import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:moor/moor.dart'; import 'data/tables/todos.dart'; import 'data/utils/mocks.dart'; class _FakeDb extends GeneratedDatabase { _FakeDb(SqlTypeSystem types, QueryExecutor executor) : super(types, executor); @override MigrationStrategy get migration { return MigrationStrategy( onCreate: (m) async { await m.issueCustomQuery('created'); }, onUpgrade: (m, from, to) async { await m.issueCustomQuery('updated from $from to $to'); }, beforeOpen: (details) async { // this fake select query is verified via mocks await customSelect( 'opened: ${details.versionBefore} to ${details.versionNow}') .get(); }, ); } @override List get allTables => []; @override int get schemaVersion => 1; } void main() { moorRuntimeOptions.dontWarnAboutMultipleDatabases = true; test('status of OpeningDetails', () { expect(const OpeningDetails(null, 1).wasCreated, true); expect(const OpeningDetails(2, 4).wasCreated, false); expect(const OpeningDetails(2, 4).hadUpgrade, true); expect(const OpeningDetails(4, 4).wasCreated, false); expect(const OpeningDetails(4, 4).hadUpgrade, false); }); group('callbacks', () { _FakeDb db; MockExecutor executor; MockQueryExecutor queryExecutor; setUp(() { executor = MockExecutor(); queryExecutor = MockQueryExecutor(); db = _FakeDb(SqlTypeSystem.defaultInstance, executor); }); test('onCreate', () async { await db.handleDatabaseCreation(executor: queryExecutor); verify('created')); }); test('onUpgrade', () async { await db.handleDatabaseVersionChange( executor: queryExecutor, from: 2, to: 3); verify('updated from 2 to 3')); }); test('beforeOpen', () async { await db.beforeOpenCallback(executor, const OpeningDetails(3, 4)); verify(executor.runSelect('opened: 3 to 4', [])); }); }); test('creates and attaches daos', () async { final executor = MockExecutor(); final db = TodoDb(executor); await db.someDao.todosForUser(1).get(); verify(executor.runSelect(argThat(contains('SELECT t.* FROM todos')), [1])); }); test('closing the database closes the executor', () async { final executor = MockExecutor(); final db = TodoDb(executor); await db.close(); verify(executor.close()); }); }