'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var Address = require('./address'); var Base58Check = require('./encoding/base58check'); var BN = require('./crypto/bn'); var JSUtil = require('./util/js'); var Networks = require('./networks'); var Point = require('./crypto/point'); var PublicKey = require('./publickey'); var Random = require('./crypto/random'); /** * Instantiate a PrivateKey from a BN, Buffer and WIF. * * @example * ```javascript * // generate a new random key * var key = PrivateKey(); * * // get the associated address * var address = key.toAddress(); * * // encode into wallet export format * var exported = key.toWIF(); * * // instantiate from the exported (and saved) private key * var imported = PrivateKey.fromWIF(exported); * ``` * * @param {string} data - The encoded data in various formats * @param {Network|string=} network - a {@link Network} object, or a string with the network name * @returns {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of an PrivateKey * @constructor */ var PrivateKey = function PrivateKey(data, network) { /* jshint maxstatements: 20 */ /* jshint maxcomplexity: 8 */ if (!(this instanceof PrivateKey)) { return new PrivateKey(data, network); } if (data instanceof PrivateKey) { return data; } var info = this._classifyArguments(data, network); // validation if (!info.bn || info.bn.cmp(new BN(0)) === 0){ throw new TypeError('Number can not be equal to zero, undefined, null or false'); } if (!info.bn.lt(Point.getN())) { throw new TypeError('Number must be less than N'); } if (typeof(info.network) === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('Must specify the network ("livenet" or "testnet")'); } JSUtil.defineImmutable(this, { bn: info.bn, compressed: info.compressed, network: info.network }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'publicKey', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: this.toPublicKey.bind(this) }); return this; }; /** * Internal helper to instantiate PrivateKey internal `info` object from * different kinds of arguments passed to the constructor. * * @param {*} data * @param {Network|string=} network - a {@link Network} object, or a string with the network name * @return {Object} */ PrivateKey.prototype._classifyArguments = function(data, network) { /* jshint maxcomplexity: 10 */ var info = { compressed: true, network: network ? Networks.get(network) : Networks.defaultNetwork }; // detect type of data if (_.isUndefined(data) || _.isNull(data)){ info.bn = PrivateKey._getRandomBN(); } else if (data instanceof BN) { info.bn = data; } else if (data instanceof Buffer || data instanceof Uint8Array) { info = PrivateKey._transformBuffer(data, network); } else if (PrivateKey._isJSON(data)){ info = PrivateKey._transformJSON(data); } else if (!network && Networks.get(data)) { info.bn = PrivateKey._getRandomBN(); info.network = Networks.get(data); } else if (typeof(data) === 'string'){ if (JSUtil.isHexa(data)) { info.bn = new BN(new Buffer(data, 'hex')); } else { info = PrivateKey._transformWIF(data, network); } } else { throw new TypeError('First argument is an unrecognized data type.'); } return info; }; /** * Internal function to get a random Big Number (BN) * * @returns {BN} A new randomly generated BN * @private */ PrivateKey._getRandomBN = function(){ var condition; var bn; do { var privbuf = Random.getRandomBuffer(32); bn = BN.fromBuffer(privbuf); condition = bn.lt(Point.getN()); } while (!condition); return bn; }; /** * Internal function to detect if a param is a JSON string or plain object * * @param {*} param - value to test * @returns {boolean} * @private */ PrivateKey._isJSON = function(json) { return JSUtil.isValidJSON(json) || (json.bn && json.network); }; /** * Internal function to transform a WIF Buffer into a private key * * @param {Buffer} buf - An WIF string * @param {Network|string=} network - a {@link Network} object, or a string with the network name * @returns {Object} An object with keys: bn, network and compressed * @private */ PrivateKey._transformBuffer = function(buf, network) { var info = {}; if (buf.length === 32) { return PrivateKey._transformBNBuffer(buf, network); } info.network = Networks.get(buf[0], 'privatekey'); if (!info.network) { throw new Error('Invalid network'); } if (network && info.network !== Networks.get(network)) { throw new TypeError('Private key network mismatch'); } if (buf.length === 1 + 32 + 1 && buf[1 + 32 + 1 - 1] === 1) { info.compressed = true; } else if (buf.length === 1 + 32) { info.compressed = false; } else { throw new Error('Length of buffer must be 33 (uncompressed) or 34 (compressed)'); } info.bn = BN.fromBuffer(buf.slice(1, 32 + 1)); return info; }; /** * Internal function to transform a BN buffer into a private key * * @param {Buffer} buf * @param {Network|string=} network - a {@link Network} object, or a string with the network name * @returns {object} an Object with keys: bn, network, and compressed * @private */ PrivateKey._transformBNBuffer = function(buf, network) { var info = {}; info.network = Networks.get(network) || Networks.defaultNetwork; info.bn = BN.fromBuffer(buf); info.compressed = false; return info; }; /** * Internal function to transform a WIF string into a private key * * @param {string} buf - An WIF string * @returns {Object} An object with keys: bn, network and compressed * @private */ PrivateKey._transformWIF = function(str, network) { return PrivateKey._transformBuffer(Base58Check.decode(str), network); }; /** * Instantiate a PrivateKey from a JSON string * * @param {string} json - The JSON encoded private key string * @returns {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of PrivateKey */ PrivateKey.fromJSON = function(json) { if (!PrivateKey._isJSON(json)) { throw new TypeError('Must be a valid JSON string or plain object'); } return new PrivateKey(json); }; /** * Instantiate a PrivateKey from a Buffer with the DER or WIF representation * * @param {Buffer} arg * @param {Network} network * @return {PrivateKey} */ PrivateKey.fromBuffer = function(arg, network) { return new PrivateKey(arg, network); }; /** * Internal function to transform a JSON string on plain object into a private key * return this. * * @param {string} json - A JSON string or plain object * @returns {Object} An object with keys: bn, network and compressed * @private */ PrivateKey._transformJSON = function(json) { if (JSUtil.isValidJSON(json)) { json = JSON.parse(json); } var bn = new BN(json.bn, 'hex'); var network = Networks.get(json.network); return { bn: bn, network: network, compressed: json.compressed }; }; /** * Instantiate a PrivateKey from a WIF string * * @param {string} str - The WIF encoded private key string * @returns {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of PrivateKey */ PrivateKey.fromString = PrivateKey.fromWIF = function(str) { return new PrivateKey(str); }; /** * Instantiate a PrivateKey from random bytes * * @param {string=} network - Either "livenet" or "testnet" * @returns {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of PrivateKey */ PrivateKey.fromRandom = function(network) { var bn = PrivateKey._getRandomBN(); return new PrivateKey(bn, network); }; /** * Check if there would be any errors when initializing a PrivateKey * * @param {string} data - The encoded data in various formats * @param {string=} network - Either "livenet" or "testnet" * @returns {null|Error} An error if exists */ PrivateKey.getValidationError = function(data, network) { var error; try { /* jshint nonew: false */ new PrivateKey(data, network); } catch (e) { error = e; } return error; }; /** * Check if the parameters are valid * * @param {string} data - The encoded data in various formats * @param {string=} network - Either "livenet" or "testnet" * @returns {Boolean} If the private key is would be valid */ PrivateKey.isValid = function(data, network){ if (!data) { return false; } return !PrivateKey.getValidationError(data, network); }; /** * Will output the PrivateKey encoded as hex string * * @returns {string} */ PrivateKey.prototype.toString = function() { return this.toBuffer().toString('hex'); }; /** * Will output the PrivateKey to a WIF string * * @returns {string} A WIP representation of the private key */ PrivateKey.prototype.toWIF = function() { var network = this.network; var compressed = this.compressed; var buf; if (compressed) { buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([network.privatekey]), this.bn.toBuffer({size: 32}), new Buffer([0x01])]); } else { buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([network.privatekey]), this.bn.toBuffer({size: 32})]); } return Base58Check.encode(buf); }; /** * Will return the private key as a BN instance * * @returns {BN} A BN instance of the private key */ PrivateKey.prototype.toBigNumber = function(){ return this.bn; }; /** * Will return the private key as a BN buffer * * @returns {Buffer} A buffer of the private key */ PrivateKey.prototype.toBuffer = function(){ return this.bn.toBuffer(); }; /** * Will return the corresponding public key * * @returns {PublicKey} A public key generated from the private key */ PrivateKey.prototype.toPublicKey = function(){ if (!this._pubkey) { this._pubkey = PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(this); } return this._pubkey; }; /** * Will return an address for the private key * @param {Network=} network - optional parameter specifying * the desired network for the address * * @returns {Address} An address generated from the private key */ PrivateKey.prototype.toAddress = function(network) { var pubkey = this.toPublicKey(); return Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, network || this.network); }; /** * @returns {Object} A plain object representation */ PrivateKey.prototype.toObject = function toObject() { return { bn: this.bn.toString('hex'), compressed: this.compressed, network: this.network.toString() }; }; PrivateKey.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this.toObject()); }; /** * Will return a string formatted for the console * * @returns {string} Private key */ PrivateKey.prototype.inspect = function() { var uncompressed = !this.compressed ? ', uncompressed' : ''; return ''; }; module.exports = PrivateKey;