make self contained signature keys optional

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Socolsky 2015-11-26 15:16:05 -03:00
parent 87d7a1bd92
commit 092c3ff37e
3 changed files with 85 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1425,13 +1425,18 @@ WalletService.prototype.createTx = function(opts, cb) {
WalletService.prototype._verifyRequestPubKey = function(requestPubKey, signature, xPubKey) {
var pub = (new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(xPubKey)).derive(Constants.PATHS.REQUEST_KEY_AUTH).publicKey;
return Utils.verifyMessage(requestPubKey, signature, pub.toString());
* Send an already created tx proposal to other copayers in the wallet.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {string} opts.txProposalId - The tx id.
* @param {string} opts.proposalSignature - S(raw tx). Used by other copayers to verify the proposal.
* @param {string} opts.proposalSignaturePubKey - The public key needed to verify the proposal signature.
* @param {string} opts.proposalSignaturePubKeySig - A signature of the public key used to validate that the public key belongs to the creator.
* @param {string} opts.proposalSignaturePubKey - (Optional) An alternative public key used to verify the proposal signature.
* @param {string} opts.proposalSignaturePubKeySig - (Optional) A signature used to validate the opts.proposalSignaturePubKey.
WalletService.prototype.sendTx = function(opts, cb) {
var self = this;
@ -1440,7 +1445,7 @@ WalletService.prototype.sendTx = function(opts, cb) {
return utxo.txid + '|' + utxo.vout
if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['txProposalId', 'proposalSignature', 'proposalSignaturePubKey', 'proposalSignaturePubKeySig']))
if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['txProposalId', 'proposalSignature']))
return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing'));
self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) {
@ -1452,19 +1457,23 @@ WalletService.prototype.sendTx = function(opts, cb) {
if (!txp) return cb(Errors.TX_NOT_FOUND);
if (!txp.isTemporary()) return cb();
// Validate that the pubkey used to sign the proposal actually belongs to the copayer
var copayer = wallet.getCopayer(self.copayerId);
var validPubKey = !!self._getSigningKey(opts.proposalSignaturePubKey, opts.proposalSignaturePubKeySig, copayer.requestPubKeys);
if (!validPubKey) {
return cb(new ClientError('Invalid proposal signing key'));
var raw = txp.getRawTx();
var validSignature = self._verifySignature(raw, opts.proposalSignature, opts.proposalSignaturePubKey);
if (!validSignature) {
var signingKey = self._getSigningKey(raw, opts.proposalSignature, copayer.requestPubKeys);
if (!signingKey) {
return cb(new ClientError('Invalid proposal signature'));
// Verify signingKey
if (opts.proposalSignaturePubKey) {
if (opts.proposalSignaturePubKey != signingKey ||
!self._verifyRequestPubKey(opts.proposalSignaturePubKey, opts.proposalSignaturePubKeySig, copayer.xPubKey)
) {
return cb(new ClientError('Invalid proposal signing key'));
// Verify UTXOs are still available
self.getUtxos({}, function(err, utxos) {
if (err) return cb(err);

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@ -397,14 +397,10 @@ helpers.createProposalOpts2 = function(outputs, moreOpts, inputs) {
helpers.getProposalSignatureOpts = function(txp, signingKey) {
var raw = txp.getRawTx();
var proposalSignature = helpers.signMessage(raw, signingKey);
var pubKey = new Bitcore.PrivateKey(signingKey).toPublicKey().toString();
var pubKeySig = helpers.signMessage(pubKey, signingKey);
return {
proposalSignature: proposalSignature,
proposalSignaturePubKey: pubKey,
proposalSignaturePubKeySig: pubKeySig,

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@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
describe('#createTxLegacy', function() {
describe('createTxLegacy', function() {
var server, wallet;
beforeEach(function(done) {
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 3, function(s, w) {
@ -2390,12 +2390,11 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
it('should fail to send non-existent tx proposal', function(done) {
txProposalId: 'wrong-id',
proposalSignature: 'dummy',
proposalSignaturePubKey: 'dummy',
proposalSignaturePubKeySig: 'dummy',
}, function(err) {
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txs) {
@ -2405,6 +2404,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
it('should fail to send tx proposal with wrong signature', function(done) {
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 2], function() {
var txOpts = helpers.createProposalOpts2([{
@ -2412,14 +2412,14 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
amount: 0.8
}], {
message: 'some message',
customData: 'some custom data',
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, txp) {
var sendOpts = helpers.getProposalSignatureOpts(txp, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0);
sendOpts.proposalSignature = 'dummy';
server.sendTx(sendOpts, function(err) {
proposalSignature: 'dummy'
}, function(err) {
err.message.should.contain('Invalid proposal signature');
@ -2427,6 +2427,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
it('should fail to send tx proposal not signed by the creator', function(done) {
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 2], function() {
var txOpts = helpers.createProposalOpts2([{
@ -2434,12 +2435,23 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
amount: 0.8
}], {
message: 'some message',
customData: 'some custom data',
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, txp) {
var sendOpts = helpers.getProposalSignatureOpts(txp, TestData.copayers[1].privKey_1H_0);
var raw = txp.getRawTx();
var proposalSignature = helpers.signMessage(raw, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0);
var pubKey = new Bitcore.PrivateKey(TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0).toPublicKey().toString();
var pubKeySig = helpers.signMessage(pubKey, TestData.copayers[1].privKey_1H_0);
var sendOpts = {
proposalSignature: proposalSignature,
proposalSignaturePubKey: pubKey,
proposalSignaturePubKeySig: pubKeySig,
server.sendTx(sendOpts, function(err) {
err.message.should.contain('Invalid proposal signing key');
@ -2448,6 +2460,51 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
it('should accept a tx proposal signed with a custom key', function(done) {
var reqPrivKey = new Bitcore.PrivateKey();
var reqPubKey = reqPrivKey.toPublicKey();
var xPrivKey = TestData.copayers[0].xPrivKey_44H_0H_0H;
var sig = helpers.signRequestPubKey(reqPubKey, xPrivKey);
var opts = {
copayerId: TestData.copayers[0].id44,
requestPubKey: reqPubKey,
signature: sig,
server.addAccess(opts, function(err) {
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 2], function() {
var txOpts = helpers.createProposalOpts2([{
toAddress: '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7',
amount: 0.8
}], {
message: 'some message',
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, txp) {
var sendOpts = {
proposalSignature: helpers.signMessage(txp.getRawTx(), reqPrivKey),
proposalSignaturePubKey: reqPubKey,
proposalSignaturePubKeySig: sig,
server.sendTx(sendOpts, function(err) {
err.message.should.contain('Invalid proposal signing key');
it('should fail to send a temporary tx proposal if utxos are unavailable', function(done) {
var txp1, txp2;
var txOpts = helpers.createProposalOpts2([{