'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var expect = chai.expect; var sinon = sinon || require('sinon'); var bitcore = bitcore || require('bitcore'); var WebRTC = require('../js/models/network/WebRTC'); describe('Network / WebRTC', function() { it('should create an instance', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); should.exist(n); }); describe('#WebRTC constructor', function() { it('should set reconnect attempts', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.reconnectAttempts.should.equal(3); }); it('should call cleanUp', function() { var save = WebRTC.prototype.cleanUp; WebRTC.prototype.cleanUp = sinon.spy(); var n = new WebRTC(); n.cleanUp.calledOnce.should.equal(true); WebRTC.prototype.cleanUp = save; }); }); describe('#cleanUp', function() { it('should not set netKey', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); (n.netKey === undefined).should.equal(true); }); it('should set privkey to null', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.cleanUp(); expect(n.privkey).to.equal(null); }); it('should remove handlers', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); var save = WebRTC.prototype.removeAllListeners; var spy = WebRTC.prototype.removeAllListeners = sinon.spy(); n.cleanUp(); spy.calledOnce.should.equal(true); WebRTC.prototype.removeAllListeners = save; }); }); describe('#_setupPeerHandlers', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.peer = {}; var spy = n.peer.on = sinon.spy(); it('should setup handlers', function() { n._setupPeerHandlers(); spy.calledWith('connection').should.equal(true); spy.calledWith('open').should.equal(true); spy.calledWith('error').should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#_handlePeerOpen', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); it('should call openCallback handler', function(done) { n.peerId = 1; n.copayerId = 2; n._handlePeerOpen(function() { n.connectedPeers.should.deep.equal([1]); n.copayerForPeer.should.deep.equal({ 1: 2 }); done(); }); }); }); describe('#_handlePeerError', function() { var log = console.log; var n = new WebRTC(); it('should call _checkAnyPeer on could not connect error', function() { var save = n._checkAnyPeer; var spy = n._checkAnyPeer = sinon.spy(); var logSpy = console.log = sinon.spy(); n._handlePeerError({ message: 'Could not connect to peer xxx' }); console.log = log; spy.called.should.equal(true); logSpy.called.should.equal(true); n._checkAnyPeer = save; }); it('should call not call _checkAnyPeer other error', function() { var save = n._checkAnyPeer; var spy = n._checkAnyPeer = sinon.spy(); var otherMessage = 'Could connect to peer xxx'; var logSpy = console.log = sinon.spy(); n._handlePeerError({ message: otherMessage, }); console.log = log; spy.called.should.equal(false); n.criticalError.should.equal(otherMessage); logSpy.called.should.equal(true); n._checkAnyPeer = save; }); }); describe('#_encode', function() { it('should encode data successfully', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); var data = new bitcore.Buffer('my data to encode'); var privkeystr = new bitcore.Buffer('test privkey'); var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256(privkeystr); var key = new bitcore.Key(); key.private = privkey; key.regenerateSync(); var encoded = n._encode(key.public, key, data); should.exist(encoded); encoded.sig.length.should.not.equal(0); encoded.pubkey.length.should.not.equal(0); encoded.encrypted.length.should.not.equal(0); }); }); describe('#_decode', function() { it('should decode that which was encoded', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); var data = new bitcore.Buffer('my data to encrypt'); var privkeystr = new bitcore.Buffer('test privkey'); var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256(privkeystr); var key = new bitcore.Key(); key.private = privkey; key.regenerateSync(); var encoded = n._encode(key.public, key, data); var decoded = n._decode(key, encoded); encoded.sig.should.not.equal(0); decoded.payload.toString().should.equal('my data to encrypt'); }); }); describe('#send', function() { it('should call _sendToOne for a copayer', function(done) { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = bitcore.util.sha256('test'); var data = new bitcore.Buffer('my data to send'); var privkeystr = new bitcore.Buffer('test privkey'); var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256(privkeystr); var key = new bitcore.Key(); key.private = privkey; key.regenerateSync(); var copayerId = key.public.toString('hex'); n._sendToOne = function(a1, a2, cb) { cb(); }; var opts = {}; n.send(copayerId, data, function() { done(); }); }); it('should call _sendToOne with encrypted data for a copayer', function(done) { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = bitcore.util.sha256('test'); var data = new bitcore.Buffer('my data to send'); var privkeystr = new bitcore.Buffer('test privkey'); var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256(privkeystr); var key = new bitcore.Key(); key.private = privkey; key.regenerateSync(); var copayerId = key.public.toString('hex'); n._sendToOne = function(a1, enc, cb) { var encPayload = JSON.parse(enc.toString()); encPayload.sig.length.should.be.greaterThan(0); cb(); }; var opts = {}; n.send(copayerId, data, function() { done(); }); }); it('should call _sendToOne for a list of copayers', function(done) { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = bitcore.util.sha256('test'); var data = new bitcore.Buffer('my data to send'); var privkeystr = new bitcore.Buffer('test privkey'); var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256(privkeystr); var key = new bitcore.Key(); key.private = privkey; key.regenerateSync(); var copayerIds = [key.public.toString('hex')]; n._sendToOne = function(a1, a2, cb) { cb(); }; var opts = {}; n.send(copayerIds, data, function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('#_onData', function() { var privkey1 = bitcore.util.sha256('test privkey 1'); var privkey2 = bitcore.util.sha256('test privkey 2'); var privkey3 = bitcore.util.sha256('test privkey 2'); var key1 = new bitcore.Key(); key1.private = privkey1; key1.regenerateSync(); var key2 = new bitcore.Key(); key2.private = privkey2; key2.regenerateSync(); var key3 = new bitcore.Key(); key3.private = privkey3; key3.regenerateSync(); it('should not reject data sent from a peer with hijacked pubkey', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key1.public.toString('hex') }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(false); }); it('should reject data sent from a peer with hijacked pubkey', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key3.public.toString('hex') //MITM pubkey 3 }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(true); n._deletePeer.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal(peerId); n._deletePeer.getCall(0).args[1].should.equal('incorrect pubkey for peerId'); }); it('should not reject data sent from a peer with no previously set nonce but who is setting one now', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); //n.networkNonces = {}; //n.networkNonces[(new bitcore.SIN(key1.public)).toString()] = new Buffer('0000000000000001', 'hex'); //previously used nonce var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key1.public.toString('hex') }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var opts = {nonce: new Buffer('0000000000000001', 'hex')}; //message send with new nonce var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf, opts); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(false); n.getHexNonces()[(new bitcore.SIN(key1.public)).toString()].toString('hex').should.equal('0000000000000001'); }); it('should not reject data sent from a peer with a really big new nonce', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); n.networkNonces = {}; n.networkNonces[(new bitcore.SIN(key1.public)).toString()] = new Buffer('5000000000000001', 'hex'); //previously used nonce var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key1.public.toString('hex') }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var opts = {nonce: new Buffer('5000000000000002', 'hex')}; //message send with new nonce var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf, opts); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(false); }); it('should not reject data sent from a peer with a really big new nonce', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); n.networkNonces = {}; n.networkNonces[(new bitcore.SIN(key1.public)).toString()] = new Buffer('5000000000000001', 'hex'); //previously used nonce var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key1.public.toString('hex') }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var opts = {nonce: new Buffer('5000000000000002', 'hex')}; //message send with new nonce var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf, opts); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(false); }); it('should reject data sent from a peer with an outdated nonce', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); n.networkNonces = {}; n.networkNonces[(new bitcore.SIN(key1.public)).toString()] = new Buffer('0000000000000002', 'hex'); //previously used nonce var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key1.public.toString('hex') }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var opts = {nonce: new Buffer('0000000000000001', 'hex')}; //message send with old nonce var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf, opts); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(true); }); it('should reject data sent from a peer with a really big outdated nonce', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.privkey = key2.private.toString('hex'); n.networkNonces = {}; n.networkNonces[(new bitcore.SIN(key1.public)).toString()] = new Buffer('5000000000000002', 'hex'); //previously used nonce var message = { type: 'hello', copayerId: key1.public.toString('hex') }; var messagestr = JSON.stringify(message); var messagebuf = new Buffer(messagestr); var opts = {nonce: new Buffer('5000000000000001', 'hex')}; //message send with old nonce var encoded = n._encode(key2.public, key1, messagebuf, opts); var encodedstr = JSON.stringify(encoded); var encodeduint = new Buffer(encodedstr); var isInbound = true; var peerId = new bitcore.SIN(key1.public); n._deletePeer = sinon.spy(); n._onData(encodeduint, isInbound, peerId); n._deletePeer.calledOnce.should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#setHexNonce', function() { it('should set a nonce from a hex value', function() { var hex = '0000000000000000'; var n = new WebRTC(); n.setHexNonce(hex); n.getHexNonce().should.equal(hex); n.networkNonce.toString('hex').should.equal(hex); }); }); describe('#setHexNonces', function() { it('should set a nonce from a hex value', function() { var hex = '0000000000000000'; var n = new WebRTC(); n.setHexNonces({fakeid: hex}); n.getHexNonces().fakeid.should.equal(hex); }); }); describe('#getHexNonce', function() { it('should get a nonce hex value', function() { var hex = '0000000000000000'; var n = new WebRTC(); n.setHexNonce(hex); n.getHexNonce().should.equal(hex); }); }); describe('#getHexNonces', function() { it('should get a nonce from a hex value', function() { var hex = '0000000000000000'; var n = new WebRTC(); n.setHexNonces({fakeid: hex}); n.getHexNonces().fakeid.should.equal(hex); }); }); describe('#iterateNonce', function() { it('should set a nonce not already set', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.iterateNonce(); n.networkNonce.slice(4, 8).toString('hex').should.equal('00000001'); n.networkNonce.slice(0, 4).toString('hex').should.not.equal('00000000'); }); it('called twice should increment', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.iterateNonce(); n.networkNonce.slice(4, 8).toString('hex').should.equal('00000001'); n.iterateNonce(); n.networkNonce.slice(4, 8).toString('hex').should.equal('00000002'); }); it('should set the first byte to the most significant "now" digit', function() { var n = new WebRTC(); n.iterateNonce(); var buf = new Buffer(4); buf.writeUInt32BE(Math.floor(Date.now()/1000), 0); n.networkNonce[0].should.equal(buf[0]); }); }); });