'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var $ = require('preconditions').singleton(); var Uuid = require('uuid'); var log = require('npmlog'); log.debug = log.verbose; log.disableColor(); var Bitcore = require('bitcore-lib'); var Common = require('../common'); var Constants = Common.Constants; var Defaults = Common.Defaults; var TxProposalAction = require('./txproposalaction'); function TxProposal() {}; TxProposal.Types = { SIMPLE: 'simple', MULTIPLEOUTPUTS: 'multiple_outputs', }; TxProposal.isTypeSupported = function(type) { return _.contains(_.values(TxProposal.Types), type); }; TxProposal._create = {}; TxProposal._create.simple = function(txp, opts) { txp.toAddress = opts.toAddress; txp.amount = opts.amount; txp.outputOrder = _.shuffle(_.range(2)); try { txp.network = Bitcore.Address(txp.toAddress).toObject().network; } catch (ex) {} }; TxProposal._create.undefined = TxProposal._create.simple; TxProposal._create.multiple_outputs = function(txp, opts) { txp.outputs = _.map(opts.outputs, function(output) { return _.pick(output, ['amount', 'toAddress', 'message']); }); txp.outputOrder = _.shuffle(_.range(txp.outputs.length + 1)); try { txp.network = Bitcore.Address(txp.outputs[0].toAddress).toObject().network; } catch (ex) {} }; TxProposal.create = function(opts) { opts = opts || {}; var x = new TxProposal(); x.version = '2.0.0'; x.type = opts.type || TxProposal.Types.SIMPLE; var now = Date.now(); x.createdOn = Math.floor(now / 1000); x.id = _.padLeft(now, 14, '0') + Uuid.v4(); x.walletId = opts.walletId; x.creatorId = opts.creatorId; x.message = opts.message; x.payProUrl = opts.payProUrl; x.proposalSignature = opts.proposalSignature; x.changeAddress = opts.changeAddress; x.inputs = []; x.inputPaths = []; x.requiredSignatures = opts.requiredSignatures; x.requiredRejections = opts.requiredRejections; x.walletN = opts.walletN; x.status = 'pending'; x.actions = []; x.fee = null; x.feePerKb = opts.feePerKb; x.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos = opts.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos; x.proposalSignaturePubKey = opts.proposalSignaturePubKey; x.proposalSignaturePubKeySig = opts.proposalSignaturePubKeySig; x.addressType = opts.addressType || Constants.SCRIPT_TYPES.P2SH; x.customData = opts.customData; if (_.isFunction(TxProposal._create[x.type])) { TxProposal._create[x.type](x, opts); } return x; }; TxProposal.fromObj = function(obj) { var x = new TxProposal(); x.version = obj.version; if (obj.version === '1.0.0') { x.type = TxProposal.Types.SIMPLE; } else { x.type = obj.type; } x.createdOn = obj.createdOn; x.id = obj.id; x.walletId = obj.walletId; x.creatorId = obj.creatorId; x.outputs = obj.outputs; x.toAddress = obj.toAddress; x.amount = obj.amount; x.message = obj.message; x.payProUrl = obj.payProUrl; x.proposalSignature = obj.proposalSignature; x.changeAddress = obj.changeAddress; x.inputs = obj.inputs; x.requiredSignatures = obj.requiredSignatures; x.requiredRejections = obj.requiredRejections; x.walletN = obj.walletN; x.status = obj.status; x.txid = obj.txid; x.broadcastedOn = obj.broadcastedOn; x.inputPaths = obj.inputPaths; x.actions = _.map(obj.actions, function(action) { return TxProposalAction.fromObj(action); }); x.outputOrder = obj.outputOrder; x.fee = obj.fee; x.network = obj.network; x.feePerKb = obj.feePerKb; x.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos = obj.excludeUnconfirmedUtxos; x.proposalSignaturePubKey = obj.proposalSignaturePubKey; x.proposalSignaturePubKeySig = obj.proposalSignaturePubKeySig; x.addressType = obj.addressType || Constants.SCRIPT_TYPES.P2SH; x.customData = obj.customData; return x; }; TxProposal.prototype.setInputs = function(inputs) { this.inputs = inputs; this.inputPaths = _.pluck(inputs, 'path'); }; TxProposal.prototype._updateStatus = function() { if (this.status != 'pending') return; if (this.isRejected()) { this.status = 'rejected'; } else if (this.isAccepted()) { this.status = 'accepted'; } }; TxProposal.newBitcoreTransaction = function() { return new Bitcore.Transaction(); }; TxProposal.prototype._buildTx = function() { var self = this; var t = TxProposal.newBitcoreTransaction(); $.checkState(_.contains(_.values(Constants.SCRIPT_TYPES), self.addressType)); switch (self.addressType) { case Constants.SCRIPT_TYPES.P2SH: _.each(self.inputs, function(i) { t.from(i, i.publicKeys, self.requiredSignatures); }); break; case Constants.SCRIPT_TYPES.P2PKH: t.from(self.inputs); break; } if (self.toAddress && self.amount && !self.outputs) { t.to(self.toAddress, self.amount); } else if (self.outputs) { _.each(self.outputs, function(o) { $.checkState(!o.script != !o.toAddress, 'Output should have either toAddress or script specified'); if (o.script) { t.addOutput(new Bitcore.Transaction.Output({ script: o.script, satoshis: o.amount })); } else { t.to(o.toAddress, o.amount); } }); } if (_.startsWith(self.version, '1.')) { Bitcore.Transaction.FEE_SECURITY_MARGIN = 1; t.feePerKb(self.feePerKb); } else { t.fee(self.fee); } t.change(self.changeAddress.address); // Shuffle outputs for improved privacy if (t.outputs.length > 1) { $.checkState(t.outputs.length == self.outputOrder.length); t.sortOutputs(function(outputs) { return _.map(self.outputOrder, function(i) { return outputs[i]; }); }); } // Validate inputs vs outputs independently of Bitcore var totalInputs = _.reduce(self.inputs, function(memo, i) { return +i.satoshis + memo; }, 0); var totalOutputs = _.reduce(t.outputs, function(memo, o) { return +o.satoshis + memo; }, 0); $.checkState(totalInputs - totalOutputs <= Defaults.MAX_TX_FEE); return t; }; TxProposal.prototype._getCurrentSignatures = function() { var acceptedActions = _.filter(this.actions, { type: 'accept' }); return _.map(acceptedActions, function(x) { return { signatures: x.signatures, xpub: x.xpub, }; }); }; TxProposal.prototype.getBitcoreTx = function() { var self = this; var t = this._buildTx(); var sigs = this._getCurrentSignatures(); _.each(sigs, function(x) { self._addSignaturesToBitcoreTx(t, x.signatures, x.xpub); }); return t; }; TxProposal.prototype.getNetworkName = function() { var someAddress = this.toAddress || this.outputs[0].toAddress; return Bitcore.Address(someAddress).toObject().network; }; TxProposal.prototype.getRawTx = function() { var t = this.getBitcoreTx(); return t.uncheckedSerialize(); }; TxProposal.prototype.getEstimatedSize = function() { // Note: found empirically based on all multisig P2SH inputs and within m & n allowed limits. var safetyMargin = 0.05; var walletM = this.requiredSignatures; var overhead = 4 + 4 + 9 + 9; var inputSize = walletM * 72 + this.walletN * 36 + 44; var outputSize = 34; var nbInputs = this.inputs.length; var nbOutputs = (_.isArray(this.outputs) ? this.outputs.length : 1) + 1; var size = overhead + inputSize * nbInputs + outputSize * nbOutputs; return parseInt((size * (1 + safetyMargin)).toFixed(0)); }; TxProposal.prototype.estimateFee = function() { var fee = this.feePerKb * this.getEstimatedSize() / 1000; this.fee = parseInt(fee.toFixed(0)); }; /** * getTotalAmount * * @return {Number} total amount of all outputs excluding change output */ TxProposal.prototype.getTotalAmount = function() { if (this.type == TxProposal.Types.MULTIPLEOUTPUTS) { return _.pluck(this.outputs, 'amount') .reduce(function(total, n) { return total + n; }); } else { return this.amount; } }; /** * getActors * * @return {String[]} copayerIds that performed actions in this proposal (accept / reject) */ TxProposal.prototype.getActors = function() { return _.pluck(this.actions, 'copayerId'); }; /** * getApprovers * * @return {String[]} copayerIds that approved the tx proposal (accept) */ TxProposal.prototype.getApprovers = function() { return _.pluck( _.filter(this.actions, { type: 'accept' }), 'copayerId'); }; /** * getActionBy * * @param {String} copayerId * @return {Object} type / createdOn */ TxProposal.prototype.getActionBy = function(copayerId) { return _.find(this.actions, { copayerId: copayerId }); }; TxProposal.prototype.addAction = function(copayerId, type, comment, signatures, xpub) { var action = TxProposalAction.create({ copayerId: copayerId, type: type, signatures: signatures, xpub: xpub, comment: comment, }); this.actions.push(action); this._updateStatus(); }; TxProposal.prototype._addSignaturesToBitcoreTx = function(tx, signatures, xpub) { var self = this; if (signatures.length != this.inputs.length) throw new Error('Number of signatures does not match number of inputs'); var i = 0, x = new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(xpub); _.each(signatures, function(signatureHex) { var input = self.inputs[i]; try { var signature = Bitcore.crypto.Signature.fromString(signatureHex); var pub = x.derive(self.inputPaths[i]).publicKey; var s = { inputIndex: i, signature: signature, sigtype: Bitcore.crypto.Signature.SIGHASH_ALL, publicKey: pub, }; tx.inputs[i].addSignature(tx, s); i++; } catch (e) {}; }); if (i != tx.inputs.length) throw new Error('Wrong signatures'); }; TxProposal.prototype.sign = function(copayerId, signatures, xpub) { try { // Tests signatures are OK var tx = this.getBitcoreTx(); this._addSignaturesToBitcoreTx(tx, signatures, xpub); this.addAction(copayerId, 'accept', null, signatures, xpub); if (this.status == 'accepted') { this.raw = tx.uncheckedSerialize(); this.txid = tx.id; } return true; } catch (e) { log.debug(e); return false; } }; TxProposal.prototype.reject = function(copayerId, reason) { this.addAction(copayerId, 'reject', reason); }; TxProposal.prototype.isPending = function() { return !_.contains(['broadcasted', 'rejected'], this.status); }; TxProposal.prototype.isAccepted = function() { var votes = _.countBy(this.actions, 'type'); return votes['accept'] >= this.requiredSignatures; }; TxProposal.prototype.isRejected = function() { var votes = _.countBy(this.actions, 'type'); return votes['reject'] >= this.requiredRejections; }; TxProposal.prototype.isBroadcasted = function() { return this.status == 'broadcasted'; }; TxProposal.prototype.setBroadcasted = function() { $.checkState(this.txid); this.status = 'broadcasted'; this.broadcastedOn = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); }; module.exports = TxProposal;