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Simon Binder fc96db419b Bye Bye random intellij files 2019-03-01 20:27:23 +01:00
sally Support 2.2 (and Dart 2.2. only :P) 2019-03-01 20:23:14 +01:00
sally_flutter Support 2.2 (and Dart 2.2. only :P) 2019-03-01 20:23:14 +01:00
sally_generator Format 2019-03-01 20:24:36 +01:00
tool release readiness? 2019-02-18 20:51:37 +01:00
.gitignore Add .gitignores 2019-02-03 13:54:45 +01:00
.travis.yml Format, improve travis testing 2019-02-14 17:55:31 +01:00
LICENSE Add MIT license 2019-02-09 21:00:00 +01:00
README.md Copy updated readme 2019-02-28 22:28:46 +01:00
analysis_options.yaml Support 2.2 (and Dart 2.2. only :P) 2019-03-01 20:23:14 +01:00
pubspec.yaml Format, add pubspec for community package 2019-02-20 17:20:26 +01:00



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Sally is an easy to use and safe way to persist data for Flutter apps. It features a fluent Dart DSL to describe tables and will generate matching database code that can be used to easily read and store your app's data. It also features a reactive API that will deliver auto-updating streams for your queries.

Getting started

Adding the dependency

First, let's add sally to your project's pubspec.yaml: TODO: Finish this part of the readme when sally is out on pub.

      path: sally/

      path: sally_generator/

We're going to use the sally_flutter library to specify tables and access the database. The sally_generator library will take care of generating the necessary code so the library knows how your table structure looks like.

Declaring tables

You can use the DSL included with this library to specify your libraries with simple dart code:

import 'package:sally_flutter/sally_flutter.dart';

// assuming that your file is called filename.dart. This will give an error at first,
// but it's needed for sally to know about the generated code
part 'filename.g.dart'; 

// this will generate a table called "todos" for us. The rows of that table will
// be represented by a class called "Todo".
class Todos extends Table {
  IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
  TextColumn get title => text().withLength(min: 6, max: 10)();
  TextColumn get content => text().named('body')();
  IntColumn get category => integer().nullable()();

// This will make sally generate a class called "Category" to represent a row in this table.
// By default, "Categorie" would have been used because it only strips away the trailing "s"
// in the table name.
class Categories extends Table {
  IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
  TextColumn get description => text()();

// this annotation tells sally to prepare a database class that uses both of the
// tables we just defined. We'll see how to use that database class in a moment.
@UseSally(tables: [Todos, Categories])
class MyDatabase {

⚠️ Warning: Even though it might look like it, the content of a Table class does not support full Dart code. It can only be used to declare the table name, its primary key and columns. The code inside of a table class will never be executed. Instead, the generator will take a look at your table classes to figure out how their structure looks like. This won't work if the body of your tables is not constant. This should not be problem, but please be aware of this as you can't put logic inside these classes.

Generating the code

Sally integrates with the dart build system, so you can generate all the code needed with flutter packages pub run build_runner build. If you want to continously rebuild the code whever you change your code, run flutter packages pub run build_runner watch instead. After running either command once, sally generator will have created a class for your database and data classes for your entities. To use it, change the MyDatabase class as follows:

@UseSally(tables: [Todos, Categories])
class MyDatabase extends _$MyDatabase {
  // we tell the database where to store the data with this constructor
  MyDatabase() : super(FlutterQueryExecutor.inDatabaseFolder(path: 'db.sqlite'));

  // you should bump this number whenever you change or add a table definition. Migrations
  // are covered later in this readme.
  int get schemaVersion => 1; 

You can ignore the schemaVersion at the moment, the important part is that you can now run your queries with fluent Dart code:

Writing queries

class MyDatabase extends _$MyDatabase {
  // .. the versionCode getter still needs to be here

  // loads all todo entries
  Future<List<Todo>> get allTodoEntries => select(todos).get();

  // watches all todo entries in a given category. The stream will automatically
  // emit new items whenever the underlying data changes.
  Stream<List<TodoEntry>> watchEntriesInCategory(Category c) {
    return (select(todos)..where((t) => t.category.equals(c.id))).watch();

Select statements

You can create select statements by starting them with select(tableName), where the table name is a field generated for you by sally. Each table used in a database will have a matching field to run queries against. A query can be run once with get() or be turned into an auto-updating stream using watch().


You can apply filters to a query by calling where(). The where method takes a function that should map the given table to an Expression of boolean. A common way to create such expression is by using equals on expressions. Integer columns can also be compared with isBiggerThan and isSmallerThan. You can compose expressions using and(a, b), or(a, b) and not(a).


You can limit the amount of results returned by calling limit on queries. The method accepts the amount of rows to return and an optional offset.


You can use the orderBy method on the select statement. It expects a list of functions that extract the individual ordering terms from the table.

Future<List<TodoEntry>> sortEntriesAlphabetically() {
  return (select(todos)..orderBy([(t) => OrderingTerm(expression: t.title)])).get();

You can also reverse the order by setting the mode property of the OrderingTerm to OrderingMode.desc.

Updates and deletes

You can use the generated row class to update individual fields of any row:

Future moveImportantTasksIntoCategory(Category target) {
  return (update(todos)
      ..where((t) => t.title.like('%Important%'))
      category: target.id

Future feelingLazy() {
  // delete the oldest nine entries
  return (delete(todos)..where((t) => t.id.isSmallerThanValue(10))).go();

⚠️ Caution: If you don't explicitly add a where clause on updates or deletes, the statement will affect all rows in the table!


You can very easily insert any valid object into tables:

// returns the generated id
Future<int> addTodoEntry(Todo entry) {
  return into(todos).insert(entry);

All row classes generated will have a constructor that can be used to create objects:

    title: 'Important task',
    content: 'Refactor persistence code',

If a column is nullable or has a default value (this includes auto-increments), the field can be omitted. All other fields must be set and non-null. The insert method will throw otherwise.

Custom statements

You can also issue custom queries by calling customUpdate for update and deletes and customSelect or customSelectStream for select statements. Using the todo example above, here is a simple custom query that loads all categories and how many items are in each category:

class CategoryWithCount {
  final Category category;
  final int count; // amount of entries in this category

  CategoryWithCount(this.category, this.count);

// then, in the database class:
Stream<List<CategoryWithCount>> categoriesWithCount() {
    // select all categories and load how many associated entries there are for
    // each category
    return customSelectStream(
        'SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM todos WHERE category = c.id) AS "amount" FROM categories c;',
        readsFrom: Set.of([todos, categories])).map((rows) {
      // when we have the result set, map each row to the data class
      return rows
          .map((row) => CategoryWithCount(Category.fromData(row.data, this), row.readInt('amount')))


Sally provides a migration API that can be used to gradually apply schema changes after bumping the schemaVersion getter inside the Database class. To use it, override the migration getter. Here's an example: Let's say you wanted to add a due date to your todo entries:

class Todos extends Table {
  IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
  TextColumn get title => text().withLength(min: 6, max: 10)();
  TextColumn get content => text().named('body')();
  IntColumn get category => integer().nullable()();
  DateTimeColumn get dueDate => dateTime().nullable()(); // we just added this column

We can now change the database class like this:

  int get schemaVersion => 2; // bump because the tables have changed

  MigrationStrategy get migration => MigrationStrategy(
    onCreate: (Migrator m) {
      return m.createAllTables();
    onUpgrade: (Migrator m, int from, int to) async {
      if (from == 1) {
        // we added the dueDate property in the change from version 1
        await m.addColumn(todos, todos.dueDate);

  // rest of class can stay the same

You can also add individual tables or drop them.

TODO-List and current limitations

Limitations (at the moment)

Please note that a workaround for most on this list exists with custom statements.

  • No joins
  • No group by or window functions
  • Custom primary key support is very limited

Planned for the future

These aren't sorted by priority. If you have more ideas or want some features happening soon, let us know by creating an issue!

  • Specify primary keys
  • Simple COUNT(*) operations (group operations will be much more complicated)
  • Support default values and expressions
  • Allow using DAOs or some other mechanism instead of having to put everything in the main database class.
  • Support more Datatypes: We should at least support Uint8List out of the box, supporting floating / fixed point numbers as well would be awesome
  • Nullable / non-nullable datatypes
    • DSL API ✔️
    • Support in generator ✔️
    • Use in queries (IS NOT NULL) ✔️
    • Setting fields to null during updates
  • Support Dart VM apps
  • References
    • DSL API
    • Support in generator
    • Validation
  • Table joins
  • Bulk inserts
  • Transactions

Interesting stuff that would be nice to have

Implementing this will very likely result in backwards-incompatible changes.

  • Find a way to hide implementation details from users while still making them accessible for the generated code
  • GROUP BY grouping functions
  • Support for different database engines
    • Support webapps via AlaSQL or a different engine