'use strict'; var chai = require('chai'); var bitcore = require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var OpcodeModule = bitcore.Opcode; var Opcode; describe('Opcode', function() { it('should initialze the main object', function() { should.exist(OpcodeModule); }); it('should be able to create class', function() { Opcode = OpcodeModule; should.exist(Opcode); }); it('should be able to create instance', function() { var oc = new Opcode(); should.exist(oc); }); it.skip('should be able to create some constants', function() { // TODO: test works in node but not in browser for (var i in Opcode.map) { console.log('var '+i + ' = ' + Opcode.map[i] + ';'); eval('var '+i + ' = ' + Opcode.map[i] + ';'); console.log(eval(i)); } should.exist(OP_VER); should.exist(OP_HASH160); should.exist(OP_RETURN); should.exist(OP_EQUALVERIFY); should.exist(OP_CHECKSIG); should.exist(OP_CHECKMULTISIG); }); });