#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import sys import datetime import time import copy import argparse import json import ast import base64 from functools import wraps from decimal import Decimal import util from util import print_msg, format_satoshis, print_stderr import bitcoin from bitcoin import is_address, hash_160_to_bc_address, hash_160, COIN from transaction import Transaction import paymentrequest from paymentrequest import PR_PAID, PR_UNPAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED import contacts known_commands = {} class Command: def __init__(self, func, s): self.name = func.__name__ self.requires_network = 'n' in s self.requires_wallet = 'w' in s self.requires_password = 'p' in s self.description = func.__doc__ self.help = self.description.split('.')[0] varnames = func.func_code.co_varnames[1:func.func_code.co_argcount] self.defaults = func.func_defaults if self.defaults: n = len(self.defaults) self.params = list(varnames[:-n]) self.options = list(varnames[-n:]) else: self.params = list(varnames) self.options = [] self.defaults = [] def command(s): def decorator(func): global known_commands name = func.__name__ known_commands[name] = Command(func, s) @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args): return func(*args) return func_wrapper return decorator class Commands: def __init__(self, config, wallet, network, callback = None): self.config = config self.wallet = wallet self.network = network self._callback = callback self.password = None self.contacts = contacts.Contacts(self.config) def _run(self, method, args, password_getter): cmd = known_commands[method] if cmd.requires_password and self.wallet.use_encryption: self.password = apply(password_getter,()) f = getattr(self, method) result = f(*args) self.password = None if self._callback: apply(self._callback, ()) return result @command('') def help(self): """Print help""" return 'Commands: ' + ', '.join(sorted(known_commands.keys())) @command('') def create(self): """Create a new wallet""" @command('') def restore(self): """Restore a wallet from seed. """ @command('w') def deseed(self): """Remove seed from wallet. This creates a seedless, watching-only wallet.""" @command('wp') def password(self): """Change wallet password. """ @command('') def getconfig(self, key): """Return a configuration variable. """ return self.config.get(key) @command('') def setconfig(self, key, value): """Set a configuration variable. 'value' may be a string or a Python expression.""" try: value = ast.literal_eval(value) except: pass self.config.set_key(key, value) return True @command('') def make_seed(self, nbits=128, entropy=1, language=None): """Create a seed""" from mnemonic import Mnemonic s = Mnemonic(language).make_seed(nbits, custom_entropy=entropy) return s.encode('utf8') @command('') def check_seed(self, seed, entropy=1, language=None): """Check that a seed was generated with given entropy""" from mnemonic import Mnemonic return Mnemonic(language).check_seed(seed, entropy) @command('n') def getaddresshistory(self, address): """Return the transaction history of any address. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ return self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.address.get_history', [address])])[0] @command('nw') def listunspent(self): """List unspent outputs. Returns the list of unspent transaction outputs in your wallet.""" l = copy.deepcopy(self.wallet.get_spendable_coins(exclude_frozen = False)) for i in l: i["value"] = str(Decimal(i["value"])/COIN) return l @command('n') def getaddressunspent(self, address): """Returns the UTXO list of any address. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ return self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.address.listunspent', [address])])[0] @command('n') def getutxoaddress(self, txid, pos): """Get the address of a UTXO. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ r = self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.utxo.get_address', [txid, pos])]) if r: return {'address':r[0]} @command('wp') def createrawtx(self, inputs, outputs, unsigned=False): """Create a transaction from json inputs. The syntax is similar to bitcoind.""" coins = self.wallet.get_spendable_coins(exclude_frozen = False) tx_inputs = [] for i in inputs: prevout_hash = i['txid'] prevout_n = i['vout'] for c in coins: if c['prevout_hash'] == prevout_hash and c['prevout_n'] == prevout_n: self.wallet.add_input_info(c) tx_inputs.append(c) break else: raise BaseException('Transaction output not in wallet', prevout_hash+":%d"%prevout_n) outputs = map(lambda x: ('address', x[0], int(COIN*x[1])), outputs.items()) tx = Transaction.from_io(tx_inputs, outputs) if not unsigned: self.wallet.sign_transaction(tx, self.password) return tx @command('wp') def signtransaction(self, tx, privkey=None): """Sign a transaction. The wallet keys will be used unless a private key is provided.""" t = Transaction(tx) t.deserialize() if privkey: pubkey = bitcoin.public_key_from_private_key(privkey) t.sign({pubkey:privkey}) else: self.wallet.sign_transaction(t, self.password) return t @command('') def deserialize(self, tx): """Deserialize a serialized transaction""" t = Transaction(tx) return t.deserialize() @command('n') def broadcast(self, tx): """Broadcast a transaction to the network. """ t = Transaction(tx) return self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.transaction.broadcast', [str(t)])])[0] @command('') def createmultisig(self, num, pubkeys): """Create multisig address""" assert isinstance(pubkeys, list), (type(num), type(pubkeys)) redeem_script = Transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, num) address = hash_160_to_bc_address(hash_160(redeem_script.decode('hex')), 5) return {'address':address, 'redeemScript':redeem_script} @command('w') def freeze(self, address): """Freeze address. Freeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s addresses""" return self.wallet.set_frozen_state([address], True) @command('w') def unfreeze(self, address): """Unfreeze address. Unfreeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s address""" return self.wallet.set_frozen_state([address], False) @command('wp') def getprivatekeys(self, address): """Get the private keys of an address. Address must be in wallet.""" return self.wallet.get_private_key(address, self.password) @command('w') def ismine(self, address): """Check if address is in wallet. Return true if and only address is in wallet""" return self.wallet.is_mine(address) @command('wp') def dumpprivkeys(self, domain=None): """Dump private keys from your wallet""" if domain is None: domain = self.wallet.addresses(True) return [self.wallet.get_private_key(address, self.password) for address in domain] @command('') def validateaddress(self, address): """Check that an address is valid. """ return is_address(address) @command('w') def getpubkeys(self, address): """Return the public keys for a wallet address. """ return self.wallet.get_public_keys(address) @command('nw') def getbalance(self, account=None): """Return the balance of your wallet. If run with the --offline flag, returns the last known balance.""" if account is None: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance() else: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_account_balance(account) out = {"confirmed": str(Decimal(c)/COIN)} if u: out["unconfirmed"] = str(Decimal(u)/COIN) if x: out["unmatured"] = str(Decimal(x)/COIN) return out @command('n') def getaddressbalance(self, address): """Return the balance of any address. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are not checked by SPV. """ out = self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.address.get_balance', [address])])[0] out["confirmed"] = str(Decimal(out["confirmed"])/COIN) out["unconfirmed"] = str(Decimal(out["unconfirmed"])/COIN) return out @command('n') def getproof(self, address): """Get Merkle branch of an address in the UTXO set""" p = self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.address.get_proof', [address])])[0] out = [] for i,s in p: out.append(i) return out @command('n') def getmerkle(self, txid, height): """Get Merkle branch of a transaction included in a block. Electrum uses this to verify transactions (Simple Payment Verification).""" return self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle', [txid, int(height)])])[0] @command('n') def getservers(self): """Return the list of available servers""" while not self.network.is_up_to_date(): time.sleep(0.1) return self.network.get_servers() @command('') def version(self): """Return the version of electrum.""" import electrum # Needs to stay here to prevent ciruclar imports return electrum.ELECTRUM_VERSION @command('w') def getmpk(self): """Get master public key. Return your wallet\'s master public key(s)""" return self.wallet.get_master_public_keys() @command('wp') def getseed(self): """Get seed phrase. Print the generation seed of your wallet.""" s = self.wallet.get_mnemonic(self.password) return s.encode('utf8') @command('wp') def importprivkey(self, privkey): """Import a private key. """ try: addr = self.wallet.import_key(privkey, self.password) out = "Keypair imported: " + addr except Exception as e: out = "Error: " + str(e) return out def _resolver(self, x): if x is None: return None out = self.contacts.resolve(x) if out.get('type') == 'openalias' and self.nocheck is False and out.get('validated') is False: raise BaseException('cannot verify alias', x) return out['address'] @command('n') def sweep(self, privkey, destination, tx_fee=None, nocheck=False): """Sweep private key. Returns a transaction that spends UTXOs from privkey to a destination address. The transaction is not broadcasted.""" self.nocheck = nocheck dest = self._resolver(destination) if tx_fee is None: tx_fee = 0.0001 fee = int(Decimal(tx_fee)*COIN) return Transaction.sweep([privkey], self.network, dest, fee) @command('wp') def signmessage(self, address, message): """Sign a message with a key. Use quotes if your message contains whitespaces""" sig = self.wallet.sign_message(address, message, self.password) return base64.b64encode(sig) @command('') def verifymessage(self, address, signature, message): """Verify a signature.""" sig = base64.b64decode(signature) return bitcoin.verify_message(address, sig, message) def _mktx(self, outputs, fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned): self.nocheck = nocheck change_addr = self._resolver(change_addr) domain = None if domain is None else map(self._resolver, domain) fee = None if fee is None else int(COIN*Decimal(fee)) final_outputs = [] for address, amount in outputs: address = self._resolver(address) #assert self.wallet.is_mine(address) if amount == '!': assert len(outputs) == 1 inputs = self.wallet.get_spendable_coins(domain) amount = sum(map(lambda x:x['value'], inputs)) if fee is None: for i in inputs: self.wallet.add_input_info(i) output = ('address', address, amount) dummy_tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, [output]) fee = self.wallet.estimated_fee(dummy_tx) amount -= fee else: amount = int(COIN*Decimal(amount)) final_outputs.append(('address', address, amount)) coins = self.wallet.get_spendable_coins(domain) tx = self.wallet.make_unsigned_transaction(coins, final_outputs, fee, change_addr) str(tx) #this serializes if not unsigned: self.wallet.sign_transaction(tx, self.password) return tx def _read_csv(self, csvpath): import csv outputs = [] with open(csvpath, 'rb') as csvfile: csvReader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in csvReader: address, amount = row assert bitcoin.is_address(address) amount = Decimal(amount) outputs.append((address, amount)) return outputs @command('wp') def payto(self, destination, amount, tx_fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False, unsigned=False, deserialized=False, broadcast=False): """Create a transaction. """ domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else None tx = self._mktx([(destination, amount)], tx_fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned) if broadcast: r, h = self.wallet.sendtx(tx) return h else: return tx.deserialize() if deserialized else tx @command('wp') def paytomany(self, csv_file, tx_fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False, unsigned=False, deserialized=False, broadcast=False): """Create a multi-output transaction. """ domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else None outputs = self._read_csv(csv_file) tx = self._mktx(outputs, tx_fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned) if broadcast: r, h = self.wallet.sendtx(tx) return h else: return tx.deserialize() if deserialized else tx @command('wn') def history(self): """Wallet history. Returns the transaction history of your wallet.""" balance = 0 out = [] for item in self.wallet.get_history(): tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance = item try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] except Exception: time_str = "----" label, is_default_label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) out.append({'txid':tx_hash, 'date':"%16s"%time_str, 'label':label, 'value':format_satoshis(value), 'confirmations':conf}) return out @command('w') def setlabel(self, key, label): """Assign a label to an item. Item may be a bitcoin address or a transaction ID""" self.wallet.set_label(key, label) @command('') def listcontacts(self): """Show your list of contacts""" return self.contacts @command('') def getalias(self, key): """Retrieve alias. Lookup in your list of contacts, and for an OpenAlias DNS record.""" return self.contacts.resolve(key) @command('') def searchcontacts(self, query): """Search through contacts, return matching entries. """ results = {} for key, value in self.contacts.items(): if query.lower() in key.lower(): results[key] = value return results @command('w') def listaddresses(self, receiving=False, change=False, show_labels=False, frozen=False, unused=False, funded=False, show_balance=False): """List wallet addresses. Returns your list of addresses.""" out = [] for addr in self.wallet.addresses(True): if frozen and not self.wallet.is_frozen(addr): continue if receiving and self.wallet.is_change(addr): continue if change and not self.wallet.is_change(addr): continue if unused and self.wallet.is_used(addr): continue if funded and self.wallet.is_empty(addr): continue item = addr if show_balance: item += ", "+ format_satoshis(sum(self.wallet.get_addr_balance(addr))) if show_labels: item += ', ' + repr(self.wallet.labels.get(addr, '')) out.append(item) return out @command('nw') def gettransaction(self, txid, deserialized=False): """Retrieve a transaction. """ tx = self.wallet.transactions.get(txid) if self.wallet else None if tx is None and self.network: raw = self.network.synchronous_get([('blockchain.transaction.get', [txid])])[0] if raw: tx = Transaction(raw) else: raise BaseException("Unknown transaction") return tx.deserialize() if deserialized else tx @command('') def encrypt(self, pubkey, message): """Encrypt a message with a public key. Use quotes if the message contains whitespaces.""" return bitcoin.encrypt_message(message, pubkey) @command('wp') def decrypt(self, pubkey, encrypted): """Decrypt a message encrypted with a public key.""" return self.wallet.decrypt_message(pubkey, encrypted, self.password) def _format_request(self, out): pr_str = { PR_UNKNOWN: 'Unknown', PR_UNPAID: 'Pending', PR_PAID: 'Paid', PR_EXPIRED: 'Expired', } out['amount'] = format_satoshis(out.get('amount')) + ' BTC' out['status'] = pr_str[out.get('status', PR_UNKNOWN)] return out @command('wn') def getrequest(self, key): """Return a payment request""" r = self.wallet.get_payment_request(key, self.config) if not r: raise BaseException("Request not found") return self._format_request(r) #@command('w') #def ackrequest(self, serialized): # """""" # pass @command('wn') def listrequests(self, pending=False, expired=False, paid=False): """List the payment requests you made.""" out = self.wallet.get_sorted_requests(self.config) if pending: f = PR_UNPAID elif expired: f = PR_EXPIRED elif paid: f = PR_PAID else: f = None if f is not None: out = filter(lambda x: x.get('status')==f, out) return map(self._format_request, out) @command('w') def addrequest(self, requested_amount, memo='', expiration=60*60, force=False): """Create a payment request.""" addr = self.wallet.get_unused_address(None) if addr is None: if force: addr = self.wallet.create_new_address(None, False) else: return False amount = int(Decimal(requested_amount)*COIN) expiration = int(expiration) req = self.wallet.make_payment_request(addr, amount, memo, expiration) self.wallet.add_payment_request(req, self.config) return self._format_request(req) @command('wp') def signrequest(self, address): "Sign payment request with an OpenAlias" alias = self.config.get('alias') alias_addr = self.contacts.resolve(alias)['address'] self.wallet.sign_payment_request(address, alias, alias_addr, self.password) @command('w') def rmrequest(self, address): """Remove a payment request""" return self.wallet.remove_payment_request(address, self.config) @command('w') def clearrequests(self): """Remove all payment requests""" for k in self.wallet.receive_requests.keys(): self.wallet.remove_payment_request(k, self.config) param_descriptions = { 'privkey': 'Private key. Type \'?\' to get a prompt.', 'destination': 'Bitcoin address, contact or alias', 'address': 'Bitcoin address', 'seed': 'Seed phrase', 'txid': 'Transaction ID', 'pos': 'Position', 'height': 'Block height', 'tx': 'Serialized transaction (hexadecimal)', 'key': 'Variable name', 'pubkey': 'Public key', 'message': 'Clear text message. Use quotes if it contains spaces.', 'encrypted': 'Encrypted message', 'amount': 'Amount to be sent (in BTC). Type \'!\' to send the maximum available.', 'requested_amount': 'Requested amount (in BTC).', 'csv_file': 'CSV file of recipient, amount', } command_options = { 'broadcast': (None, "--broadcast", "Broadcast the transaction to the Bitcoin network"), 'password': ("-W", "--password", "Password"), 'concealed': ("-C", "--concealed", "Don't echo seed to console when restoring"), 'receiving': (None, "--receiving", "Show only receiving addresses"), 'change': (None, "--change", "Show only change addresses"), 'frozen': (None, "--frozen", "Show only frozen addresses"), 'unused': (None, "--unused", "Show only unused addresses"), 'funded': (None, "--funded", "Show only funded addresses"), 'show_balance':("-b", "--balance", "Show the balances of listed addresses"), 'show_labels': ("-l", "--labels", "Show the labels of listed addresses"), 'nocheck': (None, "--nocheck", "Do not verify aliases"), 'tx_fee': ("-f", "--fee", "Transaction fee (in BTC)"), 'from_addr': ("-F", "--from", "Source address. If it isn't in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It's not saved in the wallet."), 'change_addr': ("-c", "--change", "Change address. Default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet"), 'nbits': (None, "--nbits", "Number of bits of entropy"), 'entropy': (None, "--entropy", "Custom entropy"), 'language': ("-L", "--lang", "Default language for wordlist"), 'gap_limit': ("-G", "--gap", "Gap limit"), 'mpk': (None, "--mpk", "Restore from master public key"), 'deserialized':("-d", "--deserialized","Return deserialized transaction"), 'privkey': (None, "--privkey", "Private key. Set to '?' to get a prompt."), 'unsigned': ("-u", "--unsigned", "Do not sign transaction"), 'domain': ("-D", "--domain", "List of addresses"), 'account': (None, "--account", "Account"), 'memo': ("-m", "--memo", "Description of the request"), 'expiration': (None, "--expiration", "Time in seconds"), 'force': (None, "--force", "Create new address beyong gap limit, if no more address is available."), 'pending': (None, "--pending", "Show only pending requests."), 'expired': (None, "--expired", "Show only expired requests."), 'paid': (None, "--paid", "Show only paid requests."), } arg_types = { 'num':int, 'nbits':int, 'entropy':long, 'pubkeys': json.loads, 'inputs': json.loads, 'outputs': json.loads, 'tx_fee': lambda x: Decimal(x) if x is not None else None, 'amount': lambda x: Decimal(x) if x!='!' else '!', } config_variables = { 'addrequest': { 'requests_dir': 'directory where a bip70 file will be written.', 'ssl_privkey': 'Path to your SSL private key, needed to sign the request.', 'ssl_chain': 'Chain of SSL certificates, needed for signed requests. Put your certificate at the top and the root CA at the end', 'url_rewrite': 'Parameters passed to str.replace(), in order to create the r= part of bitcoin: URIs. Example: \"(\'file:///var/www/\',\'https://electrum.org/\')\"', }, 'listrequests':{ 'url_rewrite': 'Parameters passed to str.replace(), in order to create the r= part of bitcoin: URIs. Example: \"(\'file:///var/www/\',\'https://electrum.org/\')\"', } } def set_default_subparser(self, name, args=None): """see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5176691/argparse-how-to-specify-a-default-subcommand""" subparser_found = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg in ['-h', '--help']: # global help if no subparser break else: for x in self._subparsers._actions: if not isinstance(x, argparse._SubParsersAction): continue for sp_name in x._name_parser_map.keys(): if sp_name in sys.argv[1:]: subparser_found = True if not subparser_found: # insert default in first position, this implies no # global options without a sub_parsers specified if args is None: sys.argv.insert(1, name) else: args.insert(0, name) argparse.ArgumentParser.set_default_subparser = set_default_subparser def add_network_options(parser): parser.add_argument("-1", "--oneserver", action="store_true", dest="oneserver", default=False, help="connect to one server only") parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", dest="server", default=None, help="set server host:port:protocol, where protocol is either t (tcp) or s (ssl)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--proxy", dest="proxy", default=None, help="set proxy [type:]host[:port], where type is socks4,socks5 or http") from util import profiler @profiler def get_parser(run_gui, run_daemon, run_cmdline): # parent parser, because set_default_subparser removes global options parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('parent', add_help=False) group = parent_parser.add_argument_group('global options') group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Show debugging information") group.add_argument("-P", "--portable", action="store_true", dest="portable", default=False, help="Use local 'electrum_data' directory") group.add_argument("-w", "--wallet", dest="wallet_path", help="wallet path") group.add_argument("-o", "--offline", action="store_true", dest="offline", default=False, help="Run offline") # create main parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parent_parser], epilog="Run 'electrum help ' to see the help for a command") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd', metavar='') # gui parser_gui = subparsers.add_parser('gui', parents=[parent_parser], description="Run Electrum's Graphical User Interface.", help="Run GUI (default)") parser_gui.add_argument("url", nargs='?', default=None, help="bitcoin URI (or bip70 file)") parser_gui.set_defaults(func=run_gui) parser_gui.add_argument("-g", "--gui", dest="gui", help="select graphical user interface", choices=['qt', 'lite', 'gtk', 'text', 'stdio', 'jsonrpc']) parser_gui.add_argument("-m", action="store_true", dest="hide_gui", default=False, help="hide GUI on startup") parser_gui.add_argument("-L", "--lang", dest="language", default=None, help="default language used in GUI") add_network_options(parser_gui) # daemon parser_daemon = subparsers.add_parser('daemon', parents=[parent_parser], help="Run Daemon") parser_daemon.add_argument("subcommand", choices=['start', 'status', 'stop']) parser_daemon.set_defaults(func=run_daemon) add_network_options(parser_daemon) # commands for cmdname in sorted(known_commands.keys()): cmd = known_commands[cmdname] p = subparsers.add_parser(cmdname, parents=[parent_parser], help=cmd.help, description=cmd.description) p.set_defaults(func=run_cmdline) if cmd.requires_password: p.add_argument("-W", "--password", dest="password", default=None, help="password") for optname, default in zip(cmd.options, cmd.defaults): a, b, help = command_options[optname] action = "store_true" if type(default) is bool else 'store' args = (a, b) if a else (b,) if action == 'store': _type = arg_types.get(optname, str) p.add_argument(*args, dest=optname, action=action, default=default, help=help, type=_type) else: p.add_argument(*args, dest=optname, action=action, default=default, help=help) for param in cmd.params: h = param_descriptions.get(param, '') _type = arg_types.get(param, str) p.add_argument(param, help=h, type=_type) cvh = config_variables.get(cmdname) if cvh: group = p.add_argument_group('configuration variables', '(set with setconfig/getconfig)') for k, v in cvh.items(): group.add_argument(k, nargs='?', help=v) # 'gui' is the default command parser.set_default_subparser('gui') return parser