
1883 lines
65 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import hashlib
import ast
import threading
import random
import time
import math
import json
import copy
from util import print_msg, print_error, NotEnoughFunds
from util import profiler
from bitcoin import *
from account import *
from version import *
from transaction import Transaction
from plugins import run_hook
import bitcoin
from synchronizer import WalletSynchronizer
from mnemonic import Mnemonic
# internal ID for imported account
class WalletStorage(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.lock = threading.RLock()
self.config = config
self.data = {}
self.file_exists = False
self.path = self.init_path(config)
print_error( "wallet path", self.path )
if self.path:
def init_path(self, config):
"""Set the path of the wallet."""
# command line -w option
path = config.get('wallet_path')
if path:
return path
# path in config file
path = config.get('default_wallet_path')
if path and os.path.exists(path):
return path
# default path
dirpath = os.path.join(config.path, "wallets")
if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
new_path = os.path.join(config.path, "wallets", "default_wallet")
# default path in pre 1.9 versions
old_path = os.path.join(config.path, "electrum.dat")
if os.path.exists(old_path) and not os.path.exists(new_path):
os.rename(old_path, new_path)
return new_path
def read(self, path):
"""Read the contents of the wallet file."""
with open(self.path, "r") as f:
data = f.read()
except IOError:
self.data = json.loads(data)
d = ast.literal_eval(data) #parse raw data from reading wallet file
except Exception as e:
raise IOError("Cannot read wallet file '%s'" % self.path)
self.data = {}
for key, value in d.items():
self.data[key] = value
self.file_exists = True
def get(self, key, default=None):
with self.lock:
v = self.data.get(key)
if v is None:
v = default
v = copy.deepcopy(v)
return v
def put(self, key, value, save = True):
print_error("json error: cannot save", key)
with self.lock:
if value is not None:
self.data[key] = copy.deepcopy(value)
elif key in self.data:
if save:
def write(self):
assert not threading.currentThread().isDaemon()
s = json.dumps(self.data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
with open(self.path,"w") as f:
if 'ANDROID_DATA' not in os.environ:
import stat
os.chmod(self.path,stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
class Abstract_Wallet(object):
Wallet classes are created to handle various address generation methods.
Completion states (watching-only, single account, no seed, etc) are handled inside classes.
def __init__(self, storage):
self.storage = storage
self.electrum_version = ELECTRUM_VERSION
self.gap_limit_for_change = 3 # constant
# saved fields
self.seed_version = storage.get('seed_version', NEW_SEED_VERSION)
self.use_change = storage.get('use_change',True)
self.use_encryption = storage.get('use_encryption', False)
self.seed = storage.get('seed', '') # encrypted
self.labels = storage.get('labels', {})
self.frozen_addresses = storage.get('frozen_addresses',[])
self.addressbook = set(storage.get('contacts', []))
self.history = storage.get('addr_history',{}) # address -> list(txid, height)
self.fee_per_kb = int(storage.get('fee_per_kb', RECOMMENDED_FEE))
# This attribute is set when wallet.start_threads is called.
self.synchronizer = None
# imported_keys is deprecated. The GUI should call convert_imported_keys
self.imported_keys = self.storage.get('imported_keys',{})
# spv
self.verifier = None
# there is a difference between wallet.up_to_date and interface.is_up_to_date()
# interface.is_up_to_date() returns true when all requests have been answered and processed
# wallet.up_to_date is true when the wallet is synchronized (stronger requirement)
self.up_to_date = False
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.transaction_lock = threading.Lock()
self.tx_event = threading.Event()
# save wallet type the first time
if self.storage.get('wallet_type') is None:
self.storage.put('wallet_type', self.wallet_type, True)
def load_transactions(self):
self.txi = self.storage.get('txi', {})
self.txo = self.storage.get('txo', {})
self.pruned_txo = self.storage.get('pruned_txo', {})
tx_list = self.storage.get('transactions', {})
self.transactions = {}
for tx_hash, raw in tx_list.items():
tx = Transaction(raw)
self.transactions[tx_hash] = tx
if self.txi.get(tx_hash) is None and self.txo.get(tx_hash) is None:
print_error("removing unreferenced tx", tx_hash)
def save_transactions(self):
with self.transaction_lock:
tx = {}
for k,v in self.transactions.items():
tx[k] = str(v)
self.storage.put('transactions', tx)
self.storage.put('txi', self.txi)
self.storage.put('txo', self.txo)
self.storage.put('pruned_txo', self.pruned_txo)
def clear_history(self):
with self.transaction_lock:
self.txi = {}
self.txo = {}
self.pruned_txo = {}
self.history = {}
def get_action(self):
def convert_imported_keys(self, password):
for k, v in self.imported_keys.items():
sec = pw_decode(v, password)
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key(sec)
address = public_key_to_bc_address(pubkey.decode('hex'))
if address != k:
raise InvalidPassword()
self.import_key(sec, password)
self.storage.put('imported_keys', self.imported_keys)
def load_accounts(self):
self.accounts = {}
d = self.storage.get('accounts', {})
for k, v in d.items():
if self.wallet_type == 'old' and k in [0, '0']:
v['mpk'] = self.storage.get('master_public_key')
self.accounts['0'] = OldAccount(v)
elif v.get('imported'):
self.accounts[k] = ImportedAccount(v)
elif v.get('xpub3'):
self.accounts[k] = BIP32_Account_2of3(v)
elif v.get('xpub2'):
self.accounts[k] = BIP32_Account_2of2(v)
elif v.get('xpub'):
self.accounts[k] = BIP32_Account(v)
elif v.get('pending'):
self.accounts[k] = PendingAccount(v)
print_error("cannot load account", v)
def synchronize(self):
def can_create_accounts(self):
return False
def set_up_to_date(self,b):
with self.lock: self.up_to_date = b
def is_up_to_date(self):
with self.lock: return self.up_to_date
def update(self):
self.up_to_date = False
while not self.is_up_to_date():
def is_imported(self, addr):
account = self.accounts.get(IMPORTED_ACCOUNT)
if account:
return addr in account.get_addresses(0)
return False
def has_imported_keys(self):
account = self.accounts.get(IMPORTED_ACCOUNT)
return account is not None
def import_key(self, sec, password):
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key(sec)
address = public_key_to_bc_address(pubkey.decode('hex'))
except Exception:
raise Exception('Invalid private key')
if self.is_mine(address):
raise Exception('Address already in wallet')
if self.accounts.get(IMPORTED_ACCOUNT) is None:
self.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT] = ImportedAccount({'imported':{}})
self.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT].add(address, pubkey, sec, password)
if self.synchronizer:
return address
def delete_imported_key(self, addr):
account = self.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT]
if not account.get_addresses(0):
def set_label(self, name, text = None):
changed = False
old_text = self.labels.get(name)
if text:
if old_text != text:
self.labels[name] = text
changed = True
if old_text:
changed = True
if changed:
self.storage.put('labels', self.labels, True)
run_hook('set_label', name, text, changed)
return changed
def addresses(self, include_change = True):
return list(addr for acc in self.accounts for addr in self.get_account_addresses(acc, include_change))
def is_mine(self, address):
return address in self.addresses(True)
def is_change(self, address):
if not self.is_mine(address): return False
acct, s = self.get_address_index(address)
if s is None: return False
return s[0] == 1
def get_address_index(self, address):
for acc_id in self.accounts:
for for_change in [0,1]:
addresses = self.accounts[acc_id].get_addresses(for_change)
if address in addresses:
return acc_id, (for_change, addresses.index(address))
raise Exception("Address not found", address)
def get_private_key(self, address, password):
if self.is_watching_only():
return []
account_id, sequence = self.get_address_index(address)
return self.accounts[account_id].get_private_key(sequence, self, password)
def get_public_keys(self, address):
account_id, sequence = self.get_address_index(address)
return self.accounts[account_id].get_pubkeys(*sequence)
def sign_message(self, address, message, password):
keys = self.get_private_key(address, password)
assert len(keys) == 1
sec = keys[0]
key = regenerate_key(sec)
compressed = is_compressed(sec)
return key.sign_message(message, compressed, address)
def decrypt_message(self, pubkey, message, password):
address = public_key_to_bc_address(pubkey.decode('hex'))
keys = self.get_private_key(address, password)
secret = keys[0]
ec = regenerate_key(secret)
decrypted = ec.decrypt_message(message)
return decrypted
def is_found(self):
return self.history.values() != [[]] * len(self.history)
def add_contact(self, address, label=None):
self.storage.put('contacts', list(self.addressbook), True)
if label:
self.set_label(address, label)
def delete_contact(self, addr):
if addr in self.addressbook:
self.storage.put('contacts', list(self.addressbook), True)
def get_completions(self):
l = []
for x in self.addressbook:
if bitcoin.is_address(x):
label = self.labels.get(x)
if label:
l.append( label + ' <' + x + '>')
return l
def get_num_tx(self, address):
""" return number of transactions where address is involved """
return len(self.history.get(address, []))
def get_tx_delta(self, tx_hash, address):
"effect of tx on address"
# pruned
if tx_hash in self.pruned_txo.values():
return None
delta = 0
# substract the value of coins sent from address
d = self.txi.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for n, v in d:
delta -= v
# add the value of the coins received at address
d = self.txo.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for n, v, cb in d:
delta += v
return delta
def get_wallet_delta(self, tx):
""" effect of tx on wallet """
addresses = self.addresses(True)
is_relevant = False
is_send = False
is_pruned = False
is_partial = False
v_in = v_out = v_out_mine = 0
for item in tx.inputs:
addr = item.get('address')
if addr in addresses:
is_send = True
is_relevant = True
d = self.txo.get(item['prevout_hash'], {}).get(addr, [])
for n, v, cb in d:
if n == item['prevout_n']:
value = v
value = None
if value is None:
is_pruned = True
v_in += value
is_partial = True
if not is_send:
is_partial = False
for addr, value in tx.get_outputs():
v_out += value
if addr in addresses:
v_out_mine += value
is_relevant = True
if is_pruned:
# some inputs are mine:
fee = None
if is_send:
v = v_out_mine - v_out
# no input is mine
v = v_out_mine
v = v_out_mine - v_in
if is_partial:
# some inputs are mine, but not all
fee = None
is_send = v < 0
# all inputs are mine
fee = v_out - v_in
return is_relevant, is_send, v, fee
def get_addr_utxo(self, address):
h = self.history.get(address, [])
coins = {}
for tx_hash, height in h:
l = self.txo.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for n, v, is_cb in l:
coins[tx_hash + ':%d'%n] = (height, v, is_cb)
for tx_hash, height in h:
l = self.txi.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for txi, v in l:
return coins.items()
def get_addr_balance(self, address):
"returns the confirmed balance and pending (unconfirmed) balance change of a bitcoin address"
coins = self.get_addr_utxo(address)
c = u = 0
for txo, v in coins:
tx_height, v, is_cb = v
if tx_height > 0:
c += v
u += v
return c, u
def get_unspent_coins(self, domain=None):
coins = []
if domain is None:
domain = self.addresses(True)
for addr in domain:
c = self.get_addr_utxo(addr)
for txo, v in c:
tx_height, value, is_cb = v
prevout_hash, prevout_n = txo.split(':')
output = {
coins.append((tx_height, output))
# sort by age
if coins:
coins = sorted(coins)
if coins[-1][0] != 0:
while coins[0][0] == 0:
coins = coins[1:] + [ coins[0] ]
return [value for height, value in coins]
def get_addr_balance2(self, address):
"returns the confirmed balance and pending (unconfirmed) balance change of a bitcoin address"
coins = self.get_addr_utxo(address)
c = u = 0
for txo, v, height in coins:
if height > 0:
c += v
u += v
return c, u
def get_account_name(self, k):
return self.labels.get(k, self.accounts[k].get_name(k))
def get_account_names(self):
account_names = {}
for k in self.accounts.keys():
account_names[k] = self.get_account_name(k)
return account_names
def get_account_addresses(self, acc_id, include_change=True):
if acc_id is None:
addr_list = self.addresses(include_change)
elif acc_id in self.accounts:
acc = self.accounts[acc_id]
addr_list = acc.get_addresses(0)
if include_change:
addr_list += acc.get_addresses(1)
return addr_list
def get_account_from_address(self, addr):
"Returns the account that contains this address, or None"
for acc_id in self.accounts: # similar to get_address_index but simpler
if addr in self.get_account_addresses(acc_id):
return acc_id
return None
def get_account_balance(self, account):
return self.get_balance(self.get_account_addresses(account))
def get_frozen_balance(self):
return self.get_balance(self.frozen_addresses)
def get_balance(self, domain=None):
if domain is None: domain = self.addresses(True)
cc = uu = 0
for addr in domain:
c, u = self.get_addr_balance(addr)
cc += c
uu += u
return cc, uu
def set_fee(self, fee):
if self.fee_per_kb != fee:
self.fee_per_kb = fee
self.storage.put('fee_per_kb', self.fee_per_kb, True)
def get_address_history(self, address):
with self.lock:
return self.history.get(address, [])
def get_status(self, h):
if not h:
return None
status = ''
for tx_hash, height in h:
status += tx_hash + ':%d:' % height
return hashlib.sha256( status ).digest().encode('hex')
def find_pay_to_pubkey_address(self, prevout_hash, prevout_n):
dd = self.txo.get(prevout_hash, {})
for addr, l in dd.items():
for n, v, is_cb in l:
if n == prevout_n:
return addr
def add_transaction(self, tx_hash, tx, tx_height):
is_coinbase = tx.inputs[0].get('prevout_hash') == '0'*64
with self.transaction_lock:
# add inputs
self.txi[tx_hash] = d = {}
for txi in tx.inputs:
addr = txi.get('address')
if not txi.get('is_coinbase'):
prevout_hash = txi['prevout_hash']
prevout_n = txi['prevout_n']
ser = prevout_hash + ':%d'%prevout_n
if addr == "(pubkey)":
addr = self.find_pay_to_pubkey_address(prevout_hash, prevout_n)
if addr:
print_error("found pay-to-pubkey address:", addr)
self.pruned_txo[ser] = tx_hash
# find value from prev output
if addr and self.is_mine(addr):
dd = self.txo.get(prevout_hash, {})
for n, v, is_cb in dd.get(addr, []):
if n == prevout_n:
if d.get(addr) is None:
d[addr] = []
d[addr].append((ser, v))
self.pruned_txo[ser] = tx_hash
# add outputs
self.txo[tx_hash] = d = {}
for n, txo in enumerate(tx.outputs):
ser = tx_hash + ':%d'%n
_type, x, v = txo
if _type == 'address':
addr = x
elif _type == 'pubkey':
addr = public_key_to_bc_address(x.decode('hex'))
addr = None
if addr and self.is_mine(addr):
if d.get(addr) is None:
d[addr] = []
d[addr].append((n, v, is_coinbase))
# give v to txi that spends me
next_tx = self.pruned_txo.get(ser)
if next_tx is not None:
dd = self.txi.get(next_tx, {})
if dd.get(addr) is None:
dd[addr] = []
dd[addr].append((ser, v))
# save
self.transactions[tx_hash] = tx
def remove_transaction(self, tx_hash, tx_height):
with self.transaction_lock:
print_error("removing tx from history", tx_hash)
#tx = self.transactions.pop(tx_hash)
for ser, hh in self.pruned_txo.items():
if hh == tx_hash:
# add tx to pruned_txo, and undo the txi addition
for next_tx, dd in self.txi.items():
for addr, l in dd.items():
ll = l[:]
for item in ll:
ser, v = item
prev_hash, prev_n = ser.split(':')
if prev_hash == tx_hash:
self.pruned_txo[ser] = next_tx
if l == []:
dd[addr] = l
def receive_tx_callback(self, tx_hash, tx, tx_height):
self.add_transaction(tx_hash, tx, tx_height)
if self.verifier and tx_height>0:
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
def receive_history_callback(self, addr, hist):
with self.lock:
old_hist = self.history.get(addr, [])
for tx_hash, height in old_hist:
if (tx_hash, height) not in hist:
self.remove_transaction(tx_hash, height)
self.history[addr] = hist
self.storage.put('addr_history', self.history, True)
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
if tx_height>0:
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
if self.verifier:
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
# if addr is new, we have to recompute txi and txo
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if tx is not None and self.txi.get(tx_hash, {}).get(addr) is None and self.txo.get(tx_hash, {}).get(addr) is None:
self.add_transaction(tx_hash, tx, tx_height)
def get_history(self, domain=None):
# get domain
if domain is None:
domain = self.get_account_addresses(None)
hh = []
# 1. Get the history of each address in the domain
for addr in domain:
h = self.get_address_history(addr)
for tx_hash, height in h:
delta = self.get_tx_delta(tx_hash, addr)
hh.append([addr, tx_hash, height, delta])
# 2. merge
# the delta of a tx on the domain is the sum of its deltas on addresses
merged = {}
for addr, tx_hash, height, delta in hh:
if tx_hash not in merged:
merged[tx_hash] = (height, delta)
h, d = merged.get(tx_hash)
merged[tx_hash] = (h, d + delta if (d is not None and delta is not None) else None)
# 3. create sorted list
history = []
#balance = 0
for tx_hash, v in merged.items():
height, value = v
#balance += value
conf, timestamp = self.verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash) if self.verifier else (None, None)
history.append( (tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp) )
if self.verifier:
history.sort(key = lambda x: self.verifier.get_txpos(x[0]))
c, u = self.get_balance(domain)
balance = c + u
h2 = []
for item in history[::-1]:
tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp = item
h2.insert( 0, (tx_hash, conf, value, timestamp, balance))
if balance is not None and value is not None:
balance -= value
balance = None
assert balance in [None, 0]
#if balance not in [None, 0]:
# print_error("history error")
# self.clear_history()
# self.update()
return h2
def get_label(self, tx_hash):
label = self.labels.get(tx_hash)
is_default = (label == '') or (label is None)
if is_default:
label = self.get_default_label(tx_hash)
return label, is_default
def get_default_label(self, tx_hash):
if self.txi.get(tx_hash) == {}:
d = self.txo.get(tx_hash, {})
for addr in d.keys():
assert self.is_mine(addr)
label = self.labels.get(addr)
if label:
label = ">" + addr
return label
return tx_hash
def get_tx_fee(self, tx):
# this method can be overloaded
return tx.get_fee()
def estimated_fee(self, tx):
estimated_size = len(tx.serialize(-1))/2
fee = int(self.fee_per_kb*estimated_size/1000.)
if fee < MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE: # and tx.requires_fee(self.verifier):
return fee
def make_unsigned_transaction(self, outputs, fixed_fee=None, change_addr=None, domain=None, coins=None ):
# check outputs
for type, data, value in outputs:
if type == 'address':
assert is_address(data), "Address " + data + " is invalid!"
# get coins
if not coins:
if domain is None:
domain = self.addresses(True)
for i in self.frozen_addresses:
if i in domain: domain.remove(i)
coins = self.get_unspent_coins(domain)
amount = sum( map(lambda x:x[2], outputs) )
total = fee = 0
inputs = []
tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs)
for item in coins:
if item.get('coinbase') and item.get('height') + COINBASE_MATURITY > self.network.get_local_height():
v = item.get('value')
total += v
fee = fixed_fee if fixed_fee is not None else self.estimated_fee(tx)
if total >= amount + fee: break
raise NotEnoughFunds()
# change address
if not change_addr:
# send change to one of the accounts involved in the tx
address = inputs[0].get('address')
account, _ = self.get_address_index(address)
if not self.use_change or not self.accounts[account].has_change():
change_addr = address
change_addr = self.accounts[account].get_addresses(1)[-self.gap_limit_for_change]
# if change is above dust threshold, add a change output.
change_amount = total - ( amount + fee )
if fixed_fee is not None and change_amount > 0:
# Insert the change output at a random position in the outputs
posn = random.randint(0, len(tx.outputs))
tx.outputs[posn:posn] = [( 'address', change_addr, change_amount)]
elif change_amount > DUST_THRESHOLD:
# Insert the change output at a random position in the outputs
posn = random.randint(0, len(tx.outputs))
tx.outputs[posn:posn] = [( 'address', change_addr, change_amount)]
# recompute fee including change output
fee = self.estimated_fee(tx)
# remove change output
# if change is still above dust threshold, re-add change output.
change_amount = total - ( amount + fee )
if change_amount > DUST_THRESHOLD:
tx.outputs[posn:posn] = [( 'address', change_addr, change_amount)]
print_error('change', change_amount)
print_error('not keeping dust', change_amount)
print_error('not keeping dust', change_amount)
run_hook('make_unsigned_transaction', tx)
return tx
def mktx(self, outputs, password, fee=None, change_addr=None, domain= None, coins = None ):
tx = self.make_unsigned_transaction(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain, coins)
self.sign_transaction(tx, password)
return tx
def add_input_info(self, txin):
address = txin['address']
account_id, sequence = self.get_address_index(address)
account = self.accounts[account_id]
redeemScript = account.redeem_script(*sequence)
pubkeys = account.get_pubkeys(*sequence)
x_pubkeys = account.get_xpubkeys(*sequence)
# sort pubkeys and x_pubkeys, using the order of pubkeys
pubkeys, x_pubkeys = zip( *sorted(zip(pubkeys, x_pubkeys)))
txin['pubkeys'] = list(pubkeys)
txin['x_pubkeys'] = list(x_pubkeys)
txin['signatures'] = [None] * len(pubkeys)
if redeemScript:
txin['redeemScript'] = redeemScript
txin['num_sig'] = 2
txin['redeemPubkey'] = account.get_pubkey(*sequence)
txin['num_sig'] = 1
def sign_transaction(self, tx, password):
if self.is_watching_only():
# check that the password is correct. This will raise if it's not.
keypairs = {}
x_pubkeys = tx.inputs_to_sign()
for x in x_pubkeys:
sec = self.get_private_key_from_xpubkey(x, password)
if sec:
keypairs[ x ] = sec
if keypairs:
run_hook('sign_transaction', tx, password)
def sendtx(self, tx):
# synchronous
h = self.send_tx(tx)
return self.receive_tx(h, tx)
def send_tx(self, tx):
# asynchronous
self.network.send([('blockchain.transaction.broadcast', [str(tx)])], self.on_broadcast)
return tx.hash()
def on_broadcast(self, r):
self.tx_result = r.get('result')
def receive_tx(self, tx_hash, tx):
out = self.tx_result
if out != tx_hash:
return False, "error: " + out
run_hook('receive_tx', tx, self)
return True, out
def update_password(self, old_password, new_password):
if new_password == '':
new_password = None
if self.has_seed():
decoded = self.get_seed(old_password)
self.seed = pw_encode( decoded, new_password)
self.storage.put('seed', self.seed, True)
imported_account = self.accounts.get(IMPORTED_ACCOUNT)
if imported_account:
imported_account.update_password(old_password, new_password)
if hasattr(self, 'master_private_keys'):
for k, v in self.master_private_keys.items():
b = pw_decode(v, old_password)
c = pw_encode(b, new_password)
self.master_private_keys[k] = c
self.storage.put('master_private_keys', self.master_private_keys, True)
self.use_encryption = (new_password != None)
self.storage.put('use_encryption', self.use_encryption,True)
def freeze(self,addr):
if self.is_mine(addr) and addr not in self.frozen_addresses:
self.storage.put('frozen_addresses', self.frozen_addresses, True)
return True
return False
def unfreeze(self,addr):
if self.is_mine(addr) and addr in self.frozen_addresses:
self.storage.put('frozen_addresses', self.frozen_addresses, True)
return True
return False
def set_verifier(self, verifier):
self.verifier = verifier
# review transactions that are in the history
for addr, hist in self.history.items():
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
if tx_height>0:
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
# if we are on a pruning server, remove unverified transactions
vr = self.verifier.transactions.keys() + self.verifier.verified_tx.keys()
for tx_hash in self.transactions.keys():
if tx_hash not in vr:
print_error("removing transaction", tx_hash)
def check_new_history(self, addr, hist):
# check that all tx in hist are relevant
for tx_hash, height in hist:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not tx:
if not tx.has_address(addr):
return False
# check that we are not "orphaning" a transaction
old_hist = self.history.get(addr,[])
for tx_hash, height in old_hist:
if tx_hash in map(lambda x:x[0], hist):
found = False
for _addr, _hist in self.history.items():
if _addr == addr:
_tx_hist = map(lambda x:x[0], _hist)
if tx_hash in _tx_hist:
found = True
if not found:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
# tx might not be there
if not tx: continue
# already verified?
if self.verifier.get_height(tx_hash):
# unconfirmed tx
print_error("new history is orphaning transaction:", tx_hash)
# check that all outputs are not mine, request histories
ext_requests = []
for _addr in tx.get_output_addresses():
# assert not self.is_mine(_addr)
ext_requests.append( ('blockchain.address.get_history', [_addr]) )
ext_h = self.network.synchronous_get(ext_requests)
print_error("sync:", ext_requests, ext_h)
height = None
for h in ext_h:
for item in h:
if item.get('tx_hash') == tx_hash:
height = item.get('height')
if height:
print_error("found height for", tx_hash, height)
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, height)
print_error("removing orphaned tx from history", tx_hash)
return True
def start_threads(self, network):
from verifier import SPV
self.network = network
if self.network is not None:
self.verifier = SPV(self.network, self.storage)
self.synchronizer = WalletSynchronizer(self, network)
self.verifier = None
self.synchronizer =None
def stop_threads(self):
if self.network:
def restore(self, cb):
def get_accounts(self):
return self.accounts
def add_account(self, account_id, account):
self.accounts[account_id] = account
def save_accounts(self):
d = {}
for k, v in self.accounts.items():
d[k] = v.dump()
self.storage.put('accounts', d, True)
def can_import(self):
return not self.is_watching_only()
def can_export(self):
return not self.is_watching_only()
def is_used(self, address):
h = self.history.get(address,[])
c, u = self.get_addr_balance(address)
return len(h), len(h) > 0 and c == -u
def address_is_old(self, address, age_limit=2):
age = -1
h = self.history.get(address, [])
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
if tx_height == 0:
tx_age = 0
tx_age = self.network.get_local_height() - tx_height + 1
if tx_age > age:
age = tx_age
return age > age_limit
def can_sign(self, tx):
if self.is_watching_only():
return False
if tx.is_complete():
return False
for x in tx.inputs_to_sign():
if self.can_sign_xpubkey(x):
return True
return False
def get_private_key_from_xpubkey(self, x_pubkey, password):
if x_pubkey[0:2] in ['02','03','04']:
addr = bitcoin.public_key_to_bc_address(x_pubkey.decode('hex'))
if self.is_mine(addr):
return self.get_private_key(addr, password)[0]
elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'ff':
xpub, sequence = BIP32_Account.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
for k, v in self.master_public_keys.items():
if v == xpub:
xprv = self.get_master_private_key(k, password)
if xprv:
_, _, _, c, k = deserialize_xkey(xprv)
return bip32_private_key(sequence, k, c)
elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'fe':
xpub, sequence = OldAccount.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
for k, account in self.accounts.items():
if xpub in account.get_master_pubkeys():
pk = account.get_private_key(sequence, self, password)
return pk[0]
elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'fd':
addrtype = ord(x_pubkey[2:4].decode('hex'))
addr = hash_160_to_bc_address(x_pubkey[4:].decode('hex'), addrtype)
if self.is_mine(addr):
return self.get_private_key(addr, password)[0]
raise BaseException("z")
def can_sign_xpubkey(self, x_pubkey):
if x_pubkey[0:2] in ['02','03','04']:
addr = bitcoin.public_key_to_bc_address(x_pubkey.decode('hex'))
return self.is_mine(addr)
elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'ff':
if not isinstance(self, BIP32_Wallet): return False
xpub, sequence = BIP32_Account.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
return xpub in [ self.master_public_keys[k] for k in self.master_private_keys.keys() ]
elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'fe':
if not isinstance(self, OldWallet): return False
xpub, sequence = OldAccount.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
return xpub == self.get_master_public_key()
elif x_pubkey[0:2] == 'fd':
addrtype = ord(x_pubkey[2:4].decode('hex'))
addr = hash_160_to_bc_address(x_pubkey[4:].decode('hex'), addrtype)
return self.is_mine(addr)
raise BaseException("z")
def is_watching_only(self):
def can_change_password(self):
return not self.is_watching_only()
class Imported_Wallet(Abstract_Wallet):
wallet_type = 'imported'
def __init__(self, storage):
Abstract_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
a = self.accounts.get(IMPORTED_ACCOUNT)
if not a:
self.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT] = ImportedAccount({'imported':{}})
def is_watching_only(self):
acc = self.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT]
n = acc.keypairs.values()
return n == [[None, None]] * len(n)
def has_seed(self):
return False
def is_deterministic(self):
return False
def check_password(self, password):
self.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT].get_private_key((0,0), self, password)
def is_used(self, address):
h = self.history.get(address,[])
return len(h), False
def get_master_public_keys(self):
return {}
def is_beyond_limit(self, address, account, is_change):
return False
class Deterministic_Wallet(Abstract_Wallet):
def __init__(self, storage):
Abstract_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
def has_seed(self):
return self.seed != ''
def is_deterministic(self):
return True
def is_watching_only(self):
return not self.has_seed()
def add_seed(self, seed, password):
if self.seed:
raise Exception("a seed exists")
self.seed_version, self.seed = self.format_seed(seed)
if password:
self.seed = pw_encode( self.seed, password)
self.use_encryption = True
self.use_encryption = False
self.storage.put('seed', self.seed, True)
self.storage.put('seed_version', self.seed_version, True)
self.storage.put('use_encryption', self.use_encryption,True)
def get_seed(self, password):
return pw_decode(self.seed, password)
def get_mnemonic(self, password):
return self.get_seed(password)
def change_gap_limit(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, int), 'gap limit must be of type int, not of %s'%type(value)
if value >= self.gap_limit:
self.gap_limit = value
self.storage.put('gap_limit', self.gap_limit, True)
return True
elif value >= self.min_acceptable_gap():
for key, account in self.accounts.items():
addresses = account.get_addresses(False)
k = self.num_unused_trailing_addresses(addresses)
n = len(addresses) - k + value
account.receiving_pubkeys = account.receiving_pubkeys[0:n]
account.receiving_addresses = account.receiving_addresses[0:n]
self.gap_limit = value
self.storage.put('gap_limit', self.gap_limit, True)
return True
return False
def num_unused_trailing_addresses(self, addresses):
k = 0
for a in addresses[::-1]:
if self.history.get(a):break
k = k + 1
return k
def min_acceptable_gap(self):
# fixme: this assumes wallet is synchronized
n = 0
nmax = 0
for account in self.accounts.values():
addresses = account.get_addresses(0)
k = self.num_unused_trailing_addresses(addresses)
for a in addresses[0:-k]:
if self.history.get(a):
n = 0
n += 1
if n > nmax: nmax = n
return nmax + 1
def default_account(self):
return self.accounts['0']
def create_new_address(self, account=None, for_change=0):
if account is None:
account = self.default_account()
address = account.create_new_address(for_change)
return address
def add_address(self, address):
if address not in self.history:
self.history[address] = []
if self.synchronizer:
def synchronize(self):
with self.lock:
for account in self.accounts.values():
def restore(self, callback):
from i18n import _
def wait_for_wallet():
while not self.is_up_to_date():
msg = "%s\n%s %d"%(
_("Please wait..."),
_("Addresses generated:"),
apply(callback, (msg,))
def wait_for_network():
while not self.network.is_connected():
msg = "%s \n" % (_("Connecting..."))
apply(callback, (msg,))
# wait until we are connected, because the user might have selected another server
if self.network:
def is_beyond_limit(self, address, account, is_change):
if type(account) == ImportedAccount:
return False
addr_list = account.get_addresses(is_change)
i = addr_list.index(address)
prev_addresses = addr_list[:max(0, i)]
limit = self.gap_limit_for_change if is_change else self.gap_limit
if len(prev_addresses) < limit:
return False
prev_addresses = prev_addresses[max(0, i - limit):]
for addr in prev_addresses:
if self.history.get(addr):
return False
return True
def get_action(self):
if not self.get_master_public_key():
return 'create_seed'
if not self.accounts:
return 'create_accounts'
def get_master_public_keys(self):
out = {}
for k, account in self.accounts.items():
name = self.get_account_name(k)
mpk_text = '\n\n'.join( account.get_master_pubkeys() )
out[name] = mpk_text
return out
class BIP32_Wallet(Deterministic_Wallet):
# abstract class, bip32 logic
root_name = 'x/'
def __init__(self, storage):
Deterministic_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
self.master_public_keys = storage.get('master_public_keys', {})
self.master_private_keys = storage.get('master_private_keys', {})
self.gap_limit = storage.get('gap_limit', 20)
def is_watching_only(self):
return not bool(self.master_private_keys)
def can_import(self):
return False
def get_master_public_key(self):
return self.master_public_keys.get(self.root_name)
def get_master_private_key(self, account, password):
k = self.master_private_keys.get(account)
if not k: return
xprv = pw_decode(k, password)
raise InvalidPassword()
return xprv
def check_password(self, password):
xpriv = self.get_master_private_key(self.root_name, password)
xpub = self.master_public_keys[self.root_name]
if deserialize_xkey(xpriv)[3] != deserialize_xkey(xpub)[3]:
raise InvalidPassword()
def add_master_public_key(self, name, xpub):
if xpub in self.master_public_keys.values():
raise BaseException('Duplicate master public key')
self.master_public_keys[name] = xpub
self.storage.put('master_public_keys', self.master_public_keys, True)
def add_master_private_key(self, name, xpriv, password):
self.master_private_keys[name] = pw_encode(xpriv, password)
self.storage.put('master_private_keys', self.master_private_keys, True)
def derive_xkeys(self, root, derivation, password):
x = self.master_private_keys[root]
root_xprv = pw_decode(x, password)
xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(root_xprv, root, derivation)
return xpub, xprv
def create_master_keys(self, password):
seed = self.get_seed(password)
self.add_cosigner_seed(seed, self.root_name, password)
def add_cosigner_seed(self, seed, name, password, passphrase=''):
# we don't store the seed, only the master xpriv
xprv, xpub = bip32_root(self.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, passphrase))
xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(xprv, "m/", self.root_derivation)
self.add_master_public_key(name, xpub)
self.add_master_private_key(name, xprv, password)
def add_cosigner_xpub(self, seed, name):
# store only master xpub
xprv, xpub = bip32_root(self.mnemonic_to_seed(seed,''))
xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(xprv, "m/", self.root_derivation)
self.add_master_public_key(name, xpub)
def mnemonic_to_seed(self, seed, password):
return Mnemonic.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, password)
def make_seed(self):
lang = self.storage.config.get('language')
return Mnemonic(lang).make_seed()
def format_seed(self, seed):
return NEW_SEED_VERSION, ' '.join(seed.split())
class BIP32_Simple_Wallet(BIP32_Wallet):
# Wallet with a single BIP32 account, no seed
# gap limit 20
wallet_type = 'xpub'
def create_xprv_wallet(self, xprv, password):
xpub = bitcoin.xpub_from_xprv(xprv)
account = BIP32_Account({'xpub':xpub})
self.storage.put('seed_version', self.seed_version, True)
self.add_master_private_key(self.root_name, xprv, password)
self.add_master_public_key(self.root_name, xpub)
self.add_account('0', account)
self.use_encryption = (password != None)
self.storage.put('use_encryption', self.use_encryption,True)
def create_xpub_wallet(self, xpub):
account = BIP32_Account({'xpub':xpub})
self.storage.put('seed_version', self.seed_version, True)
self.add_master_public_key(self.root_name, xpub)
self.add_account('0', account)
class BIP32_HD_Wallet(BIP32_Wallet):
# wallet that can create accounts
def __init__(self, storage):
self.next_account = storage.get('next_account2', None)
BIP32_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
def can_create_accounts(self):
return self.root_name in self.master_private_keys.keys()
def addresses(self, b=True):
l = BIP32_Wallet.addresses(self, b)
if self.next_account:
_, _, _, next_address = self.next_account
if next_address not in l:
return l
def get_address_index(self, address):
if self.next_account:
next_id, next_xpub, next_pubkey, next_address = self.next_account
if address == next_address:
return next_id, (0,0)
return BIP32_Wallet.get_address_index(self, address)
def num_accounts(self):
keys = []
for k, v in self.accounts.items():
if type(v) != BIP32_Account:
i = 0
while True:
account_id = '%d'%i
if account_id not in keys:
i += 1
return i
def get_next_account(self, password):
account_id = '%d'%self.num_accounts()
derivation = self.root_name + "%d'"%int(account_id)
xpub, xprv = self.derive_xkeys(self.root_name, derivation, password)
self.add_master_public_key(derivation, xpub)
if xprv:
self.add_master_private_key(derivation, xprv, password)
account = BIP32_Account({'xpub':xpub})
addr, pubkey = account.first_address()
return account_id, xpub, pubkey, addr
def create_main_account(self, password):
# First check the password is valid (this raises if it isn't).
assert self.num_accounts() == 0
self.create_account('Main account', password)
def create_account(self, name, password):
account_id, xpub, _, _ = self.get_next_account(password)
account = BIP32_Account({'xpub':xpub})
self.add_account(account_id, account)
self.set_label(account_id, name)
# add address of the next account
self.next_account = self.get_next_account(password)
self.storage.put('next_account2', self.next_account)
def account_is_pending(self, k):
return type(self.accounts.get(k)) == PendingAccount
def delete_pending_account(self, k):
assert type(self.accounts.get(k)) == PendingAccount
def create_pending_account(self, name, password):
if self.next_account is None:
self.next_account = self.get_next_account(password)
self.storage.put('next_account2', self.next_account)
next_id, next_xpub, next_pubkey, next_address = self.next_account
if name:
self.set_label(next_id, name)
self.accounts[next_id] = PendingAccount({'pending':True, 'address':next_address, 'pubkey':next_pubkey})
def synchronize(self):
# synchronize existing accounts
if self.next_account is None and not self.use_encryption:
self.next_account = self.get_next_account(None)
self.storage.put('next_account2', self.next_account)
print_error('cannot get next account')
# check pending account
if self.next_account is not None:
next_id, next_xpub, next_pubkey, next_address = self.next_account
if self.address_is_old(next_address):
print_error("creating account", next_id)
self.add_account(next_id, BIP32_Account({'xpub':next_xpub}))
# here the user should get a notification
self.next_account = None
self.storage.put('next_account2', self.next_account)
elif self.history.get(next_address, []):
if next_id not in self.accounts:
print_error("create pending account", next_id)
self.accounts[next_id] = PendingAccount({'pending':True, 'address':next_address, 'pubkey':next_pubkey})
class NewWallet(BIP32_Wallet, Mnemonic):
# Standard wallet
root_derivation = "m/"
wallet_type = 'standard'
def create_main_account(self, password):
xpub = self.master_public_keys.get("x/")
account = BIP32_Account({'xpub':xpub})
self.add_account('0', account)
class Wallet_2of2(BIP32_Wallet, Mnemonic):
# Wallet with multisig addresses.
root_name = "x1/"
root_derivation = "m/"
wallet_type = '2of2'
def create_main_account(self, password):
xpub1 = self.master_public_keys.get("x1/")
xpub2 = self.master_public_keys.get("x2/")
account = BIP32_Account_2of2({'xpub':xpub1, 'xpub2':xpub2})
self.add_account('0', account)
def get_master_public_keys(self):
return self.master_public_keys
def get_action(self):
xpub1 = self.master_public_keys.get("x1/")
xpub2 = self.master_public_keys.get("x2/")
if xpub1 is None:
return 'create_seed'
if xpub2 is None:
return 'add_cosigner'
if not self.accounts:
return 'create_accounts'
class Wallet_2of3(Wallet_2of2):
# multisig 2 of 3
wallet_type = '2of3'
def create_main_account(self, password):
xpub1 = self.master_public_keys.get("x1/")
xpub2 = self.master_public_keys.get("x2/")
xpub3 = self.master_public_keys.get("x3/")
account = BIP32_Account_2of3({'xpub':xpub1, 'xpub2':xpub2, 'xpub3':xpub3})
self.add_account('0', account)
def get_action(self):
xpub1 = self.master_public_keys.get("x1/")
xpub2 = self.master_public_keys.get("x2/")
xpub3 = self.master_public_keys.get("x3/")
if xpub1 is None:
return 'create_seed'
if xpub2 is None or xpub3 is None:
return 'add_two_cosigners'
if not self.accounts:
return 'create_accounts'
class OldWallet(Deterministic_Wallet):
wallet_type = 'old'
def __init__(self, storage):
Deterministic_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
self.gap_limit = storage.get('gap_limit', 5)
def make_seed(self):
import old_mnemonic
seed = random_seed(128)
return ' '.join(old_mnemonic.mn_encode(seed))
def format_seed(self, seed):
import old_mnemonic
# see if seed was entered as hex
seed = seed.strip()
assert seed
return OLD_SEED_VERSION, str(seed)
except Exception:
words = seed.split()
seed = old_mnemonic.mn_decode(words)
if not seed:
raise Exception("Invalid seed")
return OLD_SEED_VERSION, seed
def create_master_keys(self, password):
seed = self.get_seed(password)
mpk = OldAccount.mpk_from_seed(seed)
self.storage.put('master_public_key', mpk, True)
def get_master_public_key(self):
return self.storage.get("master_public_key")
def get_master_public_keys(self):
return {'Main Account':self.get_master_public_key()}
def create_main_account(self, password):
mpk = self.storage.get("master_public_key")
def create_account(self, mpk):
self.accounts['0'] = OldAccount({'mpk':mpk, 0:[], 1:[]})
def create_watching_only_wallet(self, mpk):
self.seed_version = OLD_SEED_VERSION
self.storage.put('seed_version', self.seed_version, True)
self.storage.put('master_public_key', mpk, True)
def get_seed(self, password):
seed = pw_decode(self.seed, password).encode('utf8')
return seed
def check_password(self, password):
seed = self.get_seed(password)
def get_mnemonic(self, password):
import old_mnemonic
s = self.get_seed(password)
return ' '.join(old_mnemonic.mn_encode(s))
wallet_types = [
# category type description constructor
('standard', 'old', ("Old wallet"), OldWallet),
('standard', 'xpub', ("BIP32 Import"), BIP32_Simple_Wallet),
('standard', 'standard', ("Standard wallet"), NewWallet),
('standard', 'imported', ("Imported wallet"), Imported_Wallet),
('multisig', '2of2', ("Multisig wallet (2 of 2)"), Wallet_2of2),
('multisig', '2of3', ("Multisig wallet (2 of 3)"), Wallet_2of3)
# former WalletFactory
class Wallet(object):
"""The main wallet "entry point".
This class is actually a factory that will return a wallet of the correct
type when passed a WalletStorage instance."""
def __new__(self, storage):
seed_version = storage.get('seed_version')
if not seed_version:
seed_version = OLD_SEED_VERSION if len(storage.get('master_public_key','')) == 128 else NEW_SEED_VERSION
if seed_version not in [OLD_SEED_VERSION, NEW_SEED_VERSION]:
msg = "Your wallet has an unsupported seed version."
msg += '\n\nWallet file: %s' % os.path.abspath(storage.path)
if seed_version in [5, 7, 8, 9, 10]:
msg += "\n\nTo open this wallet, try 'git checkout seed_v%d'"%seed_version
if seed_version == 6:
# version 1.9.8 created v6 wallets when an incorrect seed was entered in the restore dialog
msg += '\n\nThis file was created because of a bug in version 1.9.8.'
if storage.get('master_public_keys') is None and storage.get('master_private_keys') is None and storage.get('imported_keys') is None:
# pbkdf2 was not included with the binaries, and wallet creation aborted.
msg += "\nIt does not contain any keys, and can safely be removed."
# creation was complete if electrum was run from source
msg += "\nPlease open this file with Electrum 1.9.8, and move your coins to a new wallet."
raise BaseException(msg)
wallet_type = storage.get('wallet_type')
if wallet_type:
for cat, t, name, c in wallet_types:
if t == wallet_type:
WalletClass = c
raise BaseException('unknown wallet type', wallet_type)
if seed_version == OLD_SEED_VERSION:
WalletClass = OldWallet
WalletClass = NewWallet
return WalletClass(storage)
def is_seed(self, seed):
if not seed:
return False
elif is_old_seed(seed):
return True
elif is_new_seed(seed):
return True
return False
def is_old_mpk(self, mpk):
int(mpk, 16)
assert len(mpk) == 128
return True
return False
def is_xpub(self, text):
assert text[0:4] == 'xpub'
return True
return False
def is_xprv(self, text):
assert text[0:4] == 'xprv'
return True
return False
def is_address(self, text):
if not text:
return False
for x in text.split():
if not bitcoin.is_address(x):
return False
return True
def is_private_key(self, text):
if not text:
return False
for x in text.split():
if not bitcoin.is_private_key(x):
return False
return True
def from_seed(self, seed, password, storage):
if is_old_seed(seed):
klass = OldWallet
elif is_new_seed(seed):
klass = NewWallet
w = klass(storage)
w.add_seed(seed, password)
return w
def from_address(self, text, storage):
w = Imported_Wallet(storage)
for x in text.split():
w.accounts[IMPORTED_ACCOUNT].add(x, None, None, None)
return w
def from_private_key(self, text, password, storage):
w = Imported_Wallet(storage)
w.update_password(None, password)
for x in text.split():
w.import_key(x, password)
return w
def from_old_mpk(self, mpk, storage):
w = OldWallet(storage)
w.seed = ''
return w
def from_xpub(self, xpub, storage):
w = BIP32_Simple_Wallet(storage)
return w
def from_xprv(self, xprv, password, storage):
w = BIP32_Simple_Wallet(storage)
w.create_xprv_wallet(xprv, password)
return w
def from_multisig(klass, key_list, password, storage):
if len(key_list) == 2:
self = Wallet_2of2(storage)
elif len(key_list) == 3:
self = Wallet_2of3(storage)
key_list = sorted(key_list, key = lambda x: klass.is_xpub(x))
for i, text in enumerate(key_list):
assert klass.is_seed(text) or klass.is_xprv(text) or klass.is_xpub(text)
name = "x%d/"%(i+1)
if klass.is_seed(text):
if name == 'x1/':
self.add_seed(text, password)
self.add_cosigner_seed(text, name, password)
elif klass.is_xprv(text):
xpub = bitcoin.xpub_from_xprv(text)
self.add_master_public_key(name, xpub)
self.add_master_private_key(name, text, password)
elif klass.is_xpub(text):
self.add_master_public_key(name, text)
self.use_encryption = (password != None)
self.storage.put('use_encryption', self.use_encryption, True)
return self