import os, sys, re, json import platform import shutil from datetime import datetime import urlparse import urllib import threading class NotEnoughFunds(Exception): pass class InvalidPassword(Exception): def __str__(self): from i18n import _ return _("Incorrect password") class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): from transaction import Transaction if isinstance(obj, Transaction): return obj.as_dict() return super(MyEncoder, self).default(obj) class DaemonThread(threading.Thread): """ daemon thread that terminates cleanly """ def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.parent_thread = threading.currentThread() self.running = False self.running_lock = threading.Lock() def start(self): with self.running_lock: self.running = True return threading.Thread.start(self) def is_running(self): with self.running_lock: return self.running and self.parent_thread.is_alive() def stop(self): with self.running_lock: self.running = False is_verbose = False def set_verbosity(b): global is_verbose is_verbose = b def print_error(*args): if not is_verbose: return print_stderr(*args) def print_stderr(*args): args = [str(item) for item in args] sys.stderr.write(" ".join(args) + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() def print_msg(*args): # Stringify args args = [str(item) for item in args] sys.stdout.write(" ".join(args) + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() def print_json(obj): try: s = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, cls=MyEncoder) except TypeError: s = repr(obj) sys.stdout.write(s + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() def user_dir(): if "HOME" in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".electrum") elif "APPDATA" in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "Electrum") elif "LOCALAPPDATA" in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"], "Electrum") elif 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ: return "/sdcard/electrum/" else: #raise Exception("No home directory found in environment variables.") return def format_satoshis(x, is_diff=False, num_zeros = 0, decimal_point = 8, whitespaces=False): from decimal import Decimal s = Decimal(x) sign, digits, exp = s.as_tuple() digits = map(str, digits) while len(digits) < decimal_point + 1: digits.insert(0,'0') digits.insert(-decimal_point,'.') s = ''.join(digits).rstrip('0') if sign: s = '-' + s elif is_diff: s = "+" + s p = s.find('.') s += "0"*( 1 + num_zeros - ( len(s) - p )) if whitespaces: s += " "*( 1 + decimal_point - ( len(s) - p )) s = " "*( 13 - decimal_point - ( p )) + s return s # Takes a timestamp and returns a string with the approximation of the age def age(from_date, since_date = None, target_tz=None, include_seconds=False): if from_date is None: return "Unknown" from_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(from_date) if since_date is None: since_date = distance_in_time = since_date - from_date distance_in_seconds = int(round(abs(distance_in_time.days * 86400 + distance_in_time.seconds))) distance_in_minutes = int(round(distance_in_seconds/60)) if distance_in_minutes <= 1: if include_seconds: for remainder in [5, 10, 20]: if distance_in_seconds < remainder: return "less than %s seconds ago" % remainder if distance_in_seconds < 40: return "half a minute ago" elif distance_in_seconds < 60: return "less than a minute ago" else: return "1 minute ago" else: if distance_in_minutes == 0: return "less than a minute ago" else: return "1 minute ago" elif distance_in_minutes < 45: return "%s minutes ago" % distance_in_minutes elif distance_in_minutes < 90: return "about 1 hour ago" elif distance_in_minutes < 1440: return "about %d hours ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 60.0)) elif distance_in_minutes < 2880: return "1 day ago" elif distance_in_minutes < 43220: return "%d days ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 1440)) elif distance_in_minutes < 86400: return "about 1 month ago" elif distance_in_minutes < 525600: return "%d months ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 43200)) elif distance_in_minutes < 1051200: return "about 1 year ago" else: return "over %d years ago" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 525600)) # URL decode #_ud = re.compile('%([0-9a-hA-H]{2})', re.MULTILINE) #urldecode = lambda x: _ud.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, 16)), x) def parse_URI(uri): import bitcoin from decimal import Decimal if ':' not in uri: assert bitcoin.is_address(uri) return uri, None, None, None, None u = urlparse.urlparse(uri) assert u.scheme == 'bitcoin' address = u.path # python for android fails to parse query if address.find('?') > 0: address, query = u.path.split('?') pq = urlparse.parse_qs(query) else: pq = urlparse.parse_qs(u.query) for k, v in pq.items(): if len(v)!=1: raise Exception('Duplicate Key', k) amount = label = message = request_url = '' if 'amount' in pq: am = pq['amount'][0] m = re.match('([0-9\.]+)X([0-9])', am) if m: k = int( - 8 amount = Decimal( * pow( Decimal(10) , k) else: amount = Decimal(am) * 100000000 if 'message' in pq: message = pq['message'][0].decode('utf8') if 'label' in pq: label = pq['label'][0] if 'r' in pq: request_url = pq['r'][0] if request_url != '': return address, amount, label, message, request_url assert bitcoin.is_address(address) return address, amount, label, message, request_url def create_URI(addr, amount, message): import bitcoin if not bitcoin.is_address(addr): return "" query = [] if amount: query.append('amount=%s'%format_satoshis(amount)) if message: if type(message) == unicode: message = message.encode('utf8') query.append('message=%s'%urllib.quote(message)) p = urlparse.ParseResult(scheme='bitcoin', netloc='', path=addr, params='', query='&'.join(query), fragment='') return urlparse.urlunparse(p) # Python bug ( causes raw_input # to be redirected improperly between stdin/stderr on Unix systems def raw_input(prompt=None): if prompt: sys.stdout.write(prompt) return builtin_raw_input() import __builtin__ builtin_raw_input = __builtin__.raw_input __builtin__.raw_input = raw_input def parse_json(message): n = message.find('\n') if n==-1: return None, message try: j = json.loads( message[0:n] ) except: j = None return j, message[n+1:] class timeout(Exception): pass import socket import errno import json import ssl import traceback import time class SocketPipe: def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket self.message = '' self.set_timeout(0.1) def set_timeout(self, t): self.socket.settimeout(t) def get(self): while True: response, self.message = parse_json(self.message) if response: return response try: data = self.socket.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: raise timeout except ssl.SSLError: raise timeout except socket.error, err: if err.errno == 60: raise timeout elif err.errno in [11, 10035]: print_error("socket errno", err.errno) time.sleep(0.1) continue else: print_error("pipe: socket error", err) data = '' except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) data = '' if not data: self.socket.close() return None self.message += data def send(self, request): out = json.dumps(request) + '\n' self._send(out) def send_all(self, requests): out = ''.join(map(lambda x: json.dumps(x) + '\n', requests)) self._send(out) def _send(self, out): while out: try: sent = self.socket.send(out) out = out[sent:] except ssl.SSLError as e: print_error("SSLError:", e) time.sleep(0.1) continue except socket.error as e: if e[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK,errno.EAGAIN): print_error("EAGAIN: retrying") time.sleep(0.1) continue elif e[0] in ['timed out', 'The write operation timed out']: print_error("socket timeout, retry") time.sleep(0.1) continue else: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise e import Queue class QueuePipe: def __init__(self, send_queue=None, get_queue=None): self.send_queue = send_queue if send_queue else Queue.Queue() self.get_queue = get_queue if get_queue else Queue.Queue() self.set_timeout(0.1) def get(self): try: return self.get_queue.get(timeout=self.timeout) except Queue.Empty: raise timeout def get_all(self): responses = [] while True: try: r = self.get_queue.get_nowait() responses.append(r) except Queue.Empty: break return responses def set_timeout(self, t): self.timeout = t def send(self, request): self.send_queue.put(request) def send_all(self, requests): for request in requests: self.send(request)