'use strict'; var inherits = require('inherits'); var $ = require('../../util/preconditions'); var BufferUtil = require('../../util/buffer'); var Hash = require('../../crypto/hash'); var Input = require('./input'); var Output = require('../output'); var Sighash = require('../sighash'); var Script = require('../../script'); var Signature = require('../../crypto/signature'); /** * Represents a special kind of input of PayToPublicKeyHash kind. * @constructor */ function PublicKeyHashInput() { Input.apply(this, arguments); } inherits(PublicKeyHashInput, Input); /* jshint maxparams: 5 */ /** * @param {Transaction} transaction - the transaction to be signed * @param {PrivateKey} privateKey - the private key with which to sign the transaction * @param {number} index - the index of the input in the transaction input vector * @param {number=} sigtype - the type of signature, defaults to Signature.SIGHASH_ALL * @param {Buffer=} hashData - the precalculated hash of the public key associated with the privateKey provided * @return {Array} of objects that can be */ PublicKeyHashInput.prototype.getSignatures = function(transaction, privateKey, index, sigtype, hashData) { $.checkState(this.output instanceof Output); hashData = hashData || Hash.sha256ripemd160(privateKey.publicKey.toBuffer()); sigtype = sigtype || Signature.SIGHASH_ALL; if (BufferUtil.equals(hashData, this.output.script.getPublicKeyHash())) { return [{ publicKey: privateKey.publicKey, prevTxId: this.txId, outputIndex: this.outputIndex, inputIndex: index, signature: Sighash.sign(transaction, privateKey, sigtype, index, this.output.script), sigtype: sigtype }]; } return []; }; /* jshint maxparams: 3 */ /** * Add the provided signature * * @param {Object} signature * @param {PublicKey} signature.publicKey * @param {Signature} signature.signature * @param {number=} signature.sigtype * @return {PublicKeyHashInput} this, for chaining */ PublicKeyHashInput.prototype.addSignature = function(transaction, signature) { $.checkState(this.isValidSignature(transaction, signature), 'Signature is invalid'); this.setScript(Script.buildPublicKeyHashIn( signature.publicKey, signature.signature.toDER(), signature.sigtype )); return this; }; /** * Clear the input's signature * @return {PublicKeyHashInput} this, for chaining */ PublicKeyHashInput.prototype.clearSignature = function() { this.setScript(Script.empty()); return this; }; /** * Query whether the input is signed * @return {boolean} */ PublicKeyHashInput.prototype.isFullySigned = function() { return this.script.isPublicKeyHashIn(); }; module.exports = PublicKeyHashInput;