require('shelljs/global'); var color = require('cli-color'); var download = require('./lib/download')(); var async = require('async'); var atom_version = 'v0.13.0'; var app_root = './'; var build_dir = 'shell/scripts/build'; var dist_dir = 'dist'; var darwin_app_dir = '/'; var linux_app_dir = '/resources/app'; var windows_app_dir = '/resources/app'; console.log('{copay}'), ''); console.log('{copay}'), 'Preparing to build Copay binaries'); console.log('{copay}'), ''); /* Clean up before the build */ rm('-rf', build_dir); rm(dist_dir + '/Copay*'); rm('-rf', dist_dir + '/darwin', dist_dir + '/linux', dist_dir + '/windows'); // Download the atom shell binaries. If you exceed your download quota, // just download the zips manually and unpack them into shell/scripts/bin/ async.series([ function(callback) { download.atom(atom_version, 'darwin', 'x64', callback); }, function(callback){ download.atom(atom_version, 'linux', 'x64', callback); }, function(callback) { download.atom(atom_version, 'win32', 'ia32', callback); }, function() { runBuild(); }]); function runBuild() { mkdir(build_dir); /* DARWIN BUILD */ console.log('{copay}'), ''); console.log('{copay}'), 'Starting DARWIN build'); console.log('{copay}'), ''); // Copy the core atom shell cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/scripts/bin/darwin/*', build_dir); mv(build_dir + '/', build_dir + '/'); mv(build_dir + '/', build_dir + '/'); // Replace Atom darwin assets with Copay assets cp(app_root + '/shell/assets/darwin/copay.icns', build_dir + '/'); cp('-f', app_root + '/shell/assets/darwin/Info.plist', build_dir + '/'); rm(build_dir + '/'); // Copy Copay sources cp('-r', app_root + '/css', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/js', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/font', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/img', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/lib', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/sound', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/*.js*', build_dir + darwin_app_dir + '/shell'); cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/lib/*', build_dir + darwin_app_dir + '/shell/lib'); cp(app_root + '*.js', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp(app_root + '*.json', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); cp(app_root + '*.html', build_dir + darwin_app_dir); // Copay needs express, put other node deps here if you need any cp('-r', app_root + '/node_modules/express', build_dir + darwin_app_dir + "/node_modules"); // Clean up extra Atom sources rm('-r', build_dir + darwin_app_dir + '/../*.lproj'); rm('-r', build_dir + darwin_app_dir + '/../default_app'); mkdir('-p', app_root + '/dist/darwin'); cp('-r', app_root + build_dir + '/*', app_root + '/dist/darwin/'); rm('-rf', app_root + build_dir + '/*'); console.log('{copay}'), 'Copied files to ' + 'dist/darwin'); if (which('hdiutil') != null) { cd(app_root + '/dist/darwin'); exec('ln -s /Applications Applications'); exec('hdiutil create ../Copay-darwin-x64.dmg -volname "Copay Installer - Drag Copay to Applications Folder" -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "."'); exec("rm Applications"); cd('../..'); } /* Linux Build */ console.log('{copay}'), ''); console.log('{copay}'), 'Starting LINUX build'); console.log('{copay}'), ''); // Copy the core atom shell cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/scripts/bin/linux/*', build_dir); mv(build_dir + '/atom', build_dir + '/Copay'); // Copy Copay sources cp('-r', app_root + '/css', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/js', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/font', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/img', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/lib', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/sound', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/*.js*', build_dir + linux_app_dir + '/shell'); cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/lib/*', build_dir + linux_app_dir + '/shell/lib'); cp(app_root + '*.js', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp(app_root + '*.json', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp(app_root + '*.html', build_dir + linux_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/node_modules/express', build_dir + linux_app_dir + "/node_modules"); // Clean up extra Atom sources rm('-r', build_dir + linux_app_dir + '/../default_app'); cp('-r', app_root + build_dir + '/*', app_root + '/dist/linux'); rm('-rf', app_root + build_dir + '/*'); exec('tar czf ./dist/Copay-linux-x64.tar.gz -C ./dist/linux .'); console.log('{copay}'), 'Copied files to ' + 'dist/linux'); /* Windows Build */ console.log('{copay}'), ''); console.log('{copay}'), 'Starting WIN32 build'); console.log('{copay}'), ''); // Copy the core atom shell cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/scripts/bin/win32/*', build_dir); mv(build_dir + '/atom.exe', build_dir + '/Copay.exe'); // Copy Copay sources cp('-r', app_root + '/css', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/js', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/font', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/img', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/lib', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/sound', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/*.js*', build_dir + windows_app_dir + '/shell'); cp('-r', app_root + '/shell/lib/*', build_dir + windows_app_dir + '/shell/lib'); cp(app_root + '*.js', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp(app_root + '*.json', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp(app_root + '*.html', build_dir + windows_app_dir); cp('-r', app_root + '/node_modules/express', build_dir + windows_app_dir + "/node_modules"); cp(app_root + "/shell/assets/win32/*", build_dir); rm('-r', build_dir + windows_app_dir + '/../default_app'); mkdir('-p', app_root + '/dist/windows'); cp('-r', app_root + build_dir + '/*', app_root + '/dist/windows/'); rm('-rf', app_root + build_dir + '/*'); console.log('{copay}'), 'Copied files to ' + 'dist/windows'); // generating windows installer requires makensis // install on OSX with "brew install makensis" if (which('makensis') != null) { console.log('{copay}'), 'Running NSIS to generate win32 installer'); cd('dist/windows'); exec('makensis -V2 build-installer.nsi'); cd("../../"); cp('dist/windows/copay-setup.exe', app_root + '/dist/Copay-setup-win32.exe') } console.log('{copay}')); console.log('{copay}'), 'BUILD COMPLETE'); console.log('{copay}'), 'Files can be found in the dist directory'); }