var imports = require('soop').imports(); var config = imports.config || require('./config'); var log = imports.log || require('./util/log'); var Address = imports.Address || require('./Address'); var Script = imports.Script || require('./Script'); var ScriptInterpreter = imports.ScriptInterpreter || require('./ScriptInterpreter'); var util = imports.util || require('./util/util'); var bignum = imports.bignum || require('bignum'); var Put = imports.Put || require('bufferput'); var Parser = imports.Parser || require('./util/BinaryParser'); var Step = imports.Step || require('step'); var buffertools = imports.buffertools || require('buffertools'); var error = imports.error || require('./util/error'); var networks = imports.networks || require('./networks'); var WalletKey = imports.WalletKey || require('./WalletKey'); var PrivateKey = imports.PrivateKey || require('./PrivateKey'); var COINBASE_OP = Buffer.concat([util.NULL_HASH, new Buffer('FFFFFFFF', 'hex')]); var FEE_PER_1000B_SAT = parseInt(0.0001 * util.COIN); Transaction.COINBASE_OP = COINBASE_OP; function TransactionIn(data) { if ("object" !== typeof data) { data = {}; } if (data.o) { this.o = data.o; } else { if (data.oTxHash && typeof data.oIndex !== 'undefined' && data.oIndex >= 0) { var hash = new Buffer(data.oTxHash, 'hex'); hash = buffertools.reverse(hash); var voutBuf = new Buffer(4); voutBuf.writeUInt32LE(data.oIndex, 0); this.o = Buffer.concat([hash, voutBuf]); } } this.s = Buffer.isBuffer(data.s) ? data.s : Buffer.isBuffer(data.script) ? data.script : util.EMPTY_BUFFER; this.q = data.q ? data.q : data.sequence; } TransactionIn.prototype.getScript = function getScript() { return new Script(this.s); }; TransactionIn.prototype.isCoinBase = function isCoinBase() { if (!this.o) return false; //The new Buffer is for Firefox compatibility return Buffer(this.o), COINBASE_OP) === 0; }; TransactionIn.prototype.serialize = function serialize() { var slen = util.varIntBuf(this.s.length); var qbuf = new Buffer(4); qbuf.writeUInt32LE(this.q, 0); var ret = Buffer.concat([this.o, slen, this.s, qbuf]); return ret; }; TransactionIn.prototype.getOutpointHash = function getOutpointHash() { if ("undefined" !== typeof this.o.outHashCache) { return this.o.outHashCache; } return this.o.outHashCache = this.o.slice(0, 32); }; TransactionIn.prototype.getOutpointIndex = function getOutpointIndex() { return (this.o[32] ) + (this.o[33] << 8) + (this.o[34] << 16) + (this.o[35] << 24); }; TransactionIn.prototype.setOutpointIndex = function setOutpointIndex(n) { this.o[32] = n & 0xff; this.o[33] = n >> 8 & 0xff; this.o[34] = n >> 16 & 0xff; this.o[35] = n >> 24 & 0xff; }; function TransactionOut(data) { if ("object" !== typeof data) { data = {}; } this.v = data.v ? data.v : data.value; this.s = data.s ? data.s : data.script; }; TransactionOut.prototype.getValue = function getValue() { return new Parser(this.v).word64lu(); }; TransactionOut.prototype.getScript = function getScript() { return new Script(this.s); }; TransactionOut.prototype.serialize = function serialize() { var slen = util.varIntBuf(this.s.length); return Buffer.concat([this.v, slen, this.s]); }; function Transaction(data) { if ("object" !== typeof data) { data = {}; } this.hash = data.hash || null; this.version = data.version; this.lock_time = data.lock_time; this.ins = Array.isArray(data.ins) ? (data) { var txin = new TransactionIn(); txin.s = data.s; txin.q = data.q; txin.o = data.o; return txin; }) : []; this.outs = Array.isArray(data.outs) ? (data) { var txout = new TransactionOut(); txout.v = data.v; txout.s = data.s; return txout; }) : []; if (data.buffer) this._buffer = data.buffer; }; this.class = Transaction; Transaction.In = TransactionIn; Transaction.Out = TransactionOut; Transaction.prototype.isCoinBase = function () { return this.ins.length == 1 && this.ins[0].isCoinBase(); }; Transaction.prototype.isStandard = function isStandard() { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) { if (this.ins[i].getScript().getInType() == "Strange") { return false; } } for (i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) { if (this.outs[i].getScript().getOutType() == "Strange") { return false; } } return true; }; Transaction.prototype.serialize = function serialize() { var bufs = []; var buf = new Buffer(4); buf.writeUInt32LE(this.version, 0); bufs.push(buf); bufs.push(util.varIntBuf(this.ins.length)); this.ins.forEach(function (txin) { bufs.push(txin.serialize()); }); bufs.push(util.varIntBuf(this.outs.length)); this.outs.forEach(function (txout) { bufs.push(txout.serialize()); }); var buf = new Buffer(4); buf.writeUInt32LE(this.lock_time, 0); bufs.push(buf); this._buffer = Buffer.concat(bufs); return this._buffer; }; Transaction.prototype.getBuffer = function getBuffer() { if (this._buffer) return this._buffer; return this.serialize(); }; Transaction.prototype.calcHash = function calcHash() { this.hash = util.twoSha256(this.getBuffer()); return this.hash; }; Transaction.prototype.checkHash = function checkHash() { if (!this.hash || !this.hash.length) return false; return, this.hash) === 0; }; Transaction.prototype.getHash = function getHash() { if (!this.hash || !this.hash.length) { this.hash = this.calcHash(); } return this.hash; }; // convert encoded list of inputs to easy-to-use JS list-of-lists Transaction.prototype.inputs = function inputs() { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) { var txin = this.ins[i]; var outHash = txin.getOutpointHash(); var outIndex = txin.getOutpointIndex(); res.push([outHash, outIndex]); } return res; } /** * Load and cache transaction inputs. * * This function will try to load the inputs for a transaction. * * @param {BlockChain} blockChain A reference to the BlockChain object. * @param {TransactionMap|null} txStore Additional transactions to consider. * @param {Boolean} wait Whether to keep trying until the dependencies are * met (or a timeout occurs.) * @param {Function} callback Function to call on completion. */ Transaction.prototype.cacheInputs = function cacheInputs(blockChain, txStore, wait, callback) { var self = this; var txCache = new TransactionInputsCache(this); txCache.buffer(blockChain, txStore, wait, callback); }; Transaction.prototype.verify = function verify(txCache, blockChain, callback) { var self = this; var txIndex = txCache.txIndex; var outpoints = []; var valueIn = bignum(0); var valueOut = bignum(0); function getTxOut(txin, n) { var outHash = txin.getOutpointHash(); var outIndex = txin.getOutpointIndex(); var outHashBase64 = outHash.toString('base64'); var fromTxOuts = txIndex[outHashBase64]; if (!fromTxOuts) { throw new MissingSourceError( "Source tx " + util.formatHash(outHash) + " for inputs " + n + " not found", // We store the hash of the missing tx in the error // so that the txStore can watch out for it. outHash.toString('base64') ); } var txout = fromTxOuts[outIndex]; if (!txout) { throw new Error("Source output index "+outIndex+ " for input "+n+" out of bounds"); } return txout; }; Step( function verifyInputs() { var group =; if (self.isCoinBase()) { throw new Error("Coinbase tx are invalid unless part of a block"); } self.ins.forEach(function (txin, n) { var txout = getTxOut(txin, n); // TODO: Verify coinbase maturity valueIn = valueIn.add(util.valueToBigInt(txout.v)); outpoints.push(txin.o); self.verifyInput(n, txout.getScript(), group()); }); }, function verifyInputsResults(err, results) { if (err) throw err; for (var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++) { if (!results[i]) { var txout = getTxOut(self.ins[i]); log.debug('Script evaluated to false'); log.debug('|- scriptSig', ""+self.ins[i].getScript()); log.debug('`- scriptPubKey', ""+txout.getScript()); throw new VerificationError('Script for input '+i+' evaluated to false'); } } this(); }, function queryConflicts(err) { if (err) throw err; // Make sure there are no other transactions spending the same outs blockChain.countConflictingTransactions(outpoints, this); }, function checkConflicts(err, count) { if (err) throw err; self.outs.forEach(function (txout) { valueOut = valueOut.add(util.valueToBigInt(txout.v)); }); if (valueIn.cmp(valueOut) < 0) { var outValue = util.formatValue(valueOut); var inValue = util.formatValue(valueIn); throw new Error("Tx output value (BTC "+outValue+") "+ "exceeds input value (BTC "+inValue+")"); } var fees = valueIn.sub(valueOut); if (count) { // Spent output detected, retrieve transaction that spends it blockChain.getConflictingTransactions(outpoints, function (err, results) { if (results.length) { if ([0].getHash(), self.getHash()) === 0) { log.warn("Detected tx re-add (recoverable db corruption): " + util.formatHashAlt(results[0].getHash())); // TODO: Needs to return an error for the memory pool case? callback(null, fees); } else { callback(new Error("At least one referenced output has" + " already been spent in tx " + util.formatHashAlt(results[0].getHash()))); } } else { callback(new Error("Outputs of this transaction are spent, but "+ "the transaction(s) that spend them are not "+ "available. This probably means you need to "+ "reset your database.")); } }); return; } // Success this(null, fees); }, callback ); }; Transaction.prototype.verifyInput = function verifyInput(n, scriptPubKey, callback) { return ScriptInterpreter.verify(this.ins[n].getScript(), scriptPubKey, this, n, 0, callback); }; /** * Returns an object containing all pubkey hashes affected by this transaction. * * The return object contains the base64-encoded pubKeyHash values as keys * and the original pubKeyHash buffers as values. */ Transaction.prototype.getAffectedKeys = function getAffectedKeys(txCache) { // TODO: Function won't consider results cached if there are no affected // accounts. if (!(this.affects && this.affects.length)) { this.affects = []; // Index any pubkeys affected by the outputs of this transaction for (var i = 0, l = this.outs.length; i < l; i++) { try { var txout = this.outs[i]; var script = txout.getScript(); var outPubKey = script.simpleOutPubKeyHash(); if (outPubKey) { this.affects.push(outPubKey); } } catch (err) { // It's not our job to validate, so we just ignore any errors and issue // a very low level log message. log.debug("Unable to determine affected pubkeys: " + (err.stack ? err.stack : ""+err)); } }; // Index any pubkeys affected by the inputs of this transaction var txIndex = txCache.txIndex; for (var i = 0, l = this.ins.length; i < l; i++) { try { var txin = this.ins[i]; if (txin.isCoinBase()) continue; // In the case of coinbase or IP transactions, the txin doesn't // actually contain the pubkey, so we look at the referenced txout // instead. var outHash = txin.getOutpointHash(); var outIndex = txin.getOutpointIndex(); var outHashBase64 = outHash.toString('base64'); var fromTxOuts = txIndex[outHashBase64]; if (!fromTxOuts) { throw new Error("Input not found!"); } var txout = fromTxOuts[outIndex]; var script = txout.getScript(); var outPubKey = script.simpleOutPubKeyHash(); if (outPubKey) { this.affects.push(outPubKey); } } catch (err) { // It's not our job to validate, so we just ignore any errors and issue // a very low level log message. log.debug("Unable to determine affected pubkeys: " + (err.stack ? err.stack : ""+err)); } } } var affectedKeys = {}; this.affects.forEach(function (pubKeyHash) { affectedKeys[pubKeyHash.toString('base64')] = pubKeyHash; }); return affectedKeys; }; var OP_CODESEPARATOR = 171; var SIGHASH_ALL = 1; var SIGHASH_NONE = 2; var SIGHASH_SINGLE = 3; var SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY = 80; Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL=SIGHASH_ALL; Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE=SIGHASH_NONE; Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE=SIGHASH_SINGLE; Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY=SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY; Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature = function hashForSignature(script, inIndex, hashType) { if (+inIndex !== inIndex || inIndex < 0 || inIndex >= this.ins.length) { throw new Error("Input index '"+inIndex+"' invalid or out of bounds "+ "("+this.ins.length+" inputs)"); } // Clone transaction var txTmp = new Transaction(); this.ins.forEach(function (txin, i) { txTmp.ins.push(new TransactionIn(txin)); }); this.outs.forEach(function (txout) { txTmp.outs.push(new TransactionOut(txout)); }); txTmp.version = this.version; txTmp.lock_time = this.lock_time; // In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators, // or an extra one at the end, this prevents all those possible // incompatibilities. script.findAndDelete(OP_CODESEPARATOR); // Get mode portion of hashtype var hashTypeMode = hashType & 0x1f; // Generate modified transaction data for hash var bytes = (new Put()); bytes.word32le(this.version); // Serialize inputs if (hashType & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) { // Blank out all inputs except current one, not recommended for open // transactions. bytes.varint(1); bytes.put(this.ins[inIndex].o); bytes.varint(script.buffer.length); bytes.put(script.buffer); bytes.word32le(this.ins[inIndex].q); } else { bytes.varint(this.ins.length); for (var i = 0, l = this.ins.length; i < l; i++) { var txin = this.ins[i]; bytes.put(this.ins[i].o); // Current input's script gets set to the script to be signed, all others // get blanked. if (inIndex === i) { bytes.varint(script.buffer.length); bytes.put(script.buffer); } else { bytes.varint(0); } if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_NONE && inIndex !== i) { bytes.word32le(0); } else { bytes.word32le(this.ins[i].q); } } } // Serialize outputs if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_NONE) { bytes.varint(0); } else { var outsLen; if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_SINGLE) { // TODO: Untested if (inIndex >= txTmp.outs.length) { throw new Error("Transaction.hashForSignature(): SIGHASH_SINGLE " + "no corresponding txout found - out of bounds"); } outsLen = inIndex + 1; } else { outsLen = this.outs.length; } // TODO: If hashTypeMode !== SIGHASH_SINGLE, we could memcpy this whole // section from the original transaction as is. bytes.varint(outsLen); for (var i = 0; i < outsLen; i++) { if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_SINGLE && i !== inIndex) { // Zero all outs except the one we want to keep bytes.put(util.INT64_MAX); bytes.varint(0); } else { bytes.put(this.outs[i].v); bytes.varint(this.outs[i].s.length); bytes.put(this.outs[i].s); } } } bytes.word32le(this.lock_time); var buffer = bytes.buffer(); // Append hashType buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, new Buffer([parseInt(hashType), 0, 0, 0])]); return util.twoSha256(buffer); }; /** * Returns an object with the same field names as jgarzik's getblock patch. */ Transaction.prototype.getStandardizedObject = function getStandardizedObject() { var tx = { hash: util.formatHashFull(this.getHash()), version: this.version, lock_time: this.lock_time }; var totalSize = 8; // version + lock_time totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(this.ins.length); // tx_in count var ins = (txin) { var txinObj = { prev_out: { hash: buffertools.reverse(new Buffer(txin.getOutpointHash())).toString('hex'), n: txin.getOutpointIndex() } }; if (txin.isCoinBase()) { txinObj.coinbase = txin.s.toString('hex'); } else { txinObj.scriptSig = new Script(txin.s).getStringContent(false, 0); } totalSize += 36 + util.getVarIntSize(txin.s.length) + txin.s.length + 4; // outpoint + script_len + script + sequence return txinObj; }); totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(this.outs.length); var outs = (txout) { totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(txout.s.length) + txout.s.length + 8; // script_len + script + value return { value: util.formatValue(txout.v), scriptPubKey: new Script(txout.s).getStringContent(false, 0) }; }); tx.size = totalSize; tx["in"] = ins; tx["out"] = outs; return tx; }; // Add some Mongoose compatibility functions to the plain object Transaction.prototype.toObject = function toObject() { return this; }; Transaction.prototype.fromObj = function fromObj(obj) { var txobj = {}; txobj.version = obj.version || 1; txobj.lock_time = obj.lock_time || 0; txobj.ins = []; txobj.outs = []; obj.inputs.forEach(function(inputobj) { var txin = new TransactionIn(); txin.s = util.EMPTY_BUFFER; txin.q = 0xffffffff; var hash = new Buffer(inputobj.txid, 'hex'); hash = buffertools.reverse(hash); var vout = parseInt(inputobj.vout); var voutBuf = new Buffer(4); voutBuf.writeUInt32LE(vout, 0); txin.o = Buffer.concat([hash, voutBuf]); txobj.ins.push(txin); }); var keys = Object.keys(obj.outputs); keys.forEach(function(addrStr) { var addr = new Address(addrStr); var script = Script.createPubKeyHashOut(addr.payload()); var valueNum = bignum(obj.outputs[addrStr]); var value = util.bigIntToValue(valueNum); var txout = new TransactionOut(); txout.v = value; txout.s = script.getBuffer(); txobj.outs.push(txout); }); this.lock_time = txobj.lock_time; this.version = txobj.version; this.ins = txobj.ins; this.outs = txobj.outs; } Transaction.prototype.parse = function (parser) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(parser)) { this._buffer = parser; parser = new Parser(parser); } var i, sLen, startPos = parser.pos; this.version = parser.word32le(); var txinCount = parser.varInt(); this.ins = []; for (j = 0; j < txinCount; j++) { var txin = new TransactionIn(); txin.o = parser.buffer(36); // outpoint sLen = parser.varInt(); // script_len txin.s = parser.buffer(sLen); // script txin.q = parser.word32le(); // sequence this.ins.push(txin); } var txoutCount = parser.varInt(); this.outs = []; for (j = 0; j < txoutCount; j++) { var txout = new TransactionOut(); txout.v = parser.buffer(8); // value sLen = parser.varInt(); // script_len txout.s = parser.buffer(sLen); // script this.outs.push(txout); } this.lock_time = parser.word32le(); this.calcHash(); }; /* * selectUnspent * * Selects some unspent outputs for later usage in tx inputs * * @utxos * @totalNeededAmount: output transaction amount in BTC, including fee * @allowUnconfirmed: false (allow selecting unconfirmed utxos) * * Note that the sum of the selected unspent is >= the desired amount. * Returns the selected unspent outputs if the totalNeededAmount was reach. * 'null' if not. * * TODO: utxo selection is not optimized to minimize mempool usage. * */ Transaction.selectUnspent = function (utxos, totalNeededAmount, allowUnconfirmed) { var minConfirmationSteps = [6,1]; if (allowUnconfirmed) minConfirmationSteps.push(0); var ret = []; var l = utxos.length; var totalSat = bignum(0); var totalNeededAmountSat = util.parseValue(totalNeededAmount); var fulfill = false; var maxConfirmations = null; do { var minConfirmations = minConfirmationSteps.shift(); for(var i = 0; i=maxConfirmations) ) continue; var sat = u.amountSat || util.parseValue(u.amount); totalSat = totalSat.add(sat); ret.push(u); if(totalSat.cmp(totalNeededAmountSat) >= 0) { fulfill = true; break; } } maxConfirmations = minConfirmations; } while( !fulfill && minConfirmationSteps.length); //TODO(?): sort ret and check is some inputs can be avoided. //If the initial utxos are sorted, this step would be necesary only if //utxos were selected from different minConfirmationSteps. return fulfill ? ret : null; } /* * _scriptForAddress * * Returns a scriptPubKey for the given address type */ Transaction._scriptForAddress = function (addressString) { var livenet = networks.livenet; var testnet = networks.testnet; var address = new Address(addressString); var version = address.version(); var script; if (version == livenet.addressPubkey || version == testnet.addressPubkey) script = Script.createPubKeyHashOut(address.payload()); else if (version == livenet.addressScript || version == testnet.addressScript) script = Script.createP2SH(address.payload()); else throw new Error('invalid output address'); return script; }; Transaction._sumOutputs = function(outs) { var valueOutSat = bignum(0); var l = outs.length; for(var i=0;i0) { var remainderAddress = opts.remainderAddress || ins[0].address; var value = util.bigIntToValue(remainderSat); var script = Transaction._scriptForAddress(remainderAddress); var txout = { v: value, s: script.getBuffer(), }; txobj.outs.push(txout); } return new Transaction(txobj); }; Transaction.prototype.calcSize = function () { var totalSize = 8; // version + lock_time totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(this.ins.length); // tx_in count this.ins.forEach(function (txin) { totalSize += 36 + util.getVarIntSize(txin.s.length) + txin.s.length + 4; // outpoint + script_len + script + sequence }); totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(this.outs.length); this.outs.forEach(function (txout) { totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(txout.s.length) + txout.s.length + 8; // script_len + script + value }); this.size = totalSize; return totalSize; }; Transaction.prototype.getSize = function getHash() { if (!this.size) { this.size = this.calcSize(); } return this.size; }; Transaction.prototype.isComplete = function () { var l = this.ins.length; var ret = true; for (var i=0; i (maxSizeK+1)*1000 ); return {tx: tx, selectedUtxos: selectedUtxos}; }; /* * createAndSign * * creates and signs a transaction * * @utxos * unspent outputs array (UTXO), using the following format: * [{ * address: "mqSjTad2TKbPcKQ3Jq4kgCkKatyN44UMgZ", * hash: "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1", * scriptPubKey: "76a9146ce4e1163eb18939b1440c42844d5f0261c0338288ac", * vout: 1, * amount: 0.01, * confirmations: 3 * }, ... * ] * This is compatible con insight's utxo API. * That amount is in BTCs (as returned in insight and bitcoind). * amountSat (instead of amount) can be given to provide amount in satochis. * * @outs * an array of [{ * address: xx, * amount:0.001 * },...] * * @keys * an array of strings representing private keys to sign the * transaction in WIF private key format OR WalletKey objects * * @opts * { * remainderAddress: null, * fee: 0.001, * lockTime: null, * allowUnconfirmed: false, * signhash: SIGHASH_ALL * } * * * Retuns: * { * tx: The new created transaction, * selectedUtxos: The UTXOs selected as inputs for this transaction * } * * Amounts are in BTC. instead of fee and amount; feeSat and amountSat can be given, * repectively, to provide amounts in satoshis. * * If no remainderAddress is given, and there are remainder coins, the * first IN address will be used to return the coins. (TODO: is this is reasonable?) * * The Transaction creation is handled in 2 steps: * .create * .selectUnspent * .createWithFee * .sign * * If you need just to create a TX and not sign it, use .create * */ Transaction.createAndSign = function (utxos, outs, keys, opts) { var ret = Transaction.create(utxos, outs, opts); ret.tx.sign(ret.selectedUtxos, keys); return ret; }; var TransactionInputsCache = exports.TransactionInputsCache = function TransactionInputsCache(tx) { var txList = []; var txList64 = []; var reqOuts = {}; // Get list of transactions required for verification tx.ins.forEach(function (txin) { if (txin.isCoinBase()) return; var hash = txin.o.slice(0, 32); var hash64 = hash.toString('base64'); if (txList64.indexOf(hash64) == -1) { txList.push(hash); txList64.push(hash64); } if (!reqOuts[hash64]) { reqOuts[hash64] = []; } reqOuts[hash64][txin.getOutpointIndex()] = true; }); this.tx = tx; this.txList = txList; this.txList64 = txList64; this.txIndex = {}; this.requiredOuts = reqOuts; this.callbacks = []; }; TransactionInputsCache.prototype.buffer = function buffer(blockChain, txStore, wait, callback) { var self = this; var complete = false; if ("function" === typeof callback) { self.callbacks.push(callback); } var missingTx = {}; self.txList64.forEach(function (hash64) { missingTx[hash64] = true; }); // A utility function to create the index object from the txs result lists function indexTxs(err, txs) { if (err) throw err; // Index memory transactions txs.forEach(function (tx) { var hash64 = tx.getHash().toString('base64'); var obj = {}; Object.keys(self.requiredOuts[hash64]).forEach(function (o) { obj[+o] = tx.outs[+o]; }); self.txIndex[hash64] = obj; delete missingTx[hash64]; }); this(null); }; Step( // First find and index memory transactions (if a txStore was provided) function findMemTx() { if (txStore) { txStore.find(self.txList64, this); } else { this(null, []); } }, indexTxs, // Second find and index persistent transactions function findBlockChainTx(err) { if (err) throw err; // TODO: Major speedup should be possible if we load only the outs and not // whole transactions. var callback = this; blockChain.getOutputsByHashes(self.txList, function (err, result) { callback(err, result); }); }, indexTxs, function saveTxCache(err) { if (err) throw err; var missingTxDbg = ''; if (Object.keys(missingTx).length) { missingTxDbg = Object.keys(missingTx).map(function (hash64) { return util.formatHash(new Buffer(hash64, 'base64')); }).join(','); } if (wait && Object.keys(missingTx).length) { // TODO: This might no longer be needed now that saveTransactions uses // the safe=true option. setTimeout(function () { var missingHashes = Object.keys(missingTx); if (missingHashes.length) { self.callback(new Error('Missing inputs (timeout while searching): ' + missingTxDbg)); } else if (!complete) { self.callback(new Error('Callback failed to trigger')); } }, 10000); } else { complete = true; this(null, self); } }, self.callback.bind(self) ); }; TransactionInputsCache.prototype.callback = function callback(err) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); // Empty the callback array first (because downstream functions could add new // callbacks or otherwise interfere if were not in a consistent state.) var cbs = this.callbacks; this.callbacks = []; try { cbs.forEach(function (cb) { cb.apply(null, args); }); } catch (err) { log.err("Callback error after connecting tx inputs: "+ (err.stack ? err.stack : err.toString())); } }; module.exports = require('soop')(Transaction);