/* ** copay-shell - initilization */ var config = require('./config'); var app = require('app'); var BrowserWindow = require('browser-window'); var Menu = require('menu'); var mainWindow = null; module.exports = function(copay) { // quit when all windows are closed app.on('window-all-closed', function() { app.quit(); }); // initilization when ready app.on('ready', function() { // start up the copay server copay.start(config.copay.port, function(loc) { // create the main window mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: config.window.width, height: config.window.height }); // hide the empty window mainWindow.hide(); // setup the native application menu Menu.setApplicationMenu( require('./lib/app-menu')(app, mainWindow.webContents) ); // setup the message handler require('./lib/message-handler')(mainWindow); // setup the native system tray integration // require('./lib/system-tray')(app, mainWindow.webContents); // load our local copay server mainWindow.loadUrl(loc); // kind of hacky - but let's avoid the white "flash" before rendering setTimeout(mainWindow.show.bind(mainWindow), 1000); // deref the browser window when we close it so it can be GC'ed mainWindow.on('closed', function() { mainWindow = null; }); //mainWindow.toggleDevTools(); }); }); return app; };