Remove part files of parser

This commit is contained in:
Simon Binder 2021-01-18 11:15:31 +01:00
parent 4ad25b9cce
commit 1ff10f47c2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7891917E4147B8C0
5 changed files with 2038 additions and 2111 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ class IndexedColumn extends AstNode {
/// The expression on which the index should be created. Most commonly a
/// [Reference], for simple column names.
Expression expression;
// nullable
final OrderingMode? ordering;
IndexedColumn(this.expression, [this.ordering]);

View File

@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
part of 'parser.dart';
const _startJoinOperators = [
mixin CrudParser on ParserBase {
CrudStatement? _crud() {
final withClause = _withClause();
if (_check( || _check(TokenType.$values)) {
return select(withClause: withClause);
} else if (_check(TokenType.delete)) {
return _deleteStmt(withClause);
} else if (_check(TokenType.update)) {
return _update(withClause);
} else if (_check(TokenType.insert) || _check(TokenType.replace)) {
return _insertStmt(withClause);
return null;
WithClause? _withClause() {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.$with)) return null;
final withToken = _previous;
final recursive = _matchOne(TokenType.recursive);
final recursiveToken = recursive ? _previous : null;
final ctes = <CommonTableExpression>[];
do {
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expected name for common table');
List<String>? columnNames;
// can optionally declare the column names in (foo, bar, baz) syntax
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
columnNames = [];
do {
final identifier = _consumeIdentifier('Expected column name');
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
'Expected closing bracket after column names');
final asToken = _consume(, 'Expected AS');
const msg = 'Expected select statement in brackets';
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, msg);
final selectStmt = select() ?? _error(msg);
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, msg);
cteTableName: name.identifier,
columnNames: columnNames,
as: selectStmt,
..setSpan(name, _previous)
..asToken = asToken
..tableNameToken = name);
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return WithClause(
recursive: recursive,
ctes: ctes,
..setSpan(withToken, _previous)
..recursiveToken = recursiveToken
..withToken = withToken;
BaseSelectStatement? _fullSelect() {
final clause = _withClause();
return select(withClause: clause);
BaseSelectStatement? select({bool? noCompound, WithClause? withClause}) {
if (noCompound == true) {
return _selectNoCompound(withClause);
} else {
final firstTokenOfBase = _peek;
final first = _selectNoCompound(withClause);
if (first == null) {
// _selectNoCompound returns null if there's no select statement at the
// current position. That's fine if we didn't encounter an with clause
// already
if (withClause != null) {
_error('Expected a SELECT statement to follow the WITH clause here');
return null;
final parts = <CompoundSelectPart>[];
for (;;) {
final part = _compoundSelectPart();
if (part != null) {
} else {
if (parts.isEmpty) {
// no compound parts, just return the simple select statement.
return first;
} else {
// remove with clause from base select, it belongs to the compound
// select.
first.withClause = null;
first.first = firstTokenOfBase;
return CompoundSelectStatement(
withClause: withClause,
base: first,
additional: parts,
)..setSpan(withClause?.first ?? first.first!, _previous);
SelectStatementNoCompound? _selectNoCompound([WithClause? withClause]) {
if (_peek.type == TokenType.$values) return _valuesSelect(withClause);
if (!_match(const [])) return null;
final selectToken = _previous;
var distinct = false;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.distinct)) {
distinct = true;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.all)) {
distinct = false;
final resultColumns = <ResultColumn>[];
do {
} while (_match(const [TokenType.comma]));
final from = _from();
final where = _where();
final groupBy = _groupBy();
final windowDecls = _windowDeclarations();
final orderBy = _orderBy();
final limit = _limit();
final first = withClause?.first ?? selectToken;
return SelectStatement(
withClause: withClause,
distinct: distinct,
columns: resultColumns,
from: from,
where: where,
groupBy: groupBy,
windowDeclarations: windowDecls,
orderBy: orderBy,
limit: limit,
)..setSpan(first, _previous);
ValuesSelectStatement? _valuesSelect([WithClause? withClause]) {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.$values)) return null;
final firstToken = _previous;
final tuples = <Tuple>[];
do {
tuples.add(_consumeTuple() as Tuple);
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return ValuesSelectStatement(tuples, withClause: withClause)
..setSpan(firstToken, _previous);
CompoundSelectPart? _compoundSelectPart() {
if (_match(
const [TokenType.union, TokenType.intersect, TokenType.except])) {
final firstModeToken = _previous;
var mode = const {
TokenType.union: CompoundSelectMode.union,
TokenType.intersect: CompoundSelectMode.intersect,
TokenType.except: CompoundSelectMode.except,
Token? allToken;
if (firstModeToken.type == TokenType.union && _matchOne(TokenType.all)) {
allToken = _previous;
mode = CompoundSelectMode.unionAll;
final select = _selectNoCompound()!;
return CompoundSelectPart(
mode: mode!,
select: select,
..firstModeToken = firstModeToken
..allToken = allToken
..setSpan(firstModeToken, _previous);
return null;
/// Parses a [ResultColumn] or throws if none is found.
ResultColumn _resultColumn() {
if (_matchOne( {
return StarResultColumn(null)..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
final positionBefore = _current;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.identifier)) {
// two options. the identifier could be followed by ".*", in which case
// we have a star result column. If it's followed by anything else, it can
// still refer to a column in a table as part of a expression
// result column
final identifier = _previous as IdentifierToken;
if (_matchOne( {
if (_matchOne( {
return StarResultColumn(identifier.identifier)
..setSpan(identifier, _previous);
} else if (enableMoorExtensions && _matchOne(TokenType.doubleStar)) {
return NestedStarResultColumn(identifier.identifier)
..setSpan(identifier, _previous);
// not a star result column. go back and parse the expression.
// todo this is a bit unorthodox. is there a better way to parse the
// expression from before?
_current = positionBefore;
final tokenBefore = _peek;
final expr = expression();
final as = _as();
return ExpressionResultColumn(expression: expr, as: as?.identifier)
..setSpan(tokenBefore, _previous);
/// Returns an identifier followed after an optional "AS" token in sql.
/// Returns null if there is
IdentifierToken? _as() {
if (_match(const [])) {
return _consume(TokenType.identifier, 'Expected an identifier')
as IdentifierToken;
} else if (_match(const [TokenType.identifier])) {
return _previous as IdentifierToken;
} else {
return null;
Queryable? _from() {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.from)) return null;
// Can either be a list of <TableOrSubquery> or a join. Joins also start
// with a TableOrSubquery, so let's first parse that.
final start = _tableOrSubquery();
// parse join, if there is one
return _joinClause(start) ?? start;
TableOrSubquery _tableOrSubquery() {
// this is what we're parsing:
// we currently only support regular tables, table functions and nested
// selects
final tableRef = _tableReferenceOrNull();
if (tableRef != null) {
// this is a bit hacky. If the table reference only consists of one
// identifer and it's followed by a (, it's a table-valued function
if ( == null && _matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
final params = _functionParameters();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing parenthesis');
final alias = _as();
return TableValuedFunction(tableRef.tableName, params,
as: alias?.identifier)
..setSpan(tableRef.first!, _previous);
return tableRef;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
final first = _previous;
final innerStmt = select()!;
'Expected a right bracket to terminate the inner select');
final alias = _as();
return SelectStatementAsSource(
statement: innerStmt, as: alias?.identifier)
..setSpan(first, _previous);
_error('Expected a table name or a nested select statement');
TableReference? _tableReferenceOrNull() {
_suggestHint(const TableNameDescription());
if (_check(TokenType.identifier)) return _tableReference();
return null;
TableReference _tableReference() {
_suggestHint(const TableNameDescription());
// ignore the schema name, it's not supported. Besides that, we're on the
// first branch in the diagram here
final firstToken = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a table reference');
final tableName = firstToken.identifier;
final alias = _as();
return TableReference(tableName, alias?.identifier)
..setSpan(firstToken, _previous)
..tableNameToken = firstToken;
JoinClause? _joinClause(TableOrSubquery start) {
var operator = _parseJoinOperator();
if (operator == null) {
return null;
final joins = <Join>[];
while (operator != null) {
final first = _peekNext;
final subquery = _tableOrSubquery();
final constraint = _joinConstraint();
JoinOperator resolvedOperator;
if (operator.contains(TokenType.left)) {
resolvedOperator = operator.contains(TokenType.outer)
? JoinOperator.leftOuter
: JoinOperator.left;
} else if (operator.contains(TokenType.inner)) {
resolvedOperator = JoinOperator.inner;
} else if (operator.contains(TokenType.cross)) {
resolvedOperator = JoinOperator.cross;
} else if (operator.contains(TokenType.comma)) {
resolvedOperator = JoinOperator.comma;
} else {
resolvedOperator = JoinOperator.none;
natural: operator.contains(TokenType.natural),
operator: resolvedOperator,
query: subquery,
constraint: constraint,
)..setSpan(first, _previous));
// parse the next operator, if there is more than one join
operator = _parseJoinOperator();
return JoinClause(primary: start, joins: joins)
..setSpan(start.first!, _previous);
/// Parses
List<TokenType>? _parseJoinOperator() {
if (_match(_startJoinOperators)) {
final operators = [_previous.type];
if (_previous.type == TokenType.join ||
_previous.type == TokenType.comma) {
// just join or comma, without any specific operators
return operators;
} else {
// natural is a prefix, another operator can follow.
if (_previous.type == TokenType.natural) {
if (_match([TokenType.left, TokenType.inner, TokenType.cross])) {
if (_previous.type == TokenType.left && _matchOne(TokenType.outer)) {
_consume(TokenType.join, 'Expected to see a join keyword here');
return operators;
return null;
/// Parses
JoinConstraint? _joinConstraint() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.on)) {
return OnConstraint(expression: expression());
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.using)) {
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected an opening paranthesis');
final columnNames = <String>[];
do {
final identifier =
_consume(TokenType.identifier, 'Expected a column name');
columnNames.add((identifier as IdentifierToken).identifier);
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected an closing paranthesis');
return UsingConstraint(columnNames: columnNames);
} else {
return null;
/// Parses a where clause if there is one at the current position
Expression? _where() {
if (_match(const [TokenType.where])) {
return expression();
return null;
GroupBy? _groupBy() {
if (_matchOne( {
final groupToken = _previous;
_consume(, 'Expected a "BY"');
final by = <Expression>[];
Expression? having;
do {
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
if (_matchOne(TokenType.having)) {
having = expression();
return GroupBy(by: by, having: having)..setSpan(groupToken, _previous);
return null;
List<NamedWindowDeclaration> _windowDeclarations() {
final declarations = <NamedWindowDeclaration>[];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.window)) {
do {
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a name for the window');
'Expected AS between the window name and its definition');
final window = _windowDefinition();
declarations.add(NamedWindowDeclaration(name.identifier, window));
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return declarations;
OrderByBase? _orderBy() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.order)) {
final orderToken = _previous;
_consume(, 'Expected "BY" after "ORDER" token');
final terms = <OrderingTermBase>[];
do {
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
// If we only hit a single ordering term and that term is a Dart
// placeholder, we can upgrade that term to a full order by placeholder.
// This gives users more control at runtime (they can specify multiple
// terms).
if (terms.length == 1 && terms.single is DartOrderingTermPlaceholder) {
final termPlaceholder = terms.single as DartOrderingTermPlaceholder;
return DartOrderByPlaceholder(name:
..setSpan(orderToken, termPlaceholder.last!);
return OrderBy(terms: terms)..setSpan(orderToken, _previous);
return null;
OrderingTermBase _orderingTerm() {
final expr = expression();
final mode = _orderingModeOrNull();
OrderingBehaviorForNulls? nulls;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.nulls)) {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.first)) {
nulls = OrderingBehaviorForNulls.first;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.last)) {
nulls = OrderingBehaviorForNulls.last;
} else {
_error('Expected FIRST or LAST here');
// if there is nothing (asc/desc, nulls first/last) after a Dart
// placeholder, we can upgrade the expression to an ordering term
// placeholder and let users define the mode at runtime.
if (mode == null && nulls == null && expr is DartExpressionPlaceholder) {
return DartOrderingTermPlaceholder(name:
..setSpan(expr.first!, expr.last!);
return OrderingTerm(expression: expr, orderingMode: mode, nulls: nulls)
..setSpan(expr.first!, _previous);
OrderingMode? _orderingModeOrNull() {
if (_match(const [TokenType.asc, TokenType.desc])) {
final mode = _previous.type == TokenType.asc
? OrderingMode.ascending
: OrderingMode.descending;
return mode;
return null;
/// Parses a [Limit] clause, or returns null if there is no limit token after
/// the current position.
LimitBase? _limit() {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.limit)) return null;
final limitToken = _previous;
// Unintuitive, it's "$amount OFFSET $offset", but "$offset, $amount"
// the order changes between the separator tokens.
final first = expression();
if (_matchOne(TokenType.comma)) {
final separator = _previous;
final count = expression();
return Limit(count: count, offsetSeparator: separator, offset: first)
..setSpan(limitToken, _previous);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.offset)) {
final separator = _previous;
final offset = expression();
return Limit(count: first, offsetSeparator: separator, offset: offset)
..setSpan(limitToken, _previous);
} else {
// no offset or comma was parsed (so just LIMIT $expr). In that case, we
// want to provide additional flexibility to the user by interpreting the
// expression as a whole limit clause.
if (first is DartExpressionPlaceholder) {
return DartLimitPlaceholder(name:
..setSpan(limitToken, _previous);
return Limit(count: first)..setSpan(limitToken, _previous);
DeleteStatement? _deleteStmt([WithClause? withClause]) {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.delete)) return null;
final deleteToken = _previous;
_consume(TokenType.from, 'Expected a FROM here');
final table = _tableReference();
Expression? where;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.where)) {
where = expression();
return DeleteStatement(
withClause: withClause,
from: table,
where: where,
)..setSpan(withClause?.first ?? deleteToken, _previous);
UpdateStatement? _update([WithClause? withClause]) {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.update)) return null;
final updateToken = _previous;
FailureMode? failureMode;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.or)) {
failureMode = UpdateStatement.failureModeFromToken(_advance().type);
final table = _tableReference();
_consume(TokenType.set, 'Expected SET after the table name');
final set = _setComponents();
final where = _where();
return UpdateStatement(
withClause: withClause,
or: failureMode,
table: table,
set: set,
where: where,
)..setSpan(withClause?.first ?? updateToken, _previous);
List<SetComponent> _setComponents() {
final set = <SetComponent>[];
do {
final columnName =
_consume(TokenType.identifier, 'Expected a column name to set')
as IdentifierToken;
final reference = Reference(columnName: columnName.identifier)
..setSpan(columnName, columnName);
_consume(TokenType.equal, 'Expected = after the column name');
final expr = expression();
set.add(SetComponent(column: reference, expression: expr)
..setSpan(columnName, _previous));
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return set;
InsertStatement? _insertStmt([WithClause? withClause]) {
if (!_match(const [TokenType.insert, TokenType.replace])) return null;
final firstToken = _previous;
InsertMode? insertMode;
if (_previous.type == TokenType.insert) {
// insert modes can have a failure clause (INSERT OR xxx)
if (_matchOne(TokenType.or)) {
const tokensToModes = {
TokenType.replace: InsertMode.insertOrReplace,
TokenType.rollback: InsertMode.insertOrRollback,
TokenType.abort: InsertMode.insertOrAbort, InsertMode.insertOrFail,
TokenType.ignore: InsertMode.insertOrIgnore
if (_match(tokensToModes.keys)) {
insertMode = tokensToModes[_previous.type];
} else {
_error('After the INSERT OR, expected an insert mode '
} else {
insertMode = InsertMode.insert;
} else {
// if it wasn't an insert, it must have been a replace
insertMode = InsertMode.replace;
assert(insertMode != null);
_consume(TokenType.into, 'Expected INSERT INTO');
final table = _tableReference();
final targetColumns = <Reference>[];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
do {
final columnRef = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a column');
targetColumns.add(Reference(columnName: columnRef.identifier)
..setSpan(columnRef, columnRef));
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
'Expected clpsing parenthesis after column list');
final source = _insertSource();
final upsert = _upsertClauseOrNull();
return InsertStatement(
withClause: withClause,
mode: insertMode!,
table: table,
targetColumns: targetColumns,
source: source,
upsert: upsert,
)..setSpan(withClause?.first ?? firstToken, _previous);
InsertSource _insertSource() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$values)) {
final first = _previous;
final values = <Tuple>[];
do {
// it will be a tuple, we don't turn on "orSubQuery"
values.add(_consumeTuple() as Tuple);
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return ValuesSource(values)..setSpan(first, _previous);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.$default)) {
final first = _previous;
_consume(TokenType.$values, 'Expected DEFAULT VALUES');
return DefaultValues()..setSpan(first, _previous);
} else {
final first = _previous;
return SelectInsertSource(
_fullSelect() ?? _error('Expeced a select statement'),
)..setSpan(first, _previous);
UpsertClause? _upsertClauseOrNull() {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.on)) return null;
final first = _previous;
_consume(TokenType.conflict, 'Expected CONFLICT keyword for upsert clause');
List<IndexedColumn>? indexedColumns;
Expression? where;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
indexedColumns = _indexedColumns();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing paren here');
if (_matchOne(TokenType.where)) {
where = expression();
'Expected DO, followed by the action (NOTHING or UPDATE SET)');
late UpsertAction action;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.nothing)) {
action = DoNothing()..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
} else if (_check(TokenType.update)) {
action = _doUpdate();
return UpsertClause(
onColumns: indexedColumns,
where: where,
action: action,
)..setSpan(first, _previous);
DoUpdate _doUpdate() {
_consume(TokenType.update, 'Expected UPDATE SET keyword here');
final first = _previous;
_consume(TokenType.set, 'Expected UPDATE SET keyword here');
final set = _setComponents();
Expression? where;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.where)) {
where = expression();
return DoUpdate(set, where: where)..setSpan(first, _previous);
WindowDefinition _windowDefinition() {
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected opening parenthesis');
final leftParen = _previous;
String? baseWindowName;
OrderByBase? orderBy;
final partitionBy = <Expression>[];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.identifier)) {
baseWindowName = (_previous as IdentifierToken).identifier;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.partition)) {
_consume(, 'Expected PARTITION BY');
do {
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
if (_peek.type == TokenType.order) {
orderBy = _orderBy();
final spec = _frameSpec();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing parenthesis');
return WindowDefinition(
baseWindowName: baseWindowName,
partitionBy: partitionBy,
orderBy: orderBy,
frameSpec: spec ?? (FrameSpec()..synthetic = true),
)..setSpan(leftParen, _previous);
FrameSpec? _frameSpec() {
if (!_match(const [TokenType.range, TokenType.rows, TokenType.groups])) {
return null;
final typeToken = _previous;
final frameType = const {
TokenType.range: FrameType.range,
TokenType.rows: FrameType.rows,
TokenType.groups: FrameType.groups
FrameBoundary start, end;
// if there is no between token, we just read the start boundary and set the
// end to currentRow. See the link in the docs
if (_matchOne(TokenType.between)) {
start = _frameBoundary(isStartBounds: true, parseExprFollowing: true);
_consume(TokenType.and, 'Expected AND followed by the ending boundary');
end = _frameBoundary(isStartBounds: false, parseExprFollowing: true);
} else {
// <expr> FOLLOWING is not supported in the short-hand syntax
start = _frameBoundary(isStartBounds: true, parseExprFollowing: false);
end = FrameBoundary.currentRow();
var exclude = ExcludeMode.noOthers;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.exclude)) {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.ties)) {
exclude = ExcludeMode.ties;
} else if (_matchOne( {
exclude =;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.current)) {
_consume(TokenType.row, 'Expected EXCLUDE CURRENT ROW');
exclude = ExcludeMode.currentRow;
} else if (_matchOne( {
_consume(TokenType.others, 'Expected EXCLUDE NO OTHERS');
exclude = ExcludeMode.noOthers;
return FrameSpec(
type: frameType,
excludeMode: exclude,
start: start,
end: end,
)..setSpan(typeToken, _previous);
FrameBoundary _frameBoundary(
{bool isStartBounds = true, bool parseExprFollowing = true}) {
// the CURRENT ROW boundary is supported for all modes
if (_matchOne(TokenType.current)) {
_consume(TokenType.row, 'Expected ROW to finish CURRENT ROW boundary');
return FrameBoundary.currentRow();
if (_matchOne(TokenType.unbounded)) {
// if this is a start boundary, only UNBOUNDED PRECEDING makes sense.
// Otherwise, only UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING makes sense
if (isStartBounds) {
_consume(TokenType.preceding, 'Expected UNBOUNDED PRECEDING');
return FrameBoundary.unboundedPreceding();
} else {
_consume(TokenType.following, 'Expected UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING');
return FrameBoundary.unboundedFollowing();
// ok, not unbounded or CURRENT ROW. It must be <expr> PRECEDING|FOLLOWING
// then
final amount = expression();
if (parseExprFollowing && _matchOne(TokenType.following)) {
return FrameBoundary.following(amount);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.preceding)) {
return FrameBoundary.preceding(amount);
_error('Expected either PRECEDING or FOLLOWING here');

View File

@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
part of 'parser.dart';
/// Parses expressions. Expressions have the following precedence, in descending
/// order
/// - primary expressions: Parenthesis, etc.
/// - Case expressions
/// - postfix expressions: NOT NULL, etc.
/// - `-`, `+`, `~`, unary not
/// - `||` (concatenation)
/// - `*`, '/', '%'
/// - `+`, `-`
/// - `<<`, `>>`, `&`, `|`
/// - `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`
/// - `=`, `==`, `!=`, `<>`, `IS`, `IS NOT`, `IN`, `LIKE`, `GLOB`, `MATCH`,
/// `REGEXP`
/// - `AND`
/// - `OR`
mixin ExpressionParser on ParserBase {
Expression expression() {
return _or();
/// Parses an expression of the form a <T> b, where <T> is in [types] and
/// both a and b are expressions with a higher precedence parsed from
/// [higherPrecedence].
Expression _parseSimpleBinary(
List<TokenType> types, Expression Function() higherPrecedence) {
var expression = higherPrecedence();
while (_match(types)) {
final operator = _previous;
final right = higherPrecedence();
expression = BinaryExpression(expression, operator, right)
..setSpan(expression.first!, _previous);
return expression;
Expression _or() => _parseSimpleBinary(const [TokenType.or], _and);
Expression _and() => _parseSimpleBinary(const [TokenType.and], _in);
Expression _in() {
final left = _equals();
if (_checkWithNot(TokenType.$in)) {
final not = _matchOne(TokenType.not);
final inside = _variableOrNull() ?? _consumeTuple(orSubQuery: true);
return InExpression(left: left, inside: inside, not: not)
..setSpan(left.first!, _previous);
return left;
/// Parses expressions with the "equals" precedence. This contains
/// comparisons, "IS (NOT) IN" expressions, between expressions and "like"
/// expressions.
Expression _equals() {
var expression = _comparison();
final first = expression.first;
const ops = [
const stringOps = [,
for (;;) {
if (_checkWithNot(TokenType.between)) {
final not = _matchOne(TokenType.not);
_consume(TokenType.between, 'expected a BETWEEN');
final lower = _comparison();
_consume(TokenType.and, 'expected AND');
final upper = _comparison();
expression = BetweenExpression(
not: not, check: expression, lower: lower, upper: upper)
..setSpan(first!, _previous);
} else if (_match(ops)) {
final operator = _previous;
if (operator.type == TokenType.$is) {
final not = _match(const [TokenType.not]);
// special case: is not expression
expression = IsExpression(not, expression, _comparison())
..setSpan(first!, _previous);
} else {
expression = BinaryExpression(expression, operator, _comparison())
..setSpan(first!, _previous);
} else if (_checkAnyWithNot(stringOps)) {
final not = _matchOne(TokenType.not);
_match(stringOps); // will consume, existence was verified with check
final operator = _previous;
final right = _comparison();
Expression? escape;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.escape)) {
escape = _comparison();
expression = StringComparisonExpression(
not: not,
left: expression,
operator: operator,
right: right,
escape: escape)
..setSpan(first!, _previous);
} else {
break; // no matching operator with this precedence was found
return expression;
Expression _comparison() {
return _parseSimpleBinary(_comparisonOperators, _binaryOperation);
Expression _binaryOperation() {
return _parseSimpleBinary(_binaryOperators, _addition);
Expression _addition() {
return _parseSimpleBinary(const [,
], _multiplication);
Expression _multiplication() {
return _parseSimpleBinary(const [,
], _concatenation);
Expression _concatenation() {
return _parseSimpleBinary(const [TokenType.doublePipe], _unary);
Expression _unary() {
if (_match(const [
])) {
final operator = _previous;
final expression = _unary();
return UnaryExpression(operator, expression)
..setSpan(operator, expression.last!);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.exists)) {
final existsToken = _previous;
TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected opening parenthesis after EXISTS');
final selectStmt = _fullSelect() ?? _error('Expected a select statement');
'Expected closing paranthesis to finish EXISTS expression');
return ExistsExpression(select: selectStmt)
..setSpan(existsToken, _previous);
return _postfix();
Expression _postfix() {
var expression = _case();
// todo we don't currently parse "NOT NULL" (2 tokens) because of ambiguity
// with NOT BETWEEN / NOT IN / ... expressions
const matchedTokens = [
while (_match(matchedTokens)) {
final operator = _previous;
switch (operator.type) {
case TokenType.collate:
final collateOp = _previous;
final collateFun =
_consume(TokenType.identifier, 'Expected a collating sequence')
as IdentifierToken;
expression = CollateExpression(
inner: expression,
operator: collateOp,
collateFunction: collateFun,
case TokenType.isNull:
expression = IsNullExpression(expression);
case TokenType.notNull:
expression = IsNullExpression(expression, true);
// we checked with _match, this may never happen
throw AssertionError();
expression.setSpan(operator, _previous);
return expression;
Expression _case() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$case)) {
final caseToken = _previous;
final base = _check(TokenType.when) ? null : _primary();
final whens = <WhenComponent>[];
Expression? $else;
while (_matchOne(TokenType.when)) {
final whenToken = _previous;
final whenExpr = _or();
_consume(TokenType.then, 'Expected THEN');
final then = expression();
whens.add(WhenComponent(when: whenExpr, then: then)
..setSpan(whenToken, _previous));
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$else)) {
$else = expression();
_consume(TokenType.end, 'Expected END to finish the case operator');
return CaseExpression(whens: whens, base: base, elseExpr: $else)
..setSpan(caseToken, _previous);
return _primary();
Literal? _literalOrNull() {
final token = _peek;
Literal? _parseInner() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.numberLiteral)) {
final number = token as NumericToken;
return NumericLiteral(number.parsedNumber, token);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.stringLiteral)) {
return StringLiteral(token as StringLiteralToken);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$null)) {
return NullLiteral(token);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$true)) {
return BooleanLiteral.withTrue(token);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$false)) {
return BooleanLiteral.withFalse(token);
const timeLiterals = {
TokenType.currentTime: TimeConstantKind.currentTime,
TokenType.currentDate: TimeConstantKind.currentDate,
TokenType.currentTimestamp: TimeConstantKind.currentTimestamp,
if (_match(timeLiterals.keys)) {
final token = _previous;
return TimeConstantLiteral(timeLiterals[token.type]!, token);
return null;
final literal = _parseInner();
literal?.setSpan(token, token);
return literal;
Expression _primary() {
final literal = _literalOrNull();
if (literal != null) return literal;
final variable = _variableOrNull();
if (variable != null) return variable;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
final left = _previous;
final selectStmt = _fullSelect(); // returns null if there's no select
if (selectStmt != null) {
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected a closing bracket');
return SubQuery(select: selectStmt)..setSpan(left, _previous);
} else {
final expr = expression();
if (_matchOne(TokenType.comma)) {
// It's a row value!
final expressions = [expr];
do {
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected a closing bracket');
return Tuple(expressions: expressions, usedAsRowValue: true)
..setSpan(left, _previous);
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected a closing bracket');
return Parentheses(left, expr, _previous)..setSpan(left, _previous);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.dollarSignVariable)) {
if (enableMoorExtensions) {
final typedToken = _previous as DollarSignVariableToken;
return DartExpressionPlaceholder(name:
..token = typedToken
..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.cast)) {
final first = _previous;
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected opening parenthesis after CAST');
final operand = expression();
_consume(, 'Expected AS operator here');
final type = _typeName()!;
final typeName = type.lexeme;
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing bracket here');
return CastExpression(operand, typeName)..setSpan(first, _previous);
} else if (_checkIdentifier()) {
final first = _consumeIdentifier(
'This error message should never be displayed. Please report.');
// could be table.column, function(...) or just column
if (_matchOne( {
final second =
_consumeIdentifier('Expected a column name here', lenient: true);
return Reference(
tableName: first.identifier, columnName: second.identifier)
..setSpan(first, second);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
// regular function invocation
final parameters = _functionParameters();
final rightParen = _consume(TokenType.rightParen,
'Expected closing bracket after argument list');
if (_peek.type == TokenType.filter || _peek.type == TokenType.over) {
return _aggregate(first, parameters);
return FunctionExpression(
name: first.identifier, parameters: parameters)
..setSpan(first, rightParen);
} else {
return Reference(columnName: first.identifier)..setSpan(first, first);
if (_peek is KeywordToken) {
_error('Could not parse this expression. Note: This is a reserved '
'keyword, you can escape it in double ticks');
} else {
_error('Could not parse this expression');
Variable? _variableOrNull() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.questionMarkVariable)) {
return NumberedVariable(_previous as QuestionMarkVariableToken)
..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.colonVariable)) {
return ColonNamedVariable(_previous as ColonVariableToken)
..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
return null;
FunctionParameters _functionParameters() {
if (_matchOne( {
return StarFunctionParameter()
..starToken = _previous
..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
if (_check(TokenType.rightParen)) {
// nothing between the brackets -> empty parameter list. We mark it as
// synthetic because it has an empty span in the file
return ExprFunctionParameters(parameters: const [])..synthetic = true;
final distinct = _matchOne(TokenType.distinct);
final parameters = <Expression>[];
final first = _peek;
do {
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return ExprFunctionParameters(distinct: distinct, parameters: parameters)
..setSpan(first, _previous);
AggregateExpression _aggregate(
IdentifierToken name, FunctionParameters params) {
Expression? filter;
// (it's optional)
if (_matchOne(TokenType.filter)) {
'Expected opening parenthesis after filter statement');
_consume(TokenType.where, 'Expected WHERE clause');
filter = expression();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expecteded closing parenthes');
_consume(TokenType.over, 'Expected OVER to begin window clause');
String? windowName;
WindowDefinition? window;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.identifier)) {
windowName = (_previous as IdentifierToken).identifier;
} else {
window = _windowDefinition();
return AggregateExpression(
function: name,
parameters: params,
filter: filter,
windowDefinition: window,
windowName: windowName,
)..setSpan(name, _previous);
Expression _consumeTuple({bool orSubQuery = false}) {
final firstToken =
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected opening parenthesis for tuple');
final expressions = <Expression>[];
// if desired, attempt to parse select statement
final subQuery = orSubQuery ? _fullSelect() : null;
if (subQuery == null) {
// no sub query found. read expressions that form the tuple.
// tuples can be empty `()`, so only start parsing values when it's not
if (_peek.type != TokenType.rightParen) {
do {
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected right parenthesis to close tuple');
return Tuple(expressions: expressions)..setSpan(firstToken, _previous);
} else {
'Expected right parenthesis to finish subquery');
return SubQuery(select: subQuery)..setSpan(firstToken, _previous);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
part of 'parser.dart';
mixin SchemaParser on ParserBase {
SchemaStatement? _create() {
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.create)) return null;
if (_check(TokenType.table) || _check(TokenType.virtual)) {
return _createTable();
} else if (_check(TokenType.trigger)) {
return _createTrigger();
} else if (_check(TokenType.unique) || _check(TokenType.$index)) {
return _createIndex();
} else if (_check(TokenType.view)) {
return _createView();
return null;
/// Parses a `CREATE TABLE` statement, assuming that the `CREATE` token has
/// already been matched.
TableInducingStatement _createTable() {
final first = _previous;
assert(first.type == TokenType.create);
final virtual = _matchOne(TokenType.virtual);
_consume(TokenType.table, 'Expected TABLE keyword here');
final ifNotExists = _ifNotExists();
final tableIdentifier = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a table name');
if (virtual) {
return _virtualTable(first, ifNotExists, tableIdentifier);
// we don't currently support CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT ... statements
final leftParen = _consume(
TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected opening parenthesis to list columns');
final columns = <ColumnDefinition>[];
final tableConstraints = <TableConstraint>[];
// the columns must come before the table constraints!
var encounteredTableConstraint = false;
do {
try {
final tableConstraint = _tableConstraintOrNull();
if (tableConstraint != null) {
encounteredTableConstraint = true;
} else {
if (encounteredTableConstraint) {
_error('Expected another table constraint');
} else {
} on ParsingError {
// if we're at the closing bracket, don't try to parse another column
if (_check(TokenType.rightParen)) break;
// error while parsing a column definition or table constraint. We try
// to recover to the next comma.
if (_check(TokenType.rightParen)) break;
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
final rightParen =
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing parenthesis');
var withoutRowId = false;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.without)) {
TokenType.rowid, 'Expected ROWID to complete the WITHOUT ROWID part');
withoutRowId = true;
final overriddenName = _overriddenDataClassName();
return CreateTableStatement(
ifNotExists: ifNotExists,
tableName: tableIdentifier.identifier,
withoutRowId: withoutRowId,
columns: columns,
tableConstraints: tableConstraints,
overriddenDataClassName: overriddenName,
..setSpan(first, _previous)
..openingBracket = leftParen
..closingBracket = rightParen
..tableNameToken = tableIdentifier;
/// Parses a `CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE` statement, after the `CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE
/// <name>` tokens have already been read.
CreateVirtualTableStatement _virtualTable(
Token first, bool ifNotExists, IdentifierToken nameToken) {
_consume(TokenType.using, 'Expected USING for virtual table declaration');
final moduleName = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a module name');
final args = <SourceSpanWithContext>[];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
// args can be just about anything, so we accept any token until the right
// parenthesis closing it of.
Token? currentStart;
var levelOfParens = 0;
void addCurrent() {
if (currentStart == null) {
_error('Expected at least one token for the previous argument');
} else {
currentStart = null;
for (;;) {
// begin reading a single argument, which is stopped by a comma or
// maybe with a ), if the current depth is one
while (_peek.type != TokenType.rightParen &&
_peek.type != TokenType.comma) {
if (_previous.type == TokenType.leftParen) {
currentStart ??= _previous;
// if we just read the last ) of the argument list, finish. Otherwise
// just handle the ) and continue reading the same argument
if (_peek.type == TokenType.rightParen) {
if (levelOfParens < 0) {
_advance(); // consume the rightParen
} else {
_advance(); // add the rightParen to the current argument
// finished while loop above, but not with a ), so it must be a comma
// that finishes the current argument
assert(_peek.type == TokenType.comma);
_advance(); // consume the comma
final moorDataClassName = _overriddenDataClassName();
return CreateVirtualTableStatement(
ifNotExists: ifNotExists,
tableName: nameToken.identifier,
moduleName: moduleName.identifier,
arguments: args,
overriddenDataClassName: moorDataClassName,
..setSpan(first, _previous)
..tableNameToken = nameToken
..moduleNameToken = moduleName;
String? _overriddenDataClassName() {
if (enableMoorExtensions && _matchOne( {
return _consumeIdentifier('Expected the name for the data class')
return null;
/// Parses a "CREATE TRIGGER" statement, assuming that the create token has
/// already been consumed.
CreateTriggerStatement? _createTrigger() {
final create = _previous;
assert(create.type == TokenType.create);
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.trigger)) return null;
final ifNotExists = _ifNotExists();
final trigger = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a name for the identifier');
TriggerMode mode;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.before)) {
mode = TriggerMode.before;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.after)) {
mode = TriggerMode.after;
} else {
const msg = 'Expected BEFORE, AFTER or INSTEAD OF';
_consume(TokenType.instead, msg);
_consume(TokenType.of, msg);
mode = TriggerMode.insteadOf;
TriggerTarget target;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.delete)) {
target = DeleteTarget()
..deleteToken = _previous
..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.insert)) {
target = InsertTarget()
..insertToken = _previous
..setSpan(_previous, _previous);
} else {
final updateToken = _consume(
TokenType.update, 'Expected DELETE, INSERT or UPDATE as a trigger');
final names = <Reference>[];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.of)) {
do {
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expected column name in ON clause');
final reference = Reference(columnName: name.identifier)
..setSpan(name, name);
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
target = UpdateTarget(names)
..updateToken = updateToken
..setSpan(updateToken, _previous);
_consume(TokenType.on, 'Expected ON');
_suggestHint(const TableNameDescription());
final nameToken = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a table name');
final tableRef = TableReference(nameToken.identifier)
..setSpan(nameToken, nameToken);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$for)) {
const msg = 'Expected FOR EACH ROW';
_consume(TokenType.each, msg);
_consume(TokenType.row, msg);
Expression? when;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.when)) {
when = expression();
final block = _consumeBlock();
return CreateTriggerStatement(
ifNotExists: ifNotExists,
triggerName: trigger.identifier,
mode: mode,
target: target,
onTable: tableRef,
when: when,
action: block,
..setSpan(create, _previous)
..triggerNameToken = trigger;
/// Parses a [CreateViewStatement]. The `CREATE` token must have already been
/// accepted.
CreateViewStatement? _createView() {
final create = _previous;
assert(create.type == TokenType.create);
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.view)) return null;
final ifNotExists = _ifNotExists();
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a name for this view');
List<String>? columnNames;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
columnNames = _columnNames();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing bracket');
_consume(, 'Expected AS SELECT');
final query = _fullSelect()!;
return CreateViewStatement(
ifNotExists: ifNotExists,
viewName: name.identifier,
columns: columnNames,
query: query,
..viewNameToken = name
..setSpan(create, _previous);
/// Parses a [CreateIndexStatement]. The `CREATE` token must have already been
/// accepted.
CreateIndexStatement? _createIndex() {
final create = _previous;
assert(create.type == TokenType.create);
final unique = _matchOne(TokenType.unique);
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.$index)) return null;
final ifNotExists = _ifNotExists();
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a name for this index');
_consume(TokenType.on, 'Expected ON table');
_suggestHint(const TableNameDescription());
final nameToken = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a table name');
final tableRef = TableReference(nameToken.identifier)
..setSpan(nameToken, nameToken);
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected indexed columns in parentheses');
final indexes = _indexedColumns();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing bracket');
Expression? where;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.where)) {
where = expression();
return CreateIndexStatement(
indexName: name.identifier,
unique: unique,
ifNotExists: ifNotExists,
on: tableRef,
columns: indexes,
where: where,
..nameToken = name
..setSpan(create, _previous);
List<String> _columnNames() {
final columns = <String>[];
do {
final colName = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a name for this column');
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return columns;
List<IndexedColumn> _indexedColumns() {
final indexes = <IndexedColumn>[];
do {
final expr = expression();
final mode = _orderingModeOrNull();
indexes.add(IndexedColumn(expr, mode)..setSpan(expr.first!, _previous));
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
return indexes;
/// Parses `IF NOT EXISTS` | epsilon
bool _ifNotExists() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$if)) {
_consume(TokenType.not, 'Expected IF to be followed by NOT EXISTS');
_consume(TokenType.exists, 'Expected IF NOT to be followed by EXISTS');
return true;
return false;
ColumnDefinition _columnDefinition() {
final name = _consume(TokenType.identifier, 'Expected a column name')
as IdentifierToken;
final typeTokens = _typeName();
String? typeName;
if (typeTokens != null) {
typeName = typeTokens.lexeme;
final constraints = <ColumnConstraint>[];
ColumnConstraint? constraint;
while ((constraint = _columnConstraint(orNull: true)) != null) {
return ColumnDefinition(
columnName: name.identifier,
typeName: typeName,
constraints: constraints,
..setSpan(name, _previous)
..typeNames = typeTokens
..nameToken = name;
List<Token>? _typeName() {
// sqlite doesn't really define what a type name is and has very loose rules
// at turning them into a type affinity. We support this pattern:
// typename = identifier [ "(" { identifier | comma | number_literal } ")" ]
if (!_matchOne(TokenType.identifier)) return null;
final typeNames = [_previous];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
const inBrackets = [
while (_match(inBrackets)) {
'Expected closing parenthesis to finish type name');
return typeNames;
ColumnConstraint? _columnConstraint({bool orNull = false}) {
final first = _peek;
final resolvedName = _constraintNameOrNull()?.identifier;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.primary)) {
_consume(TokenType.key, 'Expected KEY to complete PRIMARY KEY clause');
final mode = _orderingModeOrNull();
final conflict = _conflictClauseOrNull();
final hasAutoInc = _matchOne(TokenType.autoincrement);
return PrimaryKeyColumn(resolvedName,
autoIncrement: hasAutoInc, mode: mode, onConflict: conflict)
..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$null)) {
final nullToken = _previous;
return NullColumnConstraint(resolvedName, $null: nullToken)
..setSpan(nullToken, nullToken);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.not)) {
final notToken = _previous;
final nullToken =
_consume(TokenType.$null, 'Expected NULL to complete NOT NULL');
return NotNull(resolvedName, onConflict: _conflictClauseOrNull())
..setSpan(first, _previous)
..not = notToken
..$null = nullToken;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.unique)) {
return UniqueColumn(resolvedName, _conflictClauseOrNull())
..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.check)) {
final expr = _expressionInParentheses();
return CheckColumn(resolvedName, expr)..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$default)) {
Expression? expr = _literalOrNull();
// when not a literal, expect an expression in parentheses
expr ??= _expressionInParentheses();
return Default(resolvedName, expr)..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (_matchOne(TokenType.collate)) {
final collation = _consumeIdentifier('Expected the collation name');
return CollateConstraint(resolvedName, collation.identifier)
..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (_peek.type == TokenType.references) {
final clause = _foreignKeyClause();
return ForeignKeyColumnConstraint(resolvedName, clause)
..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (enableMoorExtensions && _matchOne(TokenType.mapped)) {
_consume(, 'Expected a MAPPED BY constraint');
final dartExpr = _consume(
TokenType.inlineDart, 'Expected Dart expression in backticks');
return MappedBy(resolvedName, dartExpr as InlineDartToken)
..setSpan(first, _previous);
if (enableMoorExtensions && _matchOne(TokenType.json)) {
final jsonToken = _previous;
final keyToken =
_consume(TokenType.key, 'Expected a JSON KEY constraint');
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a name for for the json key');
return JsonKey(resolvedName, name)
..setSpan(first, _previous)
..json = jsonToken
..key = keyToken;
if (enableMoorExtensions && _matchOne( {
final asToken = _previous;
final nameToken = _consumeIdentifier('Expected Dart getter name');
return MoorDartName(resolvedName, nameToken)
..setSpan(first, _previous) = asToken;
// no known column constraint matched. If orNull is set and we're not
// guaranteed to be in a constraint clause (started with CONSTRAINT), we
// can return null
if (orNull && resolvedName == null) {
return null;
_error('Expected a constraint (primary key, nullability, etc.)');
TableConstraint? _tableConstraintOrNull() {
final first = _peek;
final nameToken = _constraintNameOrNull();
final name = nameToken?.identifier;
TableConstraint? result;
if (_match([TokenType.unique, TokenType.primary])) {
final isPrimaryKey = _previous.type == TokenType.primary;
if (isPrimaryKey) {
_consume(TokenType.key, 'Expected KEY to start PRIMARY KEY clause');
final columns = _listColumnsInParentheses(allowEmpty: false);
final conflictClause = _conflictClauseOrNull();
result = KeyClause(name,
isPrimaryKey: isPrimaryKey,
indexedColumns: columns,
onConflict: conflictClause);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.check)) {
final expr = _expressionInParentheses();
result = CheckTable(name, expr);
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.foreign)) {
_consume(TokenType.key, 'Expected KEY to start FOREIGN KEY clause');
final columns = _listColumnsInParentheses(allowEmpty: false);
final clause = _foreignKeyClause();
result =
ForeignKeyTableConstraint(name, columns: columns, clause: clause);
if (result != null) {
..setSpan(first, _previous)
..nameToken = nameToken;
return result;
if (name != null) {
// if a constraint was started with CONSTRAINT <name> but then we didn't
// find a constraint, that's an syntax error
_error('Expected a table constraint (e.g. a primary key)');
return null;
IdentifierToken? _constraintNameOrNull() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.constraint)) {
final name = _consumeIdentifier('Expect a name for the constraint here');
return name;
return null;
Expression _expressionInParentheses() {
_consume(TokenType.leftParen, 'Expected opening parenthesis');
final expr = expression();
_consume(TokenType.rightParen, 'Expected closing parenthesis');
return expr;
ConflictClause? _conflictClauseOrNull() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.on)) {
'Expected CONFLICT to complete ON CONFLICT clause');
const modes = {
TokenType.rollback: ConflictClause.rollback,
TokenType.abort: ConflictClause.abort,,
TokenType.ignore: ConflictClause.ignore,
TokenType.replace: ConflictClause.replace,
if (_match(modes.keys)) {
return modes[_previous.type];
} else {
_error('Expected a conflict handler (rollback, abort, etc.) here');
return null;
ForeignKeyClause _foreignKeyClause() {
_consume(TokenType.references, 'Expected REFERENCES');
final firstToken = _previous;
final foreignTable = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a table name');
final foreignTableName = TableReference(foreignTable.identifier, null)
..setSpan(foreignTable, foreignTable);
final columnNames = _listColumnsInParentheses(allowEmpty: true);
ReferenceAction? onDelete, onUpdate;
while (_matchOne(TokenType.on)) {
const HintDescription.tokens([TokenType.delete, TokenType.update]));
if (_matchOne(TokenType.delete)) {
onDelete = _referenceAction();
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.update)) {
onUpdate = _referenceAction();
} else {
_error('Expected either DELETE or UPDATE');
DeferrableClause? deferrable;
if (_checkWithNot(TokenType.deferrable)) {
final first = _peekNext;
final not = _matchOne(TokenType.not);
InitialDeferrableMode? mode;
if (_matchOne(TokenType.initially)) {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.deferred)) {
mode = InitialDeferrableMode.deferred;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.immediate)) {
mode = InitialDeferrableMode.immediate;
} else {
_error('Expected DEFERRED or IMMEDIATE here');
deferrable = DeferrableClause(not, mode)..setSpan(first, _previous);
return ForeignKeyClause(
foreignTable: foreignTableName,
columnNames: columnNames,
onUpdate: onUpdate,
onDelete: onDelete,
deferrable: deferrable,
)..setSpan(firstToken, _previous);
ReferenceAction _referenceAction() {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.cascade)) {
return ReferenceAction.cascade;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.restrict)) {
return ReferenceAction.restrict;
} else if (_matchOne( {
_consume(TokenType.action, 'Expect ACTION to complete NO ACTION clause');
return ReferenceAction.noAction;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.set)) {
if (_matchOne(TokenType.$null)) {
return ReferenceAction.setNull;
} else if (_matchOne(TokenType.$default)) {
return ReferenceAction.setDefault;
} else {
_error('Expected either NULL or DEFAULT as set action here');
} else {
_error('Not a valid action, expected CASCADE, SET NULL, etc..');
List<Reference> _listColumnsInParentheses({bool allowEmpty = false}) {
final columnNames = <Reference>[];
if (_matchOne(TokenType.leftParen)) {
do {
final referenceId = _consumeIdentifier('Expected a column name');
final reference = Reference(columnName: referenceId.identifier)
..setSpan(referenceId, referenceId);
} while (_matchOne(TokenType.comma));
'Expected closing paranthesis after column names');
} else {
if (!allowEmpty) {
_error('Expected a list of columns in parantheses');
return columnNames;