
81 lines
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/// A utility library to find an edit script that turns a list into another.
/// This is useful when displaying a updating stream of immutable lists in a
/// list that can be updated.
library diff_util;
import 'package:moor/src/utils/android_diffutils_port.dart' as impl;
class EditAction {
/// The index of the first list on which this action should be applied. If
/// this action [isDelete], that index and the next [amount] indices should be
/// deleted. Otherwise, this index should be moved back by [amount] and
/// entries from the second list (starting at [indexFromOther]) should be
/// inserted into the gap.
final int index;
/// The amount of entries affected by this action
final int amount;
/// If this action [isInsert], this is the first index from the second list
/// from where the items should be taken from.
final int indexFromOther;
/// Whether this action should delete entries from the first list
bool get isDelete => indexFromOther == null;
/// Whether this action should insert entries into the first list
bool get isInsert => indexFromOther != null;
EditAction(this.index, this.amount, this.indexFromOther);
String toString() {
if (isDelete) {
return 'EditAction: Delete $amount entries from the first list, starting '
'at index $index';
} else {
return 'EditAction: Insert $amount entries into the first list, taking '
'them from the second list starting at $indexFromOther. The entries '
'should be written starting at index $index';
/// Finds the shortest edit script that turns list [a] into list [b].
/// The implementation is ported from androids DiffUtil, which in turn
/// implements a variation of Eugene W. Myer's difference algorithm. The
/// algorithm is optimized for space and uses O(n) space to find the minimal
/// number of addition and removal operations between the two lists. It has
/// O(N + D^2) time performance, where D is the minimum amount of edits needed
/// to turn a into b.
List<EditAction> diff<T>(List<T> a, List<T> b,
{bool Function(T a, T b) equals}) {
final defaultEquals = equals ?? (T a, T b) => a == b;
final snakes = impl.calculateDiff(impl.DiffInput<T>(a, b, defaultEquals));
final actions = <EditAction>[];
var posOld = a.length;
var posNew = b.length;
for (var snake in snakes.reversed) {
final snakeSize = snake.size;
final endX = snake.x + snakeSize;
final endY = snake.y + snakeSize;
if (endX < posOld) {
// starting (including) with index endX, delete posOld - endX chars from a
actions.add(EditAction(endX, posOld - endX, null));
if (endY < posNew) {
// starting with index endX, insert posNex - endY characters into a. The
// characters should be taken from b, starting (including) at the index
// endY. The char that was at index endX should be pushed back.
actions.add(EditAction(endX, posNew - endY, endY));
posOld = snake.x;
posNew = snake.y;
return actions;