed
jmp FAIL_84_0 ; If set then we fail
mov byte [00050],080
mov dx,00080
test byte [00050],dl ; sign should be set
jns FAIL_84_0 ; If not set, then fail
mov byte [00050],0FF
mov dx,0007F
test byte [00050],dl ; sign should NOT be set
js FAIL_84_0 ; If set then we fail
mov byte [00050],000
mov dx,000FF
test byte [00050],dl ; zero should be set
jne FAIL_84_0 ; If not set then we fail
jmp PASS_84_2
mov dx,00034 ; Print a 4
mov ax,00202
int 021
jmp TEST_84_1
mov byte [00050],0FF
mov dx,00001
test byte [00050],dl ; zero should NOT be set
je FAIL_84_0 ; If set then we fail
mov byte [00050],003
mov dx,00003
test byte [00050],dl ; parity should be set
jnp FAIL_84_0 ; If not set then we fail
mov byte [00050],003
mov dx,00001
test byte [00050],dl ; parity should NOT be set
jp FAIL_84_0 ; If set then we fail
mov byte [00050],012
mov dx,00034
test byte [00050],dl ; carry should NEVER be set
jc FAIL_84_0 ; If set then we fail
TEST_84_1: ; TEST REG8,REG8 - Test flags
mov cl,0FF
mov dx,00000
test cl,dl ; Overflow should NEVER be set
jno PASS_84_3 ; If not set, then we passed
jmp FAIL_84_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cl,080
mov dx,00080
test cl,dl ; sign should be set
jns FAIL_84_1 ; If not set, then fail
mov cl,0FF
mov dx,0007F
test cl,dl ; sign should NOT be set
js FAIL_84_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cl,000
mov dx,000FF
test cl,dl ; zero should be set
jne FAIL_84_1 ; If not set then we fail
jmp PASS_84_4
mov dx,00034 ; Print a 4
mov ax,00202
int 021
jmp TEST_85_0
mov cl,0FF
mov dx,00001
test cl,dl ; zero should NOT be set
je FAIL_84_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cl,003
mov dx,00003
test cl,dl ; parity should be set
jnp FAIL_84_1 ; If not set then we fail
mov cl,003
mov dx,00001
test cl,dl ; parity should NOT be set
jp FAIL_84_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cl,012
mov dx,00034
test cl,dl ; carry should NEVER be set
jc FAIL_84_1 ; If set then we fail
; 0x85 - TEST REG16/MEM16,REG16
; ############################################################
mov dx,es ; Increment ES so it is not the same as DS
inc dx
mov es,dx
TEST_85_0: ; TEST MEM16,REG16 - Test flags
mov word [00050],022FF
mov dx,00000
test word [00050],dx ; Overflow should NEVER be set
jno PASS_85_0 ; If not set, then we passed
jmp FAIL_85_0 ; If set then we fail
mov word [00050],08000
mov dx,08000
test word [00050],dx ; sign should be set
jns FAIL_85_0 ; If not set, then fail
mov word [00050],012FF
mov dx,0007F
test word [00050],dx ; sign should NOT be set
js FAIL_85_0 ; If set then we fail
mov word [00050],01111
mov dx,04444
test word [00050],dx ; zero should be set
jne FAIL_85_0 ; If not set then we fail
jmp PASS_85_2
mov dx,00035 ; Print a 5
mov ax,00202
int 021
jmp TEST_85_1
mov word [00050],012FF
mov dx,02001
test word [00050],dx ; zero should NOT be set
je FAIL_85_0 ; If set then we fail
mov word [00050],01203
mov dx,00003
test word [00050],dx ; parity should be set
jnp FAIL_85_0 ; If not set then we fail
mov word [00050],01203
mov dx,00001
test word [00050],dx ; parity should NOT be set
jp FAIL_85_0 ; If set then we fail
mov word [00050],01234
mov dx,02034
test word [00050],dx ; carry should NEVER be set
jc FAIL_85_0 ; If set then we fail
TEST_85_1: ; TEST REG16,REG16 - Test flags
mov cx,0F12F
mov dx,00000
test cx,dx ; Overflow should NEVER be set
jno PASS_85_3 ; If not set, then we passed
jmp FAIL_85_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cx,08012
mov dx,08012
test cx,dx ; sign should be set
jns FAIL_85_1 ; If not set, then fail
mov cx,012FF
mov dx,0027F
test cx,dx ; sign should NOT be set
js FAIL_85_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cx,08888
mov dx,01111
test cx,dx ; zero should be set
jne FAIL_85_1 ; If not set then we fail
jmp PASS_85_4
mov dx,00035 ; Print a 5
mov ax,00202
int 021
jmp TEST_86_0
mov cx,01234
mov dx,01234
test cx,dx ; zero should NOT be set
je FAIL_85_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cx,01233
mov dx,01003
test cx,dx ; parity should be set
jnp FAIL_85_1 ; If not set then we fail
mov cx,01233
mov dx,02001
test cx,dx ; parity should NOT be set
jp FAIL_85_1 ; If set then we fail
mov cx,01234
mov dx,00034
test cx,dx ; carry should NEVER be set
jc FAIL_85_1 ; If set then we fail
; 0x86 - XCHG REG8, MEM8/REG8
; ############################################################
mov cl,0CC
mov dl,0DD
xchg cl,dl
cmp cl,0DD
jne FAIL_86_0
cmp dl,0CC
jne FAIL_86_0
mov byte [00050],011
mov dl,0DD
xchg dl, byte [00050]
cmp dl,011
jne FAIL_86_0
cmp byte [00050],0DD
jne FAIL_86_0
jmp TEST_87_0
mov dx,00036 ; Print a 6
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x87 - XCHG REG16, MEM16/REG16
; ############################################################
TEST_87_0: ; XCHG REG16,REG16
mov cx,0CCCC
mov dx,0DDDD
xchg cx,dx
cmp cx,0DDDD
jne FAIL_87_0
cmp dx,0CCCC
jne FAIL_87_0
TEST_87_1: ; XCHG REG16,MEM16
mov word es:[00050],01111
mov dx,0DDDD
xchg dx, word es:[00050]
cmp dx,01111
jne FAIL_87_0
cmp word es:[00050],0DDDD
jne FAIL_87_0
jmp TEST_8A_0
mov dx,00037 ; Print a 7
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x8A - MOV REG8/MEM8, REG8
; ############################################################
mov cx,01234
mov dx,0ABCD
mov dl,cl
cmp dl,034
jne FAIL_8A_0
mov byte es:[00050],078
mov dx,0ABCD
mov dl, byte es:[00050]
cmp dl,078
jne FAIL_8A_0
jmp TEST_8B_0
mov dx,00041 ; Print a A
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x8B - MOV REG8/MEM8, REG8
; ############################################################
TEST_8B_0: ; MOV REG16,REG16
mov cx,01234
mov dx,0ABCD
mov dx,cx
cmp dx,01234
jne FAIL_8B_0
TEST_8B_1: ; MOV MEM16,REG16
mov word es:[00050],05678
mov dx,0ABCD
mov dx, word es:[00050]
cmp dx,05678
jne FAIL_8B_0
jmp TEST_8C_0
mov dx,00042 ; Print a B
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x8C - MOV REG16/MEM16, SEGREG
; ############################################################
mov ax,es
mov bx,cs
mov cx,ss
mov dx,ds
mov word [00050],es
mov word [00060],cs
mov word [00070],ss
mov word [00080],ds
cmp ax, word [00050]
jne FAIL_8C_0
cmp bx, word [00060]
jne FAIL_8C_0
cmp cx, word [00070]
jne FAIL_8C_0
cmp dx, word [00080]
jne FAIL_8C_0
jmp TEST_8D_0
mov dx,00043 ; Print a C
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x8D - LEA
; ############################################################
mov bx,02222
lea di,[bx+01111]
cmp di,03333
jne FAIL_8D_0
mov bx,03333
mov si,02222
lea di,[bx+si+01111]
cmp di,06666
jne FAIL_8D_0
jmp TEST_8E_0
mov dx,00044 ; Print a D
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x8E - MOV SEGREG, REG16/MEM16
; ############################################################
mov ax,ds
mov word [00050],ds
mov ds, word [00050]
mov cx,ds
cmp cx,ax
jne FAIL_8E_0
mov bx,ds
mov ds,bx
mov cx,ds
cmp cx,bx
jne FAIL_8E_0
jmp TEST_8F_0
mov dx,00045 ; Print a E
mov ax,00202
int 021
; 0x8F - MOV SEGREG, REG16/MEM16
; ############################################################
mov ax,01111
push ax
pop word [00050]
cmp word [00050],ax
jne FAIL_8F_0
jmp Z_END
mov dx,00046 ; Print a F
mov ax,00202
int 021
; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
; End
; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mov ax,00000 ; DOS Commtest=Exit
int 021