#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import android from interface import WalletSynchronizer from wallet import Wallet from wallet import format_satoshis from decimal import Decimal import datetime def select_from_contacts(): title = 'Contacts:' droid.dialogCreateAlert(title) droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('New contact') droid.dialogSetItems(wallet.addressbook) droid.dialogShow() response = droid.dialogGetResponse().result droid.dialogDismiss() if response.get('which') == 'positive': return 'newcontact' result = response.get('item') print result if result is not None: addr = wallet.addressbook[result] return addr def select_from_addresses(): droid.dialogCreateAlert("Addresses:") l = [] for i in range(len(wallet.addresses)): addr = wallet.addresses[i] l.append( wallet.labels.get(addr,'') + ' ' + addr) droid.dialogSetItems(l) droid.dialogShow() response = droid.dialogGetResponse() result = response.result.get('item') droid.dialogDismiss() if result is not None: addr = wallet.addresses[result] return addr def qr_code_layout(addr): return """ QR code
"""%addr title = """ """ def make_layout(s): return """ %s %s """%(title,s) def main_layout(): return """ %s %s """%(title, get_history_layout(15)) payto_layout = make_layout(""" """) settings_layout = make_layout(""" """) def get_history_values(n): values = [] h = wallet.get_tx_history() for i in range(n): line = h[-i-1] v = line['value'] try: dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( line['timestamp'] ) if dt.date() == dt.today().date(): time_str = str( dt.time() ) else: time_str = str( dt.date() ) conf = 'v' except: print line['timestamp'] time_str = 'pending' conf = 'o' label = line.get('label') #if not label: label = line['tx_hash'] is_default_label = (label == '') or (label is None) if is_default_label: label = line['default_label'] values.append((conf, ' ' + time_str, ' ' + format_satoshis(v,True), ' ' + label )) return values def get_history_layout(n): rows = "" i = 0 values = get_history_values(n) for v in values: a,b,c,d = v color = "0xff00ff00" if a == 'v' else "0xffff0000" rows += """ """%(i,a,color,i,b,i,c,i,d) i += 1 output = """ %s """% rows return output def set_history_layout(n): values = get_history_values(n) i = 0 for v in values: a,b,c,d = v droid.fullSetProperty("hl_%d_col1"%i,"text", a) if a == 'v': droid.fullSetProperty("hl_%d_col1"%i, "textColor","0xff00ff00") else: droid.fullSetProperty("hl_%d_col1"%i, "textColor","0xffff0000") droid.fullSetProperty("hl_%d_col2"%i,"text", b) droid.fullSetProperty("hl_%d_col3"%i,"text", c) droid.fullSetProperty("hl_%d_col4"%i,"text", d) i += 1 def update_layout(): if not wallet.interface.is_connected: text = "Not connected..." elif wallet.blocks == 0: text = "Server not ready" elif not wallet.up_to_date: text = "Synchronizing..." else: c, u = wallet.get_balance() text = "Balance:"+format_satoshis(c) if u : text += ' [' + format_satoshis(u,True).strip() + ']' droid.fullSetProperty("balanceTextView", "text", text) if wallet.was_updated and wallet.up_to_date: global first_time_update if not first_time_update: droid.vibrate() else: first_time_update = False wallet.was_updated = False set_history_layout(15) def pay_to(recipient, amount, fee, label): if wallet.use_encryption: password = droid.dialogGetPassword('Password').result print "password", password else: password = None droid.dialogCreateSpinnerProgress("Electrum", "signing transaction...") droid.dialogShow() tx = wallet.mktx( recipient, amount, label, password, fee) print tx droid.dialogDismiss() if tx: r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx ) droid.dialogCreateAlert('tx sent', h) droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogShow() response = droid.dialogGetResponse().result droid.dialogDismiss() return h else: return 'error' def recover(): droid.dialogCreateAlert("wallet file not found") droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogShow() resp = droid.dialogGetResponse().result print resp code = droid.scanBarcode() r = code.result if r: seed = r['extras']['SCAN_RESULT'] else: exit(1) droid.dialogCreateAlert('seed', seed) droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogSetNegativeButtonText('Cancel') droid.dialogShow() response = droid.dialogGetResponse().result droid.dialogDismiss() print response wallet.seed = str(seed) wallet.init_mpk( wallet.seed ) droid.dialogCreateSpinnerProgress("Electrum", "recovering wallet...") droid.dialogShow() WalletSynchronizer(wallet,True).start() wallet.update() wallet.save() droid.dialogDismiss() droid.vibrate() if wallet.is_found(): # history and addressbook wallet.update_tx_history() wallet.fill_addressbook() droid.dialogCreateAlert("recovery successful") droid.dialogShow() wallet.save() else: droid.dialogCreateSpinnerProgress("wallet not found") droid.dialogShow() def make_new_contact(): code = droid.scanBarcode() r = code.result if r: address = r['extras']['SCAN_RESULT'] if address: if wallet.is_valid(address): droid.dialogCreateAlert('Add to contacts?', address) droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogSetNegativeButtonText('Cancel') droid.dialogShow() response = droid.dialogGetResponse().result droid.dialogDismiss() print response if response.get('which') == 'positive': wallet.addressbook.append(address) wallet.save() else: droid.dialogCreateAlert('Invalid address', address) droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogShow() response = droid.dialogGetResponse().result droid.dialogDismiss() def main_loop(): update_layout() out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait(1000).result # wait for 1 second if not event: update_layout() continue print "got event in main loop", event if event["name"]=="click": id=event["data"]["id"] elif event["name"]=="settings": out = 'settings' elif event["name"]=="key": if event["data"]["key"] == '4': out = 'quit' elif event["name"] in menu_commands: out = event["name"] if out == 'contacts': global contact_addr contact_addr = select_from_contacts() if contact_addr == 'newcontact': make_new_contact() contact_addr = None if not contact_addr: out = None elif out == "receive": global receive_addr receive_addr = select_from_addresses() if not receive_addr: out = None return out def payto_loop(): out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait().result print "got event in payto loop", event if event["name"] == "click": id = event["data"]["id"] if id=="buttonPay": droid.fullQuery() recipient = droid.fullQueryDetail("recipient").result.get('text') label = droid.fullQueryDetail("label").result.get('text') amount = droid.fullQueryDetail('amount').result.get('text') fee = '0.001' amount = int( 100000000 * Decimal(amount) ) fee = int( 100000000 * Decimal(fee) ) result = pay_to(recipient, amount, fee, label) droid.dialogCreateAlert('result', result) droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogShow() droid.dialogGetResponse() droid.dialogDismiss() out = 'main' elif id=="buttonContacts": addr = select_from_contacts() droid.fullSetProperty("recipient","text",addr) elif id=="buttonQR": code = droid.scanBarcode() r = code.result if r: addr = r['extras']['SCAN_RESULT'] if addr: droid.fullSetProperty("recipient","text",addr) elif event["name"] in menu_commands: out = event["name"] elif event["name"]=="key": if event["data"]["key"] == '4': out = 'main' #elif event["name"]=="screen": # if event["data"]=="destroy": # out = 'main' return out receive_addr = '' contact_addr = '' def receive_loop(): out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait().result print "got event", event out = 'main' return out def contacts_loop(): out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait().result print "got event", event out = 'main' return out def server_dialog(plist): droid.dialogCreateAlert("servers") droid.dialogSetItems( plist.keys() ) droid.dialogShow() i = droid.dialogGetResponse().result.get('item') droid.dialogDismiss() if i is not None: response = plist.keys()[i] return response def protocol_dialog(plist): options=["TCP","HTTP","native"] droid.dialogCreateAlert("Protocol") droid.dialogSetSingleChoiceItems(options) def settings_loop(): droid.fullSetProperty("server","text",wallet.server) out = None while out is None: event = droid.eventWait().result print "got event", event if event["name"] == "click": id = event["data"]["id"] if id=="buttonServer": plist = {} for item in wallet.interface.servers: host, pp = item z = {} for item2 in pp: protocol, port = item2 z[protocol] = port plist[host] = z host = server_dialog(plist) if host: p = plist[host] port = p['t'] srv = host + ':' + port + ':t' droid.fullSetProperty("server","text",srv) elif id=="buttonSave": droid.fullQuery() srv = droid.fullQueryDetail("server").result.get('text') try: wallet.set_server(srv) out = 'main' except: droid.dialogCreateAlert('error') droid.dialogSetPositiveButtonText('OK') droid.dialogShow() droid.dialogGetResponse() droid.dialogDismiss() elif id=="buttonCancel": out = 'main' elif event["name"] == "key": if event["data"]["key"] == '4': out = 'main' elif event["name"] in menu_commands: out = event["name"] return out menu_commands = ["send", "receive", "settings", "contacts", "main"] first_time_update = True droid = android.Android() wallet = Wallet() wallet.set_path("/sdcard/electrum.dat") wallet.read() if not wallet.file_exists: recover() exit(1) else: WalletSynchronizer(wallet,True).start() s = 'main' def add_menu(s): droid.clearOptionsMenu() if s == 'main': droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Send","send",None,"") droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Receive","receive",None,"") droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Contacts","contacts",None,"") droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Settings","settings",None,"") elif s == 'contacts': droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Pay to","paytocontact",None,"") droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Edit label","editcontact",None,"") droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Delete","removecontact",None,"") elif s == 'settings': droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Save","save",None,"") droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Cancel","cancel",None,"") #droid.addOptionsMenuItem("Quit","quit",None,"") while True: add_menu(s) if s == 'main': droid.fullShow(main_layout()) s = main_loop() droid.fullDismiss() elif s == 'send': droid.fullShow(payto_layout) s = payto_loop() droid.fullDismiss() elif s == 'receive': f = open('/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/recv.html',"w") f.write(qr_code_layout(receive_addr)) f.close() droid.webViewShow("file:///sdcard/sl4a/scripts/recv.html?url=%s"%receive_addr,True) s = receive_loop() elif s == 'contacts': f = open('/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/recv.html',"w") f.write(qr_code_layout(contact_addr)) f.close() droid.webViewShow("file:///sdcard/sl4a/scripts/recv.html?url=%s"%contact_addr,True) s = contacts_loop() elif s == 'settings': droid.fullShow(settings_layout) s = settings_loop() droid.fullDismiss() else: break droid.makeToast("Bye!")