Trustedcoin: prepaid-only billing

This commit is contained in:
ThomasV 2017-05-12 15:58:00 +02:00
parent aa6cab37d5
commit 6ca52153c3
2 changed files with 25 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class Plugin(TrustedCoinPlugin):
msg = _('TrustedCoin charges a fee per co-signed transaction. You may pay on each transaction (an extra output will be added to your transaction), or you may purchase prepaid transaction using this dialog.') + '<br/>'
msg = _('TrustedCoin charges a small fee to co-sign transactions. The fee depends on how many prepaid transactions you buy. An extra output is added to your transaction everytime you run out of prepaid transactions.') + '<br/>'
label = QLabel(msg)
@ -152,35 +152,21 @@ class Plugin(TrustedCoinPlugin):
price_per_tx = wallet.price_per_tx
v = price_per_tx.get(1)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Price per transaction (not prepaid):")), 0, 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(window.format_amount(v) + ' ' + window.base_unit()), 0, 1)
i = 1
n_prepay = wallet.num_prepay(self.config)
i = 0
for k, v in sorted(price_per_tx.items()):
if k == 1:
grid.addWidget(QLabel("Price for %d prepaid transactions:"%k), i, 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel("%d x "%k + window.format_amount(v/k) + ' ' + window.base_unit()), i, 1)
b = QPushButton(_("Buy"))
b.clicked.connect(lambda b, k=k, v=v: self.on_buy(window, k, v, d))
grid.addWidget(QLabel("Pay every %d transactions:"%k), i, 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(window.format_amount(v/k) + ' ' + window.base_unit() + "/tx"), i, 1)
b = QRadioButton()
b.setChecked(k == n_prepay)
b.clicked.connect(lambda b, k=k: self.config.set_key('trustedcoin_prepay', k, True))
grid.addWidget(b, i, 2)
i += 1
n = wallet.billing_info.get('tx_remaining', 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Your wallet has %d prepaid transactions.")%n), i, 0)
# tranfer button
#def on_transfer():
# server.transfer_credit(self.user_id, recipient, otp, signature_callback)
# pass
#b = QPushButton(_("Transfer"))
#grid.addWidget(b, 1, 2)
#grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Next Billing Address:")), i, 0)
#grid.addWidget(QLabel(self.billing_info['billing_address']), i, 1)

View File

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class Wallet_2fa(Multisig_Wallet):
sendable = sum(map(lambda x:x['value'], inputs))
for i in inputs:
xf = self.extra_fee()
xf = self.extra_fee(config)
_type, addr = recipient
if xf and sendable >= xf:
billing_address = self.billing_info['billing_address']
@ -224,22 +224,33 @@ class Wallet_2fa(Multisig_Wallet):
amount = max(0, sendable - fee)
return amount, fee
def extra_fee(self):
def min_prepay(self):
return min(self.price_per_tx.keys())
def num_prepay(self, config):
default = self.min_prepay()
n = config.get('trustedcoin_prepay', default)
if n not in self.price_per_tx:
n = default
return n
def extra_fee(self, config):
if self.can_sign_without_server():
return 0
if self.billing_info.get('tx_remaining'):
return 0
if self.is_billing:
return 0
price = int(self.price_per_tx.get(1))
assert price <= 100000
n = self.num_prepay(config)
price = int(self.price_per_tx[n])
assert price <= 100000 * n
return price
def make_unsigned_transaction(self, coins, outputs, config,
fixed_fee=None, change_addr=None):
mk_tx = lambda o: Multisig_Wallet.make_unsigned_transaction(
self, coins, o, config, fixed_fee, change_addr)
fee = self.extra_fee()
fee = self.extra_fee(config)
if fee:
address = self.billing_info['billing_address']
fee_output = (TYPE_ADDRESS, address, fee)
@ -329,6 +340,7 @@ class TrustedCoinPlugin(BasePlugin):
assert billing_address == billing_info['billing_address']
wallet.billing_info = billing_info
wallet.price_per_tx = dict(billing_info['price_per_tx'])
return True
def make_seed(self):