'use strict'; var bitcore = require('../..'); var BN = require('../../lib/crypto/bn'); var BufferReader = bitcore.encoding.BufferReader; var BufferWriter = bitcore.encoding.BufferWriter; var BlockHeader = bitcore.BlockHeader; var fs = require('fs'); var should = require('chai').should(); // https://test-insight.bitpay.com/block/000000000b99b16390660d79fcc138d2ad0c89a0d044c4201a02bdf1f61ffa11 var dataRawBlockBuffer = fs.readFileSync('test/data/blk86756-testnet.dat'); var dataRawBlockBinary = fs.readFileSync('test/data/blk86756-testnet.dat', 'binary'); var dataRawId = '000000000b99b16390660d79fcc138d2ad0c89a0d044c4201a02bdf1f61ffa11'; var data = require('../data/blk86756-testnet'); describe('BlockHeader', function() { var version = data.version; var prevblockidbuf = new Buffer(data.prevblockidhex, 'hex'); var merklerootbuf = new Buffer(data.merkleroothex, 'hex'); var time = data.time; var bits = data.bits; var nonce = data.nonce; var bh = new BlockHeader({ version: version, prevHash: prevblockidbuf, merkleRoot: merklerootbuf, time: time, bits: bits, nonce: nonce }); var bhhex = data.blockheaderhex; var bhbuf = new Buffer(bhhex, 'hex'); it('should make a new blockheader', function() { BlockHeader(bhbuf).toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(bhhex); }); it('should not make an empty block', function() { (function() { BlockHeader(); }).should.throw('Unrecognized argument for BlockHeader'); }); describe('#constructor', function() { it('should set all the variables', function() { var bh = new BlockHeader({ version: version, prevHash: prevblockidbuf, merkleRoot: merklerootbuf, time: time, bits: bits, nonce: nonce }); should.exist(bh.version); should.exist(bh.prevHash); should.exist(bh.merkleRoot); should.exist(bh.time); should.exist(bh.bits); should.exist(bh.nonce); }); it('will throw an error if the argument object hash property doesn\'t match', function() { (function() { var bh = new BlockHeader({ hash: '000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f', version: version, prevHash: prevblockidbuf, merkleRoot: merklerootbuf, time: time, bits: bits, nonce: nonce }); }).should.throw('Argument object hash property does not match block hash.'); }); }); describe('#fromObject', function() { it('should set all the variables', function() { var bh = BlockHeader.fromObject({ version: version, prevHash: prevblockidbuf.toString('hex'), merkleRoot: merklerootbuf.toString('hex'), time: time, bits: bits, nonce: nonce }); should.exist(bh.version); should.exist(bh.prevHash); should.exist(bh.merkleRoot); should.exist(bh.time); should.exist(bh.bits); should.exist(bh.nonce); }); }); describe('#toJSON', function() { it('should set all the variables', function() { var json = bh.toJSON(); should.exist(json.version); should.exist(json.prevHash); should.exist(json.merkleRoot); should.exist(json.time); should.exist(json.bits); should.exist(json.nonce); }); }); describe('#fromJSON', function() { it('should parse this known json string', function() { var jsonString = JSON.stringify({ version: version, prevHash: prevblockidbuf, merkleRoot: merklerootbuf, time: time, bits: bits, nonce: nonce }); var json = new BlockHeader(JSON.parse(jsonString)); should.exist(json.version); should.exist(json.prevHash); should.exist(json.merkleRoot); should.exist(json.time); should.exist(json.bits); should.exist(json.nonce); }); }); describe('#fromString/#toString', function() { it('should output/input a block hex string', function() { var b = BlockHeader.fromString(bhhex); b.toString().should.equal(bhhex); }); }); describe('#fromBuffer', function() { it('should parse this known buffer', function() { BlockHeader.fromBuffer(bhbuf).toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(bhhex); }); }); describe('#fromBufferReader', function() { it('should parse this known buffer', function() { BlockHeader.fromBufferReader(BufferReader(bhbuf)).toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(bhhex); }); }); describe('#toBuffer', function() { it('should output this known buffer', function() { BlockHeader.fromBuffer(bhbuf).toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(bhhex); }); }); describe('#toBufferWriter', function() { it('should output this known buffer', function() { BlockHeader.fromBuffer(bhbuf).toBufferWriter().concat().toString('hex').should.equal(bhhex); }); it('doesn\'t create a bufferWriter if one provided', function() { var writer = new BufferWriter(); var blockHeader = BlockHeader.fromBuffer(bhbuf); blockHeader.toBufferWriter(writer).should.equal(writer); }); }); describe('#inspect', function() { it('should return the correct inspect of the genesis block', function() { var block = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBinary); block.inspect().should.equal(''); }); }); describe('#fromRawBlock', function() { it('should instantiate from a raw block binary', function() { var x = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBinary); x.version.should.equal(2); new BN(x.bits).toString('hex').should.equal('1c3fffc0'); }); it('should instantiate from raw block buffer', function() { var x = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBuffer); x.version.should.equal(2); new BN(x.bits).toString('hex').should.equal('1c3fffc0'); }); }); describe('#validTimestamp', function() { var x = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBuffer); it('should validate timpstamp as true', function() { var valid = x.validTimestamp(x); valid.should.equal(true); }); it('should validate timestamp as false', function() { x.time = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + BlockHeader.Constants.MAX_TIME_OFFSET + 100; var valid = x.validTimestamp(x); valid.should.equal(false); }); }); describe('#validProofOfWork', function() { it('should validate proof-of-work as true', function() { var x = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBuffer); var valid = x.validProofOfWork(x); valid.should.equal(true); }); it('should validate proof of work as false because incorrect proof of work', function() { var x = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBuffer); var nonce = x.nonce; x.nonce = 0; var valid = x.validProofOfWork(x); valid.should.equal(false); x.nonce = nonce; }); }); it('coverage: caches the "_id" property', function() { var blockHeader = BlockHeader.fromRawBlock(dataRawBlockBuffer); blockHeader.id.should.equal(blockHeader.id); }); });