
705 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Copay\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: views/create.html
msgid "(*) The limits are imposed by the bitcoin network."
msgstr "(*) Los límites son impuestos por la red de bitcoin."
#: views/more.html
msgid ""
"ALL Transactions Proposals will be discarted. This need to be done on "
"<b>ALL<b> peers of a wallet, to prevent the old proposals to be resynced "
" </b></b>"
msgstr ""
"TODAS las Propuestas de Transacciones serán descartadas. Es necesario que lo "
"hagan <b>TODOS<b> los compañeros del monedero, para prevenir que las viejas "
"propuestas sean re sincronizadas de nuevo.\n"
" </b></b>"
#: views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Add Address"
msgstr "Agregar Dirección"
#: views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Add Address Book Entry"
msgstr "Nueva entrada"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Add New Entry"
msgstr "Nueva Entrada"
#: views/send.html views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Dirección"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr "Libreta de Direcciones"
#: views/addresses.html
msgid "Addresses"
msgstr "Direcciones"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Alternative Currency"
msgstr "Moneda Alternativa"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Importe"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Amount in"
msgstr "Importe en"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Are you sure to delete this wallet from this computer?"
msgstr "¿Estas seguro de borrar este monedero de tu computadora?"
#: views/join.html views/open.html
msgid "Authenticating and looking for peers..."
msgstr "Autenticando y buscando compañeros..."
#: views/create.html views/import.html views/join.html views/open.html
#: views/settings.html views/warning.html views/errors/404.html
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Volver"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Copia de Seguridad"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Backup wallet"
msgstr "Hacer copia de seguridad"
2014-09-05 13:23:44 -07:00
#: views/includes/sidebar-mobile.html views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Balance"
msgstr "Balance"
#: views/includes/sidebar-mobile.html views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Balance locked in pending transaction proposals"
msgstr "Balance bloqueado en las propuestas de transacción pendientes"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Bitcoin Network"
msgstr "Red Bitcoin"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Broadcast Transaction"
msgstr "Emitir Transacción"
#: views/unsupported.html
msgid "Browser unsupported"
msgstr "Navegador no soportado"
#: views/send.html views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
#: views/import.html
msgid "Choose backup file from your computer"
msgstr "Seleccione el archivo backup de su computadora"
#: views/create.html views/join.html
msgid "Choose your password"
msgstr "Escribe tu contraseña"
#: views/includes/sidebar-mobile.html views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "Confirmations"
msgstr "Confirmaciones"
#: views/warning.html
msgid "Continue anyways"
msgstr "Continuar de todas maneras"
#: views/includes/peer-list.html
msgid "Copayers"
msgstr "Compañeros"
#: views/modals/qr-address.html
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
#: views/home.html
msgid "Create a new wallet"
msgstr "Crear un nuevo monedero"
#: views/home.html
msgid "Create a wallet"
msgstr "Crea un monedero"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Create new wallet"
msgstr "Crear nuevo monedero"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet"
msgstr "Crea monedero {{requiredCopayers}}-de-{{totalCopayers}}"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Creating wallet..."
msgstr "Creando monedero..."
#: views/send.html
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "Creador"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Delete Wallet"
msgstr "Borrar Monedero"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Delete wallet"
msgstr "Borrar monedero"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Download Backup"
msgstr "Descargar Copia de Seguridad"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Download File"
msgstr "Descargar Archivo"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Download seed backup"
msgstr "Descargar copia de seguridad"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Empty. Create an alias for your addresses"
msgstr "Vacío. Crea una etiqueta para tus direcciones"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Family vacation funds"
msgstr "Fondos para vacaciones en familia"
#: views/transactions.html views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Fee"
msgstr "Tasa"
#: views/join.html
msgid "Get QR code"
msgstr "Obtener código QR"
#: views/create.html views/import.html views/join.html views/more.html
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Ocultar"
2014-09-05 13:23:44 -07:00
#: views/dummy-translations.html
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historial"
#: views/more.html
msgid ""
"If all funds have been removed from your wallet and you do not wish to have "
"the wallet data stored on your computer anymore, you can delete your wallet."
msgstr ""
"Si todos los fondos fueron removidos de tu monedero y no deseas tener los "
"datos guardados en tu computadora, puedes eliminar tu monedero."
#: views/home.html
msgid "Import a backup"
msgstr "Importar backup"
#: views/import.html
msgid "Import backup"
msgstr "Importar copia de seguridad"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Including fee of"
msgstr "Incluye tasa de"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Insight API server"
msgstr "Servidor API Insight"
#: views/settings.html
msgid ""
"Insight API server is open-source software. You can run your own instance, "
"check <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Insight API Homepage</"
msgstr ""
"Servidor API de insight es un software código-abierto. Puedes correr tu "
"propia instancia en <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Insight "
"API Homepage</a>"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Insufficient funds"
msgstr "Fondos insuficientes"
#: views/more.html
msgid ""
"It's important to backup your wallet so that you can recover it in case of "
msgstr ""
"Es importante hacer copia de seguridad de tu monedero para que puedas "
"recuperarlo en caso de pérdidas"
#: views/join.html
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Unirse"
#: views/home.html views/join.html
msgid "Join a Wallet in Creation"
msgstr "Unirse a un monedero"
#: views/send.html views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Idioma"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "Last transactions"
msgstr "Últimas transacciones"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Leave a private message to your copayers"
msgstr "Dejar mensaje privado a tus compañeros"
2014-09-05 13:23:44 -07:00
#: views/includes/sidebar-mobile.html views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloqueado"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Master Private Key"
msgstr "Master Private Key"
#: views/includes/copayer.html views/includes/peer-list.html
msgid "Me"
msgstr "Yo"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"
#: views/settings.html
msgid ""
"Network has been fixed to <strong>{{networkName}}</strong> in this setup. "
"See <a href=\"\"></a> for options to use Copay on "
"both livenet and testnet."
msgstr ""
"La red fue fijada a <strong>{{networkName}}</strong> para esta "
"configuración. Ver <a href=\"\"></a> para más "
"opciones de uso de Copay en livenet y testnet."
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "New Wallet Created"
msgstr "Nuevo Monedero Creado"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Siguiente"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "No transactions proposals yet."
2014-09-05 13:23:44 -07:00
msgstr "Sin propuestas de transacciones aún."
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "No transactions yet."
msgstr "Aún no hay transacciones."
#: views/send.html views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Not valid"
msgstr "No válido"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notas"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "One person has"
msgstr "Una persona"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "One signature missing"
msgstr "Falta una firma"
#: views/open.html
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Abrir"
#: views/open.html
msgid "Open Wallet"
msgstr "Abrir Monedero"
#: views/home.html
msgid "Open a wallet"
msgstr "Abrir un monedero"
#: views/modals/qr-address.html
msgid "Open in external application"
msgstr "Abrir en una aplicación externa"
#: views/warning.html
msgid ""
"Opening the wallet in multiple browser tabs could lead to unexpected results"
msgstr ""
"Abrir el monedero en varias ventanas del mismo navegador podría conducir a "
"resultados inesperados"
#: views/errors/404.html
msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Página no encontrada"
#: views/import.html
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
#: views/join.html
msgid "Paste wallet secret here"
msgstr "Pegar código secreto del monedero aquí"
#: views/more.html
msgid ""
"Pending Transactions Proposals will be discarted. This need to be done on "
"<b>ALL<b> peers of a wallet, to prevent the old proposals to be resynced "
" </b></b>"
msgstr ""
"Las Propuestas de Transacciones Pendientes serán descartadas. Esto es "
"necesario hacerlo con <b>TODOS</b> los compañeros del monedero, para "
"prevenir que viejas propuestas sean re sincronizadas de nuevo.\n"
" </b></b>"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Puerto"
#: views/uri-payment.html
msgid "Preparing payment..."
msgstr "Preparando pago..."
#: views/create.html views/join.html
msgid "Private Key (Hex)"
msgstr "Clave Privada (Hex)"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Proposal ID"
msgstr "ID de Propuesta"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Purge"
msgstr "Purgar"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Purge ALL Transaction Proposals"
msgstr "Purgar TODAS las Propuestas de Transacciones"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Purge All"
msgstr "Purgar Todo"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Purge Pending Transaction Proposals"
msgstr "Purgar Propuestas de Transacciones Pendientes"
#: views/includes/copayer.html
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Listo"
2014-09-05 13:23:44 -07:00
#: views/dummy-translations.html
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Recibir"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Rechazar"
#: views/create.html views/join.html
msgid "Repeat password"
msgstr "Repite la contraseña"
#: views/create.html views/import.html views/join.html
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Requerido"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Explorar"
#: views/more.html
msgid "Scan Wallet Addresses"
msgstr "Explorar Direcciones del Monedero"
#: views/import.html
msgid "Select a backup file"
msgstr "Seleccionar el archivo de copia de seguridad"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Select required signatures (*)"
msgstr "Seleccione las firmas requeridas (*)"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Select total number of copayers (*)"
msgstr "Seleccione el total de compañeros (*)"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Send Proposals"
msgstr "Enviar Propuestas"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Send all funds"
msgstr "Enviar todos los fondos"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Send to"
msgstr "Enviar a"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Enviado"
#: views/home.html views/more.html
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuración"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Share this secret with your other copayers"
msgstr "Compartir el código secreto con tus otros compañeros"
#: views/create.html views/import.html views/join.html views/more.html
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Mostrar"
#: views/addresses.html
msgid "Show all"
msgstr "Ver todo"
#: views/addresses.html
msgid "Show less"
msgstr "Ver menos"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Sign"
msgstr "Firmar"
#: views/import.html
msgid "Skipping fields: {{skipFields}}"
msgstr "Saltear campos: {{skipFields}}"
#: views/warning.html
msgid "This wallet appears to be currently open."
msgstr "Este monedero parece estar actualmente abierto."
#: views/more.html
msgid ""
"This will scan the blockchain looking for addresses derived from your "
"wallet, in case you have funds in addresses not yet generated (e.g.: you "
"restored an old backup). This will also trigger a syncronization of "
"addresses to other connected peers."
msgstr ""
"Esto verificará la blockchain buscando direcciones derivadas de tu monedero, "
"en caso de tener fondo en direcciones que no fueron generadas aún (por ej.: "
"si restauraste una copia de seguridad antigua). Esto también activará la "
"sincronización de direcciones a los demás compañeros conectados."
#: views/send.html
msgid "To address"
msgstr "Dirección"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Transaction ID"
msgstr "ID Transacción"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "Transaction Proposals"
msgstr "Propuestas de Transacción"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Transaction finally rejected"
msgstr "Transacción rechazada"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Use SSL"
msgstr "Usar SSL"
#: views/send.html
msgid "Use all funds"
msgstr "Todos los fondos"
#: views/join.html
msgid "User information"
msgstr "Información de Usuario"
#: views/send.html views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "Valid"
msgstr "Válido"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting Copayers for {{$root.wallet.getName()}}"
msgstr "Esperando compañeros a {{$root.wallet.getName()}}"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting copayers"
msgstr "Esperando compañeros"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting for other copayers to make a Backup"
msgstr "Esperando que los otros compañeros hagan su copia de seguridad"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Esperando..."
#: views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Secret"
msgstr "Código Secreto del Monedero"
#: views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Secret is not valid!"
msgstr "¡El código secreto no es válido!"
#: views/settings.html
msgid "Wallet Unit"
msgstr "Unidad del monedero"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Wallet name"
msgstr "Nombre del monedero"
#: views/warning.html
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "¡Advertencia!"
#: views/create.html
msgid "Your Wallet Password"
msgstr "Contraseña de tu Monedero"
#: views/more.html
msgid ""
"Your master private key contains the information to sign <b>any</b> "
"transaction on this wallet. Handle with care."
msgstr ""
"Tu \"master private key\" contiene la información para firmar <b>cualquier</"
"b> transacción de este monedero. Tenga cuidado al usar."
#: views/create.html
msgid "Your name"
msgstr "Tu nombre"
#: views/join.html
msgid "Your name (optional)"
msgstr "Tu nombre (opcional)"
#: views/open.html
msgid "Your password"
msgstr "Tu contraseña"
#: views/import.html
msgid "Your wallet password"
msgstr "Contraseña de tu monedero"
#: views/create.html views/import.html views/join.html views/more.html
msgid "advanced options"
msgstr "opciones avanzadas"
#: views/addresses.html
msgid "change"
msgstr "vuelto"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "first seen at"
msgstr "Visto el"
#: views/transactions.html
msgid "mined at"
msgstr "Minado el"
#: views/send.html
msgid "not valid"
msgstr "no válido"
#: views/copayers.html views/includes/peer-list.html
msgid "of"
msgstr "de"
#: views/send.html
msgid "optional"
msgstr "opcional"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "people have"
msgstr "personas"
#: views/send.html views/modals/address-book.html
msgid "required"
msgstr "requerido"
#: views/send.html
msgid "too long!"
msgstr "¡demasiado largo!"
#: views/send.html
msgid "valid!"
msgstr "¡válido!"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "yet to backup the wallet."
msgstr "deben hacer su copia de seguridad"
#: views/copayers.html
msgid "yet to join."
msgstr "deben unirse"
#: views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "{{tx.missingSignatures}} signatures missing"
msgstr "Faltan {{tx.missingSignatures}} firmas"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "{{$root.wallet.requiredCopayers}}-of-{{$root.wallet.totalCopayers}} wallet"
#~ msgstr "Monedero {{requiredCopayers}}-de-{{totalCopayers}}"
#~ msgid "&laquo; Back"
#~ msgstr "&laquo; Volver"
#~ msgid "Fees"
#~ msgstr "Tasas"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Wallet\n"
#~ " name"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nombre del\n"
#~ " monedero"