# [BitcoinPrivate Website](https://btcprivate.org/) [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/github/license/rn54n/bitcoinprivate-website)](bitcoinprivate-website/blob/main/LICENSE.txt) [![WEBSITE](https://img.shields.io/website?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbtcprivate.org)](https://img.shields.io/website?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbtcprivate.org) [![UIPROTO](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=blue&label=UI%20prototype%20dev&query=progress&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Frn54n%2Fbitcoinprivate-website%2Fmain%2F.github%2FBADGES.json)](https://github.com/BTCPrivate/bitcoinprivate-website) [![TWITTER](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/btcpnews?style=social)](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/btcpnews?style=social) BitcoinPrivate Website is a front-end for the upcoming relaunch of BitcoinPrivate coin. Development on a new chain is in progress and a snapshot happend at 680,000 more informations for $BTCP holders can be checked on [discord](https://discord.gg/2Q2rRjpEzr). * Homepage: [https://btcprivate.org](https://btcprivate.org/) * Origin-Source: [https://github.com/BTCPrivate/bitcoinprivate-website](https://github.com/BTCPrivate/bitcoinprivate-website) * Twitter: [@bitcoinprivate](https://twitter.com/bitcoinprivate) * Twitter: [@btcpnews](https://twitter.com/btcpnews) ## Quick start The following should be considered: * HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4 only * Simple design and structure * Static website, no dynamic changing content needed * Max. two clicks until information displayed * Clone the git repo — `git clone https://github.com/BTCPrivate/bitcoinprivate-website.git` - and checkout the [tagged release](https://github.com/rn54n/bitcoinprivate-website/releases) you'd like to use. The `dist` folder represents the latest version of the project for end users. ## Browser support * Chrome *(latest 2)* * Edge *(latest 2)* * Firefox *(latest 2)* * Internet Explorer 11 * Opera *(latest 2)* * Safari *(latest 2)* *This doesn't mean that BitcoinPrivate Website cannot be used in older browsers, we'll ensure compatibility with the ones mentioned above.* Legacy browser will not be supported. IE8/IE9/IE10 ## UI / UX design A UI/UX design is in progress, after the validation of the UI/UX design we can start coding. An example how it can look like is below: ![UI/UX Prototype](.github/btcp_prototype_v1.jpg?raw=true "BTCP UI/UX design prototype") ![UI/UX Prototype](.github/btcp_mockup_2__720x531.jpg?raw=true "BTCP UI/UX mockup 2") ## Documentation Right now there is no need for a documentation of the website itself. ## Contributing Anyone is welcome to [contribute](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md), however, if you decide to get involved, please take a moment to review the [guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md): * [Bug reports](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#bugs) * [Feature requests](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#features) * [Pull requests](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#pull-requests) ## License The code is available under the [MIT license](LICENSE.txt).