
2270 lines
84 KiB

# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2015 Thomas Voegtlin
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Wallet classes:
# - Imported_Wallet: imported address, no keystore
# - Standard_Wallet: one keystore, P2PKH
# - Multisig_Wallet: several keystores, P2SH
import os
import threading
import random
import time
import json
import copy
import errno
import traceback
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
from numbers import Number
from decimal import Decimal
import sys
from .i18n import _
from .util import (NotEnoughFunds, PrintError, UserCancelled, profiler,
format_satoshis, NoDynamicFeeEstimates)
from .bitcoin import *
from .version import *
from .keystore import load_keystore, Hardware_KeyStore
from .storage import multisig_type, STO_EV_PLAINTEXT, STO_EV_USER_PW, STO_EV_XPUB_PW
from . import transaction
from .transaction import Transaction
from .plugins import run_hook
from . import bitcoin
from . import coinchooser
from .synchronizer import Synchronizer
from .verifier import SPV
from . import paymentrequest
from .paymentrequest import PR_PAID, PR_UNPAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED
from .paymentrequest import InvoiceStore
from .contacts import Contacts
_('Unconfirmed parent'),
_('Not Verified'),
def relayfee(network):
from .simple_config import FEERATE_DEFAULT_RELAY
f = network.relay_fee if network and network.relay_fee else FEERATE_DEFAULT_RELAY
return min(f, MAX_RELAY_FEE)
def dust_threshold(network):
# Change <= dust threshold is added to the tx fee
return 182 * 3 * relayfee(network) / 1000
def append_utxos_to_inputs(inputs, network, pubkey, txin_type, imax):
if txin_type != 'p2pk':
address = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address(txin_type, pubkey)
sh = bitcoin.address_to_scripthash(address)
script = bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pk_script(pubkey)
sh = bitcoin.script_to_scripthash(script)
address = '(pubkey)'
u = network.synchronous_get(('blockchain.scripthash.listunspent', [sh]))
for item in u:
if len(inputs) >= imax:
item['address'] = address
item['type'] = txin_type
item['prevout_hash'] = item['tx_hash']
item['prevout_n'] = item['tx_pos']
item['pubkeys'] = [pubkey]
item['x_pubkeys'] = [pubkey]
item['signatures'] = [None]
item['num_sig'] = 1
def sweep_preparations(privkeys, network, imax=100):
def find_utxos_for_privkey(txin_type, privkey, compressed):
pubkey = bitcoin.public_key_from_private_key(privkey, compressed)
append_utxos_to_inputs(inputs, network, pubkey, txin_type, imax)
keypairs[pubkey] = privkey, compressed
inputs = []
keypairs = {}
for sec in privkeys:
txin_type, privkey, compressed = bitcoin.deserialize_privkey(sec)
find_utxos_for_privkey(txin_type, privkey, compressed)
# do other lookups to increase support coverage
if is_minikey(sec):
# minikeys don't have a compressed byte
# we lookup both compressed and uncompressed pubkeys
find_utxos_for_privkey(txin_type, privkey, not compressed)
elif txin_type == 'p2pkh':
# WIF serialization does not distinguish p2pkh and p2pk
# we also search for pay-to-pubkey outputs
find_utxos_for_privkey('p2pk', privkey, compressed)
if not inputs:
raise BaseException(_('No inputs found. (Note that inputs need to be confirmed)'))
return inputs, keypairs
def sweep(privkeys, network, config, recipient, fee=None, imax=100):
inputs, keypairs = sweep_preparations(privkeys, network, imax)
total = sum(i.get('value') for i in inputs)
if fee is None:
outputs = [(TYPE_ADDRESS, recipient, total)]
tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs)
fee = config.estimate_fee(tx.estimated_size())
if total - fee < 0:
raise BaseException(_('Not enough funds on address.') + '\nTotal: %d satoshis\nFee: %d'%(total, fee))
if total - fee < dust_threshold(network):
raise BaseException(_('Not enough funds on address.') + '\nTotal: %d satoshis\nFee: %d\nDust Threshold: %d'%(total, fee, dust_threshold(network)))
outputs = [(TYPE_ADDRESS, recipient, total - fee)]
locktime = network.get_local_height()
tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs, locktime=locktime)
return tx
class AddTransactionException(Exception):
class UnrelatedTransactionException(AddTransactionException):
def __str__(self):
return _("Transaction is unrelated to this wallet.")
class NotIsMineTransactionException(AddTransactionException):
def __str__(self):
return _("Only transactions with inputs owned by the wallet can be added.")
class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
Wallet classes are created to handle various address generation methods.
Completion states (watching-only, single account, no seed, etc) are handled inside classes.
max_change_outputs = 3
def __init__(self, storage):
self.electrum_version = ELECTRUM_VERSION
self.storage = storage
self.network = None
# verifier (SPV) and synchronizer are started in start_threads
self.synchronizer = None
self.verifier = None
self.gap_limit_for_change = 6 # constant
# saved fields
self.use_change = storage.get('use_change', True)
self.multiple_change = storage.get('multiple_change', False)
self.labels = storage.get('labels', {})
self.frozen_addresses = set(storage.get('frozen_addresses',[]))
self.history = storage.get('addr_history',{}) # address -> list(txid, height)
self.fiat_value = storage.get('fiat_value', {})
# load requests
self.receive_requests = self.storage.get('payment_requests', {})
# Transactions pending verification. A map from tx hash to transaction
# height. Access is not contended so no lock is needed.
self.unverified_tx = defaultdict(int)
# Verified transactions. Each value is a (height, timestamp, block_pos) tuple. Access with self.lock.
self.verified_tx = storage.get('verified_tx3', {})
# there is a difference between wallet.up_to_date and interface.is_up_to_date()
# interface.is_up_to_date() returns true when all requests have been answered and processed
# wallet.up_to_date is true when the wallet is synchronized (stronger requirement)
self.up_to_date = False
# locks: if you need to take multiple ones, acquire them in the order they are defined here!
self.lock = threading.RLock()
self.transaction_lock = threading.RLock()
# save wallet type the first time
if self.storage.get('wallet_type') is None:
self.storage.put('wallet_type', self.wallet_type)
# invoices and contacts
self.invoices = InvoiceStore(self.storage)
self.contacts = Contacts(self.storage)
def diagnostic_name(self):
return self.basename()
def __str__(self):
return self.basename()
def get_master_public_key(self):
return None
def load_transactions(self):
self.txi = self.storage.get('txi', {})
self.txo = self.storage.get('txo', {})
self.tx_fees = self.storage.get('tx_fees', {})
self.pruned_txo = self.storage.get('pruned_txo', {})
tx_list = self.storage.get('transactions', {})
self.transactions = {}
for tx_hash, raw in tx_list.items():
tx = Transaction(raw)
self.transactions[tx_hash] = tx
if self.txi.get(tx_hash) is None and self.txo.get(tx_hash) is None \
and (tx_hash not in self.pruned_txo.values()):
self.print_error("removing unreferenced tx", tx_hash)
def save_transactions(self, write=False):
with self.transaction_lock:
tx = {}
for k,v in self.transactions.items():
tx[k] = str(v)
self.storage.put('transactions', tx)
self.storage.put('txi', self.txi)
self.storage.put('txo', self.txo)
self.storage.put('tx_fees', self.tx_fees)
self.storage.put('pruned_txo', self.pruned_txo)
self.storage.put('addr_history', self.history)
if write:
def clear_history(self):
with self.lock:
with self.transaction_lock:
self.txi = {}
self.txo = {}
self.tx_fees = {}
self.pruned_txo = {}
self.spent_outpoints = {}
self.history = {}
self.verified_tx = {}
self.transactions = {}
def build_spent_outpoints(self):
self.spent_outpoints = {}
for txid, items in self.txi.items():
for addr, l in items.items():
for ser, v in l:
self.spent_outpoints[ser] = txid
def check_history(self):
save = False
hist_addrs_mine = list(filter(lambda k: self.is_mine(k), self.history.keys()))
hist_addrs_not_mine = list(filter(lambda k: not self.is_mine(k), self.history.keys()))
for addr in hist_addrs_not_mine:
save = True
for addr in hist_addrs_mine:
hist = self.history[addr]
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
if tx_hash in self.pruned_txo.values() or self.txi.get(tx_hash) or self.txo.get(tx_hash):
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if tx is not None:
self.add_transaction(tx_hash, tx)
save = True
if save:
def basename(self):
return os.path.basename(self.storage.path)
def save_addresses(self):
self.storage.put('addresses', {'receiving':self.receiving_addresses, 'change':self.change_addresses})
def load_addresses(self):
d = self.storage.get('addresses', {})
if type(d) != dict: d={}
self.receiving_addresses = d.get('receiving', [])
self.change_addresses = d.get('change', [])
def synchronize(self):
def is_deterministic(self):
return self.keystore.is_deterministic()
def set_up_to_date(self, up_to_date):
with self.lock:
self.up_to_date = up_to_date
if up_to_date:
def is_up_to_date(self):
with self.lock: return self.up_to_date
def set_label(self, name, text = None):
changed = False
old_text = self.labels.get(name)
if text:
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
if old_text != text:
self.labels[name] = text
changed = True
if old_text:
changed = True
if changed:
run_hook('set_label', self, name, text)
self.storage.put('labels', self.labels)
return changed
def set_fiat_value(self, txid, ccy, text):
if txid not in self.transactions:
if not text:
d = self.fiat_value.get(ccy, {})
if d and txid in d:
if ccy not in self.fiat_value:
self.fiat_value[ccy] = {}
self.fiat_value[ccy][txid] = text
self.storage.put('fiat_value', self.fiat_value)
def get_fiat_value(self, txid, ccy):
fiat_value = self.fiat_value.get(ccy, {}).get(txid)
return Decimal(fiat_value)
def is_mine(self, address):
return address in self.get_addresses()
def is_change(self, address):
if not self.is_mine(address):
return False
return self.get_address_index(address)[0]
def get_address_index(self, address):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_redeem_script(self, address):
return None
def export_private_key(self, address, password):
if self.is_watching_only():
return []
index = self.get_address_index(address)
pk, compressed = self.keystore.get_private_key(index, password)
txin_type = self.get_txin_type(address)
redeem_script = self.get_redeem_script(address)
serialized_privkey = bitcoin.serialize_privkey(pk, compressed, txin_type)
return serialized_privkey, redeem_script
def get_public_keys(self, address):
return [self.get_public_key(address)]
def add_unverified_tx(self, tx_hash, tx_height):
and tx_hash in self.verified_tx:
if self.verifier:
self.verifier.merkle_roots.pop(tx_hash, None)
# tx will be verified only if height > 0
if tx_hash not in self.verified_tx:
self.unverified_tx[tx_hash] = tx_height
def add_verified_tx(self, tx_hash, info):
# Remove from the unverified map and add to the verified map and
self.unverified_tx.pop(tx_hash, None)
with self.lock:
self.verified_tx[tx_hash] = info # (tx_height, timestamp, pos)
height, conf, timestamp = self.get_tx_height(tx_hash)
self.network.trigger_callback('verified', tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp)
def get_unverified_txs(self):
'''Returns a map from tx hash to transaction height'''
return self.unverified_tx
def undo_verifications(self, blockchain, height):
'''Used by the verifier when a reorg has happened'''
txs = set()
with self.lock:
for tx_hash, item in list(self.verified_tx.items()):
tx_height, timestamp, pos = item
if tx_height >= height:
header = blockchain.read_header(tx_height)
# fixme: use block hash, not timestamp
if not header or header.get('timestamp') != timestamp:
self.verified_tx.pop(tx_hash, None)
return txs
def get_local_height(self):
""" return last known height if we are offline """
return self.network.get_local_height() if self.network else self.storage.get('stored_height', 0)
def get_tx_height(self, tx_hash):
""" Given a transaction, returns (height, conf, timestamp) """
with self.lock:
if tx_hash in self.verified_tx:
height, timestamp, pos = self.verified_tx[tx_hash]
conf = max(self.get_local_height() - height + 1, 0)
return height, conf, timestamp
elif tx_hash in self.unverified_tx:
height = self.unverified_tx[tx_hash]
return height, 0, None
# local transaction
return TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL, 0, None
def get_txpos(self, tx_hash):
"return position, even if the tx is unverified"
with self.lock:
if tx_hash in self.verified_tx:
height, timestamp, pos = self.verified_tx[tx_hash]
return height, pos
elif tx_hash in self.unverified_tx:
height = self.unverified_tx[tx_hash]
return (height, 0) if height > 0 else ((1e9 - height), 0)
return (1e9+1, 0)
def is_found(self):
return self.history.values() != [[]] * len(self.history)
def get_num_tx(self, address):
""" return number of transactions where address is involved """
return len(self.history.get(address, []))
def get_tx_delta(self, tx_hash, address):
"effect of tx on address"
# pruned
if tx_hash in self.pruned_txo.values():
return None
delta = 0
# substract the value of coins sent from address
d = self.txi.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for n, v in d:
delta -= v
# add the value of the coins received at address
d = self.txo.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for n, v, cb in d:
delta += v
return delta
def get_tx_value(self, txid):
" effect of tx on the entire domain"
delta = 0
for addr, d in self.txi.get(txid, {}).items():
for n, v in d:
delta -= v
for addr, d in self.txo.get(txid, {}).items():
for n, v, cb in d:
delta += v
return delta
def get_wallet_delta(self, tx):
""" effect of tx on wallet """
addresses = self.get_addresses()
is_relevant = False
is_mine = False
is_pruned = False
is_partial = False
v_in = v_out = v_out_mine = 0
for item in tx.inputs():
addr = item.get('address')
if addr in addresses:
is_mine = True
is_relevant = True
d = self.txo.get(item['prevout_hash'], {}).get(addr, [])
for n, v, cb in d:
if n == item['prevout_n']:
value = v
value = None
if value is None:
is_pruned = True
v_in += value
is_partial = True
if not is_mine:
is_partial = False
for addr, value in tx.get_outputs():
v_out += value
if addr in addresses:
v_out_mine += value
is_relevant = True
if is_pruned:
# some inputs are mine:
fee = None
if is_mine:
v = v_out_mine - v_out
# no input is mine
v = v_out_mine
v = v_out_mine - v_in
if is_partial:
# some inputs are mine, but not all
fee = None
# all inputs are mine
fee = v_in - v_out
if not is_mine:
fee = None
return is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee
def get_tx_info(self, tx):
is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.get_wallet_delta(tx)
exp_n = None
can_broadcast = False
can_bump = False
label = ''
height = conf = timestamp = None
tx_hash = tx.txid()
if tx.is_complete():
if tx_hash in self.transactions.keys():
label = self.get_label(tx_hash)
height, conf, timestamp = self.get_tx_height(tx_hash)
if height > 0:
if conf:
status = _("{} confirmations").format(conf)
status = _('Not verified')
status = _('Unconfirmed')
if fee is None:
fee = self.tx_fees.get(tx_hash)
if fee and self.network.config.has_fee_etas():
size = tx.estimated_size()
fee_per_kb = fee * 1000 / size
exp_n = self.network.config.fee_to_eta(fee_per_kb)
can_bump = is_mine and not tx.is_final()
status = _('Local')
can_broadcast = self.network is not None
status = _("Signed")
can_broadcast = self.network is not None
s, r = tx.signature_count()
status = _("Unsigned") if s == 0 else _('Partially signed') + ' (%d/%d)'%(s,r)
if is_relevant:
if is_mine:
if fee is not None:
amount = v + fee
amount = v
amount = v
amount = None
return tx_hash, status, label, can_broadcast, can_bump, amount, fee, height, conf, timestamp, exp_n
def get_addr_io(self, address):
h = self.get_address_history(address)
received = {}
sent = {}
for tx_hash, height in h:
l = self.txo.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for n, v, is_cb in l:
received[tx_hash + ':%d'%n] = (height, v, is_cb)
for tx_hash, height in h:
l = self.txi.get(tx_hash, {}).get(address, [])
for txi, v in l:
sent[txi] = height
return received, sent
def get_addr_utxo(self, address):
coins, spent = self.get_addr_io(address)
for txi in spent:
out = {}
for txo, v in coins.items():
tx_height, value, is_cb = v
prevout_hash, prevout_n = txo.split(':')
x = {
out[txo] = x
return out
# return the total amount ever received by an address
def get_addr_received(self, address):
received, sent = self.get_addr_io(address)
return sum([v for height, v, is_cb in received.values()])
# return the balance of a bitcoin address: confirmed and matured, unconfirmed, unmatured
def get_addr_balance(self, address):
received, sent = self.get_addr_io(address)
c = u = x = 0
for txo, (tx_height, v, is_cb) in received.items():
if is_cb and tx_height + COINBASE_MATURITY > self.get_local_height():
x += v
elif tx_height > 0:
c += v
u += v
if txo in sent:
if sent[txo] > 0:
c -= v
u -= v
return c, u, x
def get_spendable_coins(self, domain, config):
confirmed_only = config.get('confirmed_only', False)
return self.get_utxos(domain, exclude_frozen=True, mature=True, confirmed_only=confirmed_only)
def get_utxos(self, domain = None, exclude_frozen = False, mature = False, confirmed_only = False):
coins = []
if domain is None:
domain = self.get_addresses()
if exclude_frozen:
domain = set(domain) - self.frozen_addresses
for addr in domain:
utxos = self.get_addr_utxo(addr)
for x in utxos.values():
if confirmed_only and x['height'] <= 0:
if mature and x['coinbase'] and x['height'] + COINBASE_MATURITY > self.get_local_height():
return coins
def dummy_address(self):
return self.get_receiving_addresses()[0]
def get_addresses(self):
out = []
out += self.get_receiving_addresses()
out += self.get_change_addresses()
return out
def get_frozen_balance(self):
return self.get_balance(self.frozen_addresses)
def get_balance(self, domain=None):
if domain is None:
domain = self.get_addresses()
cc = uu = xx = 0
for addr in domain:
c, u, x = self.get_addr_balance(addr)
cc += c
uu += u
xx += x
return cc, uu, xx
def get_address_history(self, addr):
h = []
# we need self.transaction_lock but get_tx_height will take self.lock
# so we need to take that too here, to enforce order of locks
with self.lock, self.transaction_lock:
for tx_hash in self.transactions:
if addr in self.txi.get(tx_hash, []) or addr in self.txo.get(tx_hash, []):
tx_height = self.get_tx_height(tx_hash)[0]
h.append((tx_hash, tx_height))
return h
def get_txin_address(self, txi):
addr = txi.get('address')
if addr != "(pubkey)":
return addr
prevout_hash = txi.get('prevout_hash')
prevout_n = txi.get('prevout_n')
dd = self.txo.get(prevout_hash, {})
for addr, l in dd.items():
for n, v, is_cb in l:
if n == prevout_n:
self.print_error("found pay-to-pubkey address:", addr)
return addr
def get_txout_address(self, txo):
_type, x, v = txo
if _type == TYPE_ADDRESS:
addr = x
elif _type == TYPE_PUBKEY:
addr = bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pkh(bfh(x))
addr = None
return addr
def get_conflicting_transactions(self, tx):
"""Returns a set of transaction hashes from the wallet history that are
directly conflicting with tx, i.e. they have common outpoints being
spent with tx. If the tx is already in wallet history, that will not be
reported as a conflict.
conflicting_txns = set()
with self.transaction_lock:
for txi in tx.inputs():
ser = Transaction.get_outpoint_from_txin(txi)
if ser is None:
spending_tx_hash = self.spent_outpoints.get(ser, None)
if spending_tx_hash is None:
# this outpoint (ser) has already been spent, by spending_tx
assert spending_tx_hash in self.transactions
conflicting_txns |= {spending_tx_hash}
txid = tx.txid()
if txid in conflicting_txns:
# this tx is already in history, so it conflicts with itself
if len(conflicting_txns) > 1:
raise Exception('Found conflicting transactions already in wallet history.')
conflicting_txns -= {txid}
return conflicting_txns
def add_transaction(self, tx_hash, tx):
# we need self.transaction_lock but get_tx_height will take self.lock
# so we need to take that too here, to enforce order of locks
with self.lock, self.transaction_lock:
# NOTE: returning if tx in self.transactions might seem like a good idea
# BUT we track is_mine inputs in a txn, and during subsequent calls
# of add_transaction tx, we might learn of more-and-more inputs of
# being is_mine, as we roll the gap_limit forward
is_coinbase = tx.inputs()[0]['type'] == 'coinbase'
tx_height = self.get_tx_height(tx_hash)[0]
is_mine = any([self.is_mine(txin['address']) for txin in tx.inputs()])
# do not save if tx is local and not mine
if tx_height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL and not is_mine:
# FIXME the test here should be for "not all is_mine"; cannot detect conflict in some cases
raise NotIsMineTransactionException()
# raise exception if unrelated to wallet
is_for_me = any([self.is_mine(self.get_txout_address(txo)) for txo in tx.outputs()])
if not is_mine and not is_for_me:
raise UnrelatedTransactionException()
# Find all conflicting transactions.
# In case of a conflict,
# 1. confirmed > mempool > local
# 2. this new txn has priority over existing ones
# When this method exits, there must NOT be any conflict, so
# either keep this txn and remove all conflicting (along with dependencies)
# or drop this txn
conflicting_txns = self.get_conflicting_transactions(tx)
if conflicting_txns:
existing_mempool_txn = any(
self.get_tx_height(tx_hash2)[0] in (TX_HEIGHT_UNCONFIRMED, TX_HEIGHT_UNCONF_PARENT)
for tx_hash2 in conflicting_txns)
existing_confirmed_txn = any(
self.get_tx_height(tx_hash2)[0] > 0
for tx_hash2 in conflicting_txns)
if existing_confirmed_txn and tx_height <= 0:
# this is a non-confirmed tx that conflicts with confirmed txns; drop.
return False
if existing_mempool_txn and tx_height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
# this is a local tx that conflicts with non-local txns; drop.
return False
# keep this txn and remove all conflicting
to_remove = set()
to_remove |= conflicting_txns
for conflicting_tx_hash in conflicting_txns:
to_remove |= self.get_depending_transactions(conflicting_tx_hash)
for tx_hash2 in to_remove:
# add inputs
self.txi[tx_hash] = d = {}
for txi in tx.inputs():
addr = self.get_txin_address(txi)
if txi['type'] != 'coinbase':
prevout_hash = txi['prevout_hash']
prevout_n = txi['prevout_n']
ser = prevout_hash + ':%d'%prevout_n
# find value from prev output
if addr and self.is_mine(addr):
dd = self.txo.get(prevout_hash, {})
for n, v, is_cb in dd.get(addr, []):
if n == prevout_n:
if d.get(addr) is None:
d[addr] = []
d[addr].append((ser, v))
# we only track is_mine spends
self.spent_outpoints[ser] = tx_hash
self.pruned_txo[ser] = tx_hash
# add outputs
self.txo[tx_hash] = d = {}
for n, txo in enumerate(tx.outputs()):
v = txo[2]
ser = tx_hash + ':%d'%n
addr = self.get_txout_address(txo)
if addr and self.is_mine(addr):
if d.get(addr) is None:
d[addr] = []
d[addr].append((n, v, is_coinbase))
# give v to txi that spends me
next_tx = self.pruned_txo.get(ser)
if next_tx is not None:
dd = self.txi.get(next_tx, {})
if dd.get(addr) is None:
dd[addr] = []
dd[addr].append((ser, v))
# save
self.transactions[tx_hash] = tx
return True
def remove_transaction(self, tx_hash):
def undo_spend(outpoint_to_txid_map):
for addr, l in self.txi[tx_hash].items():
for ser, v in l:
outpoint_to_txid_map.pop(ser, None)
with self.transaction_lock:
self.print_error("removing tx from history", tx_hash)
self.transactions.pop(tx_hash, None)
# add tx to pruned_txo, and undo the txi addition
for next_tx, dd in self.txi.items():
for addr, l in list(dd.items()):
ll = l[:]
for item in ll:
ser, v = item
prev_hash, prev_n = ser.split(':')
if prev_hash == tx_hash:
self.pruned_txo[ser] = next_tx
if l == []:
dd[addr] = l
except KeyError:
self.print_error("tx was not in history", tx_hash)
def receive_tx_callback(self, tx_hash, tx, tx_height):
self.add_unverified_tx(tx_hash, tx_height)
self.add_transaction(tx_hash, tx)
def receive_history_callback(self, addr, hist, tx_fees):
with self.lock:
old_hist = self.get_address_history(addr)
for tx_hash, height in old_hist:
if (tx_hash, height) not in hist:
# make tx local
self.unverified_tx.pop(tx_hash, None)
self.verified_tx.pop(tx_hash, None)
self.verifier.merkle_roots.pop(tx_hash, None)
# but remove completely if not is_mine
if self.txi[tx_hash] == {}:
# FIXME the test here should be for "not all is_mine"; cannot detect conflict in some cases
self.history[addr] = hist
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
self.add_unverified_tx(tx_hash, tx_height)
# if addr is new, we have to recompute txi and txo
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if tx is not None and self.txi.get(tx_hash, {}).get(addr) is None and self.txo.get(tx_hash, {}).get(addr) is None:
self.add_transaction(tx_hash, tx)
# Store fees
def get_history(self, domain=None):
# get domain
if domain is None:
domain = self.get_addresses()
# 1. Get the history of each address in the domain, maintain the
# delta of a tx as the sum of its deltas on domain addresses
tx_deltas = defaultdict(int)
for addr in domain:
h = self.get_address_history(addr)
for tx_hash, height in h:
delta = self.get_tx_delta(tx_hash, addr)
if delta is None or tx_deltas[tx_hash] is None:
tx_deltas[tx_hash] = None
tx_deltas[tx_hash] += delta
# 2. create sorted history
history = []
for tx_hash in tx_deltas:
delta = tx_deltas[tx_hash]
height, conf, timestamp = self.get_tx_height(tx_hash)
history.append((tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, delta))
history.sort(key = lambda x: self.get_txpos(x[0]))
# 3. add balance
c, u, x = self.get_balance(domain)
balance = c + u + x
h2 = []
for tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, delta in history:
h2.append((tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, delta, balance))
if balance is None or delta is None:
balance = None
balance -= delta
# fixme: this may happen if history is incomplete
if balance not in [None, 0]:
self.print_error("Error: history not synchronized")
return []
return h2
def balance_at_timestamp(self, domain, target_timestamp):
h = self.get_history(domain)
for tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance in h:
if timestamp > target_timestamp:
return balance - value
# return last balance
return balance
def get_full_history(self, domain=None, from_timestamp=None, to_timestamp=None, fx=None, show_addresses=False):
from .util import timestamp_to_datetime, Satoshis, Fiat
out = []
capital_gains = 0
income = 0
expenditures = 0
fiat_income = 0
fiat_expenditures = 0
h = self.get_history(domain)
for tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance in h:
if from_timestamp and timestamp < from_timestamp:
if to_timestamp and timestamp >= to_timestamp:
item = {
'value': Satoshis(value),
'balance': Satoshis(balance)
item['date'] = timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp)
item['label'] = self.get_label(tx_hash)
if show_addresses:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
input_addresses = []
output_addresses = []
for x in tx.inputs():
if x['type'] == 'coinbase': continue
addr = self.get_txin_address(x)
if addr is None:
for addr, v in tx.get_outputs():
item['input_addresses'] = input_addresses
item['output_addresses'] = output_addresses
# value may be None if wallet is not fully synchronized
if value is None:
# fixme: use in and out values
if value < 0:
expenditures += -value
income += value
# fiat computations
if fx is not None:
date = timestamp_to_datetime(time.time() if conf <= 0 else timestamp)
fiat_value = self.get_fiat_value(tx_hash, fx.ccy)
fiat_default = fiat_value is None
fiat_value = - fiat_value if fiat_value is not None else value / Decimal(COIN) * self.price_at_timestamp(tx_hash, fx.timestamp_rate)
item['fiat_value'] = Fiat(fiat_value, fx.ccy)
item['fiat_default'] = fiat_default
if value < 0:
acquisition_price = - value / Decimal(COIN) * self.average_price(tx_hash, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
liquidation_price = - fiat_value
item['acquisition_price'] = Fiat(acquisition_price, fx.ccy)
cg = liquidation_price - acquisition_price
item['capital_gain'] = Fiat(cg, fx.ccy)
capital_gains += cg
fiat_expenditures += fiat_value
fiat_income += fiat_value
# add summary
if out:
b, v = out[0]['balance'].value, out[0]['value'].value
start_balance = None if b is None or v is None else b - v
end_balance = out[-1]['balance'].value
if from_timestamp is not None and to_timestamp is not None:
start_date = timestamp_to_datetime(from_timestamp)
end_date = timestamp_to_datetime(to_timestamp)
start_date = out[0]['date']
end_date = out[-1]['date']
summary = {
'start_date': start_date,
'end_date': end_date,
'start_balance': Satoshis(start_balance),
'end_balance': Satoshis(end_balance),
'income': Satoshis(income),
'expenditures': Satoshis(expenditures)
if fx:
unrealized = self.unrealized_gains(domain, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
summary['capital_gains'] = Fiat(capital_gains, fx.ccy)
summary['fiat_income'] = Fiat(fiat_income, fx.ccy)
summary['fiat_expenditures'] = Fiat(fiat_expenditures, fx.ccy)
summary['unrealized_gains'] = Fiat(unrealized, fx.ccy)
if start_date:
summary['start_fiat_balance'] = Fiat(fx.historical_value(start_balance, start_date), fx.ccy)
if end_date:
summary['end_fiat_balance'] = Fiat(fx.historical_value(end_balance, end_date), fx.ccy)
summary = {}
return {
'transactions': out,
'summary': summary
def get_label(self, tx_hash):
label = self.labels.get(tx_hash, '')
if label is '':
label = self.get_default_label(tx_hash)
return label
def get_default_label(self, tx_hash):
if self.txi.get(tx_hash) == {}:
d = self.txo.get(tx_hash, {})
labels = []
for addr in d.keys():
label = self.labels.get(addr)
if label:
return ', '.join(labels)
return ''
def get_tx_status(self, tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp):
from .util import format_time
exp_n = False
if conf == 0:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not tx:
return 2, 'unknown'
is_final = tx and tx.is_final()
fee = self.tx_fees.get(tx_hash)
if fee and self.network and self.network.config.has_fee_mempool():
size = tx.estimated_size()
fee_per_kb = fee * 1000 / size
exp_n = self.network.config.fee_to_depth(fee_per_kb//1000)
if height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
status = 4
status = 1
elif height == TX_HEIGHT_UNCONFIRMED and not is_final:
status = 0
status = 2
status = 3
status = 4 + min(conf, 6)
time_str = format_time(timestamp) if timestamp else _("unknown")
status_str = TX_STATUS[status] if status < 5 else time_str
if exp_n:
status_str += ' [%d sat/b, %.2f MB]'%(fee_per_kb//1000, exp_n/1000000)
return status, status_str
def relayfee(self):
return relayfee(self.network)
def dust_threshold(self):
return dust_threshold(self.network)
def make_unsigned_transaction(self, inputs, outputs, config, fixed_fee=None,
change_addr=None, is_sweep=False):
# check outputs
i_max = None
for i, o in enumerate(outputs):
_type, data, value = o
if _type == TYPE_ADDRESS:
if not is_address(data):
raise BaseException("Invalid bitcoin address:" + data)
if value == '!':
if i_max is not None:
raise BaseException("More than one output set to spend max")
i_max = i
# Avoid index-out-of-range with inputs[0] below
if not inputs:
raise NotEnoughFunds()
if fixed_fee is None and config.fee_per_kb() is None:
raise NoDynamicFeeEstimates()
if not is_sweep:
for item in inputs:
# change address
if change_addr:
change_addrs = [change_addr]
addrs = self.get_change_addresses()[-self.gap_limit_for_change:]
if self.use_change and addrs:
# New change addresses are created only after a few
# confirmations. Select the unused addresses within the
# gap limit; if none take one at random
change_addrs = [addr for addr in addrs if
self.get_num_tx(addr) == 0]
if not change_addrs:
change_addrs = [random.choice(addrs)]
# coin_chooser will set change address
change_addrs = []
# Fee estimator
if fixed_fee is None:
fee_estimator = config.estimate_fee
elif isinstance(fixed_fee, Number):
fee_estimator = lambda size: fixed_fee
elif callable(fixed_fee):
fee_estimator = fixed_fee
raise BaseException('Invalid argument fixed_fee: %s' % fixed_fee)
if i_max is None:
# Let the coin chooser select the coins to spend
max_change = self.max_change_outputs if self.multiple_change else 1
coin_chooser = coinchooser.get_coin_chooser(config)
tx = coin_chooser.make_tx(inputs, outputs, change_addrs[:max_change],
fee_estimator, self.dust_threshold())
# FIXME?? this might spend inputs with negative effective value...
sendable = sum(map(lambda x:x['value'], inputs))
_type, data, value = outputs[i_max]
outputs[i_max] = (_type, data, 0)
tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs[:])
fee = fee_estimator(tx.estimated_size())
amount = max(0, sendable - tx.output_value() - fee)
outputs[i_max] = (_type, data, amount)
tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs[:])
# Sort the inputs and outputs deterministically
# Timelock tx to current height.
tx.locktime = self.get_local_height()
run_hook('make_unsigned_transaction', self, tx)
return tx
def mktx(self, outputs, password, config, fee=None, change_addr=None, domain=None):
coins = self.get_spendable_coins(domain, config)
tx = self.make_unsigned_transaction(coins, outputs, config, fee, change_addr)
self.sign_transaction(tx, password)
return tx
def is_frozen(self, addr):
return addr in self.frozen_addresses
def set_frozen_state(self, addrs, freeze):
'''Set frozen state of the addresses to FREEZE, True or False'''
if all(self.is_mine(addr) for addr in addrs):
if freeze:
self.frozen_addresses |= set(addrs)
self.frozen_addresses -= set(addrs)
self.storage.put('frozen_addresses', list(self.frozen_addresses))
return True
return False
def prepare_for_verifier(self):
# review transactions that are in the history
for addr, hist in self.history.items():
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
self.add_unverified_tx(tx_hash, tx_height)
def start_threads(self, network):
self.network = network
# prepare self.unverified_tx regardless of network
if self.network is not None:
self.verifier = SPV(self.network, self)
self.synchronizer = Synchronizer(self, network)
network.add_jobs([self.verifier, self.synchronizer])
self.verifier = None
self.synchronizer = None
def stop_threads(self):
if self.network:
self.network.remove_jobs([self.synchronizer, self.verifier])
self.synchronizer = None
self.verifier = None
# Now no references to the syncronizer or verifier
# remain so they will be GC-ed
self.storage.put('stored_height', self.get_local_height())
self.storage.put('verified_tx3', self.verified_tx)
def wait_until_synchronized(self, callback=None):
def wait_for_wallet():
while not self.is_up_to_date():
if callback:
msg = "%s\n%s %d"%(
_("Please wait..."),
_("Addresses generated:"),
def wait_for_network():
while not self.network.is_connected():
if callback:
msg = "%s \n" % (_("Connecting..."))
# wait until we are connected, because the user
# might have selected another server
if self.network:
def can_export(self):
return not self.is_watching_only() and hasattr(self.keystore, 'get_private_key')
def is_used(self, address):
h = self.history.get(address,[])
if len(h) == 0:
return False
c, u, x = self.get_addr_balance(address)
return c + u + x == 0
def is_empty(self, address):
c, u, x = self.get_addr_balance(address)
return c+u+x == 0
def address_is_old(self, address, age_limit=2):
age = -1
h = self.history.get(address, [])
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
if tx_height <= 0:
tx_age = 0
tx_age = self.get_local_height() - tx_height + 1
if tx_age > age:
age = tx_age
return age > age_limit
def bump_fee(self, tx, delta):
if tx.is_final():
raise BaseException(_("Cannot bump fee: transaction is final"))
inputs = copy.deepcopy(tx.inputs())
outputs = copy.deepcopy(tx.outputs())
for txin in inputs:
txin['signatures'] = [None] * len(txin['signatures'])
# use own outputs
s = list(filter(lambda x: self.is_mine(x[1]), outputs))
# ... unless there is none
if not s:
s = outputs
x_fee = run_hook('get_tx_extra_fee', self, tx)
if x_fee:
x_fee_address, x_fee_amount = x_fee
s = filter(lambda x: x[1]!=x_fee_address, s)
# prioritize low value outputs, to get rid of dust
s = sorted(s, key=lambda x: x[2])
for o in s:
i = outputs.index(o)
otype, address, value = o
if value - delta >= self.dust_threshold():
outputs[i] = otype, address, value - delta
delta = 0
del outputs[i]
delta -= value
if delta > 0:
if delta > 0:
raise BaseException(_('Cannot bump fee: could not find suitable outputs'))
locktime = self.get_local_height()
tx_new = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs, locktime=locktime)
return tx_new
def cpfp(self, tx, fee):
txid = tx.txid()
for i, o in enumerate(tx.outputs()):
otype, address, value = o
if otype == TYPE_ADDRESS and self.is_mine(address):
coins = self.get_addr_utxo(address)
item = coins.get(txid+':%d'%i)
if not item:
inputs = [item]
outputs = [(TYPE_ADDRESS, address, value - fee)]
locktime = self.get_local_height()
# note: no need to call tx.BIP_LI01_sort() here - single input/output
return Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs, locktime=locktime)
def add_input_info(self, txin):
address = txin['address']
if self.is_mine(address):
txin['type'] = self.get_txin_type(address)
# segwit needs value to sign
if txin.get('value') is None and Transaction.is_segwit_input(txin):
received, spent = self.get_addr_io(address)
item = received.get(txin['prevout_hash']+':%d'%txin['prevout_n'])
tx_height, value, is_cb = item
txin['value'] = value
self.add_input_sig_info(txin, address)
def can_sign(self, tx):
if tx.is_complete():
return False
for k in self.get_keystores():
if k.can_sign(tx):
return True
return False
def get_input_tx(self, tx_hash):
# First look up an input transaction in the wallet where it
# will likely be. If co-signing a transaction it may not have
# all the input txs, in which case we ask the network.
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not tx and self.network:
request = ('blockchain.transaction.get', [tx_hash])
tx = Transaction(self.network.synchronous_get(request))
return tx
def add_hw_info(self, tx):
# add previous tx for hw wallets
for txin in tx.inputs():
tx_hash = txin['prevout_hash']
txin['prev_tx'] = self.get_input_tx(tx_hash)
# add output info for hw wallets
info = {}
xpubs = self.get_master_public_keys()
for txout in tx.outputs():
_type, addr, amount = txout
if self.is_change(addr):
index = self.get_address_index(addr)
pubkeys = self.get_public_keys(addr)
# sort xpubs using the order of pubkeys
sorted_pubkeys, sorted_xpubs = zip(*sorted(zip(pubkeys, xpubs)))
info[addr] = index, sorted_xpubs, self.m if isinstance(self, Multisig_Wallet) else None
tx.output_info = info
def sign_transaction(self, tx, password):
if self.is_watching_only():
# hardware wallets require extra info
if any([(isinstance(k, Hardware_KeyStore) and k.can_sign(tx)) for k in self.get_keystores()]):
# sign
for k in self.get_keystores():
if k.can_sign(tx):
k.sign_transaction(tx, password)
except UserCancelled:
def get_unused_addresses(self):
# fixme: use slots from expired requests
domain = self.get_receiving_addresses()
return [addr for addr in domain if not self.history.get(addr)
and addr not in self.receive_requests.keys()]
def get_unused_address(self):
addrs = self.get_unused_addresses()
if addrs:
return addrs[0]
def get_receiving_address(self):
# always return an address
domain = self.get_receiving_addresses()
if not domain:
choice = domain[0]
for addr in domain:
if not self.history.get(addr):
if addr not in self.receive_requests.keys():
return addr
choice = addr
return choice
def get_payment_status(self, address, amount):
local_height = self.get_local_height()
received, sent = self.get_addr_io(address)
l = []
for txo, x in received.items():
h, v, is_cb = x
txid, n = txo.split(':')
info = self.verified_tx.get(txid)
if info:
tx_height, timestamp, pos = info
conf = local_height - tx_height
conf = 0
l.append((conf, v))
vsum = 0
for conf, v in reversed(sorted(l)):
vsum += v
if vsum >= amount:
return True, conf
return False, None
def get_payment_request(self, addr, config):
r = self.receive_requests.get(addr)
if not r:
out = copy.copy(r)
out['URI'] = 'bitcoin:' + addr + '?amount=' + format_satoshis(out.get('amount'))
status, conf = self.get_request_status(addr)
out['status'] = status
if conf is not None:
out['confirmations'] = conf
# check if bip70 file exists
rdir = config.get('requests_dir')
if rdir:
key = out.get('id', addr)
path = os.path.join(rdir, 'req', key[0], key[1], key)
if os.path.exists(path):
baseurl = 'file://' + rdir
rewrite = config.get('url_rewrite')
if rewrite:
baseurl = baseurl.replace(*rewrite)
out['request_url'] = os.path.join(baseurl, 'req', key[0], key[1], key, key)
out['URI'] += '&r=' + out['request_url']
out['index_url'] = os.path.join(baseurl, 'index.html') + '?id=' + key
websocket_server_announce = config.get('websocket_server_announce')
if websocket_server_announce:
out['websocket_server'] = websocket_server_announce
out['websocket_server'] = config.get('websocket_server', 'localhost')
websocket_port_announce = config.get('websocket_port_announce')
if websocket_port_announce:
out['websocket_port'] = websocket_port_announce
out['websocket_port'] = config.get('websocket_port', 9999)
return out
def get_request_status(self, key):
r = self.receive_requests.get(key)
if r is None:
address = r['address']
amount = r.get('amount')
timestamp = r.get('time', 0)
if timestamp and type(timestamp) != int:
timestamp = 0
expiration = r.get('exp')
if expiration and type(expiration) != int:
expiration = 0
conf = None
if amount:
if self.up_to_date:
paid, conf = self.get_payment_status(address, amount)
status = PR_PAID if paid else PR_UNPAID
if status == PR_UNPAID and expiration is not None and time.time() > timestamp + expiration:
status = PR_EXPIRED
status = PR_UNKNOWN
status = PR_UNKNOWN
return status, conf
def make_payment_request(self, addr, amount, message, expiration):
timestamp = int(time.time())
_id = bh2u(Hash(addr + "%d"%timestamp))[0:10]
r = {'time':timestamp, 'amount':amount, 'exp':expiration, 'address':addr, 'memo':message, 'id':_id}
return r
def sign_payment_request(self, key, alias, alias_addr, password):
req = self.receive_requests.get(key)
alias_privkey = self.export_private_key(alias_addr, password)[0]
pr = paymentrequest.make_unsigned_request(req)
paymentrequest.sign_request_with_alias(pr, alias, alias_privkey)
req['name'] = pr.pki_data
req['sig'] = bh2u(pr.signature)
self.receive_requests[key] = req
self.storage.put('payment_requests', self.receive_requests)
def add_payment_request(self, req, config):
addr = req['address']
amount = req.get('amount')
message = req.get('memo')
self.receive_requests[addr] = req
self.storage.put('payment_requests', self.receive_requests)
self.set_label(addr, message) # should be a default label
rdir = config.get('requests_dir')
if rdir and amount is not None:
key = req.get('id', addr)
pr = paymentrequest.make_request(config, req)
path = os.path.join(rdir, 'req', key[0], key[1], key)
if not os.path.exists(path):
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
with open(os.path.join(path, key), 'wb') as f:
# reload
req = self.get_payment_request(addr, config)
with open(os.path.join(path, key + '.json'), 'w') as f:
return req
def remove_payment_request(self, addr, config):
if addr not in self.receive_requests:
return False
r = self.receive_requests.pop(addr)
rdir = config.get('requests_dir')
if rdir:
key = r.get('id', addr)
for s in ['.json', '']:
n = os.path.join(rdir, 'req', key[0], key[1], key, key + s)
if os.path.exists(n):
self.storage.put('payment_requests', self.receive_requests)
return True
def get_sorted_requests(self, config):
def f(x):
addr = x.get('address')
return self.get_address_index(addr) or addr
return addr
return sorted(map(lambda x: self.get_payment_request(x, config), self.receive_requests.keys()), key=f)
def get_fingerprint(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def can_import_privkey(self):
return False
def can_import_address(self):
return False
def can_delete_address(self):
return False
def add_address(self, address):
if address not in self.history:
self.history[address] = []
if self.synchronizer:
def has_password(self):
return self.has_keystore_encryption() or self.has_storage_encryption()
def can_have_keystore_encryption(self):
return self.keystore and self.keystore.may_have_password()
def get_available_storage_encryption_version(self):
"""Returns the type of storage encryption offered to the user.
A wallet file (storage) is either encrypted with this version
or is stored in plaintext.
if isinstance(self.keystore, Hardware_KeyStore):
def has_keystore_encryption(self):
"""Returns whether encryption is enabled for the keystore.
If True, e.g. signing a transaction will require a password.
if self.can_have_keystore_encryption():
return self.storage.get('use_encryption', False)
return False
def has_storage_encryption(self):
"""Returns whether encryption is enabled for the wallet file on disk."""
return self.storage.is_encrypted()
def may_have_password(cls):
return True
def check_password(self, password):
if self.has_keystore_encryption():
def update_password(self, old_pw, new_pw, encrypt_storage=False):
if old_pw is None and self.has_password():
raise InvalidPassword()
if encrypt_storage:
enc_version = self.get_available_storage_encryption_version()
enc_version = STO_EV_PLAINTEXT
self.storage.set_password(new_pw, enc_version)
# note: Encrypting storage with a hw device is currently only
# allowed for non-multisig wallets. Further,
# Hardware_KeyStore.may_have_password() == False.
# If these were not the case,
# extra care would need to be taken when encrypting keystores.
self._update_password_for_keystore(old_pw, new_pw)
encrypt_keystore = self.can_have_keystore_encryption()
self.storage.set_keystore_encryption(bool(new_pw) and encrypt_keystore)
def sign_message(self, address, message, password):
index = self.get_address_index(address)
return self.keystore.sign_message(index, message, password)
def decrypt_message(self, pubkey, message, password):
addr = self.pubkeys_to_address(pubkey)
index = self.get_address_index(addr)
return self.keystore.decrypt_message(index, message, password)
def get_depending_transactions(self, tx_hash):
"""Returns all (grand-)children of tx_hash in this wallet."""
children = set()
for other_hash, tx in self.transactions.items():
for input in (tx.inputs()):
if input["prevout_hash"] == tx_hash:
children |= self.get_depending_transactions(other_hash)
return children
def txin_value(self, txin):
txid = txin['prevout_hash']
prev_n = txin['prevout_n']
for address, d in self.txo[txid].items():
for n, v, cb in d:
if n == prev_n:
return v
raise BaseException('unknown txin value')
def price_at_timestamp(self, txid, price_func):
height, conf, timestamp = self.get_tx_height(txid)
return price_func(timestamp if timestamp else time.time())
def unrealized_gains(self, domain, price_func, ccy):
coins = self.get_utxos(domain)
now = time.time()
p = price_func(now)
ap = sum(self.coin_price(coin['prevout_hash'], price_func, ccy, self.txin_value(coin)) for coin in coins)
lp = sum([coin['value'] for coin in coins]) * p / Decimal(COIN)
return lp - ap
def average_price(self, txid, price_func, ccy):
""" Average acquisition price of the inputs of a transaction """
input_value = 0
total_price = 0
for addr, d in self.txi.get(txid, {}).items():
for ser, v in d:
input_value += v
total_price += self.coin_price(ser.split(':')[0], price_func, ccy, v)
return total_price / (input_value/Decimal(COIN))
def coin_price(self, txid, price_func, ccy, txin_value):
Acquisition price of a coin.
This assumes that either all inputs are mine, or no input is mine.
if self.txi.get(txid, {}) != {}:
return self.average_price(txid, price_func, ccy) * txin_value/Decimal(COIN)
fiat_value = self.get_fiat_value(txid, ccy)
if fiat_value is not None:
return fiat_value
p = self.price_at_timestamp(txid, price_func)
return p * txin_value/Decimal(COIN)
class Simple_Wallet(Abstract_Wallet):
# wallet with a single keystore
def get_keystore(self):
return self.keystore
def get_keystores(self):
return [self.keystore]
def is_watching_only(self):
return self.keystore.is_watching_only()
def _update_password_for_keystore(self, old_pw, new_pw):
if self.keystore and self.keystore.may_have_password():
self.keystore.update_password(old_pw, new_pw)
def save_keystore(self):
self.storage.put('keystore', self.keystore.dump())
class Imported_Wallet(Simple_Wallet):
# wallet made of imported addresses
wallet_type = 'imported'
txin_type = 'address'
def __init__(self, storage):
Abstract_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
def is_watching_only(self):
return self.keystore is None
def get_keystores(self):
return [self.keystore] if self.keystore else []
def can_import_privkey(self):
return bool(self.keystore)
def load_keystore(self):
self.keystore = load_keystore(self.storage, 'keystore') if self.storage.get('keystore') else None
def save_keystore(self):
self.storage.put('keystore', self.keystore.dump())
def load_addresses(self):
self.addresses = self.storage.get('addresses', {})
# fixme: a reference to addresses is needed
if self.keystore:
self.keystore.addresses = self.addresses
def save_addresses(self):
self.storage.put('addresses', self.addresses)
def can_import_address(self):
return self.is_watching_only()
def can_delete_address(self):
return True
def has_seed(self):
return False
def is_deterministic(self):
return False
def is_change(self, address):
return False
def get_master_public_keys(self):
return []
def is_beyond_limit(self, address):
return False
def is_mine(self, address):
return address in self.addresses
def get_fingerprint(self):
return ''
def get_addresses(self, include_change=False):
return sorted(self.addresses.keys())
def get_receiving_addresses(self):
return self.get_addresses()
def get_change_addresses(self):
return []
def import_address(self, address):
if not bitcoin.is_address(address):
return ''
if address in self.addresses:
return ''
self.addresses[address] = {}
self.storage.put('addresses', self.addresses)
return address
def delete_address(self, address):
if address not in self.addresses:
transactions_to_remove = set() # only referred to by this address
transactions_new = set() # txs that are not only referred to by address
with self.lock:
for addr, details in self.history.items():
if addr == address:
for tx_hash, height in details:
for tx_hash, height in details:
transactions_to_remove -= transactions_new
self.history.pop(address, None)
for tx_hash in transactions_to_remove:
self.tx_fees.pop(tx_hash, None)
self.verified_tx.pop(tx_hash, None)
self.unverified_tx.pop(tx_hash, None)
self.transactions.pop(tx_hash, None)
# FIXME: what about pruned_txo?
self.storage.put('verified_tx3', self.verified_tx)
self.set_label(address, None)
self.remove_payment_request(address, {})
self.set_frozen_state([address], False)
pubkey = self.get_public_key(address)
if pubkey:
self.storage.put('addresses', self.addresses)
def get_address_index(self, address):
return self.get_public_key(address)
def get_public_key(self, address):
return self.addresses[address].get('pubkey')
def import_private_key(self, sec, pw, redeem_script=None):
txin_type, pubkey = self.keystore.import_privkey(sec, pw)
except Exception:
raise BaseException('Invalid private key', sec)
if txin_type in ['p2pkh', 'p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']:
if redeem_script is not None:
raise BaseException('Cannot use redeem script with', txin_type, sec)
addr = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address(txin_type, pubkey)
elif txin_type in ['p2sh', 'p2wsh', 'p2wsh-p2sh']:
if redeem_script is None:
raise BaseException('Redeem script required for', txin_type, sec)
addr = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address(txin_type, redeem_script)
raise NotImplementedError(txin_type)
self.addresses[addr] = {'type':txin_type, 'pubkey':pubkey, 'redeem_script':redeem_script}
return addr
def get_redeem_script(self, address):
d = self.addresses[address]
redeem_script = d['redeem_script']
return redeem_script
def get_txin_type(self, address):
return self.addresses[address].get('type', 'address')
def add_input_sig_info(self, txin, address):
if self.is_watching_only():
x_pubkey = 'fd' + address_to_script(address)
txin['x_pubkeys'] = [x_pubkey]
txin['signatures'] = [None]
if txin['type'] in ['p2pkh', 'p2wpkh', 'p2wpkh-p2sh']:
pubkey = self.addresses[address]['pubkey']
txin['num_sig'] = 1
txin['x_pubkeys'] = [pubkey]
txin['signatures'] = [None]
redeem_script = self.addresses[address]['redeem_script']
num_sig = 2
num_keys = 3
txin['num_sig'] = num_sig
txin['redeem_script'] = redeem_script
txin['signatures'] = [None] * num_keys
def pubkeys_to_address(self, pubkey):
for addr, v in self.addresses.items():
if v.get('pubkey') == pubkey:
return addr
class Deterministic_Wallet(Abstract_Wallet):
def __init__(self, storage):
Abstract_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
self.gap_limit = storage.get('gap_limit', 20)
def has_seed(self):
return self.keystore.has_seed()
def get_receiving_addresses(self):
return self.receiving_addresses
def get_change_addresses(self):
return self.change_addresses
def get_seed(self, password):
return self.keystore.get_seed(password)
def add_seed(self, seed, pw):
self.keystore.add_seed(seed, pw)
def change_gap_limit(self, value):
'''This method is not called in the code, it is kept for console use'''
if value >= self.gap_limit:
self.gap_limit = value
self.storage.put('gap_limit', self.gap_limit)
return True
elif value >= self.min_acceptable_gap():
addresses = self.get_receiving_addresses()
k = self.num_unused_trailing_addresses(addresses)
n = len(addresses) - k + value
self.receiving_addresses = self.receiving_addresses[0:n]
self.gap_limit = value
self.storage.put('gap_limit', self.gap_limit)
return True
return False
def num_unused_trailing_addresses(self, addresses):
k = 0
for a in addresses[::-1]:
if self.history.get(a):break
k = k + 1
return k
def min_acceptable_gap(self):
# fixme: this assumes wallet is synchronized
n = 0
nmax = 0
addresses = self.get_receiving_addresses()
k = self.num_unused_trailing_addresses(addresses)
for a in addresses[0:-k]:
if self.history.get(a):
n = 0
n += 1
if n > nmax: nmax = n
return nmax + 1
def load_addresses(self):
self._addr_to_addr_index = {} # key: address, value: (is_change, index)
for i, addr in enumerate(self.receiving_addresses):
self._addr_to_addr_index[addr] = (False, i)
for i, addr in enumerate(self.change_addresses):
self._addr_to_addr_index[addr] = (True, i)
def create_new_address(self, for_change=False):
assert type(for_change) is bool
with self.lock:
addr_list = self.change_addresses if for_change else self.receiving_addresses
n = len(addr_list)
x = self.derive_pubkeys(for_change, n)
address = self.pubkeys_to_address(x)
self._addr_to_addr_index[address] = (for_change, n)
return address
def synchronize_sequence(self, for_change):
limit = self.gap_limit_for_change if for_change else self.gap_limit
while True:
addresses = self.get_change_addresses() if for_change else self.get_receiving_addresses()
if len(addresses) < limit:
if list(map(lambda a: self.address_is_old(a), addresses[-limit:] )) == limit*[False]:
def synchronize(self):
with self.lock:
def is_beyond_limit(self, address):
is_change, i = self.get_address_index(address)
addr_list = self.get_change_addresses() if is_change else self.get_receiving_addresses()
limit = self.gap_limit_for_change if is_change else self.gap_limit
if i < limit:
return False
prev_addresses = addr_list[max(0, i - limit):max(0, i)]
for addr in prev_addresses:
if self.history.get(addr):
return False
return True
def is_mine(self, address):
return address in self._addr_to_addr_index
def get_address_index(self, address):
return self._addr_to_addr_index[address]
def get_master_public_keys(self):
return [self.get_master_public_key()]
def get_fingerprint(self):
return self.get_master_public_key()
def get_txin_type(self, address):
return self.txin_type
class Simple_Deterministic_Wallet(Simple_Wallet, Deterministic_Wallet):
""" Deterministic Wallet with a single pubkey per address """
def __init__(self, storage):
Deterministic_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
def get_public_key(self, address):
sequence = self.get_address_index(address)
pubkey = self.get_pubkey(*sequence)
return pubkey
def load_keystore(self):
self.keystore = load_keystore(self.storage, 'keystore')
xtype = bitcoin.xpub_type(self.keystore.xpub)
xtype = 'standard'
self.txin_type = 'p2pkh' if xtype == 'standard' else xtype
def get_pubkey(self, c, i):
return self.derive_pubkeys(c, i)
def add_input_sig_info(self, txin, address):
derivation = self.get_address_index(address)
x_pubkey = self.keystore.get_xpubkey(*derivation)
txin['x_pubkeys'] = [x_pubkey]
txin['signatures'] = [None]
txin['num_sig'] = 1
def get_master_public_key(self):
return self.keystore.get_master_public_key()
def derive_pubkeys(self, c, i):
return self.keystore.derive_pubkey(c, i)
class Standard_Wallet(Simple_Deterministic_Wallet):
wallet_type = 'standard'
def pubkeys_to_address(self, pubkey):
return bitcoin.pubkey_to_address(self.txin_type, pubkey)
class Multisig_Wallet(Deterministic_Wallet):
# generic m of n
gap_limit = 20
def __init__(self, storage):
self.wallet_type = storage.get('wallet_type')
self.m, self.n = multisig_type(self.wallet_type)
Deterministic_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
def get_pubkeys(self, c, i):
return self.derive_pubkeys(c, i)
def get_public_keys(self, address):
sequence = self.get_address_index(address)
return self.get_pubkeys(*sequence)
def pubkeys_to_address(self, pubkeys):
redeem_script = self.pubkeys_to_redeem_script(pubkeys)
return bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address(self.txin_type, redeem_script)
def pubkeys_to_redeem_script(self, pubkeys):
return transaction.multisig_script(sorted(pubkeys), self.m)
def get_redeem_script(self, address):
pubkeys = self.get_public_keys(address)
redeem_script = self.pubkeys_to_redeem_script(pubkeys)
return redeem_script
def derive_pubkeys(self, c, i):
return [k.derive_pubkey(c, i) for k in self.get_keystores()]
def load_keystore(self):
self.keystores = {}
for i in range(self.n):
name = 'x%d/'%(i+1)
self.keystores[name] = load_keystore(self.storage, name)
self.keystore = self.keystores['x1/']
xtype = bitcoin.xpub_type(self.keystore.xpub)
self.txin_type = 'p2sh' if xtype == 'standard' else xtype
def save_keystore(self):
for name, k in self.keystores.items():
self.storage.put(name, k.dump())
def get_keystore(self):
return self.keystores.get('x1/')
def get_keystores(self):
return [self.keystores[i] for i in sorted(self.keystores.keys())]
def can_have_keystore_encryption(self):
return any([k.may_have_password() for k in self.get_keystores()])
def _update_password_for_keystore(self, old_pw, new_pw):
for name, keystore in self.keystores.items():
if keystore.may_have_password():
keystore.update_password(old_pw, new_pw)
self.storage.put(name, keystore.dump())
def check_password(self, password):
for name, keystore in self.keystores.items():
if keystore.may_have_password():
def get_available_storage_encryption_version(self):
# multisig wallets are not offered hw device encryption
def has_seed(self):
return self.keystore.has_seed()
def is_watching_only(self):
return not any([not k.is_watching_only() for k in self.get_keystores()])
def get_master_public_key(self):
return self.keystore.get_master_public_key()
def get_master_public_keys(self):
return [k.get_master_public_key() for k in self.get_keystores()]
def get_fingerprint(self):
return ''.join(sorted(self.get_master_public_keys()))
def add_input_sig_info(self, txin, address):
# x_pubkeys are not sorted here because it would be too slow
# they are sorted in transaction.get_sorted_pubkeys
# pubkeys is set to None to signal that x_pubkeys are unsorted
derivation = self.get_address_index(address)
txin['x_pubkeys'] = [k.get_xpubkey(*derivation) for k in self.get_keystores()]
txin['pubkeys'] = None
# we need n place holders
txin['signatures'] = [None] * self.n
txin['num_sig'] = self.m
wallet_types = ['standard', 'multisig', 'imported']
def register_wallet_type(category):
wallet_constructors = {
'standard': Standard_Wallet,
'old': Standard_Wallet,
'xpub': Standard_Wallet,
'imported': Imported_Wallet
def register_constructor(wallet_type, constructor):
wallet_constructors[wallet_type] = constructor
# former WalletFactory
class Wallet(object):
"""The main wallet "entry point".
This class is actually a factory that will return a wallet of the correct
type when passed a WalletStorage instance."""
def __new__(self, storage):
wallet_type = storage.get('wallet_type')
WalletClass = Wallet.wallet_class(wallet_type)
wallet = WalletClass(storage)
# Convert hardware wallets restored with older versions of
# Electrum to BIP44 wallets. A hardware wallet does not have
# a seed and plugins do not need to handle having one.
rwc = getattr(wallet, 'restore_wallet_class', None)
if rwc and storage.get('seed', ''):
storage.print_error("converting wallet type to " + rwc.wallet_type)
storage.put('wallet_type', rwc.wallet_type)
wallet = rwc(storage)
return wallet
def wallet_class(wallet_type):
if multisig_type(wallet_type):
return Multisig_Wallet
if wallet_type in wallet_constructors:
return wallet_constructors[wallet_type]
raise RuntimeError("Unknown wallet type: " + wallet_type)