workaround argparse issue by reverting their commit

This commit is contained in:
ThomasV 2017-02-22 09:32:35 +01:00
parent aad8b4377c
commit 1d1d76b1ad
1 changed files with 35 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -729,48 +729,74 @@ def set_default_subparser(self, name, args=None):
argparse.ArgumentParser.set_default_subparser = set_default_subparser
# workaround
# see
def subparser_call(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
from argparse import ArgumentError, SUPPRESS, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR
parser_name = values[0]
arg_strings = values[1:]
# set the parser name if requested
if self.dest is not SUPPRESS:
setattr(namespace, self.dest, parser_name)
# select the parser
parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name]
except KeyError:
tup = parser_name, ', '.join(self._name_parser_map)
msg = _('unknown parser %r (choices: %s)') % tup
raise ArgumentError(self, msg)
# parse all the remaining options into the namespace
# store any unrecognized options on the object, so that the top
# level parser can decide what to do with them
namespace, arg_strings = parser.parse_known_args(arg_strings, namespace)
if arg_strings:
vars(namespace).setdefault(_UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR, [])
getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR).extend(arg_strings)
argparse._SubParsersAction.__call__ = subparser_call
def add_network_options(parser):
parser.add_argument("-1", "--oneserver", action="store_true", dest="oneserver", default=False, help="connect to one server only")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", dest="server", default=None, help="set server host:port:protocol, where protocol is either t (tcp) or s (ssl)")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--proxy", dest="proxy", default=None, help="set proxy [type:]host[:port], where type is socks4,socks5 or http")
from util import profiler
def get_parser():
# parent parser, because set_default_subparser removes global options
parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('parent', add_help=False)
group = parent_parser.add_argument_group('global options')
def add_global_options(parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group('global options')
group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Show debugging information")
group.add_argument("-D", "--dir", dest="electrum_path", help="electrum directory")
group.add_argument("-P", "--portable", action="store_true", dest="portable", default=False, help="Use local 'electrum_data' directory")
group.add_argument("-w", "--wallet", dest="wallet_path", help="wallet path")
group.add_argument("--testnet", action="store_true", dest="testnet", default=False, help="Use Testnet")
group.add_argument("--segwit", action="store_true", dest="segwit", default=False, help="The Wizard will create Segwit seed phrases (Testnet only).")
def get_parser():
# create main parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
epilog="Run 'electrum help <command>' to see the help for a command")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd', metavar='<command>')
# gui
parser_gui = subparsers.add_parser('gui', description="Run Electrum's Graphical User Interface.", help="Run GUI (default)")
parser_gui.add_argument("url", nargs='?', default=None, help="bitcoin URI (or bip70 file)")
parser_gui.add_argument("-g", "--gui", dest="gui", help="select graphical user interface", choices=['qt', 'kivy', 'text', 'stdio'])
parser_gui.add_argument("-o", "--offline", action="store_true", dest="offline", default=False, help="Run offline")
parser_gui.add_argument("-m", action="store_true", dest="hide_gui", default=False, help="hide GUI on startup")
parser_gui.add_argument("-L", "--lang", dest="language", default=None, help="default language used in GUI")
# daemon
parser_daemon = subparsers.add_parser('daemon', help="Run Daemon")
parser_daemon.add_argument("subcommand", choices=['start', 'status', 'stop'], nargs='?')
# commands
for cmdname in sorted(known_commands.keys()):
cmd = known_commands[cmdname]
p = subparsers.add_parser(cmdname,, description=cmd.description)
if cmdname == 'restore':
p.add_argument("-o", "--offline", action="store_true", dest="offline", default=False, help="Run offline")