Keys: Modified interface of Pubkey and Privkey so that an instance can be relied upon as valid.

This commit is contained in:
Braydon Fuller 2014-11-24 17:23:09 -05:00
parent ac368176b7
commit 35d0cbc5a6
6 changed files with 896 additions and 294 deletions

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ BIP32.prototype.fromRandom = function(networkstr) {
this.parentfingerprint = new Buffer([0, 0, 0, 0]);
this.childindex = new Buffer([0, 0, 0, 0]);
this.chaincode = Random.getRandomBuffer(32);
this.privkey = Privkey().fromRandom();
this.pubkey = new Pubkey().fromPrivkey(this.privkey);
this.privkey = Privkey.fromRandom();
this.pubkey = Pubkey.fromPrivkey(this.privkey);
this.hasprivkey = true;
this.pubkeyhash = Hash.sha256ripemd160(this.pubkey.toBuffer());
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ BIP32.prototype.fromSeed = function(bytes, networkstr) {
this.childindex = new Buffer([0, 0, 0, 0]);
this.chaincode = hash.slice(32, 64);
this.version = networks[networkstr].bip32privkey;
this.privkey = new Privkey({bn: BN().fromBuffer(hash.slice(0, 32))});
this.pubkey = new Pubkey().fromPrivkey(this.privkey);
this.privkey = new Privkey(BN().fromBuffer(hash.slice(0, 32)));
this.pubkey = Pubkey.fromPrivkey(this.privkey);
this.hasprivkey = true;
this.pubkeyhash = Hash.sha256ripemd160(this.pubkey.toBuffer());
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ BIP32.prototype.initFromBytes = function(bytes) {
this.version == networks.testnet.bip32pubkey);
if (isPrivate && keyBytes[0] == 0) {
this.privkey = new Privkey({bn: BN().fromBuffer(keyBytes.slice(1, 33))});
this.pubkey = new Pubkey().fromPrivkey(this.privkey);
this.privkey = new Privkey(BN().fromBuffer(keyBytes.slice(1, 33)));
this.pubkey = Pubkey.fromPrivkey(this.privkey);
this.pubkeyhash = Hash.sha256ripemd160(this.pubkey.toBuffer());
this.hasprivkey = true;
} else if (isPublic && (keyBytes[0] == 0x02 || keyBytes[0] == 0x03)) {
this.pubkey = (new Pubkey()).fromDER(keyBytes);
this.pubkey = Pubkey.fromDER(keyBytes);
this.pubkeyhash = Hash.sha256ripemd160(this.pubkey.toBuffer());
this.hasprivkey = false;
} else {
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ BIP32.prototype.initFromBytes = function(bytes) {
BIP32.prototype.buildxpubkey = function() {
this.xpubkey = new Buffer([]);
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ BIP32.prototype.buildxpubkey = function() {
BIP32.prototype.xpubkeyString = function(format) {
if (format === undefined || format === 'base58') {
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ BIP32.prototype.derive = function(path) {
return bip32;
BIP32.prototype.deriveChild = function(i) {
if (typeof i !== 'number')
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ BIP32.prototype.deriveChild = function(i) {
ret = new BIP32();
ret.chaincode = ir;
ret.privkey = new Privkey({bn: k});
ret.pubkey = new Pubkey().fromPrivkey(ret.privkey);
ret.privkey = new Privkey(k);
ret.pubkey = Pubkey.fromPrivkey(ret.privkey);
ret.hasprivkey = true;
} else {
@ -284,8 +284,7 @@ BIP32.prototype.deriveChild = function(i) {
var ilG = Point.getG().mul(il);
var Kpar = this.pubkey.point;
var Ki = ilG.add(Kpar);
var newpub = new Pubkey();
newpub.point = Ki;
var newpub = Pubkey.fromPoint(Ki);
ret = new BIP32();
ret.chaincode = ir;
@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ BIP32.prototype.deriveChild = function(i) {
return ret;
BIP32.prototype.toString = function() {
var isPrivate =

View File

@ -5,107 +5,312 @@ var Point = require('./crypto/point');
var Random = require('./crypto/random');
var networks = require('./networks');
var base58check = require('./encoding/base58check');
var Address = require('./address');
var Pubkey = require('./pubkey');
var Privkey = function Privkey(bn) {
if (!(this instanceof Privkey))
return new Privkey(bn);
if (bn instanceof BN) = bn;
else if (bn) {
var obj = bn;
* Bitcore Privkey
* Instantiate a Privkey from a BN, Buffer and WIF.
* @example
* var privkey = new Privkey();
* @param {String} data - The encoded data in various formats
* @param {String} [network] - Either "mainnet" or "testnet"
* @param {Boolean} [compressed] - If the key is in compressed format
* @returns {Privkey} A new valid instance of an Privkey
var Privkey = function Privkey(data, network, compressed) {
if (!(this instanceof Privkey)) {
return new Privkey(data, network, compressed);
Privkey.prototype.set = function(obj) { = ||;
this.networkstr = obj.networkstr || this.networkstr;
this.compressed = typeof obj.compressed !== 'undefined' ? obj.compressed : this.compressed;
var info = {
compressed: typeof(compressed) !== 'undefined' ? compressed : true,
network: network || 'mainnet'
// detect type of data
if (!data){ = Privkey._getRandomBN();
} else if (data instanceof BN) { = data;
} else if (data instanceof Buffer) {
info = Privkey._transformBuffer(data, network, compressed);
} else if (typeof(data) === 'string'){
info = Privkey._transformWIF(data, network, compressed);
} else {
throw new TypeError('First argument is an unrecognized data type.');
// validation
if (! {
throw new TypeError('Number must be less than N');
if (typeof(networks[]) === 'undefined') {
throw new TypeError('Must specify the network ("mainnet" or "testnet")');
if (typeof(info.compressed) !== 'boolean') {
throw new TypeError('Must specify whether the corresponding public key is compressed or not (true or false)');
} =;
this.compressed = info.compressed; =;
return this;
Privkey.prototype.fromJSON = function(json) {
return this;
Privkey.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toString();
Privkey.prototype.fromRandom = function() {
* Internal function to get a random BN
* @returns {Object} An object with keys: bn, network and compressed
Privkey._getRandomBN = function(){
var condition;
var bn;
do {
var privbuf = Random.getRandomBuffer(32);
var bn = BN().fromBuffer(privbuf);
var condition =;
bn = BN().fromBuffer(privbuf);
condition =;
} while (!condition);
bn: bn,
networkstr: 'mainnet',
compressed: true
return this;
return bn;
Privkey.prototype.validate = function() {
if (!
throw new Error('Number must be less than N');
if (typeof networks[this.networkstr] === undefined)
throw new Error('Must specify the networkstr ("mainnet" or "testnet")');
if (typeof this.compressed !== 'boolean')
throw new Error('Must specify whether the corresponding public key is compressed or not (true or false)');
* Internal function to transform a WIF Buffer into a private key
* @param {Buffer} buf - An WIF string
* @param {String} [network] - Either "mainnet" or "testnet"
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the private key is compressed
* @returns {Object} An object with keys: bn, network and compressed
Privkey._transformBuffer = function(buf, network, compressed) {
var info = {};
if (buf.length === 1 + 32 + 1 && buf[1 + 32 + 1 - 1] === 1) {
info.compressed = true;
} else if (buf.length === 1 + 32) {
info.compressed = false;
} else {
throw new Error('Length of buffer must be 33 (uncompressed) or 34 (compressed)');
if (buf[0] === networks.mainnet.privkey) { = 'mainnet';
} else if (buf[0] === networks.testnet.privkey) { = 'testnet';
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid network');
if (network && !== network){
throw TypeError('Private key network mismatch');
if (typeof(compressed) !== 'undefined' && info.compressed !== compressed){
throw TypeError('Private key compression mismatch');
} = BN.fromBuffer(buf.slice(1, 32 + 1));
return info;
* Internal function to transform a WIF string into a private key
* @param {String} buf - An WIF string
* @returns {Object} An object with keys: bn, network and compressed
Privkey._transformWIF = function(str, network, compressed) {
return Privkey._transformBuffer(base58check.decode(str), network, compressed);
* Instantiate a Privkey from a WIF string
* @param {String} str - The WIF encoded private key string
* @returns {Privkey} A new valid instance of Privkey
Privkey.fromWIF = function(str) {
var info = Privkey._transformWIF(str);
return new Privkey(,, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Privkey from a WIF JSON string
* @param {String} str - The WIF encoded private key string
* @returns {Privkey} A new valid instance of Privkey
Privkey.fromJSON = function(json) {
var info = Privkey._transformWIF(json);
return new Privkey(,, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Privkey from random bytes
* @param {String} [network] - Either "mainnet" or "testnet"
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the private key is compressed
* @returns {Privkey} A new valid instance of Privkey
Privkey.fromRandom = function(network, compressed) {
var bn = Privkey._getRandomBN();
return new Privkey(bn, network, compressed);
* Instantiate a Privkey from a WIF string
* @param {String} str - The WIF encoded private key string
* @returns {Privkey} A new valid instance of Privkey
Privkey.fromString = function(str) {
var info = Privkey._transformWIF(str);
return new Privkey(,, info.compressed);
* Check if there would be any errors when initializing a Privkey
* @param {String} data - The encoded data in various formats
* @param {String} [network] - Either "mainnet" or "testnet"
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the private key is compressed
* @returns {null|Error} An error if exists
Privkey.getValidationError = function(data, network, compressed) {
var error;
try {
new Privkey(data, network, compressed);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
return error;
* Check if the parameters are valid
* @param {String} data - The encoded data in various formats
* @param {String} [network] - Either "mainnet" or "testnet"
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the private key is compressed
* @returns {Boolean} If the private key is would be valid
Privkey.isValid = function(data, network, compressed){
return !Privkey.getValidationError(data, network, compressed);
* Will output the Privkey to a WIF string
* @returns {String} A WIP representation of the private key
Privkey.prototype.toWIF = function() {
var networkstr = this.networkstr;
var network =;
var compressed = this.compressed;
if (typeof this.networkstr === 'undefined')
networkstr = 'mainnet';
if (typeof this.compressed === 'undefined')
compressed = true;
var privbuf ={size: 32});
var buf;
if (compressed)
buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([networks[networkstr].privkey]),{size: 32}), new Buffer([0x01])]);
buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([networks[networkstr].privkey]),{size: 32})]);
if (compressed) {
buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([networks[network].privkey]),{size: 32}),
new Buffer([0x01])]);
} else {
buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([networks[network].privkey]),{size: 32})]);
return base58check.encode(buf);
Privkey.prototype.fromWIF = function(str) {
var buf = base58check.decode(str);
if (buf.length === 1 + 32 + 1 && buf[1 + 32 + 1 - 1] == 1)
this.compressed = true;
else if (buf.length === 1 + 32)
this.compressed = false;
throw new Error('Length of buffer must be 33 (uncompressed) or 34 (compressed)');
if (buf[0] === networks.mainnet.privkey)
this.networkstr = 'mainnet';
else if (buf[0] === networks.testnet.privkey)
this.networkstr = 'testnet';
throw new Error('Invalid networkstr'); = BN.fromBuffer(buf.slice(1, 32 + 1));
* Will return the private key as a BN instance
* @returns {BN} A BN instance of the private key
Privkey.prototype.toBigNumber = function(){
* Will return the private key as a BN buffer
* @returns {Buffer} A buffer of the private key
Privkey.prototype.toBuffer = function(){
* Will return the corresponding public key
* @returns {Pubkey} A public key generated from the private key
Privkey.prototype.toPubkey = function(){
return Pubkey.fromPrivkey(this);
* Will return an address for the private key
* @returns {Address} An address generated from the private key
Privkey.prototype.toAddress = function() {
var pubkey = this.toPubkey();
return Address.fromPubkey(pubkey,;
* Will output the Privkey to a WIF string
* @returns {String} A WIF representation of the private key
Privkey.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toString();
* Will output the Privkey to a WIF string
* @returns {String} A WIF representation of the private key
Privkey.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.toWIF();
Privkey.prototype.toPubkey = function() {
return new Pubkey().fromPrivkey(this);
Privkey.prototype.fromString = function(str) {
* Will return a string formatted for the console
* @returns {String} Private key
Privkey.prototype.inspect = function() {
return '<Privkey: ' + this.toString() + ', compressed: '+this.compressed+', network: ''>';
module.exports = Privkey;

View File

@ -1,94 +1,300 @@
'use strict';
var Point = require('./crypto/point');
var bn = require('./crypto/bn');
var BN = require('./crypto/bn');
var Pubkey = function Pubkey(point) {
if (!(this instanceof Pubkey))
return new Pubkey(point);
if (point instanceof Point)
this.point = point;
else if (point) {
var obj = point;
* Bitcore Pubkey
* Instantiate a Pubkey from a 'Privkey', 'Point', 'string', 'Buffer'.
* @example
* var pubkey = new Pubkey(privkey, true);
* @param {String} data - The encoded data in various formats
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the public key is compressed
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of an Pubkey
var Pubkey = function Pubkey(data, compressed) {
if (!(this instanceof Pubkey)) {
return new Pubkey(data, compressed);
Pubkey.prototype.set = function(obj) {
if (obj.point && !obj.point.getX() && !obj.point.getY())
throw new Error('Invalid point');
this.point = obj.point || this.point;
this.compressed = typeof obj.compressed !== 'undefined' ? obj.compressed : this.compressed;
if (!data) {
throw new TypeError('First argument is required, please include public key data.');
var info = {
compressed: typeof(compressed) !== 'undefined' ? compressed : true
// detect type of data
if (data instanceof Point) {
info.point = data;
} else if (typeof(data) === 'string'){
info = Pubkey._transformDER(new Buffer(data, 'hex' ));
} else if (data instanceof Buffer){
info = Pubkey._transformDER(data);
} else if (data.constructor && ( && === 'Privkey')) {
info = Pubkey._transformPrivkey(data);
} else {
throw new TypeError('First argument is an unrecognized data format.');
// validation
if (info.point.isInfinity()){
throw new Error('Point cannot be equal to Infinity');
if (info.point.eq(Point(BN(0), BN(0)))){
throw new Error('Point cannot be equal to 0, 0');
this.point = info.point;
this.compressed = info.compressed;
return this;
Pubkey.prototype.fromJSON = function(json) {
this.fromBuffer(new Buffer(json, 'hex'));
return this;
* Internal function to transform a private key into a public key point
* @param {Privkey} privkey - An instance of Privkey
* @returns {Object} An object with keys: point and compressed
Pubkey._transformPrivkey = function(privkey) {
var info = {};
if (!privkey.constructor ||
( && !== 'Privkey')) {
throw new TypeError('Must be an instance of Privkey');
info.point = Point.getG().mul(;
info.compressed = privkey.compressed;
return info;
* Internal function to transform DER into a public key point
* @param {Buffer} buf - An hex encoded buffer
* @returns {Object} An object with keys: point and compressed
Pubkey._transformDER = function(buf){
var info = {};
if (!(buf instanceof Buffer)){
throw new TypeError('Must be a hex buffer of DER encoded public key');
var x;
var y;
var xbuf;
var ybuf;
if (buf[0] === 0x04) {
xbuf = buf.slice(1, 33);
ybuf = buf.slice(33, 65);
if (xbuf.length !== 32 || ybuf.length !== 32 || buf.length !== 65) {
throw new TypeError('Length of x and y must be 32 bytes');
x = BN(xbuf);
y = BN(ybuf);
info.point = Point(x, y);
info.compressed = false;
} else if (buf[0] === 0x03) {
xbuf = buf.slice(1);
x = BN(xbuf);
info = Pubkey._transformX(true, x);
info.compressed = true;
} else if (buf[0] == 0x02) {
xbuf = buf.slice(1);
x = BN(xbuf);
info = Pubkey._transformX(false, x);
info.compressed = true;
} else {
throw new TypeError('Invalid DER format pubkey');
return info;
* Internal function to transform X into a public key point
* @param {Boolean} odd - If the point is above or below the x axis
* @param {Point} x - The x point
* @returns {Object} An object with keys: point and compressed
Pubkey._transformX = function(odd, x){
var info = {};
if (typeof odd !== 'boolean') {
throw new TypeError('Must specify whether y is odd or not (true or false)');
info.point = Point.fromX(odd, x);
return info;
* Instantiate a Pubkey from JSON
* @param {String} json - A JSON string of DER encoded pubkey
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromJSON = function(json) {
var buf = new Buffer(json, 'hex');
var info = Pubkey._transformDER(buf);
return new Pubkey(info.point, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Pubkey from a Privkey
* @param {Privkey} privkey - An instance of Privkey
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromPrivkey = function(privkey) {
var info = Pubkey._transformPrivkey(privkey);
return new Pubkey(info.point, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Pubkey from a Buffer
* @param {Buffer} buf - A DER hex buffer
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromBuffer = function(buf) {
var info = Pubkey._transformDER(buf);
return new Pubkey(info.point, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Pubkey from a Point
* @param {Point} point - A Point instance
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromPoint = function(point){
if (!(point instanceof Point)) {
throw new TypeError('First argument must be an instance of Point.');
return new Pubkey(point);
* Instantiate a Pubkey from a DER Buffer
* @param {Buffer} buf - A DER Buffer
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromDER = function(buf) {
var info = Pubkey._transformDER(buf);
return new Pubkey(info.point, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Pubkey from a DER hex encoded string
* @param {String} str - A DER hex string
* @param {String} [encoding] - The type of string encoding
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromString = function(str, encoding) {
var buf = new Buffer(str, encoding || 'hex');
var info = Pubkey._transformDER(buf);
return new Pubkey(info.point, info.compressed);
* Instantiate a Pubkey from an X Point
* @param {Boolean} odd - If the point is above or below the x axis
* @param {Point} x - The x point
* @returns {Pubkey} A new valid instance of Pubkey
Pubkey.fromX = function(odd, x) {
var info = Pubkey._transformX(odd, x);
return new Pubkey(info.point, info.compressed);
* Check if there would be any errors when initializing a Pubkey
* @param {String} data - The encoded data in various formats
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the public key is compressed
* @returns {null|Error} An error if exists
Pubkey.getValidationError = function(data, compressed) {
var error;
try {
new Pubkey(data, compressed);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
return error;
* Check if the parameters are valid
* @param {String} data - The encoded data in various formats
* @param {String} [compressed] - If the public key is compressed
* @returns {Boolean} If the pubkey is would be valid
Pubkey.isValid = function(data, compressed) {
return !Pubkey.getValidationError(data, compressed);
* Will output the Pubkey to JSON
* @returns {String} A hex encoded string
Pubkey.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toBuffer().toString('hex');
Pubkey.prototype.fromPrivkey = function(privkey) {
point: Point.getG().mul(,
compressed: privkey.compressed}
return this;
Pubkey.prototype.fromBuffer = function(buf) {
return this.fromDER(buf);
Pubkey.prototype.fromDER = function(buf) {
if (buf[0] == 0x04) {
var xbuf = buf.slice(1, 33);
var ybuf = buf.slice(33, 65);
if (xbuf.length !== 32 || ybuf.length !== 32 || buf.length !== 65)
throw new Error('Length of x and y must be 32 bytes');
var x = bn(xbuf);
var y = bn(ybuf);
this.point = Point(x, y);
this.compressed = false;
} else if (buf[0] == 0x03) {
var xbuf = buf.slice(1);
var x = bn(xbuf);
this.fromX(true, x);
this.compressed = true;
} else if (buf[0] == 0x02) {
var xbuf = buf.slice(1);
var x = bn(xbuf);
this.fromX(false, x);
this.compressed = true;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid DER format pubkey');
return this;
Pubkey.prototype.fromString = function( str , encoding ) {
var encoding = encoding || 'hex';
this.fromDER( new Buffer(str, encoding ) );
Pubkey.prototype.fromX = function(odd, x) {
if (typeof odd !== 'boolean')
throw new Error('Must specify whether y is odd or not (true or false)');
this.point = Point.fromX(odd, x);
* Will output the Pubkey to a Buffer
* @returns {Buffer} A DER hex encoded buffer
Pubkey.prototype.toBuffer = function() {
var compressed = typeof this.compressed === 'undefined' ? true : this.compressed;
return this.toDER(compressed);
* Will output the Pubkey to a DER Buffer
* @returns {Buffer} A DER hex encoded buffer
Pubkey.prototype.toDER = function(compressed) {
compressed = typeof this.compressed === 'undefined' ? compressed : this.compressed;
if (typeof compressed !== 'boolean')
throw new Error('Must specify whether the public key is compressed or not (true or false)');
compressed = typeof(compressed) !== 'undefined' ? compressed : this.compressed;
if (typeof compressed !== 'boolean') {
throw new TypeError('Must specify whether the public key is compressed or not (true or false)');
var x = this.point.getX();
var y = this.point.getY();
@ -96,32 +302,40 @@ Pubkey.prototype.toDER = function(compressed) {
var xbuf = x.toBuffer({size: 32});
var ybuf = y.toBuffer({size: 32});
var prefix;
if (!compressed) {
var prefix = new Buffer([0x04]);
prefix = new Buffer([0x04]);
return Buffer.concat([prefix, xbuf, ybuf]);
} else {
var odd = ybuf[ybuf.length - 1] % 2;
if (odd)
var prefix = new Buffer([0x03]);
var prefix = new Buffer([0x02]);
if (odd) {
prefix = new Buffer([0x03]);
} else {
prefix = new Buffer([0x02]);
return Buffer.concat([prefix, xbuf]);
* Will output the Pubkey to a DER encoded hex string
* @returns {String} A DER hex encoded string
Pubkey.prototype.toString = function() {
var compressed = typeof this.compressed === 'undefined' ? true : this.compressed;
return this.toDER(compressed).toString('hex');
Pubkey.prototype.validate = function() {
if (this.point.isInfinity())
throw new Error('point: Point cannot be equal to Infinity');
if (this.point.eq(Point(bn(0), bn(0))))
throw new Error('point: Point cannot be equal to 0, 0');
return this;
* Will return a string formatted for the console
* @returns {String} Public key
Pubkey.prototype.inspect = function() {
return '<Pubkey: ' + this.toString() + ', compressed: '+this.compressed+'>';
module.exports = Pubkey;

View File

@ -266,22 +266,15 @@ describe('Address', function() {
}).should.throw('Address hashbuffers must be exactly 20 bytes.');
it('should make this address from a compressed pubkey object', function() {
var pubkey = new Pubkey();
pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004',
var a = Address.fromPubkey(pubkey);
var b = new Address(pubkey);
it('should make this address from a compressed pubkey', function() {
var pubkey = Pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004', 'hex'));
var address = Address.fromPubkey(pubkey);
it('should make this address from an uncompressed pubkey', function() {
var pubkey = new Pubkey();
pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004',
pubkey.compressed = false;
var a = Address.fromPubkey(pubkey, 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash');
var pubkey = Pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('0485e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004833fef26c8be4c4823754869ff4e46755b85d851077771c220e2610496a29d98', 'hex'));
var a = Address.fromPubkey(pubkey, 'mainnet');
var b = new Address(pubkey, 'mainnet', 'pubkeyhash');
@ -310,7 +303,7 @@ describe('Address', function() {
var address = new Address(str);
var buffer = address.toBuffer();
var slice = buffer.slice(1);
var sliceString = slice.toString('hex')
var sliceString = slice.toString('hex');

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ var bitcore = require('..');
var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN;
var Point = bitcore.crypto.Point;
var Privkey = bitcore.Privkey;
var Pubkey = bitcore.Pubkey;
var base58check = bitcore.encoding.Base58Check;
describe('Privkey', function() {
var hex = '96c132224121b509b7d0a16245e957d9192609c5637c6228311287b1be21627a';
@ -15,9 +15,78 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
var encmainnet = 'L2Gkw3kKJ6N24QcDuH4XDqt9cTqsKTVNDGz1CRZhk9cq4auDUbJy';
var encmu = '5JxgQaFM1FMd38cd14e3mbdxsdSa9iM2BV6DHBYsvGzxkTNQ7Un';
it('should create an empty private key', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
it('should create a new random private key', function() {
var a = new Privkey();
var b = Privkey();
it('should create a private key from WIF string', function() {
var a = new Privkey('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m');
it('should create a private key from WIF buffer', function() {
var a = new Privkey(base58check.decode('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m'));
it('should not be able to instantiate private key greater than N', function() {
(function() {
var n = Point.getN();
var a = new Privkey(n);
}).should.throw('Number must be less than N');
it('should not be able to instantiate private key because of network mismatch', function() {
(function() {
var a = new Privkey('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m', 'testnet');
}).should.throw('Private key network mismatch');
it('should not be able to instantiate private key because of compression mismatch', function() {
(function() {
var a = new Privkey('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m', 'mainnet', false);
}).should.throw('Private key compression mismatch');
it('should not be able to instantiate private key WIF is too long', function() {
(function() {
var buf = base58check.decode('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m');
var buf2 = Buffer.concat([buf, new Buffer(0x01)]);
var a = new Privkey(buf2);
}).should.throw('Length of buffer must be 33 (uncompressed) or 34 (compressed');
it('should not be able to instantiate private key WIF because of unknown network byte', function() {
(function() {
var buf = base58check.decode('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m');
var buf2 = Buffer.concat([new Buffer(0x01, 'hex'), buf.slice(1, 33)]);
var a = new Privkey(buf2);
}).should.throw('Invalid network');
it('should not be able to instantiate because compressed is non-boolean', function() {
(function() {
var a = new Privkey(null, 'testnet', 'compressed');
}).should.throw('Must specify whether the corresponding public key is compressed or not (true or false)');
it('should not be able to instantiate because of unrecognized data', function() {
(function() {
var a = new Privkey(new Error());
}).should.throw('First argument is an unrecognized data type.');
it('should not be able to instantiate with unknown network', function() {
(function() {
var a = new Privkey(null, 'unknown');
}).should.throw('Must specify the network ("mainnet" or "testnet")');
it('should create a 0 private key with this convenience method', function() {
@ -27,47 +96,24 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
it('should create a mainnet private key', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey({
bn: BN.fromBuffer(buf),
networkstr: 'mainnet',
compressed: true
var privkey = new Privkey(BN.fromBuffer(buf), 'mainnet', true);
it('should create an uncompressed testnet private key', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey({
bn: BN.fromBuffer(buf),
networkstr: 'testnet',
compressed: false
var privkey = new Privkey(BN.fromBuffer(buf), 'testnet', false);
it('should create an uncompressed mainnet private key', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey({
bn: BN.fromBuffer(buf),
networkstr: 'mainnet',
compressed: false
var privkey = new Privkey(BN.fromBuffer(buf), 'mainnet', false);
describe('#set', function() {
it('should set bn', function() {
bn: BN.fromBuffer(buf)
describe('#fromJSON', function() {
it('should input this address correctly', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
var privkey = Privkey.fromJSON(encmu);
@ -76,17 +122,80 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
describe('#toString', function() {
it('should output this address correctly', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
var privkey = Privkey.fromJSON(encmu);
describe('#toAddress', function() {
it('should output this known mainnet address correctly', function() {
var privkey = Privkey.fromWIF('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m');
var address = privkey.toAddress();
it('should output this known testnet address correctly', function() {
var privkey = Privkey.fromWIF('cR4qogdN9UxLZJXCNFNwDRRZNeLRWuds9TTSuLNweFVjiaE4gPaq');
var address = privkey.toAddress();
describe('#inspect', function() {
it('should output known mainnet address for console', function() {
var privkey = Privkey.fromWIF('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m');
privkey.inspect().should.equal('<Privkey: L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m, compressed: true, network: mainnet>');
it('should output known testnet address for console', function() {
var privkey = Privkey.fromWIF('cR4qogdN9UxLZJXCNFNwDRRZNeLRWuds9TTSuLNweFVjiaE4gPaq');
privkey.inspect().should.equal('<Privkey: cR4qogdN9UxLZJXCNFNwDRRZNeLRWuds9TTSuLNweFVjiaE4gPaq, compressed: true, network: testnet>');
describe('#getValidationError', function(){
it('should get an error because private key greater than N', function() {
var n = Point.getN();
var a = Privkey.getValidationError(n);
a.message.should.equal('Number must be less than N');
it('should validate as false because private key greater than N', function() {
var n = Point.getN();
var a = Privkey.isValid(n);
it('should validate as true', function() {
var a = Privkey.isValid('L3T1s1TYP9oyhHpXgkyLoJFGniEgkv2Jhi138d7R2yJ9F4QdDU2m');
describe('#toBuffer', function() {
it('should output known buffer', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey(BN.fromBuffer(buf), 'mainnet', true);
var b = privkey.toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(buf.toString('hex'));
describe('#toBigNumber', function() {
it('should output known BN', function() {
var a = BN.fromBuffer(buf);
var privkey = new Privkey(a, 'mainnet', true);
var b = privkey.toBigNumber();
describe('#fromRandom', function() {
it('should set bn gt 0 and lt n, and should be compressed', function() {
var privkey = Privkey().fromRandom();
var privkey = Privkey.fromRandom();;;
@ -97,8 +206,7 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
describe('#fromWIF', function() {
it('should parse this compressed testnet address correctly', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
var privkey = Privkey.fromWIF(encmainnet);
@ -107,8 +215,7 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
describe('#toWIF', function() {
it('should parse this compressed testnet address correctly', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
var privkey = Privkey.fromWIF(enctestnet);
@ -117,8 +224,7 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
describe('#fromString', function() {
it('should parse this uncompressed testnet address correctly', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
var privkey = Privkey.fromString(enctu);
@ -127,8 +233,7 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
describe('#toString', function() {
it('should parse this uncompressed mainnet address correctly', function() {
var privkey = new Privkey();
var privkey = Privkey.fromString(encmu);
@ -139,18 +244,14 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
it('should convert this known Privkey to known Pubkey', function() {
var privhex = '906977a061af29276e40bf377042ffbde414e496ae2260bbf1fa9d085637bfff';
var pubhex = '02a1633cafcc01ebfb6d78e39f687a1f0995c62fc95f51ead10a02ee0be551b5dc';
var privkey = new Privkey({
bn: BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex'))
var privkey = new Privkey(BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex')));
var pubkey = privkey.toPubkey();
it('should convert this known Privkey to known Pubkey and preserve compressed=true', function() {
var privhex = '906977a061af29276e40bf377042ffbde414e496ae2260bbf1fa9d085637bfff';
var privkey = new Privkey({
bn: BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex'))
var privkey = new Privkey(BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex')));
privkey.compressed = true;
var pubkey = privkey.toPubkey();
@ -158,9 +259,7 @@ describe('Privkey', function() {
it('should convert this known Privkey to known Pubkey and preserve compressed=true', function() {
var privhex = '906977a061af29276e40bf377042ffbde414e496ae2260bbf1fa9d085637bfff';
var privkey = new Privkey({
bn: BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex'))
var privkey = new Privkey(BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex')));
privkey.compressed = false;
var pubkey = privkey.toPubkey();

View File

@ -8,38 +8,101 @@ var Pubkey = bitcore.Pubkey;
var Privkey = bitcore.Privkey;
describe('Pubkey', function() {
it('should error because of missing data', function() {
(function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
}).should.throw('First argument is required, please include public key data.');
it('should create a blank public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
it('should error because of an invalid point', function() {
(function() {
var pk = new Pubkey(Point());
}).should.throw('Point cannot be equal to 0, 0');
it('should error because of an invalid public key point, not on the secp256k1 curve', function() {
(function() {
var pk = new Pubkey(Point(1000, 1000));
}).should.throw('Invalid y value of public key');
it('should error because of an unrecognized data type', function() {
(function() {
var pk = new Pubkey(new Error());
}).should.throw('First argument is an unrecognized data format.');
it('should instantiate from a private key', function() {
var privhex = '906977a061af29276e40bf377042ffbde414e496ae2260bbf1fa9d085637bfff';
var pubhex = '02a1633cafcc01ebfb6d78e39f687a1f0995c62fc95f51ead10a02ee0be551b5dc';
var privkey = new Privkey(BN(new Buffer(privhex, 'hex')));
var pk = new Pubkey(privkey);
it('should instantiate from a hex encoded DER string', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341');
it('should instantiate from a hex encoded DER buffer', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341', 'hex'));
it('should create a public key with a point', function() {
var p = Point();
var pk = new Pubkey({point: p});
var p = Point('86a80a5a2bfc48dddde2b0bd88bd56b0b6ddc4e6811445b175b90268924d7d48',
var a = new Pubkey(p);
var c = Pubkey(p);
it('should create a public key with a point with this convenient method', function() {
var p = Point();
var pk = new Pubkey(p);
describe('#set', function() {
it('should make a public key from a point', function() {
should.exist(Pubkey().set({point: Point.getG()}).point);
describe('#getValidationError', function(){
it('should recieve an error message', function() {
var error = Pubkey.getValidationError(Point());
it('should recieve a boolean as false', function() {
var valid = Pubkey.isValid(Point());
it('should recieve a boolean as true', function() {
var valid = Pubkey.isValid('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341');
describe('#fromPoint', function() {
it('should instantiate from a point', function() {
var p = Point('86a80a5a2bfc48dddde2b0bd88bd56b0b6ddc4e6811445b175b90268924d7d48',
var b = Pubkey.fromPoint(p);
it('should error because paramater is not a point', function() {
(function() {
Pubkey.fromPoint(new Error());
}).should.throw('First argument must be an instance of Point.');
describe('#fromJSON', function() {
it('should input this public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
var pk = Pubkey.fromJSON('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341');
@ -49,9 +112,9 @@ describe('Pubkey', function() {
describe('#toJSON', function() {
it('should output this pubkey', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
var hex = '041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341';
var pk = Pubkey.fromJSON(hex);
@ -59,7 +122,13 @@ describe('Pubkey', function() {
describe('#fromPrivkey', function() {
it('should make a public key from a privkey', function() {
it('should error because not an instance of privkey', function() {
(function() {
Pubkey.fromPrivkey(new Error());
}).should.throw('Must be an instance of Privkey');
@ -67,48 +136,54 @@ describe('Pubkey', function() {
describe('#fromBuffer', function() {
it('should parse this uncompressed public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromBuffer(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341', 'hex'));
var pk = Pubkey.fromBuffer(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341', 'hex'));
it('should parse this compressed public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromBuffer(new Buffer('031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = Pubkey.fromBuffer(new Buffer('031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
it('should throw an error on this invalid public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
(function() {
pk.fromBuffer(new Buffer('091ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
Pubkey.fromBuffer(new Buffer('091ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
it('should throw error because not a buffer', function() {
(function() {
}).should.throw('Must be a hex buffer of DER encoded public key');
it('should throw error because buffer is the incorrect length', function() {
(function() {
Pubkey.fromBuffer(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a34112', 'hex'));
}).should.throw('Length of x and y must be 32 bytes');
describe('#fromDER', function() {
it('should parse this uncompressed public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromDER(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341', 'hex'));
var pk = Pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341', 'hex'));
it('should parse this compressed public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromDER(new Buffer('031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = Pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
it('should throw an error on this invalid public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
(function() {
pk.fromDER(new Buffer('091ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
Pubkey.fromDER(new Buffer('091ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
@ -117,8 +192,7 @@ describe('Pubkey', function() {
describe('#fromString', function() {
it('should parse this known valid public key', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
var pk = Pubkey.fromString('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341');
@ -129,20 +203,26 @@ describe('Pubkey', function() {
it('should create this known public key', function() {
var x = BN.fromBuffer(new Buffer('1ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromX(true, x);
var pk = Pubkey.fromX(true, x);
it('should error because odd was not included as a param', function() {
var x = BN.fromBuffer(new Buffer('1ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
(function() {
var pk = Pubkey.fromX(null, x);
}).should.throw('Must specify whether y is odd or not (true or false)');
describe('#toBuffer', function() {
it('should return this compressed DER format', function() {
var x = BN.fromBuffer(new Buffer('1ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromX(true, x);
var pk = Pubkey.fromX(true, x);
@ -152,54 +232,66 @@ describe('Pubkey', function() {
it('should return this compressed DER format', function() {
var x = BN.fromBuffer(new Buffer('1ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromX(true, x);
var pk = Pubkey.fromX(true, x);
it('should return this uncompressed DER format', function() {
var x = BN.fromBuffer(new Buffer('1ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.fromX(true, x);
var pk = Pubkey.fromX(true, x);
it('should error because compressed param is invalid', function() {
var x = BN.fromBuffer(new Buffer('1ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a', 'hex'));
var pk = Pubkey.fromX(true, x);
(function() {
pk.toDER('false'); //string not boolean
}).should.throw('Must specify whether the public key is compressed or not (true or false)');
describe('#toString', function() {
it('should print this known public key', function() {
var hex = '031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a';
var pk = new Pubkey();
var pk = Pubkey.fromString(hex);
describe('#inspect', function() {
it('should output known uncompressed pubkey for console', function() {
var pubkey = Pubkey.fromString('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341');
pubkey.inspect().should.equal('<Pubkey: 041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341, compressed: false>');
it('should output known compressed pubkey for console', function() {
var pubkey = Pubkey.fromString('031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a');
pubkey.inspect().should.equal('<Pubkey: 031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a, compressed: true>');
describe('#validate', function() {
it('should not throw an error if pubkey is valid', function() {
it('should not have an error if pubkey is valid', function() {
var hex = '031ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a';
var pk = new Pubkey();
var pk = Pubkey.fromString(hex);
it('should not throw an error if pubkey is invalid', function() {
it('should throw an error if pubkey is invalid', function() {
var hex = '041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
var pk = new Pubkey();
(function() {
var pk = Pubkey.fromString(hex);
}).should.throw('Invalid y value of public key');
it('should not throw an error if pubkey is infinity', function() {
var pk = new Pubkey();
pk.point = Point.getG().mul(Point.getN());
it('should throw an error if pubkey is infinity', function() {
(function() {
var pk = new Pubkey(Point.getG().mul(Point.getN()));
}).should.throw('Point cannot be equal to Infinity');