import 'package:checked_yaml/checked_yaml.dart'; import 'package:drift_dev/src/analysis/options.dart'; import 'package:sqlparser/sqlparser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'test_utils.dart'; void main() { DriftOptions parse(String yaml) { return checkedYamlDecode(yaml, (m) => DriftOptions.fromJson(m!)); } test('does not allow modules and sqlite options', () { expect( () => parse(''' sqlite_modules: [moor_ffi] sqlite: modules: [math] '''), throwsA( isA() .having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('May not be set when sqlite options are present.')) .having((e) => e.yamlNode?.span.text, 'yamlNode.span.text', '[moor_ffi]'), ), ); }); test('parses sqlite version', () { expect( parse(''' sqlite: version: "3.35" '''), isA().having((e) => e.sqliteVersion, 'sqliteVersion', const SqliteVersion(3, 35, 0)), ); }); test('does not allow old versions', () { expect( () => parse(''' sqlite: version: "3.17" '''), throwsA( isA() .having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('Version is not supported for analysis (minimum is')) .having( (e) => e.yamlNode?.span.text, 'yamlNode.span.text', '"3.17"'), ), ); }); test('does not allow unreleased versions', () { expect( () => parse(''' sqlite: version: "3.99" '''), throwsA( isA() .having( (e) => e.message, 'message', contains( 'Version is not supported for analysis (current maximum is'), ) .having( (e) => e.yamlNode?.span.text, 'yamlNode.span.text', '"3.99"'), ), ); }); test('reports error about table when module is not imported', () async { final backend = TestBackend.inTest({ 'a|lib/a.drift': 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE place_spellfix USING spellfix1;', }); final file = await backend.analyze('package:a/a.drift'); expect(file.analyzedElements, isEmpty); expect(file.allErrors, [ isDriftError(contains('Unknown module "spellfix1", did you register it?')) .withSpan('place_spellfix'), ]); }); group('parses functions', () { test('succesfully', () { final function = KnownSqliteFunction.fromJson('text (int, boolean nUlL)'); expect(function.returnType.type, BasicType.text); expect(function.argumentTypes, [ isA().having((e) => e.type, 'type',, isA() .having((e) => e.type, 'type', .having((e) => e.hint, 'hint', const IsBoolean()) .having((e) => e.nullable, 'nullable', true), ]); }); test('supports empty args', () { final function = KnownSqliteFunction.fromJson('text ()'); expect(function.returnType.type, BasicType.text); expect(function.argumentTypes, isEmpty); }); test('fails for invalid syntax', () { final throws = throwsFormatException; expect(() => KnownSqliteFunction.fromJson('x'), throws); expect(() => KnownSqliteFunction.fromJson('(boolean)'), throws); expect(() => KnownSqliteFunction.fromJson('int (boolean, )'), throws); }); }); }