'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var $ = require('../../util/preconditions'); var errors = require('../../errors'); var BufferWriter = require('../../encoding/bufferwriter'); var buffer = require('buffer'); var BufferUtil = require('../../util/buffer'); var JSUtil = require('../../util/js'); var Script = require('../../script'); var Sighash = require('../sighash'); var Output = require('../output'); var DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER = 0xFFFFFFFF; var DEFAULT_LOCKTIME_SEQNUMBER = 0x00000000; function Input(params) { if (!(this instanceof Input)) { return new Input(params); } if (params) { return this._fromObject(params); } } Input.DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER = DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER; Input.DEFAULT_LOCKTIME_SEQNUMBER = DEFAULT_LOCKTIME_SEQNUMBER; Object.defineProperty(Input.prototype, 'script', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: function() { if (this.isNull()) { return null; } if (!this._script) { this._script = new Script(this._scriptBuffer); this._script._isInput = true; } return this._script; } }); Input.fromObject = function(obj) { $.checkArgument(_.isObject(obj)); var input = new Input(); return input._fromObject(obj); }; Input.prototype._fromObject = function(params) { var prevTxId; if (_.isString(params.prevTxId) && JSUtil.isHexa(params.prevTxId)) { prevTxId = new buffer.Buffer(params.prevTxId, 'hex'); } else { prevTxId = params.prevTxId; } this.output = params.output ? (params.output instanceof Output ? params.output : new Output(params.output)) : undefined; this.prevTxId = prevTxId || params.txidbuf; this.outputIndex = _.isUndefined(params.outputIndex) ? params.txoutnum : params.outputIndex; this.sequenceNumber = _.isUndefined(params.sequenceNumber) ? (_.isUndefined(params.seqnum) ? DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER : params.seqnum) : params.sequenceNumber; if (_.isUndefined(params.script) && _.isUndefined(params.scriptBuffer)) { throw new errors.Transaction.Input.MissingScript(); } this.setScript(params.scriptBuffer || params.script); return this; }; Input.prototype.toObject = Input.prototype.toJSON = function toObject() { var obj = { prevTxId: this.prevTxId.toString('hex'), outputIndex: this.outputIndex, sequenceNumber: this.sequenceNumber, script: this._scriptBuffer.toString('hex'), }; // add human readable form if input contains valid script if (this.script) { obj.scriptString = this.script.toString(); } if (this.output) { obj.output = this.output.toObject(); } return obj; }; Input.fromBufferReader = function(br) { var input = new Input(); input.prevTxId = br.readReverse(32); input.outputIndex = br.readUInt32LE(); input._scriptBuffer = br.readVarLengthBuffer(); input.sequenceNumber = br.readUInt32LE(); // TODO: return different classes according to which input it is // e.g: CoinbaseInput, PublicKeyHashInput, MultiSigScriptHashInput, etc. return input; }; Input.prototype.toBufferWriter = function(writer) { if (!writer) { writer = new BufferWriter(); } writer.writeReverse(this.prevTxId); writer.writeUInt32LE(this.outputIndex); var script = this._scriptBuffer; writer.writeVarintNum(script.length); writer.write(script); writer.writeUInt32LE(this.sequenceNumber); return writer; }; Input.prototype.setScript = function(script) { this._script = null; if (script instanceof Script) { this._script = script; this._script._isInput = true; this._scriptBuffer = script.toBuffer(); } else if (JSUtil.isHexa(script)) { // hex string script this._scriptBuffer = new buffer.Buffer(script, 'hex'); } else if (_.isString(script)) { // human readable string script this._script = new Script(script); this._script._isInput = true; this._scriptBuffer = this._script.toBuffer(); } else if (BufferUtil.isBuffer(script)) { // buffer script this._scriptBuffer = new buffer.Buffer(script); } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid argument type: script'); } return this; }; /** * Retrieve signatures for the provided PrivateKey. * * @param {Transaction} transaction - the transaction to be signed * @param {PrivateKey} privateKey - the private key to use when signing * @param {number} inputIndex - the index of this input in the provided transaction * @param {number} sigType - defaults to Signature.SIGHASH_ALL * @param {Buffer} addressHash - if provided, don't calculate the hash of the * public key associated with the private key provided * @abstract */ Input.prototype.getSignatures = function() { throw new errors.AbstractMethodInvoked( 'Trying to sign unsupported output type (only P2PKH and P2SH multisig inputs are supported)' + ' for input: ' + JSON.stringify(this) ); }; Input.prototype.isFullySigned = function() { throw new errors.AbstractMethodInvoked('Input#isFullySigned'); }; Input.prototype.isFinal = function() { return this.sequenceNumber !== 4294967295; }; Input.prototype.addSignature = function() { throw new errors.AbstractMethodInvoked('Input#addSignature'); }; Input.prototype.clearSignatures = function() { throw new errors.AbstractMethodInvoked('Input#clearSignatures'); }; Input.prototype.isValidSignature = function(transaction, signature) { // FIXME: Refactor signature so this is not necessary signature.signature.nhashtype = signature.sigtype; return Sighash.verify( transaction, signature.signature, signature.publicKey, signature.inputIndex, this.output.script ); }; /** * @returns true if this is a coinbase input (represents no input) */ Input.prototype.isNull = function() { return this.prevTxId.toString('hex') === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' && this.outputIndex === 0xffffffff; }; Input.prototype._estimateSize = function() { return this.toBufferWriter().toBuffer().length; }; module.exports = Input;