import hashlib import httplib import os.path import re import sys import threading import time import traceback import urllib2 try: import paymentrequest_pb2 except: print "protoc --proto_path=lib/ --python_out=lib/ lib/paymentrequest.proto" sys.exit(1) import urlparse import requests from M2Crypto import X509 from bitcoin import is_valid import urlparse import transaction REQUEST_HEADERS = {'Accept': 'application/bitcoin-paymentrequest', 'User-Agent': 'Electrum'} ACK_HEADERS = {'Content-Type':'application/bitcoin-payment','Accept':'application/bitcoin-paymentack','User-Agent':'Electrum'} class PaymentRequest: def __init__(self): self.ca_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.electrum/ca/ca-bundle.crt") self.ca_list = {} try: with open(self.ca_path, 'r') as ca_f: c = "" for line in ca_f: if line == "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n": c = line else: c += line if line == "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n": x = X509.load_cert_string(c) self.ca_list[x.get_fingerprint()] = x except Exception: print "ERROR: Could not open %s"%self.ca_path print "ca-bundle.crt file should be placed in ~/.electrum/ca/ca-bundle.crt" print "Documentation on how to download or create the file here:" print "Payment will continue with manual verification." def verify(self, url): u = urlparse.urlparse(urllib2.unquote(url)) self.domain = u.netloc connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(u.netloc) if u.scheme == 'http' else httplib.HTTPSConnection(u.netloc) connection.request("GET",u.geturl(), headers=REQUEST_HEADERS) resp = connection.getresponse() r = paymntreq = paymentrequest_pb2.PaymentRequest() paymntreq.ParseFromString(r) sig = paymntreq.signature cert = paymentrequest_pb2.X509Certificates() cert.ParseFromString(paymntreq.pki_data) cert_num = len(cert.certificate) x509_1 = X509.load_cert_der_string(cert.certificate[0]) if self.domain != x509_1.get_subject().CN: ###TODO: check for subject alt names ### check for wildcards print "ERROR: Certificate Subject Domain Mismatch" print self.domain, x509_1.get_subject().CN #return x509 = [] CA_OU = '' if cert_num > 1: for i in range(cert_num - 1): x509.append(X509.load_cert_der_string(cert.certificate[i+1])) if x509[i].check_ca() == 0: print "ERROR: Supplied CA Certificate Error" return for i in range(cert_num - 1): if i == 0: if x509_1.verify(x509[i].get_pubkey()) != 1: print "ERROR: Certificate not Signed by Provided CA Certificate Chain" return else: if x509[i-1].verify(x509[i].get_pubkey()) != 1: print "ERROR: CA Certificate not Signed by Provided CA Certificate Chain" return supplied_CA_fingerprint = x509[cert_num-2].get_fingerprint() supplied_CA_CN = x509[cert_num-2].get_subject().CN CA_match = False x = self.ca_list.get(supplied_CA_fingerprint) if x: CA_OU = x.get_subject().OU CA_match = True if x.get_subject().CN != supplied_CA_CN: print "ERROR: Trusted CA CN Mismatch; however CA has trusted fingerprint" print "Payment will continue with manual verification." else: print "ERROR: Supplied CA Not Found in Trusted CA Store." print "Payment will continue with manual verification." else: print "ERROR: CA Certificate Chain Not Provided by Payment Processor" return False paymntreq.signature = '' s = paymntreq.SerializeToString() pubkey_1 = x509_1.get_pubkey() if paymntreq.pki_type == "x509+sha256": pubkey_1.reset_context(md="sha256") elif paymntreq.pki_type == "x509+sha1": pubkey_1.reset_context(md="sha1") else: print "ERROR: Unsupported PKI Type for Message Signature" return False pubkey_1.verify_init() pubkey_1.verify_update(s) if pubkey_1.verify_final(sig) != 1: print "ERROR: Invalid Signature for Payment Request Data" return False ### SIG Verified self.payment_details = pay_det = paymentrequest_pb2.PaymentDetails() pay_det.ParseFromString(paymntreq.serialized_payment_details) if pay_det.expires and pay_det.expires < int(time.time()): print "ERROR: Payment Request has Expired." return False self.outputs = [] for o in pay_det.outputs: addr = transaction.get_address_from_output_script(o.script)[1] self.outputs.append( (addr, o.amount) ) if CA_match: print 'Signed By Trusted CA: ', CA_OU return True def send_ack(self, raw_tx, refund_addr): pay_det = self.payment_details if pay_det.payment_url: paymnt = paymentrequest_pb2.Payment() paymnt.merchant_data = pay_det.merchant_data paymnt.transactions.append(raw_tx) ref_out = paymnt.refund_to.add() ref_out.script = transaction.Transaction.pay_script(refund_addr) paymnt.memo = "Paid using Electrum" pm = paymnt.SerializeToString() payurl = urlparse.urlparse(pay_det.payment_url) try: r =, data=pm, headers=ACK_HEADERS, verify=self.ca_path) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: print "Payment Message/PaymentACK verify Failed" try: r =, data=pm, headers=ACK_HEADERS, verify=False) except Exception as e: print "Payment Message/PaymentACK Failed" print e return try: paymntack = paymentrequest_pb2.PaymentACK() paymntack.ParseFromString(r.content) print "PaymentACK message received: %s" % paymntack.memo except Exception: print "PaymentACK could not be processed. Payment was sent; please manually verify that payment was received." uri = "bitcoin:mpu3yTLdqA1BgGtFUwkVJmhnU3q5afaFkf?" url = "" #uri = "bitcoin:1m9Lw2pFCe6Hs7xUuo9fMJCzEwQNdCo5e?amount=0.0012&" #url = "" if __name__ == "__main__": pr = PaymentRequest() if not pr.verify(url): sys.exit(1) print 'Payment Request Verified Domain: ', pr.domain print 'outputs', pr.outputs print 'Payment Memo: ', pr.payment_details.memo tx = "blah" pr.send_ack(tx, "1vXAXUnGitimzinpXrqDWVU4tyAAQ34RA")