#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Voegtlin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import socket import threading import time import xmlrpclib from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from electrum import bitcoin, util from electrum import transaction from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin from electrum.i18n import _ import sys import traceback PORT = 12344 HOST = 'ecdsa.net' description = _("This plugin facilitates the use of multi-signatures wallets. It sends and receives partially signed transactions from/to your cosigner wallet. Transactions are encrypted and stored on a remote server.") server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%d'%(HOST,PORT), allow_none=True) class Listener(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, parent): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.parent = parent self.key = None self.is_running = False self.message = None self.delete = False def set_key(self, key): self.key = key def clear(self): self.delete = True def run(self): self.is_running = True while self.is_running: if not self.key: time.sleep(2) continue if not self.message: try: self.message = server.get(self.key) except Exception as e: util.print_error("cannot contact cosigner pool") time.sleep(30) continue if self.message: self.parent.win.emit(SIGNAL("cosigner:receive")) else: if self.delete: # save it to disk server.delete(self.key) self.message = None self.delete = False time.sleep(30) class Plugin(BasePlugin): wallet = None listener = None def fullname(self): return 'Cosigner Pool' def description(self): return description def init(self): self.win = self.gui.main_window self.win.connect(self.win, SIGNAL('cosigner:receive'), self.on_receive) if self.listener is None: self.listener = Listener(self) self.listener.start() def load_wallet(self, wallet): self.wallet = wallet mpk = self.wallet.get_master_public_keys() self.cold = mpk.get('cold') if self.cold: self.cold_K = bitcoin.deserialize_xkey(self.cold)[-1].encode('hex') self.cold_hash = bitcoin.Hash(self.cold_K).encode('hex') self.hot = mpk.get('hot') if self.hot: self.hot_K = bitcoin.deserialize_xkey(self.hot)[-1].encode('hex') self.hot_hash = bitcoin.Hash(self.hot_K).encode('hex') self.listener.set_key(self.hot_hash) def transaction_dialog(self, d): self.send_button = b = QPushButton(_("Send to cosigner")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.do_send(d.tx)) d.buttons.insertWidget(2, b) self.transaction_dialog_update(d) def transaction_dialog_update(self, d): if d.tx.is_complete(): self.send_button.hide() return if self.cosigner_can_sign(d.tx): self.send_button.show() else: self.send_button.hide() def cosigner_can_sign(self, tx): from electrum.transaction import x_to_xpub xpub_set = set([]) for txin in tx.inputs: for x_pubkey in txin['x_pubkeys']: xpub = x_to_xpub(x_pubkey) if xpub: xpub_set.add(xpub) return self.cold in xpub_set def do_send(self, tx): if not self.cosigner_can_sign(tx): return message = bitcoin.encrypt_message(tx.raw, self.cold_K) try: server.put(self.cold_hash, message) self.win.show_message("Your transaction was sent to the cosigning pool.\nOpen your cosigner wallet to retrieve it.") except Exception as e: self.win.show_message(str(e)) def on_receive(self): if self.wallet.use_encryption: password = self.win.password_dialog('An encrypted transaction was retrieved from cosigning pool.\nPlease enter your password to decrypt it.') if not password: return else: password = None message = self.listener.message xpriv = self.wallet.get_master_private_key('m/', password) if not xpriv: return try: k = bitcoin.deserialize_xkey(xpriv)[-1].encode('hex') EC = bitcoin.EC_KEY(k.decode('hex')) message = EC.decrypt_message(message) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.win.show_message(str(e)) return self.listener.clear() tx = transaction.Transaction.deserialize(message) self.win.show_transaction(tx)