
147 lines
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Executable File

// Copyright 2015 Thiago Alves
// Based on the LDmicro software by Jonathan Westhues
// This file is part of the OpenPLC Software Stack.
// OpenPLC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// OpenPLC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with OpenPLC. If not, see <>.
// This file is to be used in conjuction with OPLC_Compiler generated code.
// It is the "glue" that holds all parts of the OpenPLC together.
// Thiago Alves, Oct 2015
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//Internal buffers for I/O and memory. These buffers are defined in the
//auto-generated glueVars.cpp file
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
/* IEC Types defs */
typedef uint8_t IEC_BOOL;
typedef int8_t IEC_SINT;
typedef int16_t IEC_INT;
typedef int32_t IEC_DINT;
typedef int64_t IEC_LINT;
typedef uint8_t IEC_USINT;
typedef uint16_t IEC_UINT;
typedef uint32_t IEC_UDINT;
typedef uint64_t IEC_ULINT;
typedef uint8_t IEC_BYTE;
typedef uint16_t IEC_WORD;
typedef uint32_t IEC_DWORD;
typedef uint64_t IEC_LWORD;
typedef float IEC_REAL;
typedef double IEC_LREAL;
extern IEC_BOOL *bool_input[BUFFER_SIZE][8];
extern IEC_BOOL *bool_output[BUFFER_SIZE][8];
extern IEC_BYTE *byte_input[BUFFER_SIZE];
extern IEC_BYTE *byte_output[BUFFER_SIZE];
//Analog I/O
extern IEC_UINT *int_input[BUFFER_SIZE];
extern IEC_UINT *int_output[BUFFER_SIZE];
extern IEC_UINT *int_memory[BUFFER_SIZE];
extern IEC_DINT *dint_memory[BUFFER_SIZE];
extern IEC_LINT *lint_memory[BUFFER_SIZE];
//Special Functions
extern IEC_LINT *special_functions[BUFFER_SIZE];
//lock for the buffer
extern pthread_mutex_t bufferLock;
//Common task timer
extern unsigned long long common_ticktime__;
//MatIEC Compiler
void config_run__(unsigned long tick);
void config_init__(void);
void glueVars();
void updateTime();
void initializeHardware();
void updateBuffersIn();
void updateBuffersOut();
void initCustomLayer();
void updateCustomIn();
void updateCustomOut();
extern int ignored_bool_inputs[];
extern int ignored_bool_outputs[];
extern int ignored_int_inputs[];
extern int ignored_int_outputs[];
void sleep_until(struct timespec *ts, int delay);
void sleepms(int milliseconds);
void log(unsigned char *logmsg);
bool pinNotPresent(int *ignored_vector, int vector_size, int pinNumber);
extern uint8_t run_openplc;
extern unsigned char log_buffer[1000000];
extern int log_index;
void handleSpecialFunctions();
void startServer(int port);
int getSO_ERROR(int fd);
void closeSocket(int fd);
bool SetSocketBlockingEnabled(int fd, bool blocking);
void startInteractiveServer(int port);
extern bool run_modbus;
extern bool run_dnp3;
extern time_t start_time;
extern time_t end_time;
int processModbusMessage(unsigned char *buffer, int bufferSize);
void mapUnusedIO();
void initializeMB();
void *querySlaveDevices(void *arg);
void updateBuffersIn_MB();
void updateBuffersOut_MB();
void dnp3StartServer(int port);
void *persistentStorage(void *args);
int readPersistentStorage();