'use strict'; var should = require('chai').should(); var bitcore = require('../..'); var Base58Check = bitcore.encoding.Base58Check; var Base58 = bitcore.encoding.Base58; describe('Base58Check', function() { var buf = new Buffer([0, 1, 2, 3, 253, 254, 255]); var enc = '14HV44ipwoaqfg'; it('should make an instance with "new"', function() { var b58 = new Base58Check(); should.exist(b58); }); it('can validate a serialized string', function() { var address = '3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy'; Base58Check.validChecksum(address).should.equal(true); address = address + 'a'; Base58Check.validChecksum(address).should.equal(false); }); it('should make an instance without "new"', function() { var b58 = Base58Check(); should.exist(b58); }); it('should allow this handy syntax', function() { Base58Check(buf).toString().should.equal(enc); Base58Check(enc).toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(buf.toString('hex')); }); describe('#set', function() { it('should set a buf', function() { should.exist(Base58Check().set({buf: buf}).buf); }); }); describe('@encode', function() { it('should encode the buffer accurately', function() { Base58Check.encode(buf).should.equal(enc); }); it('should throw an error when the input is not a buffer', function() { (function() { Base58Check.encode('string'); }).should.throw('Input must be a buffer'); }); }); describe('@decode', function() { it('should decode this encoded value correctly', function() { Base58Check.decode(enc).toString('hex').should.equal(buf.toString('hex')); }); it('should throw an error when input is not a string', function() { (function() { Base58Check.decode(5); }).should.throw('Input must be a string'); }); it('should throw an error when input is too short', function() { (function() { Base58Check.decode(enc.slice(0, 1)); }).should.throw('Input string too short'); }); it('should throw an error when there is a checksum mismatch', function() { var buf2 = Base58.decode(enc); buf2[0] = buf2[0] + 1; var enc2 = Base58.encode(buf2); (function() { Base58Check.decode(enc2); }).should.throw('Checksum mismatch'); }); }); describe('#fromBuffer', function() { it('should not fail', function() { should.exist(Base58Check().fromBuffer(buf)); }); it('should set buffer', function() { var b58 = Base58Check().fromBuffer(buf); b58.buf.toString('hex').should.equal(buf.toString('hex')); }); }); describe('#fromString', function() { it('should convert this known string to a buffer', function() { Base58Check().fromString(enc).toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(buf.toString('hex')); }); }); describe('#toBuffer', function() { it('should return the buffer', function() { var b58 = Base58Check({buf: buf}); b58.buf.toString('hex').should.equal(buf.toString('hex')); }); }); describe('#toString', function() { it('should return the buffer', function() { var b58 = Base58Check({buf: buf}); b58.toString().should.equal(enc); }); }); });