#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import datetime import json import PyQt4 from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore from electrum import transaction from electrum.bitcoin import base_encode from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.plugins import run_hook from util import * dialogs = [] # Otherwise python randomly garbage collects the dialogs... def show_transaction(tx, parent, desc=None, prompt_if_unsaved=False): d = TxDialog(tx, parent, desc, prompt_if_unsaved) dialogs.append(d) d.show() class TxDialog(QDialog, MessageBoxMixin): def __init__(self, tx, parent, desc, prompt_if_unsaved): '''Transactions in the wallet will show their description. Pass desc to give a description for txs not yet in the wallet. ''' QDialog.__init__(self, parent=None) # Top-level window self.tx = tx self.tx.deserialize() self.main_window = parent self.wallet = parent.wallet self.prompt_if_unsaved = prompt_if_unsaved self.saved = False self.broadcast = False self.desc = desc self.setMinimumWidth(660) self.setWindowTitle(_("Transaction")) vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(vbox) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Transaction ID:"))) self.tx_hash_e = ButtonsLineEdit() qr_show = lambda: parent.show_qrcode(str(self.tx_hash_e.text()), 'Transaction ID', parent=self) self.tx_hash_e.addButton(":icons/qrcode.png", qr_show, _("Show as QR code")) self.tx_hash_e.setReadOnly(True) vbox.addWidget(self.tx_hash_e) self.status_label = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(self.status_label) self.tx_desc = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(self.tx_desc) self.date_label = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(self.date_label) self.amount_label = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(self.amount_label) self.fee_label = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(self.fee_label) self.add_io(vbox) vbox.addStretch(1) self.sign_button = b = QPushButton(_("Sign")) b.clicked.connect(self.sign) self.broadcast_button = b = QPushButton(_("Broadcast")) b.clicked.connect(self.do_broadcast) self.save_button = b = QPushButton(_("Save")) b.clicked.connect(self.save) self.cancel_button = b = QPushButton(_("Close")) b.clicked.connect(self.close) b.setDefault(True) self.qr_button = b = QPushButton() b.setIcon(QIcon(":icons/qrcode.png")) b.clicked.connect(self.show_qr) self.copy_button = CopyButton(lambda: str(self.tx), parent.app) # Action buttons self.buttons = [self.sign_button, self.broadcast_button, self.cancel_button] # Transaction sharing buttons self.sharing_buttons = [self.copy_button, self.qr_button, self.save_button] run_hook('transaction_dialog', self) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addLayout(Buttons(*self.sharing_buttons)) hbox.addStretch(1) hbox.addLayout(Buttons(*self.buttons)) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.update() def do_broadcast(self): self.main_window.push_top_level_window(self) try: self.main_window.broadcast_transaction(self.tx, self.desc) finally: self.main_window.pop_top_level_window(self) self.broadcast = True self.update() def closeEvent(self, event): if (self.prompt_if_unsaved and not self.saved and not self.broadcast and not self.question(_('This transaction is not saved. Close anyway?'), title=_("Warning"))): event.ignore() else: event.accept() dialogs.remove(self) def show_qr(self): text = self.tx.raw.decode('hex') text = base_encode(text, base=43) try: self.main_window.show_qrcode(text, 'Transaction', parent=self) except Exception as e: self.show_message(str(e)) def sign(self): def sign_done(success): self.sign_button.setDisabled(False) self.main_window.pop_top_level_window(self) if success: self.prompt_if_unsaved = False self.saved = False self.update() self.sign_button.setDisabled(True) self.main_window.push_top_level_window(self) self.main_window.sign_tx(self.tx, sign_done) def save(self): name = 'signed_%s.txn' % (self.tx.hash()[0:8]) if self.tx.is_complete() else 'unsigned.txn' fileName = self.main_window.getSaveFileName(_("Select where to save your signed transaction"), name, "*.txn") if fileName: with open(fileName, "w+") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.tx.as_dict(), indent=4) + '\n') self.show_message(_("Transaction saved successfully")) self.saved = True def update(self): is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_wallet_delta(self.tx) tx_hash = self.tx.hash() desc = self.desc time_str = None self.broadcast_button.hide() if self.tx.is_complete(): status = _("Signed") if tx_hash in self.wallet.transactions.keys(): desc = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) conf, timestamp = self.wallet.get_confirmations(tx_hash) if timestamp: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] else: time_str = _('Pending') status = _("%d confirmations")%conf else: self.broadcast_button.show() # cannot broadcast when offline if self.main_window.network is None: self.broadcast_button.setEnabled(False) else: s, r = self.tx.signature_count() status = _("Unsigned") if s == 0 else _('Partially signed') + ' (%d/%d)'%(s,r) tx_hash = _('Unknown'); if self.wallet.can_sign(self.tx): self.sign_button.show() else: self.sign_button.hide() self.tx_hash_e.setText(tx_hash) if desc is None: self.tx_desc.hide() else: self.tx_desc.setText(_("Description") + ': ' + desc) self.tx_desc.show() self.status_label.setText(_('Status:') + ' ' + status) if time_str is not None: self.date_label.setText(_("Date: %s")%time_str) self.date_label.show() else: self.date_label.hide() # if we are not synchronized, we cannot tell if not self.wallet.up_to_date: return base_unit = self.main_window.base_unit() format_amount = self.main_window.format_amount if is_relevant: if is_mine: if fee is not None: self.amount_label.setText(_("Amount sent:")+' %s'% format_amount(-v+fee) + ' ' + base_unit) self.fee_label.setText(_("Transaction fee")+': %s'% format_amount(-fee) + ' ' + base_unit) else: self.amount_label.setText(_("Amount sent:")+' %s'% format_amount(-v) + ' ' + base_unit) self.fee_label.setText(_("Transaction fee")+': '+ _("unknown")) else: self.amount_label.setText(_("Amount received:")+' %s'% format_amount(v) + ' ' + base_unit) else: self.amount_label.setText(_("Transaction unrelated to your wallet")) run_hook('transaction_dialog_update', self) def add_io(self, vbox): if self.tx.locktime > 0: vbox.addWidget(QLabel("LockTime: %d\n" % self.tx.locktime)) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Inputs") + ' (%d)'%len(self.tx.inputs()))) ext = QTextCharFormat() rec = QTextCharFormat() rec.setBackground(QBrush(QColor("lightgreen"))) rec.setToolTip(_("Wallet receive address")) chg = QTextCharFormat() chg.setBackground(QBrush(QColor("yellow"))) chg.setToolTip(_("Wallet change address")) def text_format(addr): if self.wallet.is_mine(addr): return chg if self.wallet.is_change(addr) else rec return ext def format_amount(amt): return self.main_window.format_amount(amt, whitespaces = True) i_text = QTextEdit() i_text.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) i_text.setReadOnly(True) i_text.setMaximumHeight(100) cursor = i_text.textCursor() for x in self.tx.inputs(): if x.get('is_coinbase'): cursor.insertText('coinbase') else: prevout_hash = x.get('prevout_hash') prevout_n = x.get('prevout_n') cursor.insertText(prevout_hash[0:8] + '...', ext) cursor.insertText(prevout_hash[-8:] + ":%-4d " % prevout_n, ext) addr = x.get('address') if addr == "(pubkey)": _addr = self.wallet.find_pay_to_pubkey_address(prevout_hash, prevout_n) if _addr: addr = _addr if addr is None: addr = _('unknown') cursor.insertText(addr, text_format(addr)) if x.get('value'): cursor.insertText(format_amount(x['value']), ext) cursor.insertBlock() vbox.addWidget(i_text) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Outputs") + ' (%d)'%len(self.tx.outputs()))) o_text = QTextEdit() o_text.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) o_text.setReadOnly(True) o_text.setMaximumHeight(100) cursor = o_text.textCursor() for addr, v in self.tx.get_outputs(): cursor.insertText(addr, text_format(addr)) if v is not None: cursor.insertText('\t', ext) cursor.insertText(format_amount(v), ext) cursor.insertBlock() vbox.addWidget(o_text)