PitchBlack Recovery Project

An Open Source custom recovery for android

platform build version base base

Getting started

To get started with PitchBlack Recovery, you'll need to get familiar with [Git and Repo](https://source.android.com/source/using-repo.html). To initialize your local repository using the minimal-manifest-twrp omni trees to build PBRP, use a command like this: ```bash $ repo init -u git://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject/manifest_pb.git -b PBRP ``` For Initial Low RAM Devices or older MTK Devices: ```bash $ repo init -u git://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject/manifest_pb.git -b twrp-6.0 ``` To initialize a shallow clone, which will save even more space, use a command like this: ```bash $ repo init --depth=1 -u git://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject/manifest_pb.git -b PBRP ``` For Initial Low RAM Devices: ```bash $ repo init --depth=1 -u git://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject/manifest_pb.git -b twrp-6.0 ``` For Upgrade Encryption Devices i.e., POCO, Oneplus 6, Using Stock Oreo or Pie ```bash $ repo init -u git://github.com/PitchBlackRecoveryProject/manifest_pb.git -b android-9.0 ``` Then to sync up: ```bash $ repo sync ``` omni_device.mk sample ---------- # Inherit from those products. Most specific first. $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/core_64_bit.mk) -- only for 64bit phones # Inherit from device $(call inherit-product, device//device.mk) -- path to main device makefile # Inherit common product files. $(call inherit-product, vendor/pb/config/common.mk) # Set those variables here to overwrite the inherited values. BOARD_VENDOR := PRODUCT_BRAND := PRODUCT_DEVICE := PRODUCT_NAME := omni_device PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := PRODUCT_MODEL := TARGET_VENDOR := Then to build: ```bash $ cd $ . build/envsetup.sh $ lunch omni_-eng $ mka recoveryimage ``` If it fails to build: ```bash $ export LC_ALL=C ```