import 'package:moor/moor.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'data/tables/todos.dart'; import 'data/utils/mocks.dart'; void main() { TodoDb db; MockExecutor executor; MockStreamQueries streamQueries; setUp(() { executor = MockExecutor(); streamQueries = MockStreamQueries(); final connection = createConnection(executor, streamQueries); db = TodoDb.connect(connection); }); test('generates insert statements', () async { await db.into(db.todosTable).insert(const TodosTableCompanion( content: Value('Implement insert statements'), title: Value.absent(), )); verify(executor.runInsert('INSERT INTO todos (content) VALUES (?)', ['Implement insert statements'])); }); test('can insert floating point values', () async { // regression test for await db.into(db.tableWithoutPK).insert( TableWithoutPKData(notReallyAnId: 42, someFloat: 3.1415, custom: null)); verify(executor.runInsert( 'INSERT INTO table_without_p_k ' '(not_really_an_id, some_float) VALUES (?, ?)', [42, 3.1415])); }); test('generates insert or replace statements', () async { await db.into(db.todosTable).insert( TodoEntry( id: 113, content: 'Done', ), mode: InsertMode.insertOrReplace); verify(executor.runInsert( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO todos (id, content) VALUES (?, ?)', [113, 'Done'])); }); test('generates insert or replace statements with legacy parameter', () async { await db.into(db.todosTable).insert( TodoEntry( id: 113, content: 'Done', ), orReplace: true); verify(executor.runInsert( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO todos (id, content) VALUES (?, ?)', [113, 'Done'])); }); test('generates DEFAULT VALUES statement when otherwise empty', () async { await db.into(db.pureDefaults).insert(const PureDefaultsCompanion()); verify(executor.runInsert('INSERT INTO pure_defaults DEFAULT VALUES', [])); }); test('runs bulk inserts', () async { // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package await db.into(db.todosTable).insertAll(const [ TodosTableCompanion(content: Value('a')), TodosTableCompanion(title: Value('title'), content: Value('b')), TodosTableCompanion(title: Value('title'), content: Value('c')), ]); final insertSimple = 'INSERT INTO todos (content) VALUES (?)'; final insertTitle = 'INSERT INTO todos (title, content) VALUES (?, ?)'; verify(executor.runBatched([ BatchedStatement(insertSimple, [ ['a'] ]), BatchedStatement(insertTitle, [ ['title', 'b'], ['title', 'c'] ]), ])); verify(streamQueries.handleTableUpdates({db.todosTable})); }); test('runs bulk inserts with OR REPLACE', () async { // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package await db.into(db.todosTable).insertAll(const [ TodosTableCompanion(content: Value('a')), TodosTableCompanion(title: Value('title'), content: Value('b')), TodosTableCompanion(title: Value('title'), content: Value('c')), ], orReplace: true); final insertSimple = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO todos (content) VALUES (?)'; final insertTitle = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO todos (title, content) VALUES (?, ?)'; verify(executor.runBatched([ BatchedStatement(insertSimple, [ ['a'] ]), BatchedStatement(insertTitle, [ ['title', 'b'], ['title', 'c'] ]), ])); verify(streamQueries.handleTableUpdates({db.todosTable})); }); test('notifies stream queries on inserts', () async { await db.into(db.users).insert(UsersCompanion( name: const Value('User McUserface'), isAwesome: const Value(true), profilePicture: Value(Uint8List(0)), )); verify(streamQueries.handleTableUpdates({db.users})); }); test('enforces data integrity', () async { InvalidDataException exception; try { await db.into(db.todosTable).insert( const TodosTableCompanion( // not declared as nullable in table definition content: Value(null), ), ); fail('inserting invalid data did not throw'); } on InvalidDataException catch (e) { exception = e; } expect(exception.toString(), startsWith('InvalidDataException')); }); test('reports auto-increment id', () async { when(executor.runInsert(any, any)).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(42)); expect( db .into(db.todosTable) .insert(const TodosTableCompanion(content: Value('Bottom text'))), completion(42), ); }); }