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// EngineViewDlg.cpp : implementation file
// (c) 1996-99 Andy Whittaker, Chester, England.
#include "EngineViewDlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// These are the spacings for the client view
// Horizontal Spacing
#define HS 26
// Title spacing from data
#define TS 57
// Data spacing from title
#define DS 100
// Column 1 Titles
#define COLT1 0
// Column 1 Data
#define COLD1 DS
// Column 2 Titles
#define COLT2 (COLD1 + TS)
// Column 2 Data
#define COLD2 (COLT2 + DS)
// Column 2 Titles
#define COLT3 (COLD2 + TS)
// Column 2 Data
#define COLD3 (COLT3 + DS)
// CEngineViewDlg property page
CEngineViewDlg::CEngineViewDlg() : CTTPropertyPage(CEngineViewDlg::IDD)
m_pSupervisor = NULL;
m_bOneO2 = TRUE; // True if only one O2 sensor
void CEngineViewDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_VIEW, m_view);
//Updates the dialog.
if (m_pSupervisor != NULL) {
static inline void renderField(CClientDC * const client, const int column, const int row, const char *const textFormat, const float fValue) {
if (!CEcuData::isValid(fValue)) {
client->TextOut(column, row * HS, "N/A");
else {
CString buf;
buf.Format(textFormat, fValue);
client->TextOut(column, row * HS, buf);
static inline void renderField(CClientDC * const client, const int column, const int row, const char *const textFormat, const int iValue) {
if (!CEcuData::isValid(iValue)) {
client->TextOut(column, row * HS, "N/A");
else {
CString buf;
buf.Format(textFormat, iValue);
client->TextOut(column, row * HS, buf);
// Updates all of our controls
void CEngineViewDlg::Refresh(const CEcuData* const ecuData)
// This draws the actual data to the screen
CClientDC Client(&m_view);
Client.SetBkColor(RGB(0,0,180)); // sets the background colour
lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_MODERN;
CFont font;
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 0, " %04X", ecuData->m_iEpromID);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 1, "%5d", ecuData->m_iRPM);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 2, "%5d", ecuData->m_iIACPosition);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 3, "%5d", ecuData->m_iDesiredIdle);
if (m_pSupervisor->GetMiles() == TRUE) {
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 4, "%5d", ecuData->m_iMPH);
else {
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 4, "%5d", ecuData->m_iMPH_inKPH);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 5, "%5d", ecuData->m_iThrottlePos);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 6, "%5d", ecuData->m_iEngineLoad);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 7, "%5.3f", ecuData->m_fMAP);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 8, "%5.3f", ecuData->m_fBaro);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 9, "%5.3f", ecuData->m_fO2VoltsLeft);
if (m_bOneO2 == FALSE) {
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 10, "%5.3f", ecuData->m_fO2VoltsRight);
else {
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 10, " ", 0);
renderField(&Client, COLD1, 11, "%5d", ecuData->m_iRunTime);
// Draw second column
if (m_pSupervisor->GetCentigrade() == TRUE) {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 0, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fStartWaterTemp);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 1, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fWaterTemp);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 2, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fMATTemp);
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fOilTemp)) {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 3, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fOilTemp);
else {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 0, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fStartWaterTemp_inF);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 1, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fWaterTemp_inF);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 2, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fMATTemp_inF);
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fOilTemp)) {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 3, "%3.0f", ecuData->m_fOilTemp_inF);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 4, "%5.1f", ecuData->m_fSparkAdvance);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 5, "%5.0f", ecuData->m_fKnockRetard);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 6, "%5d", ecuData->m_iKnockCount);
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fAirFlow)) {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 7, "%5.0f", ecuData->m_fAirFlow);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 8, "%5.1f", ecuData->m_fBatteryVolts);
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 9, "%5d", ecuData->m_iIntegratorL);
if (m_bOneO2 == FALSE) {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 10, "%5d", ecuData->m_iIntegratorR);
else {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 10, " ", 0);
// Draw third column.
renderField(&Client, COLD3, 0, "%5d", ecuData->m_iCrankSensors);
renderField(&Client, COLD3, 1, "%5.1f", ecuData->m_fAFRatio);
renderField(&Client, COLD3, 2, "%5d", ecuData->m_iBLM);
renderField(&Client, COLD3, 3, "%5d", ecuData->m_iBLMCell);
renderField(&Client, COLD3, 9, "%5d", ecuData->m_iRichLeanCounterL);
if (m_bOneO2 == FALSE) {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 10, "%5d", ecuData->m_iRichLeanCounterR);
else {
renderField(&Client, COLD2, 10, " ", 0);
void CEngineViewDlg::RegisterSupervisor(CSupervisorInterface* const pSupervisor) {
m_pSupervisor = pSupervisor;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CEngineViewDlg, CTTPropertyPage)
// CEngineViewDlg message handlers
BOOL CEngineViewDlg::OnInitDialog()
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CEngineViewDlg::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
CClientDC Client(&m_view);
const CEcuData *const ecuData = m_pSupervisor->GetEcuData();
// A simple check to see if we have only one O2 sensor fitted
if (!CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fO2VoltsRight))
m_bOneO2 = TRUE;
m_bOneO2 = FALSE;
RECT Rect;
Client.FillSolidRect(&Rect,RGB(0,0,180)); // also sets the background colour
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 0 * HS,"EPROM ID");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 1 * HS,"RPM");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 2 * HS,"IAC Position");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 3 * HS,"Desired Idle");
if (m_pSupervisor->GetMiles() == TRUE)
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 4 * HS,"MPH");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 4 * HS,"KPH");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 5 * HS,"Throttle Pos");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 6 * HS,"Engine Load");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 7 * HS,"MAP");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 8 * HS,"Barometer");
if (m_bOneO2 == FALSE) {
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 9 * HS,"O2 Volts L");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 10 * HS,"O2 Volts R");
else {
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 9 * HS,"O2 Volts ");
Client.TextOut(COLT1, 11 * HS,"Run Time");
// draw a vertical partition.
Client.MoveTo(COLT2 - 6 , 0);
Client.LineTo(COLT2 - 6, Rect.bottom);
Client.MoveTo(COLT2 - 5 , 0);
Client.LineTo(COLT2 - 5, Rect.bottom);
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 0 * HS,"Start Temp");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 1 * HS,"Coolant Temp");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 2 * HS,"Mass Air Temp");
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fOilTemp)) {
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 3 * HS,"Oil Temp");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 4 * HS,"Spark Advance");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 5 * HS,"Knock Retard");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 6 * HS,"Knock Count");
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fAirFlow)) {
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 7 * HS, "Air Flow");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 8 * HS,"Battery Volts");
if (m_bOneO2 == FALSE) {
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 9 * HS,"Integrator L");
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 10 * HS,"Integrator R");
else {
Client.TextOut(COLT2, 9 * HS,"Integrator ");
if (m_pSupervisor->GetCentigrade() == TRUE) {
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 0 * HS,"<EFBFBD>C");
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 1 * HS,"<EFBFBD>C");
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 2 * HS,"<EFBFBD>C");
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fOilTemp)) {
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 3 * HS, "<EFBFBD>C");
else {
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 0 * HS,"<EFBFBD>F");
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 1 * HS,"<EFBFBD>F");
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 2 * HS,"<EFBFBD>F");
if (CEcuData::isSupported(ecuData->m_fOilTemp)) {
Client.TextOut(COLT2 + 130, 3 * HS, "<EFBFBD>F");
// draw a vertical partition.
Client.MoveTo(COLT3 - 6 , 0);
Client.LineTo(COLT3 - 6, Rect.bottom);
Client.MoveTo(COLT3 - 5 , 0);
Client.LineTo(COLT3 - 5, Rect.bottom);
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 0 * HS,"Crank Sensors");
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 1 * HS,"A/F Ratio");
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 2 * HS,"BLM Contents");
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 3 * HS,"BLM Cell #");
if (m_bOneO2 == FALSE) {
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 9 * HS,"Rich/Lean L");
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 10 * HS,"Rich/Lean R");
else {
Client.TextOut(COLT3, 9 * HS, "Rich/Lean ");
Refresh(ecuData); // update the dynamic data
// Do not call CTTPropertyPage::OnPaint() for painting messages