import 'dart:async'; @TestOn('!browser') // todo: Figure out why this doesn't run in js // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars /* These tests don't work when compiled to js: NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'beginTransaction$0' (executor.beginTransaction$0 is not a function) package:moor/src/runtime/database.dart 185:45 org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/async_patch.dart 313:19 _wrapJsFunctionForAsync.closure.$protected org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/async_patch.dart 338:23 _wrapJsFunctionForAsync. package:stack_trace StackZoneSpecification._registerBinaryCallback. org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/async_patch.dart 242:3 Object._asyncStartSync package:moor/src/runtime/database.dart 185:13 QueryEngine.transaction. test/data/utils/mocks.dart 22:20 MockExecutor. package:mockito/src/mock.dart 128:22 MockExecutor.noSuchMethod */ import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:moor/moor.dart'; import 'data/tables/todos.dart'; import 'data/utils/mocks.dart'; void main() { TodoDb db; MockExecutor executor; MockStreamQueries streamQueries; setUp(() { executor = MockExecutor(); streamQueries = MockStreamQueries(); final connection = createConnection(executor, streamQueries); db = TodoDb.connect(connection); }); test('streams in transactions are isolated and scoped', () async { // create a database without mocked stream queries db = TodoDb(MockExecutor()); Stream stream; final didSetUpStream = Completer(); final makeUpdate = Completer(); final complete = Completer(); final transaction = db.transaction(() async { stream = db .customSelect( 'SELECT _mocked_', readsFrom: {db.users}, ) .map((r) => r.readInt('_mocked_')) .watchSingle(); didSetUpStream.complete(); await makeUpdate.future; db.markTablesUpdated({db.users}); await complete.future; }); final emittedValues = []; var didComplete = false; // wait for the transaction to setup the stream await didSetUpStream.future; stream.listen(emittedValues.add, onDone: () => didComplete = true); // Stream should emit initial select await pumpEventQueue(); expect(emittedValues, hasLength(1)); // update tables inside the transaction -> stream should emit another value makeUpdate.complete(); await pumpEventQueue(); expect(emittedValues, hasLength(2)); // update tables outside of the transaction -> stream should NOT update db.markTablesUpdated({db.users}); await pumpEventQueue(); expect(emittedValues, hasLength(2)); complete.complete(); await transaction; expect(didComplete, isTrue, reason: 'Stream must complete'); }); test('stream queries terminate on exceptional transaction', () async { Stream stream; try { await db.transaction(() async { stream =; throw Exception(); }); } on Exception { // ignore } expect(stream, emitsDone); }); test('nested transactions use the outer transaction', () async { await db.transaction(() async { await db.transaction(() async { // todo how can we test that these are really equal? }); // the outer callback has not completed yet, so shouldn't send verifyNever(executor.transactions.send()); }); verify(executor.transactions.send()); }); test('code in callback uses transaction', () async { // notice how we call .select on the database, but it should be called on // transaction executor. await db.transaction(() async { await; }); verifyNever(executor.runSelect(any, any)); verify(executor.transactions.runSelect(any, any)); }); test('transactions rollback after errors', () async { final exception = Exception('oh no'); final future = db.transaction(() async { throw exception; }); await expectLater(future, throwsA(exception)); verifyNever(executor.transactions.send()); verify(executor.transactions.rollback()); }); test('transactions notify about table udpates after completing', () async { when(executor.transactions.runUpdate(any, any)) .thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(2)); await db.transaction(() async { await db .update(db.users) .write(const UsersCompanion(name: Value('Updated name'))); // Even though we just wrote to users, this only happened inside the // transaction, so the top level stream queries should not be updated. verifyZeroInteractions(streamQueries); }); // After the transaction completes, the queries should be updated verify( streamQueries.handleTableUpdates( {TableUpdate.onTable(db.users, kind: UpdateKind.update)}), ).called(1); verify(executor.transactions.send()); }); test('the database is opened before starting a transaction', () async { await db.transaction(() async { verify(executor.ensureOpen(db)); }); }); test('transaction return value', () async { final actual = await db.transaction(() async => 1); expect(actual, 1); }); }