'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var sinon = require('sinon'); var is_browser = (typeof process == 'undefined' || typeof process.versions === 'undefined'); if (is_browser) { var copay = require('copay'); //browser } else { var copay = require('../copay'); //node } var copayConfig = require('../config'); var Wallet = copay.Wallet; var PrivateKey = copay.PrivateKey; var Storage = require('./mocks/FakeStorage'); var Network = require('./mocks/FakeNetwork'); var Blockchain = require('./mocks/FakeBlockchain'); var Builder = require('./mocks/FakeBuilder'); var bitcore = bitcore || require('bitcore'); var TransactionBuilder = bitcore.TransactionBuilder; var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; var Address = bitcore.Address; var walletConfig = { requiredCopayers: 3, totalCopayers: 5, spendUnconfirmed: true, reconnectDelay: 100, networkName: 'testnet', }; var getNewEpk = function() { return new PrivateKey({ networkName: walletConfig.networkName, }) .deriveBIP45Branch() .extendedPublicKeyString(); } var addCopayers = function(w) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { w.publicKeyRing.addCopayer(getNewEpk()); } }; describe('Wallet model', function() { it('should fail to create an instance', function() { (function() { new Wallet(walletConfig) }).should. throw(); }); it('should getNetworkName', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); w.getNetworkName().should.equal('testnet'); }); var createW = function(N, conf) { var c = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf || walletConfig)); if (!N) N = c.totalCopayers; var mainPrivateKey = new copay.PrivateKey({ networkName: walletConfig.networkName }); var mainCopayerEPK = mainPrivateKey.deriveBIP45Branch().extendedPublicKeyString(); c.privateKey = mainPrivateKey; c.publicKeyRing = new copay.PublicKeyRing({ networkName: c.networkName, requiredCopayers: Math.min(N, c.requiredCopayers), totalCopayers: N, }); c.publicKeyRing.addCopayer(mainCopayerEPK); c.txProposals = new copay.TxProposals({ networkName: c.networkName, }); var storage = new Storage(walletConfig.storage); var network = new Network(walletConfig.network); var blockchain = new Blockchain(walletConfig.blockchain); c.storage = storage; c.network = network; c.blockchain = blockchain; c.addressBook = { '2NFR2kzH9NUdp8vsXTB4wWQtTtzhpKxsyoJ': { label: 'John', copayerId: '026a55261b7c898fff760ebe14fd22a71892295f3b49e0ca66727bc0a0d7f94d03', createdTs: 1403102115, hidden: false }, '2MtP8WyiwG7ZdVWM96CVsk2M1N8zyfiVQsY': { label: 'Jennifer', copayerId: '032991f836543a492bd6d0bb112552bfc7c5f3b7d5388fcbcbf2fbb893b44770d7', createdTs: 1403103115, hidden: false } }; c.networkName = walletConfig.networkName; c.verbose = walletConfig.verbose; c.version = '0.0.1'; return new Wallet(c); } var cachedW = null; var cachedWobj = null; var cachedCreateW = function() { if (!cachedW) { cachedW = createW(); cachedWobj = cachedW.toObj(); cachedWobj.opts.reconnectDelay = 100; } var w = Wallet.fromObj(cachedWobj, cachedW.storage, cachedW.network, cachedW.blockchain); return w; }; it('should create an instance', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); should.exist(w); w.publicKeyRing.walletId.should.equal(w.id); w.txProposals.walletId.should.equal(w.id); w.requiredCopayers.should.equal(3); should.exist(w.id); should.exist(w.publicKeyRing); should.exist(w.privateKey); should.exist(w.txProposals); should.exist(w.addressBook); }); it('should provide some basic features', function(done) { var opts = {}; var w = cachedCreateW(); addCopayers(w); w.publicKeyRing.generateAddress(false, w.publicKey); w.publicKeyRing.isComplete().should.equal(true); w.generateAddress(true).isValid().should.equal(true); w.generateAddress(true, function(addr) { addr.isValid().should.equal(true); done(); }); }); var unspentTest = [{ "address": "dummy", "scriptPubKey": "dummy", "txid": "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1", "vout": 1, "amount": 10, "confirmations": 7 }]; var createW2 = function(privateKeys, N, conf) { if (!N) N = 3; var w = createW(N, conf); should.exist(w); var pkr = w.publicKeyRing; for (var i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { if (privateKeys) { var k = privateKeys[i]; pkr.addCopayer(k ? k.deriveBIP45Branch().extendedPublicKeyString() : getNewEpk()); } else { pkr.addCopayer(getNewEpk()); } } return w; }; var cachedW2 = null; var cachedW2obj = null; var cachedCreateW2 = function() { if (!cachedW2) { cachedW2 = createW2(); cachedW2obj = cachedW2.toObj(); cachedW2obj.opts.reconnectDelay = 100; } var w = Wallet.fromObj(cachedW2obj, cachedW2.storage, cachedW2.network, cachedW2.blockchain); return w; }; it('#create, fail for network', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); unspentTest[0].address = w.publicKeyRing.getAddress(1, true).toString(); unspentTest[0].scriptPubKey = w.publicKeyRing.getScriptPubKeyHex(1, true); var f = function() { var ntxid = w.createTxSync( '15q6HKjWHAksHcH91JW23BJEuzZgFwydBt', '123456789', null, unspentTest ); }; f.should.throw(Error); }); it('#create, 1 sign', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); unspentTest[0].address = w.publicKeyRing.getAddress(1, true, w.publicKey).toString(); unspentTest[0].scriptPubKey = w.publicKeyRing.getScriptPubKeyHex(1, true, w.publicKey); var ntxid = w.createTxSync( 'mgGJEugdPnvhmRuFdbdQcFfoFLc1XXeB79', '123456789', null, unspentTest ); var t = w.txProposals; var txp = t.txps[ntxid]; Object.keys(txp._inputSigners).length.should.equal(1); var tx = txp.builder.build(); should.exist(tx); chai.expect(txp.comment).to.be.null; tx.isComplete().should.equal(false); Object.keys(txp.seenBy).length.should.equal(1); }); it('#create with comment', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var comment = 'This is a comment'; unspentTest[0].address = w.publicKeyRing.getAddress(1, true, w.publicKey).toString(); unspentTest[0].scriptPubKey = w.publicKeyRing.getScriptPubKeyHex(1, true, w.publicKey); var ntxid = w.createTxSync( 'mgGJEugdPnvhmRuFdbdQcFfoFLc1XXeB79', '123456789', comment, unspentTest ); var t = w.txProposals; var txp = t.txps[ntxid]; var tx = txp.builder.build(); should.exist(tx); txp.comment.should.equal(comment); }); it('#create throw exception on long comment', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var comment = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, suas euismod vis te, velit deleniti vix an. Pri ex suscipit similique, inermis per'; unspentTest[0].address = w.publicKeyRing.getAddress(1, true, w.publicKey).toString(); unspentTest[0].scriptPubKey = w.publicKeyRing.getScriptPubKeyHex(1, true, w.publicKey); var badCreate = function() { w.createTxSync( 'mgGJEugdPnvhmRuFdbdQcFfoFLc1XXeB79', '123456789', comment, unspentTest ); } chai.expect(badCreate).to.throw(Error); }); it('#addressIsOwn', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var l = w.getAddressesStr(); for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) w.addressIsOwn(l[i]).should.equal(true); w.addressIsOwn(l[0], { excludeMain: true }).should.equal(false); w.addressIsOwn('mmHqhvTVbxgJTnePa7cfweSRjBCy9bQQXJ').should.equal(false); w.addressIsOwn('mgtUfP9sTJ6vPLoBxZLPEccGpcjNVryaCX').should.equal(false); }); it('#create. Signing with derivate keys', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var ts = Date.now(); for (var isChange = false; !isChange; isChange = true) { for (var index = 0; index < 3; index++) { unspentTest[0].address = w.publicKeyRing.getAddress(index, isChange, w.publicKey).toString(); unspentTest[0].scriptPubKey = w.publicKeyRing.getScriptPubKeyHex(index, isChange, w.publicKey); w.createTxSync( 'mgGJEugdPnvhmRuFdbdQcFfoFLc1XXeB79', '123456789', null, unspentTest ); var t = w.txProposals; var k = Object.keys(t.txps)[0]; var tx = t.txps[k].builder.build(); should.exist(tx); tx.isComplete().should.equal(false); tx.countInputMissingSignatures(0).should.equal(2); (t.txps[k].signedBy[w.privateKey.getId()] - ts > 0).should.equal(true); (t.txps[k].seenBy[w.privateKey.getId()] - ts > 0).should.equal(true); } } }); it('#fromObj #toObj round trip', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var o = w.toObj(); o = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o)); // non stored options o.opts.reconnectDelay = 100; var w2 = Wallet.fromObj(o, new Storage(walletConfig.storage), new Network(walletConfig.network), new Blockchain(walletConfig.blockchain)); should.exist(w2); w2.publicKeyRing.requiredCopayers.should.equal(w.publicKeyRing.requiredCopayers); should.exist(w2.publicKeyRing.getCopayerId); should.exist(w2.txProposals.toObj); should.exist(w2.privateKey.toObj); }); it('#getSecret decodeSecret', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var id = w.getMyCopayerId(); var secretNumber = w.getSecretNumber(); var sb = w.getSecret(); should.exist(sb); var s = Wallet.decodeSecret(sb); s.pubKey.should.equal(id); s.secretNumber.should.equal(secretNumber); }); it('decodeSecret check', function() { (function() { Wallet.decodeSecret('4fp61K187CsYmjoRQC5iAdC5eGmbCRsAAXfwEwetSQgHvZs27eWKaLaNHRoKM'); }).should.not. throw(); (function() { Wallet.decodeSecret('4fp61K187CsYmjoRQC5iAdC5eGmbCRsAAXfwEwetSQgHvZs27eWKaLaNHRoK'); }).should. throw(); (function() { Wallet.decodeSecret('12345'); }).should. throw(); }); it('#maxRejectCount', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); w.maxRejectCount().should.equal(2); }); describe('#purgeTxProposals', function() { it('should delete all', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); var spy1 = sinon.spy(w.txProposals, 'deleteAll'); var spy2 = sinon.spy(w.txProposals, 'deletePending'); w.purgeTxProposals(1); spy1.callCount.should.equal(1); spy2.callCount.should.equal(0); spy1.restore(); spy2.restore(); }); it('should delete pending', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); var spy1 = sinon.spy(w.txProposals, 'deleteAll'); var spy2 = sinon.spy(w.txProposals, 'deletePending'); w.purgeTxProposals(); spy1.callCount.should.equal(0); spy2.callCount.should.equal(1); spy1.restore(); spy2.restore(); }); it('should count deletions', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); var s = sinon.stub(w.txProposals, 'length').returns(10); var n = w.purgeTxProposals(); n.should.equal(0); s.restore(); }); }); //this test fails randomly it.skip('call reconnect after interval', function(done) { this.timeout(10000); var w = cachedCreateW2(); var spy = sinon.spy(w, 'scheduleConnect'); var callCount = 3; w.netStart(); setTimeout(function() { sinon.assert.callCount(spy, callCount); done(); }, w.reconnectDelay * callCount * (callCount + 1) / 2); }); it('#isSingleUser', function() { var w = createW(); w.isShared().should.equal(true); w.totalCopayers = 1; w.isShared().should.equal(false); }); it('#isReady', function() { var w = createW(); w.publicKeyRing.isComplete().should.equal(false); w.isReady().should.equal(false); var w2 = createW2(); w2.publicKeyRing.isComplete().should.equal(true); w2.isReady().should.equal(false); w2.publicKeyRing.copayersBackup = ["a", "b", "c"]; w2.publicKeyRing.isFullyBackup().should.equal(true); w2.isReady().should.equal(true); }); it('handle network indexes correctly', function() { var w = createW(); var aiObj = { indexes: [{ copayerIndex: 0, changeIndex: 3, receiveIndex: 2 }] }; w._onIndexes('senderID', aiObj, true); w.publicKeyRing.getHDParams(0).getReceiveIndex(2); w.publicKeyRing.getHDParams(0).getChangeIndex(3); }); it('handle network pubKeyRings correctly', function() { var w = createW(); w.getNetworkName().should.equal('testnet'); var cepk = [ w.publicKeyRing.toObj().copayersExtPubKeys[0], 'tpubDEqHs8LoCB1MDfXs1y2WaLJqPkKsgt8mDoQUFsQ4aKHvho5oFJkF7UrZnfFXKMhA1MuVPwq8a5VhFHvCquYcCVHeCrW4ZCWoDDE9K95e8rP', 'tpubDEqHs8LoCB1MGGKRyouphPdFNNuay5PBzCuJkgDSiWeAST8m7y4nwPZ7M27mUNWLLPDp6n8kp4P57sd8xHXNnZvap8PxWrUMvXzkxFNgCh7', ]; var pkrObj = { walletId: w.id, networkName: w.networkName, requiredCopayers: w.requiredCopayers, totalCopayers: w.totalCopayers, indexes: [{ copayerIndex: 0, changeIndex: 2, receiveIndex: 3 }], copayersExtPubKeys: cepk, nicknameFor: {}, }; w._onPublicKeyRing('senderID', { publicKeyRing: pkrObj }, true); w.publicKeyRing.getHDParams(0).getReceiveIndex(2); w.publicKeyRing.getHDParams(0).getChangeIndex(3); for (var i = 0; i < w.requiredCopayers; i++) { w.publicKeyRing.toObj().copayersExtPubKeys[i].should.equal(cepk[i]); } }); it('handle network txProposals correctly', function() { var w = createW(); var txp = { 'txProposal': { inputChainPaths: ['m/1'], builderObj: { version: 1, outs: [{ address: '15q6HKjWHAksHcH91JW23BJEuzZgFwydBt', amountSatStr: '123456789' }], utxos: [{ address: '2N6fdPg2QL7V36XKe7a8wkkA5HCy7fNYmZF', scriptPubKey: 'a91493372782bab70f4eefdefefea8ece0df44f9596887', txid: '2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1', vout: 1, amount: 10, confirmations: 7 }], opts: { remainderOut: { address: '2N7BLvdrxJ4YzDtb3hfgt6CMY5rrw5kNT1H' } }, scriptSig: ['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'], hashToScriptMap: { '2N6fdPg2QL7V36XKe7a8wkkA5HCy7fNYmZF': '5321027445ab3a935dce7aee1dadb0d103ed6147a0f83deb80474a04538b2c5bc4d5092102ab32ba51402a139873aeb919c738f5a945f3956f8f8c6ba296677bd29e85d7e821036f119b72e09f76c11ebe2cf754d64eac2cb42c9e623455d54aaa89d70c11f9c82103bcbd3f8ab2c849ea9eae434733cee8b75120d26233def56011b3682ca12081d72103f37f81dc534163b9f73ecf36b91e6c3fb8ae370c24618f91bb1d972e86ceeee255ae' } } } }; var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys').returns({ '027445ab3a935dce7aee1dadb0d103ed6147a0f83deb80474a04538b2c5bc4d509': 'pepe' }); w._onTxProposal('senderID', txp, true); Object.keys(w.txProposals.txps).length.should.equal(1); w.getTxProposals().length.should.equal(1); //stub.restore(); }); var newId = '00bacacafe'; it('handle new connections', function(done) { var w = createW(); w.on('connect', function(id) { id.should.equal(newId); done(); }); w._onConnect(newId); }); it('should register new copayers correctly', function() { var w = createW(); var r = w.getRegisteredCopayerIds(); r.length.should.equal(1); w.publicKeyRing.addCopayer(getNewEpk()); r = w.getRegisteredCopayerIds(); r.length.should.equal(2); r[0].should.not.equal(r[1]); }); it('should register new peers correctly', function() { var w = createW(); var r = w.getRegisteredPeerIds(); r.length.should.equal(1); w.publicKeyRing.addCopayer(getNewEpk()); r = w.getRegisteredPeerIds(); r.length.should.equal(2); r[0].should.not.equal(r[1]); }); it('#getBalance should call #getUnspent', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var spy = sinon.spy(w.blockchain, 'getUnspent'); w.generateAddress(); w.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance) { sinon.assert.callCount(spy, 1); done(); }); }); it('#getBalance should return values in satoshis', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); w.generateAddress(); w.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance) { balance.should.equal(2500010000); safeBalance.should.equal(2500010000); balanceByAddr.mji7zocy8QzYywQakwWf99w9bCT6orY1C1.should.equal(2500010000); Object.keys(balanceByAddr).length.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); it('#getUnspent should honor spendUnconfirmed = false', function(done) { var conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(walletConfig)); conf.spendUnconfirmed = false; var w = createW2(null, null, conf); w.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance) { balance.should.equal(2500010000); safeBalance.should.equal(0); balanceByAddr.mji7zocy8QzYywQakwWf99w9bCT6orY1C1.should.equal(2500010000); done(); }); }); it('#getUnspent and spendUnconfirmed should count transactions with 1 confirmations', function(done) { var conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(walletConfig)); conf.spendUnconfirmed = false; var w = cachedCreateW2(null, null, conf); w.blockchain.getUnspent = w.blockchain.getUnspent2; w.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance) { balance.should.equal(2500010000); safeBalance.should.equal(2500010000); balanceByAddr.mji7zocy8QzYywQakwWf99w9bCT6orY1C1.should.equal(2500010000); done(); }); }); var roundErrorChecks = [{ unspent: [1.0001], balance: 100010000 }, { unspent: [1.0002, 1.0003, 1.0004], balance: 300090000 }, { unspent: [0.000002, 1.000003, 2.000004], balance: 300000900 }, { unspent: [0.0001, 0.0003], balance: 40000 }, { unspent: [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0002], balance: 110000 }, ]; var roundWallet = cachedCreateW2(); roundErrorChecks.forEach(function(c) { it('#getBalance should handle rounding errors: ' + c.unspent[0], function(done) { var w = roundWallet; //w.generateAddress(); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(c.unspent.map(function(u) { return { amount: u } })); w.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance) { balance.should.equal(c.balance); done(); }); }); }); it('should get balance', function(done) { var w = createW2(); var spy = sinon.spy(w.blockchain, 'getUnspent'); w.blockchain.fixUnspent([]); w.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance) { sinon.assert.callCount(spy, 1); balance.should.equal(0); done(); }); }); // tx handling var createUTXO = function(w) { var utxo = [{ 'txid': '0be0fb4579911be829e3077202e1ab47fcc12cf3ab8f8487ccceae768e1f95fa', 'vout': 0, 'ts': 1402323949, 'amount': 25.0001, 'confirmations': 10, 'confirmationsFromCache': false }]; var addr = w.generateAddress().toString(); utxo[0].address = addr; utxo[0].scriptPubKey = (new bitcore.Address(addr)).getScriptPubKey().serialize().toString('hex'); return utxo; }; var toAddress = 'mjfAe7YrzFujFf8ub5aUrCaN5GfSABdqjh'; var amountSatStr = '10000'; it('should create transaction', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { ntxid.length.should.equal(64); done(); }); }); it('should create & sign transaction from received funds', function(done) { var k2 = new PrivateKey({ networkName: walletConfig.networkName }); var w = createW2([k2]); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { w.on('txProposalsUpdated', function() { w.getTxProposals()[0].signedByUs.should.equal(true); w.getTxProposals()[0].rejectedByUs.should.equal(false); done(); }); w.privateKey = k2; w.sign(ntxid, function(success) { success.should.equal(true); }); }); }); it('should fail to reject a signed transaction', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { (function() { w.reject(ntxid); }).should.throw('reject a signed'); }); }); it('should create & reject transaction', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var oldK = w.privateKey; var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { var s = sinon.stub(w, 'getMyCopayerId').returns('213'); Object.keys(w.txProposals.get(ntxid).rejectedBy).length.should.equal(0); w.reject(ntxid); Object.keys(w.txProposals.get(ntxid).rejectedBy).length.should.equal(1); w.txProposals.get(ntxid).rejectedBy['213'].should.gt(1); s.restore(); done(); }); }); it('should create & sign & send a transaction', function(done) { var w = createW2(null, 1); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { w.sendTx(ntxid, function(txid) { txid.length.should.equal(64); done(); }); }); }); it('should fail to send incomplete transaction', function(done) { var w = createW2(null, 1); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { var txp = w.txProposals.get(ntxid); // Assign fake builder txp.builder = new Builder(); sinon.stub(txp.builder, 'build').returns({ isComplete: function () { return false; }}); (function () { w.sendTx(ntxid); }).should.throw('Tx is not complete. Can not broadcast'); done(); }); }); it('should check if transaction already sent when failing to send', function(done) { var w = createW2(null, 1); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { sinon.stub(w.blockchain, 'broadcast').yields({statusCode: 303}); var spyCheckSentTx = sinon.spy(w, '_checkSentTx'); w.sendTx(ntxid, function () {}); chai.expect(spyCheckSentTx.calledOnce).to.be.true; done(); }); }); it('should send TxProposal', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { w.sendTxProposal.bind(w).should.throw('Illegal Argument.'); (function() { w.sendTxProposal(ntxid); }).should.not.throw(); done(); }); }); it('should send all TxProposal', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { w.sendAllTxProposals.bind(w).should.not.throw(); (function() { w.sendAllTxProposals(); }).should.not.throw(); done(); }); }); describe('#createTxSync', function() { it('should fail if amount below min value', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); var badCreate = function() { w.createTxSync( 'mgGJEugdPnvhmRuFdbdQcFfoFLc1XXeB79', '123', null, utxo ); } chai.expect(badCreate).to.throw('invalid amount'); }); }); describe('removeTxWithSpentInputs', function () { it('should remove pending TxProposal with spent inputs', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(0); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { w.sendTxProposal(ntxid); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); // Inputs are still available, txp still valid w.removeTxWithSpentInputs(); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); // Simulate input spent. txp should be removed from txps list w.blockchain.fixUnspent([]); w.removeTxWithSpentInputs(); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('should remove pending TxProposal with at least 1 spent input', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = [createUTXO(w)[0], createUTXO(w)[0]]; utxo[0].amount = 80000; utxo[1].amount = 80000; utxo[1].vout = 1; chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(0); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, '100000', null, function(ntxid) { w.sendTxProposal(ntxid); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); // Inputs are still available, txp still valid w.removeTxWithSpentInputs(); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); // Simulate 1 input spent. txp should be removed from txps list w.blockchain.fixUnspent([utxo[0]]); w.removeTxWithSpentInputs(); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('should not remove complete TxProposal', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var utxo = createUTXO(w); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(0); w.blockchain.fixUnspent(utxo); w.createTx(toAddress, amountSatStr, null, function(ntxid) { w.sendTxProposal(ntxid); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); // Inputs are still available, txp still valid w.removeTxWithSpentInputs(); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); // Simulate input spent. txp should be removed from txps list w.blockchain.fixUnspent([]); var txp = w.txProposals.get(ntxid); sinon.stub(txp, 'isPending', function () { return false; }) w.removeTxWithSpentInputs(); chai.expect(w.getTxProposals().length).to.equal(1); done(); }); }); }); describe('#send', function() { it('should call this.network.send', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var save = w.network.send; w.network.send = sinon.spy(); w.send(); w.network.send.calledOnce.should.equal(true); w.network.send = save; }); }); describe('#indexDiscovery', function() { var ADDRESSES_CHANGE, ADDRESSES_RECEIVE, w; before(function() { w = cachedCreateW2(); ADDRESSES_CHANGE = w.deriveAddresses(0, 20, true, 0); ADDRESSES_RECEIVE = w.deriveAddresses(0, 20, false, 0); }); var mockFakeActivity = function(f) { w.blockchain.getActivity = function(addresses, cb) { var activity = new Array(addresses.length); for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { var a1 = ADDRESSES_CHANGE.indexOf(addresses[i]); var a2 = ADDRESSES_RECEIVE.indexOf(addresses[i]); activity[i] = f(Math.max(a1, a2)); } cb(null, activity); } } it('#indexDiscovery should work without found activities', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return false; }); w.indexDiscovery(0, false, 0, 5, function(e, lastActive) { lastActive.should.equal(-1); done(); }); }); it('#indexDiscovery should continue scanning', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return index <= 7; }); w.indexDiscovery(0, false, 0, 5, function(e, lastActive) { lastActive.should.equal(7); done(); }); }); it('#indexDiscovery should not found beyond the scannWindow', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return index <= 10 || index == 17; }); w.indexDiscovery(0, false, 0, 5, function(e, lastActive) { lastActive.should.equal(10); done(); }); }); it('#indexDiscovery should look for activity along the scannWindow', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return index <= 14 && index % 2 == 0; }); w.indexDiscovery(0, false, 0, 5, function(e, lastActive) { lastActive.should.equal(14); done(); }); }); it('#updateIndexes should update correctly', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return index <= 14 && index % 2 == 0; }); var updateIndex = sinon.stub(w, 'updateIndex', function(i, cb) { cb(); }); w.updateIndexes(function(err) { // check updated all indexes var cosignersChecked = [] updateIndex.args.forEach(function(i) { cosignersChecked.indexOf(i[0].copayerIndex).should.equal(-1); cosignersChecked.push(i[0].copayerIndex); }); sinon.assert.callCount(updateIndex, 4); sinon.assert.calledWith(updateIndex, w.publicKeyRing.indexes[0]); sinon.assert.calledWith(updateIndex, w.publicKeyRing.indexes[1]); sinon.assert.calledWith(updateIndex, w.publicKeyRing.indexes[2]); w.updateIndex.restore(); done(); }); }); it('#updateIndex should update correctly', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return index <= 14 && index % 2 == 0; }); var indexDiscovery = sinon.stub(w, 'indexDiscovery', function(a, b, c, d, cb) { cb(null, 8); }); var index = { changeIndex: 1, receiveIndex: 2, copayerIndex: 2, } w.updateIndex(index, function(err) { index.receiveIndex.should.equal(9); index.changeIndex.should.equal(9); indexDiscovery.callCount.should.equal(2); sinon.assert.calledWith(indexDiscovery, 1, true, 2, 20); sinon.assert.calledWith(indexDiscovery, 2, false, 2, 20); w.indexDiscovery.restore(); done(); }); }); it('#updateIndexes should store wallet', function(done) { mockFakeActivity(function(index) { return index <= 14 && index % 2 == 0; }); var indexDiscovery = sinon.stub(w, 'indexDiscovery', function(a, b, c, d, cb) { cb(null, 8); }); var spyStore = sinon.spy(w, 'store'); w.updateIndexes(function(err) { sinon.assert.callCount(spyStore, 1); done(); }); }); }); it('#deriveAddresses', function(done) { var w = cachedCreateW2(); var addresses1 = w.deriveAddresses(0, 5, false, 0); var addresses2 = w.deriveAddresses(4, 5, false, 0); addresses1.length.should.equal(5); addresses2.length.should.equal(5); addresses1[4].should.equal(addresses2[0]); done(); }); describe('#AddressBook', function() { var contacts = [{ label: 'Charles', address: '2N8pJWpXCAxmNLHKVEhz3TtTcYCtHd43xWU ', }, { label: 'Linda', address: '2N4Zq92goYGrf5J4F4SZZq7jnPYbCiyRYT2 ', }]; it('should create new entry for address book', function() { var w = createW(); contacts.forEach(function(c) { w.setAddressBook(c.address, c.label); }); Object.keys(w.addressBook).length.should.equal(4); }); it('should fail if create a duplicate address', function() { var w = createW(); w.setAddressBook(contacts[0].address, contacts[0].label); (function() { w.setAddressBook(contacts[0].address, contacts[0].label); }).should. throw(); }); it('should show/hide everywhere', function() { var w = createW(); var key = '2NFR2kzH9NUdp8vsXTB4wWQtTtzhpKxsyoJ'; w.toggleAddressBookEntry(key); w.addressBook[key].hidden.should.equal(true); w.toggleAddressBookEntry(key); w.addressBook[key].hidden.should.equal(false); (function() { w.toggleAddressBookEntry(); }).should.throw(); }); it('handle network addressBook correctly', function() { var w = createW(); var data = { type: "addressbook", addressBook: { "3Ae1ieAYNXznm7NkowoFTu5MkzgrTfDz8Z": { copayerId: "03baa45498fee1045fa8f91a2913f638dc3979b455498924d3cf1a11303c679cdb", createdTs: 1404769393509, hidden: false, label: "adsf", signature: "3046022100d4cdefef66ab8cea26031d5df03a38fc9ec9b09b0fb31d3a26b6e204918e9e78022100ecdbbd889ec99ea1bfd471253487af07a7fa7c0ac6012ca56e10e66f335e4586" } }, walletId: "11d23e638ed84c06", isBroadcast: 1 }; var senderId = "03baa45498fee1045fa8f91a2913f638dc3979b455498924d3cf1a11303c679cdb"; Object.keys(w.addressBook).length.should.equal(2); w._onAddressBook(senderId, data, true); Object.keys(w.addressBook).length.should.equal(3); }); it('should return signed object', function() { var w = createW(); var payload = { address: 'msj42CCGruhRsFrGATiUuh25dtxYtnpbTx', label: 'Faucet', copayerId: '026a55261b7c898fff760ebe14fd22a71892295f3b49e0ca66727bc0a0d7f94d03', createdTs: 1403102115 }; should.exist(w.signJson(payload)); }); it('should verify signed object', function() { var w = createW(); var payload = { address: "3Ae1ieAYNXznm7NkowoFTu5MkzgrTfDz8Z", label: "adsf", copayerId: "03baa45498fee1045fa8f91a2913f638dc3979b455498924d3cf1a11303c679cdb", createdTs: 1404769393509 } var signature = "3046022100d4cdefef66ab8cea26031d5df03a38fc9ec9b09b0fb31d3a26b6e204918e9e78022100ecdbbd889ec99ea1bfd471253487af07a7fa7c0ac6012ca56e10e66f335e4586"; var pubKey = "03baa45498fee1045fa8f91a2913f638dc3979b455498924d3cf1a11303c679cdb"; w.verifySignedJson(pubKey, payload, signature).should.equal(true); payload.label = 'Another'; w.verifySignedJson(pubKey, payload, signature).should.equal(false); }); it('should verify signed addressbook entry', function() { var w = createW(); var key = "3Ae1ieAYNXznm7NkowoFTu5MkzgrTfDz8Z"; var pubKey = "03baa45498fee1045fa8f91a2913f638dc3979b455498924d3cf1a11303c679cdb"; w.addressBook[key] = { copayerId: pubKey, createdTs: 1404769393509, hidden: false, label: "adsf", signature: "3046022100d4cdefef66ab8cea26031d5df03a38fc9ec9b09b0fb31d3a26b6e204918e9e78022100ecdbbd889ec99ea1bfd471253487af07a7fa7c0ac6012ca56e10e66f335e4586" }; w.verifyAddressbookEntry(w.addressBook[key], pubKey, key).should.equal(true); w.addressBook[key].label = 'Another'; w.verifyAddressbookEntry(w.addressBook[key], pubKey, key).should.equal(false); (function() { w.verifyAddressbookEntry(); }).should.throw(); }); }); it('#getNetworkName', function() { var w = createW(); w.getNetworkName().should.equal('testnet'); }); describe('#getMyCopayerId', function() { it('should call getCopayerId', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); w.getCopayerId = sinon.spy(); w.getMyCopayerId(); w.getCopayerId.calledOnce.should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#getMyCopayerIdPriv', function() { it('should call privateKey.getIdPriv', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); w.privateKey.getIdPriv = sinon.spy(); w.getMyCopayerIdPriv(); w.privateKey.getIdPriv.calledOnce.should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#netStart', function() { it('should call Network.start', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); w.network.start = sinon.spy(); w.netStart(); w.network.start.calledOnce.should.equal(true); }); it('should call Network.start with a private key', function() { var w = cachedCreateW2(); w.network.start = sinon.spy(); w.netStart(); w.network.start.getCall(0).args[0].privkey.length.should.equal(64); }); }); describe('#forceNetwork in config', function() { it('should throw if network is different', function() { var backup = copayConfig.forceNetwork; copayConfig.forceNetwork = true; walletConfig.networkName = 'livenet'; createW2.should.throw(Error); copayConfig.forceNetwork = backup; }); }); describe('_getKeymap', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); it('should set keymap', function() { var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return { '123': 'juan' }; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['123'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; var map = w._getKeyMap(txp); Object.keys(map).length.should.equal(1); map['123'].should.equal('juan'); stub.restore(); }); it('should throw if unmatched sigs', function() { var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return {}; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['234'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; (function() { w._getKeyMap(txp); }).should.throw('does not match known copayers'); stub.restore(); }); it('should throw if unmatched sigs (case 2)', function() { var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return {}; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['234', '321'], ['234', '322'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; (function() { w._getKeyMap(txp); }).should.throw('does not match known copayers'); stub.restore(); }); it('should set keymap with multiple signatures', function() { var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return { '123': 'juan', '234': 'pepe', }; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['234', '123'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; var map = w._getKeyMap(txp); Object.keys(map).length.should.equal(2); map['123'].should.equal('juan'); map['234'].should.equal('pepe'); stub.restore(); }); it('should throw if one inputs has missing sigs', function() { var call = 0; var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return call++ ? { '555': 'pepe', } : { '123': 'juan', '234': 'pepe', }; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['234', '123'], ['555'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; (function() { w._getKeyMap(txp); }).should.throw('different sig'); stub.restore(); }); it('should throw if one inputs has different sigs', function() { var call = 0; var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return call++ ? { '555': 'pepe', '666': 'pedro', } : { '123': 'juan', '234': 'pepe', }; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['234', '123'], ['555', '666'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; (function() { w._getKeyMap(txp); }).should.throw('different sig'); stub.restore(); }); it('should not throw if 2 inputs has different pubs, same copayers', function() { var call = 0; var stub = sinon.stub(w.publicKeyRing, 'copayersForPubkeys', function() { return call++ ? { '555': 'pepe', '666': 'pedro', } : { '123': 'pedro', '234': 'pepe', }; }); var txp = { _inputSigners: [ ['234', '123'], ['555', '666'] ], inputChainPaths: ['/m/1'], }; var gk = w._getKeyMap(txp); gk.should.deep.equal({ '123': 'pedro', '234': 'pepe', '555': 'pepe', '666': 'pedro' }); stub.restore(); }); }); describe('_onTxProposal', function() { var testValidate = function(response, result, done) { var w = cachedCreateW(); var spy = sinon.spy(); w.on('txProposalEvent', spy); w.on('txProposalEvent', function(e) { e.type.should.equal(result); done(); }); // txp.prototype.getId = function() {return 'aa'}; var txp = { dummy: 1 }; var txp = { 'txProposal': txp }; var merge = sinon.stub(w.txProposals, 'merge', function() { if (response == 0) throw new Error(); return { newCopayer: ['juan'], ntxid: 1, new: response == 1 }; }); w._onTxProposal('senderID', txp); spy.callCount.should.equal(1); merge.restore(); }; it('should handle corrupt', function(done) { var result = 'corrupt'; testValidate(0, result, done); }); it('should handle new', function(done) { var result = 'new'; testValidate(1, result, done); }); it('should handle signed', function(done) { var result = 'signed'; testValidate(2, result, done); }); }); describe('_onReject', function() { it('should fails if unknown tx', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); (function() { w._onReject(1, { ntxid: 1 }, 1); }).should.throw('Unknown TXP'); }); it('should fail to reject a signed tx', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'] = { signedBy: { john: 1 } }; (function() { w._onReject('john', { ntxid: 'qwerty' }, 1); }).should.throw('already signed'); }); it('should reject a tx', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); function txp() { this.ok = 0; this.signedBy = {}; }; txp.prototype.setRejected = function() { this.ok = 1; }; txp.prototype.toObj = function() {}; var spy1 = sinon.spy(w, 'store'); var spy2 = sinon.spy(w, 'emit'); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'] = new txp(); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'].ok.should.equal(0); w._onReject('john', { ntxid: 'qwerty' }, 1); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'].ok.should.equal(1); spy1.calledOnce.should.equal(true); spy2.callCount.should.equal(2); spy2.firstCall.args.should.deep.equal(['txProposalsUpdated']); spy2.secondCall.args.should.deep.equal(['txProposalEvent', { type: 'rejected', cId: 'john', txId: 'qwerty', }]); }); }); describe('_onSeen', function() { it('should fails if unknown tx', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); (function() { w._onReject(1, { ntxid: 1 }, 1); }).should.throw('Unknown TXP'); }); it('should set seen a tx', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); function txp() { this.ok = 0; this.signedBy = {}; }; txp.prototype.setSeen = function() { this.ok = 1; }; txp.prototype.toObj = function() {}; var spy1 = sinon.spy(w, 'store'); var spy2 = sinon.spy(w, 'emit'); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'] = new txp(); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'].ok.should.equal(0); w._onSeen('john', { ntxid: 'qwerty' }, 1); w.txProposals.txps['qwerty'].ok.should.equal(1); spy1.calledOnce.should.equal(true); spy2.callCount.should.equal(2); spy2.firstCall.args.should.deep.equal(['txProposalsUpdated']); spy2.secondCall.args.should.deep.equal(['txProposalEvent', { type: 'seen', cId: 'john', txId: 'qwerty', }]); }); }); it('getNetwork', function() { var w = cachedCreateW(); var n = w.getNetwork(); n.maxPeers.should.equal(5); should.exist(n.networkNonce); }); });