'use strict'; var preconditions = require('preconditions').singleton(); var loaded = 0; var SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive'; var log = require('../js/log'); function GoogleDrive(config) { preconditions.checkArgument(config && config.clientId, 'No clientId at GoogleDrive config'); this.clientId = config.clientId; this.home = config.home || 'copay'; this.idCache = {}; this.type = 'STORAGE'; this.scripts = [{ then: this.initLoaded.bind(this), src: 'https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=InitGoogleDrive' }]; this.isReady = false; this.useImmediate = true; this.ts = 100; }; window.InitGoogleDrive = function() { log.debug('googleDrive loadeded'); //TODO loaded = 1; }; GoogleDrive.prototype.init = function() {}; /** * Called when the client library is loaded to start the auth flow. */ GoogleDrive.prototype.initLoaded = function() { if (!loaded) { window.setTimeout(this.initLoaded.bind(this), 500); } else { window.setTimeout(this.checkAuth.bind(this), 1); } } /** * Check if the current user has authorized the application. */ GoogleDrive.prototype.checkAuth = function() { log.debug('Google Drive: Checking Auth'); gapi.auth.authorize({ 'client_id': this.clientId, 'scope': SCOPES, 'immediate': this.useImmediate, }, this.handleAuthResult.bind(this)); }; /** * Called when authorization server replies. */ GoogleDrive.prototype.handleAuthResult = function(authResult) { var self = this; log.debug('Google Drive: authResult', authResult); //TODO if (authResult.error) { if (authResult.error) { self.useImmediate = false; return this.checkAuth(); }; throw new Error(authResult.error); } gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() { self.isReady = true; }); } GoogleDrive.prototype.checkReady = function() { if (!this.isReady) throw new Error('goggle drive is not ready!'); }; GoogleDrive.prototype._httpGet = function(theUrl) { var accessToken = gapi.auth.getToken().access_token; var xmlHttp = null; xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.open("GET", theUrl, false); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); xmlHttp.send(null); return xmlHttp.responseText; } GoogleDrive.prototype.getItem = function(k, cb) { //console.log('[googleDrive.js.95:getItem:]', k); //TODO var self = this; self.checkReady(); self._idForName(k, function(kId) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.89:kId:]', kId); //TODO if (!kId) return cb(null); var args = { 'path': '/drive/v2/files/' + kId, 'method': 'GET', }; // console.log('[googleDrive.js.95:args:]', args); //TODO var request = gapi.client.request(args); request.execute(function(res) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.175:res:]', res); //TODO if (!res || !res.downloadUrl) return cb(null); return cb(self._httpGet(res.downloadUrl)); }); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype.setItem = function(k, v, cb) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.111:setItem:]', k, v); //TODO var self = this; self.checkReady(); self._idForName(this.home, function(parentId) { preconditions.checkState(parentId); // console.log('[googleDrive.js.118:parentId:]', parentId); //TODO self._idForName(k, function(kId) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.105]', parentId, kId); //TODO var boundary = '-------314159265358979323846'; var delimiter = "\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n"; var close_delim = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--"; var metadata = { 'title': k, 'mimeType': 'application/octet-stream', 'parents': [{ 'id': parentId }], }; var base64Data = btoa(v); var multipartRequestBody = delimiter + 'Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n' + JSON.stringify(metadata) + delimiter + 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream \r\n' + 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n' + '\r\n' + base64Data + close_delim; var args = { 'path': '/upload/drive/v2/files' + (kId ? '/' + kId : ''), 'method': kId ? 'PUT' : 'POST', 'params': { 'uploadType': 'multipart', }, 'headers': { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed; boundary="' + boundary + '"' }, 'body': multipartRequestBody } // console.log('[googleDrive.js.148:args:]', args); //TODO var request = gapi.client.request(args); request.execute(function(ret) { return cb(ret.kind === 'drive#file' ? null : new Error('error saving file on drive')); }); }); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype.removeItem = function(k, cb) { var self = this; self.checkReady(); self._idForName(this.home, function(parentId) { preconditions.checkState(parentId); self._idForName(k, function(kId) { var args = { 'path': '/drive/v2/files/' + kId, 'method': 'DELETE', }; var request = gapi.client.request(args); request.execute(function() { if (cb) cb(); }); }); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype.clear = function() { this.checkReady(); throw new Error('clear not implemented'); }; GoogleDrive.prototype._mkdir = function(cb) { preconditions.checkArgument(cb); var self = this; log.debug('Creating drive folder ' + this.home); var request = gapi.client.request({ 'path': '/drive/v2/files', 'method': 'POST', 'body': JSON.stringify({ 'title': this.home, 'mimeType': "application/vnd.google-apps.folder", }), }); request.execute(function() { self._idForName(self.home, cb); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype._idForName = function(name, cb) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.199:_idForName:]', name); //TODO preconditions.checkArgument(name); preconditions.checkArgument(cb); var self = this; if (!self.isReady) { log.debug('Waiting for Google Drive'); self.ts = self.ts * 1.5; return setTimeout(self._idForName.bind(self, name, cb), self.ts); } if (self.idCache[name]) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.212:] FROM CACHE', name, self.idCache[name]); //TODO return cb(self.idCache[name]); } log.debug('GoogleDrive Querying for: ', name); //TODO var args; var idParent = name == this.home ? 'root' : self.idCache[this.home]; if (!idParent) { return self._mkdir(function() { self._idForName(name, cb); }); } // console.log('[googleDrive.js.177:idParent:]', idParent); //TODO preconditions.checkState(idParent); args = { 'path': '/drive/v2/files', 'method': 'GET', 'params': { 'q': "title='" + name + "' and trashed = false and '" + idParent + "' in parents", } }; var request = gapi.client.request(args); request.execute(function(res) { var i = res.items && res.items[0] ? res.items[0].id : false; if (i) self.idCache[name] = i; // console.log('[googleDrive.js.238] CACHING ' + name + ':' + i); //TODO return cb(self.idCache[name]); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype._checkHomeDir = function(cb) { var self = this; this._idForName(this.home, function(homeId) { if (!homeId) return self._mkdir(cb); return cb(homeId); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype.allKeys = function(cb) { var self = this; this._checkHomeDir(function(homeId) { preconditions.checkState(homeId); var request = gapi.client.request({ 'path': '/drive/v2/files', 'method': 'GET', 'params': { 'q': "'" + homeId + "' in parents and trashed = false", 'fields': 'items(id,title)' }, }); request.execute(function(res) { // console.log('[googleDrive.js.152:res:]', res); //TODO if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error.message); var ret = []; for (var ii in res.items) { ret.push(res.items[ii].title); } return cb(ret); }); }); }; GoogleDrive.prototype.key = function(k) { var v = localStorage.key(k); return v; }; module.exports = GoogleDrive;