#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2015 Thomas Voegtlin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import ast import os import sys import time import jsonrpclib from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer, SimpleJSONRPCRequestHandler from network import Network from util import json_decode, DaemonThread from util import print_msg, print_error, print_stderr from wallet import WalletStorage, Wallet from wizard import WizardBase from commands import known_commands, Commands from simple_config import SimpleConfig def get_lockfile(config): return os.path.join(config.path, 'daemon') def remove_lockfile(lockfile): os.unlink(lockfile) def get_fd_or_server(config): '''Tries to create the lockfile, using O_EXCL to prevent races. If it succeeds it returns the FD. Otherwise try and connect to the server specified in the lockfile. If this succeeds, the server is returned. Otherwise remove the lockfile and try again.''' lockfile = get_lockfile(config) while True: try: return os.open(lockfile, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY), None except OSError: pass server = get_server(config) if server is not None: return None, server # Couldn't connect; remove lockfile and try again. remove_lockfile(lockfile) def get_server(config): lockfile = get_lockfile(config) while True: create_time = None try: with open(lockfile) as f: (host, port), create_time = ast.literal_eval(f.read()) server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://%s:%d' % (host, port)) # Test daemon is running server.ping() return server except: pass if not create_time or create_time < time.time() - 1.0: return None # Sleep a bit and try again; it might have just been started time.sleep(1.0) class RequestHandler(SimpleJSONRPCRequestHandler): def do_OPTIONS(self): self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() def end_headers(self): self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept") self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") SimpleJSONRPCRequestHandler.end_headers(self) class Daemon(DaemonThread): def __init__(self, config, fd): DaemonThread.__init__(self) self.config = config if config.get('offline'): self.network = None else: self.network = Network(config) self.network.start() self.gui = None self.wallets = {} # Setup server cmd_runner = Commands(self.config, None, self.network) host = config.get('rpchost', 'localhost') port = config.get('rpcport', 0) server = SimpleJSONRPCServer((host, port), logRequests=False, requestHandler=RequestHandler) os.write(fd, repr((server.socket.getsockname(), time.time()))) os.close(fd) server.timeout = 0.1 for cmdname in known_commands: server.register_function(getattr(cmd_runner, cmdname), cmdname) server.register_function(self.run_cmdline, 'run_cmdline') server.register_function(self.ping, 'ping') server.register_function(self.run_daemon, 'daemon') server.register_function(self.run_gui, 'gui') self.server = server def ping(self): return True def run_daemon(self, config): sub = config.get('subcommand') assert sub in ['start', 'stop', 'status'] if sub == 'start': response = "Daemon already running" elif sub == 'status': if self.network: p = self.network.get_parameters() response = { 'path': self.network.config.path, 'server': p[0], 'blockchain_height': self.network.get_local_height(), 'server_height': self.network.get_server_height(), 'nodes': self.network.get_interfaces(), 'connected': self.network.is_connected(), 'auto_connect': p[4], 'wallets': {k: w.is_up_to_date() for k, w in self.wallets.items()}, } else: response = "Daemon offline" elif sub == 'stop': self.stop() response = "Daemon stopped" return response def run_gui(self, config_options): config = SimpleConfig(config_options) if self.gui: if hasattr(self.gui, 'new_window'): path = config.get_wallet_path() self.gui.new_window(path, config.get('url')) response = "ok" else: response = "error: current GUI does not support multiple windows" else: response = "Error: Electrum is running in daemon mode. Please stop the daemon first." return response def load_wallet(self, path, get_wizard=None): if path in self.wallets: wallet = self.wallets[path] else: storage = WalletStorage(path) if get_wizard: if storage.file_exists: wallet = Wallet(storage) action = wallet.get_action() else: action = 'new' if action: wizard = get_wizard() wallet = wizard.run(self.network, storage) else: wallet.start_threads(self.network) else: wallet = Wallet(storage) wallet.start_threads(self.network) if wallet: self.wallets[path] = wallet return wallet def run_cmdline(self, config_options): config = SimpleConfig(config_options) cmdname = config.get('cmd') cmd = known_commands[cmdname] path = config.get_wallet_path() wallet = self.load_wallet(path) if cmd.requires_wallet else None # arguments passed to function args = map(lambda x: config.get(x), cmd.params) # decode json arguments args = map(json_decode, args) # options args += map(lambda x: config.get(x), cmd.options) cmd_runner = Commands(config, wallet, self.network, password=config_options.get('password'), new_password=config_options.get('new_password')) func = getattr(cmd_runner, cmd.name) result = func(*args) return result def run(self): while self.is_running(): self.server.handle_request() for k, wallet in self.wallets.items(): wallet.stop_threads() if self.network: self.print_error("shutting down network") self.network.stop() self.network.join() def stop(self): self.print_error("stopping, removing lockfile") remove_lockfile(get_lockfile(self.config)) DaemonThread.stop(self) def init_gui(self, config, plugins): gui_name = config.get('gui', 'qt') if gui_name in ['lite', 'classic']: gui_name = 'qt' gui = __import__('electrum_gui.' + gui_name, fromlist=['electrum_gui']) self.gui = gui.ElectrumGui(config, self, plugins) self.gui.main()