import path from 'path' import assert from 'assert' import fs from 'fs-extra' import yaml from 'js-yaml' // Initialize config from `configPath`, // can be either the base directory or the full path to _filebazaar.yaml module.exports = basePath => { const configPath = fs.statSync(basePath).isFile() ? basePath : path.join(basePath, '_filebazaar.yaml') , config = fs.existsSync(configPath) ? yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(configPath)) : {} config.env = config.env || process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development' = || process.env.HOST || 'localhost' config.port = config.port || process.env.PORT || 9678 config.url = config.url || process.env.URL || `http://${}:${config.port}/` config.proxied = config.proxied || process.env.PROXIED || false = || process.env.BASE_DIR || path.dirname(configPath) config.token_secret = config.token_secret || process.env.TOKEN_SECRET || assert(false, 'token_secret is required') config.cache_path = config.cache_path || process.env.CACHE_PATH || path.join(, '_filebazaar_cache') config.charge_url = config.charge_url || process.env.CHARGE_URL || 'http://localhost:9112' config.charge_token = config.charge_token || process.env.CHARGE_TOKEN config.invoice_ttl = config.invoice_ttl || +process.env.INVOICE_TTL || 3600 // 1 hour config.download_ttl = config.download_ttl || +process.env.DOWNLOAD_TTL || 172800 // 2 days config.views_dir = config.views_dir || process.env.VIEWS_DIR || path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'views') config.static_dir = config.static_dir || process.env.STATIC_DIR || path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'static') config.theme = config.theme || process.env.THEME || 'yeti' config.css = config.css || process.env.CSS config.files = parseFiles(config.files || (process.env.FILES_JSON ? JSON.parse(process.env.FILES_JSON) : {})) config.default_price = parsePrice(config.default_price || process.env.DEFAULT_PRICE || '0.25 USD') fs.ensureDirSync(config.cache_path) return config } const parsePrice = str => { const m = str.match(/^([\d.]+) ([a-z]+)$/i) if (!m) throw new Error(`invalid price: ${ str }`) return { amount: m[1], currency: m[2].toUpperCase() } } const parseFiles = (files, prefix='') => Object.keys(files) .reduce((o, name) => (name[name.length-1] === '/' ? files[name] && Object.assign(o, parseFiles(files[name], prefix + name)) : o[prefix+name] = parseFile(files[name]) , o) , {}) const parseFile = file => typeof file === 'string' ? { price: parsePrice(file) } : { ...file, price: file.price && parsePrice(file.price) }