'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var $ = require('preconditions').singleton(); var log = require('npmlog'); log.debug = log.verbose; var io = require('socket.io-client'); var requestList = require('./request-list'); function Insight(opts) { $.checkArgument(opts); $.checkArgument(_.contains(['livenet', 'testnet'], opts.network)); $.checkArgument(opts.url); this.apiPrefix = opts.apiPrefix || '/api'; this.network = opts.network || 'livenet'; this.hosts = opts.url; }; var _parseErr = function(err, res) { if (err) { log.warn('Insight error: ', err); return "Insight Error"; } log.warn("Insight " + res.request.href + " Returned Status: " + res.statusCode); return "Error querying the blockchain"; }; Insight.prototype.getConnectionInfo = function() { return 'Insight (' + this.network + ') @ ' + this.hosts; }; /** * Retrieve a list of unspent outputs associated with an address or set of addresses */ Insight.prototype.getUnspentUtxos = function(addresses, cb) { var args = { method: 'POST', hosts: this.hosts, path: this.apiPrefix + '/addrs/utxo', json: { addrs: [].concat(addresses).join(',') }, }; requestList(args, function(err, res, unspent) { if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(_parseErr(err, res)); return cb(null, unspent); }); }; /** * Broadcast a transaction to the bitcoin network */ Insight.prototype.broadcast = function(rawTx, cb) { var args = { method: 'POST', hosts: this.hosts, path: this.apiPrefix + '/tx/send', json: { rawtx: rawTx }, }; requestList(args, function(err, res, body) { if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(_parseErr(err, res)); return cb(null, body ? body.txid : null); }); }; Insight.prototype.getTransaction = function(txid, cb) { var args = { method: 'GET', hosts: this.hosts, path: this.apiPrefix + '/tx/' + txid, json: true, }; requestList(args, function(err, res, tx) { if (res && res.statusCode == 404) return cb(); if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(_parseErr(err, res)); return cb(null, tx); }); }; Insight.prototype.getTransactions = function(addresses, from, to, cb) { var qs = []; if (_.isNumber(from)) qs.push('from=' + from); if (_.isNumber(to)) qs.push('to=' + to); var args = { method: 'POST', hosts: this.hosts, path: this.apiPrefix + '/addrs/txs' + (qs.length > 0 ? '?' + qs.join('&') : ''), json: { addrs: [].concat(addresses).join(',') }, }; requestList(args, function(err, res, txs) { if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(_parseErr(err, res)); if (_.isObject(txs) && txs.items) txs = txs.items; // NOTE: Whenever Insight breaks communication with bitcoind, it returns invalid data but no error code. if (!_.isArray(txs) || (txs.length != _.compact(txs).length)) return cb(new Error('Could not retrieve transactions from blockchain. Request was:' + JSON.stringify(args))); return cb(null, txs); }); }; Insight.prototype.getAddressActivity = function(address, cb) { var self = this; var args = { method: 'GET', hosts: this.hosts, path: self.apiPrefix + '/addr/' + address, json: true, }; requestList(args, function(err, res, result) { if (res && res.statusCode == 404) return cb(); if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(_parseErr(err, res)); var nbTxs = result.unconfirmedTxApperances + result.txApperances; return cb(null, nbTxs > 0); }); }; Insight.prototype.estimateFee = function(nbBlocks, cb) { var path = this.apiPrefix + '/utils/estimatefee'; if (nbBlocks) { path += '?nbBlocks=' + [].concat(nbBlocks).join(','); } var args = { method: 'GET', hosts: this.hosts, path: path, json: true, }; requestList(args, function(err, res, body) { if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(_parseErr(err, res)); return cb(null, body); }); }; Insight.prototype.initSocket = function() { // sockets always use the first server on the pull var socket = io.connect(this.hosts[0], { 'reconnection': true, }); return socket; }; module.exports = Insight;