'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var $ = require('../util/preconditions'); var buffer = require('buffer'); var errors = require('../errors'); var util = require('../util/js'); var bufferUtil = require('../util/buffer'); var JSUtil = require('../util/js'); var BufferReader = require('../encoding/bufferreader'); var BufferWriter = require('../encoding/bufferwriter'); var Hash = require('../crypto/hash'); var Signature = require('../crypto/signature'); var Sighash = require('./sighash'); var Address = require('../address'); var UnspentOutput = require('./unspentoutput'); var Input = require('./input'); var PublicKeyHashInput = Input.PublicKeyHash; var MultiSigScriptHashInput = Input.MultiSigScriptHash; var Output = require('./output'); var Script = require('../script'); var PrivateKey = require('../privatekey'); var Block = require('../block'); var BN = require('../crypto/bn'); var CURRENT_VERSION = 1; var DEFAULT_NLOCKTIME = 0; var DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER = 0xFFFFFFFF; /** * Represents a transaction, a set of inputs and outputs to change ownership of tokens * * @param {*} serialized * @constructor */ function Transaction(serialized) { if (!(this instanceof Transaction)) { return new Transaction(serialized); } this.inputs = []; this.outputs = []; this._inputAmount = 0; this._outputAmount = 0; if (serialized) { if (serialized instanceof Transaction) { return Transaction.shallowCopy(serialized); } else if (util.isHexa(serialized)) { this.fromString(serialized); } else if (util.isValidJSON(serialized)) { this.fromJSON(serialized); } else if (bufferUtil.isBuffer(serialized)) { this.fromBuffer(serialized); } else if (_.isObject(serialized)) { this.fromObject(serialized); } else { throw new errors.InvalidArgument('Must provide an object or string to deserialize a transaction'); } } else { this._newTransaction(); } } // max amount of satoshis in circulation Transaction.MAX_MONEY = 21000000 * 1e8; /* Constructors and Serialization */ /** * Create a 'shallow' copy of the transaction, by serializing and deserializing * it dropping any additional information that inputs and outputs may have hold * * @param {Transaction} transaction * @return {Transaction} */ Transaction.shallowCopy = function(transaction) { var copy = new Transaction(transaction.toBuffer()); return copy; }; var hashProperty = { configurable: false, writeable: false, enumerable: true, get: function() { return new BufferReader(this._getHash()).readReverse().toString('hex'); } }; Object.defineProperty(Transaction.prototype, 'hash', hashProperty); Object.defineProperty(Transaction.prototype, 'id', hashProperty); /** * Retrieve the little endian hash of the transaction (used for serialization) * @return {Buffer} */ Transaction.prototype._getHash = function() { return Hash.sha256sha256(this.toBuffer()); }; /** * Retrieve a hexa string that can be used with bitcoind's CLI interface * (decoderawtransaction, sendrawtransaction) * * @param {boolean=} unsafe if true, skip testing for fees that are too high * @return {string} */ Transaction.prototype.serialize = function(unsafe) { if (unsafe) { return this.uncheckedSerialize(); } else { return this.checkedSerialize(); } }; Transaction.prototype.uncheckedSerialize = Transaction.prototype.toString = function() { return this.toBuffer().toString('hex'); }; Transaction.prototype.checkedSerialize = Transaction.prototype.toString = function() { var feeError = this._validateFees(); if (feeError) { var changeError = this._validateChange(); if (changeError) { throw new errors.Transaction.ChangeAddressMissing(); } else { throw new errors.Transaction.FeeError(feeError); } } if (this._hasDustOutputs()) { throw new errors.Transaction.DustOutputs(); } return this.uncheckedSerialize(); }; Transaction.FEE_SECURITY_MARGIN = 15; Transaction.prototype._validateFees = function() { if (this._getUnspentValue() > Transaction.FEE_SECURITY_MARGIN * this._estimateFee()) { return 'Fee is more than ' + Transaction.FEE_SECURITY_MARGIN + ' times the suggested amount'; } }; Transaction.prototype._validateChange = function() { if (!this._change) { return 'Missing change address'; } }; Transaction.DUST_AMOUNT = 5460; Transaction.prototype._hasDustOutputs = function() { var output; for (output in this.outputs) { if (this.outputs[output].satoshis < Transaction.DUST_AMOUNT) { return true; } } return false; }; Transaction.prototype.inspect = function() { return ''; }; Transaction.prototype.toBuffer = function() { var writer = new BufferWriter(); return this.toBufferWriter(writer).toBuffer(); }; Transaction.prototype.toBufferWriter = function(writer) { writer.writeUInt32LE(this.version); writer.writeVarintNum(this.inputs.length); _.each(this.inputs, function(input) { input.toBufferWriter(writer); }); writer.writeVarintNum(this.outputs.length); _.each(this.outputs, function(output) { output.toBufferWriter(writer); }); writer.writeUInt32LE(this.nLockTime); return writer; }; Transaction.prototype.fromBuffer = function(buffer) { var reader = new BufferReader(buffer); return this.fromBufferReader(reader); }; Transaction.prototype.fromBufferReader = function(reader) { $.checkArgument(!reader.finished(), 'No transaction data received'); var i, sizeTxIns, sizeTxOuts; this.version = reader.readUInt32LE(); sizeTxIns = reader.readVarintNum(); for (i = 0; i < sizeTxIns; i++) { var input = Input.fromBufferReader(reader); this.inputs.push(input); } sizeTxOuts = reader.readVarintNum(); for (i = 0; i < sizeTxOuts; i++) { this.outputs.push(Output.fromBufferReader(reader)); } this.nLockTime = reader.readUInt32LE(); return this; }; Transaction.prototype.fromJSON = function(json) { if (JSUtil.isValidJSON(json)) { json = JSON.parse(json); } var self = this; this.inputs = []; var inputs = json.inputs || json.txins; inputs.forEach(function(input) { self.inputs.push(Input.fromJSON(input)); }); this.outputs = []; var outputs = json.outputs || json.txouts; outputs.forEach(function(output) { self.outputs.push(Output.fromJSON(output)); }); if (json.change) { this.change(json.change); } this.version = json.version; this.nLockTime = json.nLockTime; return this; }; Transaction.prototype.toObject = function toObject() { var inputs = []; this.inputs.forEach(function(input) { inputs.push(input.toObject()); }); var outputs = []; this.outputs.forEach(function(output) { outputs.push(output.toObject()); }); return { change: this._change ? this._change.toString() : undefined, fee: this._fee ? this._fee : undefined, version: this.version, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs, nLockTime: this.nLockTime }; }; Transaction.prototype.fromObject = function(transaction) { var self = this; _.each(transaction.inputs, function(input) { if (input.output && input.output.script) { input.output.script = new Script(input.output.script); if (input.output.script.isPublicKeyHashOut()) { self.addInput(new Input.PublicKeyHash(input)); return; } else if (input.output.script.isScriptHashOut() && input.publicKeys && input.threshold) { self.addInput(new Input.MultiSigScriptHash( input, input.publicKeys, input.threshold, input.signatures )); return; } } self.uncheckedAddInput(new Input(input)); }); _.each(transaction.outputs, function(output) { self.addOutput(new Output(output)); }); if (transaction.change) { this.change(transaction.change); } if (transaction.fee) { this.fee(transaction.fee); } this.nLockTime = transaction.nLockTime; this.version = transaction.version; }; Transaction.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this.toObject()); }; Transaction.prototype.fromString = function(string) { this.fromBuffer(new buffer.Buffer(string, 'hex')); }; Transaction.prototype._newTransaction = function() { this.version = CURRENT_VERSION; this.nLockTime = DEFAULT_NLOCKTIME; }; /* Transaction creation interface */ /** * Add an input to this transaction. This is a high level interface * to add an input, for more control, use @{link Transaction#addInput}. * * Can receive, as output information, the output of bitcoind's `listunspent` command, * and a slightly fancier format recognized by bitcore: * * ``` * { * address: 'mszYqVnqKoQx4jcTdJXxwKAissE3Jbrrc1', * txId: 'a477af6b2667c29670467e4e0728b685ee07b240235771862318e29ddbe58458', * outputIndex: 0, * script: Script.empty(), * satoshis: 1020000 * } * ``` * Where `address` can be either a string or a bitcore Address object. The * same is true for `script`, which can be a string or a bitcore Script. * * Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, * SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset). * * @example * ```javascript * var transaction = new Transaction(); * * // From a pay to public key hash output from bitcoind's listunspent * transaction.from({'txid': '0000...', vout: 0, amount: 0.1, scriptPubKey: 'OP_DUP ...'}); * * // From a pay to public key hash output * transaction.from({'txId': '0000...', outputIndex: 0, satoshis: 1000, script: 'OP_DUP ...'}); * * // From a multisig P2SH output * transaction.from({'txId': '0000...', inputIndex: 0, satoshis: 1000, script: '... OP_HASH'}, * ['03000...', '02000...'], 2); * ``` * * @param {Object} utxo * @param {Array=} pubkeys * @param {number=} threshold */ Transaction.prototype.from = function(utxo, pubkeys, threshold) { if (_.isArray(utxo)) { var self = this; _.each(utxo, function(utxo) { self.from(utxo, pubkeys, threshold); }); return this; } var exists = _.any(this.inputs, function(input) { // TODO: Maybe prevTxId should be a string? Or defined as read only property? return input.prevTxId.toString('hex') === utxo.txId && input.outputIndex === utxo.outputIndex; }); if (exists) { return; } if (pubkeys && threshold) { this._fromMultisigUtxo(utxo, pubkeys, threshold); } else { this._fromNonP2SH(utxo); } return this; }; Transaction.prototype._fromNonP2SH = function(utxo) { var clazz; utxo = new UnspentOutput(utxo); if (utxo.script.isPublicKeyHashOut()) { clazz = PublicKeyHashInput; } else { clazz = Input; } this.addInput(new clazz({ output: new Output({ script: utxo.script, satoshis: utxo.satoshis }), prevTxId: utxo.txId, outputIndex: utxo.outputIndex, sequenceNumber: DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER, script: Script.empty() })); }; Transaction.prototype._fromMultisigUtxo = function(utxo, pubkeys, threshold) { utxo = new UnspentOutput(utxo); this.addInput(new MultiSigScriptHashInput({ output: new Output({ script: utxo.script, satoshis: utxo.satoshis }), prevTxId: utxo.txId, outputIndex: utxo.outputIndex, sequenceNumber: DEFAULT_SEQNUMBER, script: Script.empty() }, pubkeys, threshold)); }; /** * Add an input to this transaction. The input must be an instance of the `Input` class. * It should have information about the Output that it's spending, but if it's not already * set, two additional parameters, `outputScript` and `satoshis` can be provided. * * @param {Input} input * @param {String|Script} outputScript * @param {number} satoshis * @return Transaction this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.addInput = function(input, outputScript, satoshis) { $.checkArgumentType(input, Input, 'input'); if (!input.output && (_.isUndefined(outputScript) || _.isUndefined(satoshis))) { throw new errors.Transaction.NeedMoreInfo('Need information about the UTXO script and satoshis'); } if (!input.output && outputScript && !_.isUndefined(satoshis)) { outputScript = outputScript instanceof Script ? outputScript : new Script(outputScript); $.checkArgumentType(satoshis, 'number', 'satoshis'); input.output = new Output({ script: outputScript, satoshis: satoshis }); } return this.uncheckedAddInput(input); }; /** * Add an input to this transaction, without checking that the input has information about * the output that it's spending. * * @param {Input} input * @return Transaction this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.uncheckedAddInput = function(input) { $.checkArgumentType(input, Input, 'input'); this.inputs.push(input); if (input.output) { this._inputAmount += input.output.satoshis; } this._updateChangeOutput(); return this; }; /** * Returns true if the transaction has enough info on all inputs to be correctly validated * * @return {boolean} */ Transaction.prototype.hasAllUtxoInfo = function() { return _.all(this.inputs.map(function(input) { return !!input.output; })); }; /** * Manually set the fee for this transaction. Beware that this resets all the signatures * for inputs (in further versions, SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not * be reset). * * @param {number} amount satoshis to be sent * @return {Transaction} this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.fee = function(amount) { this._fee = amount; this._updateChangeOutput(); return this; }; /* Output management */ /** * Set the change address for this transaction * * Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, * SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset). * * @param {number} amount satoshis to be sent * @return {Transaction} this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.change = function(address) { this._change = new Address(address); this._updateChangeOutput(); return this; }; /** * Add an output to the transaction. * * Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, * SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset). * * @param {string|Address} address * @param {number} amount in satoshis * @return {Transaction} this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.to = function(address, amount) { this.addOutput(new Output({ script: Script(new Address(address)), satoshis: amount })); return this; }; /** * Add an OP_RETURN output to the transaction. * * Beware that this resets all the signatures for inputs (in further versions, * SIGHASH_SINGLE or SIGHASH_NONE signatures will not be reset). * * @param {Buffer|string} value the data to be stored in the OP_RETURN output. * In case of a string, the UTF-8 representation will be stored * @return {Transaction} this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.addData = function(value) { this.addOutput(new Output({ script: Script.buildDataOut(value), satoshis: 0 })); return this; }; Transaction.prototype.addOutput = function(output) { $.checkArgumentType(output, Output, 'output'); this._addOutput(output); this._updateChangeOutput(); }; Transaction.prototype._addOutput = function(output) { this.outputs.push(output); this._outputAmount += output.satoshis; }; Transaction.prototype._updateChangeOutput = function() { if (!this._change) { return; } this._clearSignatures(); if (!_.isUndefined(this._changeOutput)) { this._removeOutput(this._changeOutput); } var available = this._getUnspentValue(); var fee = this.getFee(); if (available - fee > 0) { this._changeOutput = this.outputs.length; this._addOutput(new Output({ script: Script.fromAddress(this._change), satoshis: available - fee })); } else { this._changeOutput = undefined; } }; Transaction.prototype.getFee = function() { return this._fee || this._estimateFee(); }; Transaction.prototype._estimateFee = function() { var estimatedSize = this._estimateSize(); var available = this._getUnspentValue(); return Transaction._estimateFee(estimatedSize, available); }; Transaction.prototype._getUnspentValue = function() { return this._inputAmount - this._outputAmount; }; Transaction.prototype._clearSignatures = function() { _.each(this.inputs, function(input) { input.clearSignatures(); }); }; Transaction.FEE_PER_KB = 10000; Transaction.CHANGE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE = 20 + 4 + 34 + 4; Transaction._estimateFee = function(size, amountAvailable) { var fee = Math.ceil(size / Transaction.FEE_PER_KB); if (amountAvailable > fee) { // Safe upper bound for change address script size += Transaction.CHANGE_OUTPUT_MAX_SIZE; } return Math.ceil(size / 1000) * Transaction.FEE_PER_KB; }; Transaction.MAXIMUM_EXTRA_SIZE = 4 + 9 + 9 + 4; Transaction.prototype._estimateSize = function() { var result = Transaction.MAXIMUM_EXTRA_SIZE; _.each(this.inputs, function(input) { result += input._estimateSize(); }); _.each(this.outputs, function(output) { result += output.script.toBuffer().length + 9; }); return result; }; Transaction.prototype._removeOutput = function(index) { var output = this.outputs[index]; this._outputAmount -= output.satoshis; this.outputs = _.without(this.outputs, output); }; Transaction.prototype.removeOutput = function(index) { this._removeOutput(index); this._updateChangeOutput(); }; Transaction.prototype.removeInput = function(txId, outputIndex) { var index; if (!outputIndex && _.isNumber(txId)) { index = txId; } else { index = _.findIndex(this.inputs, function(input) { return input.prevTxId.toString('hex') === txId && input.outputIndex === outputIndex; }); } if (index < 0 || index >= this.inputs.length) { throw new errors.Transaction.InvalidIndex(index, this.inputs.length); } var input = this.inputs[index]; this._inputAmount -= input.output.satoshis; this.inputs = _.without(this.inputs, input); this._updateChangeOutput(); }; /* Signature handling */ /** * Sign the transaction using one or more private keys. * * It tries to sign each input, verifying that the signature will be valid * (matches a public key). * * @param {Array|String|PrivateKey} privateKey * @param {number} sigtype * @return {Transaction} this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.sign = function(privateKey, sigtype) { $.checkState(this.hasAllUtxoInfo()); var self = this; if (_.isArray(privateKey)) { _.each(privateKey, function(privateKey) { self.sign(privateKey, sigtype); }); return this; } _.each(this.getSignatures(privateKey, sigtype), function(signature) { self.applySignature(signature); }); return this; }; Transaction.prototype.getSignatures = function(privKey, sigtype) { privKey = new PrivateKey(privKey); sigtype = sigtype || Signature.SIGHASH_ALL; var transaction = this; var results = []; var hashData = Hash.sha256ripemd160(privKey.publicKey.toBuffer()); _.each(this.inputs, function forEachInput(input, index) { _.each(input.getSignatures(transaction, privKey, index, sigtype, hashData), function(signature) { results.push(signature); }); }); return results; }; /** * Add a signature to the transaction * * @param {Object} signature * @param {number} signature.inputIndex * @param {number} signature.sigtype * @param {PublicKey} signature.publicKey * @param {Signature} signature.signature * @return {Transaction} this, for chaining */ Transaction.prototype.applySignature = function(signature) { this.inputs[signature.inputIndex].addSignature(this, signature); return this; }; Transaction.prototype.isFullySigned = function() { _.each(this.inputs, function(input) { if (input.isFullySigned === Input.prototype.isFullySigned) { throw new errors.Transaction.UnableToVerifySignature( 'Unrecognized script kind, or not enough information to execute script.' + 'This usually happens when creating a transaction from a serialized transaction' ); } }); return _.all(_.map(this.inputs, function(input) { return input.isFullySigned(); })); }; Transaction.prototype.isValidSignature = function(signature) { var self = this; if (this.inputs[signature.inputIndex].isValidSignature === Input.prototype.isValidSignature) { throw new errors.Transaction.UnableToVerifySignature( 'Unrecognized script kind, or not enough information to execute script.' + 'This usually happens when creating a transaction from a serialized transaction' ); } return this.inputs[signature.inputIndex].isValidSignature(self, signature); }; /** * @returns {bool} whether the signature is valid for this transaction input */ Transaction.prototype.verifySignature = function(sig, pubkey, nin, subscript) { return Sighash.verify(this, sig, pubkey, nin, subscript); }; /** * Check that a transaction passes basic sanity tests. If not, return a string * describing the error. This function contains the same logic as * CheckTransaction in bitcoin core. */ Transaction.prototype.verify = function() { // Basic checks that don't depend on any context if (this.inputs.length === 0) { return 'transaction txins empty'; } if (this.outputs.length === 0) { return 'transaction txouts empty'; } // Size limits if (this.toBuffer().length > Block.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { return 'transaction over the maximum block size'; } // Check for negative or overflow output values var valueoutbn = BN(0); for (var i = 0; i < this.outputs.length; i++) { var txout = this.outputs[i]; var valuebn = txout._satoshisBN; if (valuebn.lt(0)) { return 'transaction txout ' + i + ' negative'; } if (valuebn.gt(BN(Transaction.MAX_MONEY, 10))) { return 'transaction txout ' + i + ' greater than MAX_MONEY'; } valueoutbn = valueoutbn.add(valuebn); if (valueoutbn.gt(Transaction.MAX_MONEY)) { return 'transaction txout ' + i + ' total output greater than MAX_MONEY'; } } // Check for duplicate inputs var txinmap = {}; for (i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) { var txin = this.inputs[i]; var inputid = txin.prevTxId + ':' + txin.outputIndex; if (!_.isUndefined(txinmap[inputid])) { return 'transaction input ' + i + ' duplicate input'; } txinmap[inputid] = true; } var isCoinbase = this.isCoinbase(); if (isCoinbase) { var buf = this.inputs[0]._script.toBuffer(); if (buf.length < 2 || buf.length > 100) { return 'coinbase trasaction script size invalid'; } } else { for (i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) { if (this.inputs[i].isNull()) { return 'tranasction input ' + i + ' has null input'; } } } return true; }; /** * Analagous to bitcoind's IsCoinBase function in transaction.h */ Transaction.prototype.isCoinbase = function() { return (this.inputs.length === 1 && this.inputs[0].isNull()); }; module.exports = Transaction;