var Point = require('./Point'), Key = require('./Key'), sha256 = require('../util').sha256, twoSha256 = require('../util').twoSha256; /** * For now, this class can only supports derivation from public key * It doesn't support private key derivation (TODO). * * @example examples/Armory.js */ function Armory (chaincode, pubkey) { this.chaincode = new Buffer(chaincode, 'hex'); this.pubkey = new Buffer(pubkey, 'hex'); } Armory.prototype.generatePubKey = function () { var pubKey = this.pubkey; var chainCode = this.chaincode; var chainXor = twoSha256(pubKey); for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) chainXor[i] ^= chainCode[i]; var pt = Point.fromUncompressedPubKey(pubKey); pt = Point.multiply(pt, chainXor); var new_pubkey = pt.toUncompressedPubKey(); return new_pubkey; }; = function () { var next_pubkey = this.generatePubKey(); return new Armory(this.chaincode, next_pubkey); }; /** * PS: MPK here represents the pubkey concatenated * with the chain code. It is an unofficial standard. * * Armory will soon release an officially supported * format: * * */ Armory.fromMasterPublicKey = function (mpk) { var pubkey = mpk.substr(0, 130); var chaincode = mpk.substr(130, mpk.length); return new Armory(chaincode, pubkey); }; function decode (str) { var from = '0123456789abcdef'; var to = 'asdfghjkwertuion'; var res = ''; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) res += from.charAt(to.indexOf(str.charAt(i))); return res; } Armory.decodeSeed = function (seed) { var keys = seed.trim().split('\n'); var lines = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var k = keys[i].replace(' ',''); var raw = new Buffer(decode(k), 'hex'); var data = raw.slice(0, 16); lines.push(data); } var privKey = Buffer.concat([ lines[0], lines[1] ]); var chainCode = (lines.length==4) ? Buffer.concat([ lines[2], lines[3] ]) : Armory.deriveChaincode(privKey); return { privKey: privKey, chainCode: chainCode }; }; // Derive chain code from root key Armory.fromSeed = function (seed) { var res = Armory.decodeSeed(seed); // generate first public key var key = new Key(); key.private = res.privKey; key.compressed = false; key.regenerateSync(); return new Armory(res.chainCode, key.public); }; Armory.deriveChaincode = function (root) { var msg = 'Derive Chaincode from Root Key'; var hash = twoSha256(root); var okey = []; var ikey = []; for (var i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { okey.push(0x5c ^ hash[i]); ikey.push(0x36 ^ hash[i]); } okey = new Buffer(okey); ikey = new Buffer(ikey); var m = new Buffer(msg, 'utf8'); var a = sha256(Buffer.concat([ ikey, m ])); var b = sha256(Buffer.concat([ okey, a ])); return b; }; module.exports = Armory;