name: moor_generator description: Dev-dependency to generate table and dataclasses together with the moor package. version: 2.1.0 repository: homepage: issue_tracker: authors: - Simon Binder maintainer: Simon Binder (@simolus3) environment: sdk: '>=2.2.0 <3.0.0' dependencies: collection: ^1.14.0 recase: ^2.0.1 meta: ^1.1.0 path: ^1.6.0 logging: '>=0.11.0 <1.0.0' json_annotation: ^3.0.0 # Moor-specific analysis moor: ^2.0.1 sqlparser: ^0.4.0 # Dart analysis analyzer: '>=0.36.4 <0.40.0' analyzer_plugin: '>=0.1.0 <0.3.0' source_span: ^1.5.5 # Build system build: ^1.1.0 build_config: '>=0.3.1 <1.0.0' source_gen: ^0.9.4 dev_dependencies: test: ^1.6.0 test_core: ^0.2.0 build_runner: ^1.6.7 build_test: ^0.10.0 json_serializable: ^3.0.0 dependency_overrides: sqlparser: path: ../sqlparser moor: path: ../moor