from import App from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.factory import Factory from import NumericProperty, StringProperty, BooleanProperty from kivy.core.window import Window from electrum_gui.kivy.i18n import _ class AnimatedPopup(Factory.Popup): ''' An Animated Popup that animates in and out. ''' anim_duration = NumericProperty(.36) '''Duration of animation to be used ''' __events__ = ['on_activate', 'on_deactivate'] def on_activate(self): '''Base function to be overridden on inherited classes. Called when the popup is done animating. ''' pass def on_deactivate(self): '''Base function to be overridden on inherited classes. Called when the popup is done animating. ''' pass def open(self): '''Do the initialization of incoming animation here. Override to set your custom animation. ''' def on_complete(*l): self.dispatch('on_activate') self.opacity = 0 super(AnimatedPopup, self).open() anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=1, d=self.anim_duration) anim.bind(on_complete=on_complete) anim.start(self) def dismiss(self): '''Do the initialization of incoming animation here. Override to set your custom animation. ''' def on_complete(*l): super(AnimatedPopup, self).dismiss() self.dispatch('on_deactivate') anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=0, d=.25) anim.bind(on_complete=on_complete) anim.start(self) class EventsDialog(Factory.Popup): ''' Abstract Popup that provides the following events .. events:: `on_release` `on_press` ''' __events__ = ('on_release', 'on_press') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(EventsDialog, self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_release(self, instance): pass def on_press(self, instance): pass def close(self): self.dismiss() class SelectionDialog(EventsDialog): def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): if self.content: self.content.add_widget(widget, index) return super(SelectionDialog, self).add_widget(widget) class InfoBubble(Factory.Bubble): '''Bubble to be used to display short Help Information''' message = StringProperty(_('Nothing set !')) '''Message to be displayed; defaults to "nothing set"''' icon = StringProperty('') ''' Icon to be displayed along with the message defaults to '' :attr:`icon` is a `StringProperty` defaults to `''` ''' fs = BooleanProperty(False) ''' Show Bubble in half screen mode :attr:`fs` is a `BooleanProperty` defaults to `False` ''' modal = BooleanProperty(False) ''' Allow bubble to be hidden on touch. :attr:`modal` is a `BooleanProperty` defauult to `False`. ''' exit = BooleanProperty(False) '''Indicates whether to exit app after bubble is closed. :attr:`exit` is a `BooleanProperty` defaults to False. ''' dim_background = BooleanProperty(False) ''' Indicates Whether to draw a background on the windows behind the bubble. :attr:`dim` is a `BooleanProperty` defaults to `False`. ''' def on_touch_down(self, touch): if self.modal: return True self.hide() if self.collide_point(*touch.pos): return True def show(self, pos, duration, width=None, modal=False, exit=False): '''Animate the bubble into position''' self.modal, self.exit = modal, exit if width: self.width = width if self.modal: from kivy.uix.modalview import ModalView self._modal_view = m = ModalView(background_color=[.5, .5, .5, .2]) Window.add_widget(m) m.add_widget(self) else: Window.add_widget(self) # wait for the bubble to adjust it's size according to text then animate Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self._show(pos, duration)) def _show(self, pos, duration): def on_stop(*l): if duration: Clock.schedule_once(self.hide, duration + .5) self.opacity = 0 arrow_pos = self.arrow_pos if arrow_pos[0] in ('l', 'r'): pos = pos[0], pos[1] - (self.height/2) else: pos = pos[0] - (self.width/2), pos[1] self.limit_to = Window anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=1, pos=pos, d=.32) anim.bind(on_complete=on_stop) anim.cancel_all(self) anim.start(self) def hide(self, now=False): ''' Auto fade out the Bubble ''' def on_stop(*l): if self.modal: m = self._modal_view m.remove_widget(self) Window.remove_widget(m) Window.remove_widget(self) if self.exit: App.get_running_app().stop() import sys sys.exit() else: App.get_running_app().is_exit = False if now: return on_stop() anim = Factory.Animation(opacity=0, d=.25) anim.bind(on_complete=on_stop) anim.cancel_all(self) anim.start(self) class OutputItem(Factory.BoxLayout): pass class OutputList(Factory.GridLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Factory.GridLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs) = App.get_running_app() def update(self, outputs): self.clear_widgets() for (type, address, amount) in outputs: self.add_output(address, amount) def add_output(self, address, amount): b = Factory.OutputItem() b.address = address b.value = self.add_widget(b)