
108 lines
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#if !defined(AFX_SUPERVISOR_H__79716CC6_4280_11D3_983E_00E018900F2A__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SUPERVISOR_H__79716CC6_4280_11D3_983E_00E018900F2A__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "BaseDefines.h"
#include <afxwin.h>
#include "SerialPort.h"
#include "EcuData.h"
#include "StatusWriter.h"
#include "BaseProtocol.h"
#include "MainDlg.h"
// : public CObject
class CSupervisor : public CSupervisorInterface
// Construction
CSupervisor(CFreeScanDlg* MainDlg, CStatusWriter* pStatusDlg);
virtual ~CSupervisor();
// Attributes
BOOL m_bCentigrade; // Is FreeScan in Metric or Imperial?
BOOL m_bMiles; // Is FreeScan in Metric or Imperial?
BOOL m_bInteract; // allow sending mode requests to ECU
CFreeScanDlg* m_pMainDlg;
CStatusWriter* m_pStatusDlg;
CBaseProtocol* m_pProtocol;
CSerialPort* m_pCom;// Our com port object pointer
DWORD m_dwBytesSent;
DWORD m_dwBytesReceived;
BOOL m_bHasRun; // Has the com port been started?
CStdioFile m_file;// File class for logging to disk
CString m_csCSVLogFile;// Filename for CSV logging
DWORD m_dwCSVRecord;//CSV record number
CWnd* m_pParentWnd; // for SetCurrentPort()
int m_iModel; // for SetCurrentPort()
CEcuData* m_pEcuData;
// Implementation
void Init(int iModel);// Initialises the Supervisor and Protocol
void ConvertDegrees(void); // converts all temps to degF
void ConvertMiles(void); // converts speeds to kph
void SetCurrentPort(UINT nPort);// Sets current com port
UINT GetCurrentPort(void);// Returns the current com port
DWORD GetWriteDelay(void);//Gets the Write Delay from the serial port
void SetWriteDelay(DWORD nDelay);//Sets the Write Delay to the serial port
BOOL Start(void);// Starts the ECU monitoring
BOOL Stop(void);
BOOL ShutDown(void);
BOOL StartCSVLog(BOOL bStart);// Starts or stops csv logging to file
void Deallocate(void); // Deallocates the models we don't want monitor.
void Interact(BOOL bInteract);// Requests whether FreeScan talks to the ECU or not
BOOL GetInteract(void);// Gets the interact status
void Centigrade(BOOL bUnit);
void Miles(BOOL bUnit);
BOOL GetCentigrade(void);
BOOL GetMiles(void);
DWORD GetCurrentMode(void);// Returns the current ECU mode
void ECUMode(DWORD dwMode, const unsigned char data);// Changes the ECU mode number
DWORD GetReceivedBytes();
DWORD GetSentBytes();
void IncreaseSentBytes(const DWORD additionalBytesSent);
void ForceDataFromECU(void);
const CEcuData *const GetEcuData(void);
void Test(void); // Sends a packet to the current parser for testing
void WriteCSV(BOOL bTitle);//Write CSV data to disk
BOOL CreateProtocolWnd(CWnd* pParentWnd);
void WriteStatus(const CString csText);
void WriteStatusLogged(const CString csText);
void PumpMessages(void);
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
afx_msg LONG OnCharReceived(WPARAM ch, LPARAM port);
afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_SUPERVISOR_H__79716CC6_4280_11D3_983E_00E018900F2A__INCLUDED_)