better handling of very small fiat numbers and mBTC

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Darrin Daigle 2014-03-23 23:17:20 -05:00
parent 7bfd170ad9
commit 284bcc1e5b
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -563,17 +563,19 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
if not d.exec_():
fiat = self.gui.main_window.read_amount(str(fiat_e.text()))
fiat = str(fiat_e.text())
if str(fiat) == "None" or str(fiat) == "0":
self.gui.main_window.amount_e.setText( "" )
if str(fiat) == "" or str(fiat) == ".":
fiat = "0"
r = {}
self.set_quote_text(100000000, r)
quote = r.get(0)
quote = quote[:-4]
quote = str(Decimal(fiat) / (Decimal(quote)*100000000))
btcamount = Decimal(fiat) / Decimal(quote)
if str(self.gui.main_window.base_unit()) == "mBTC":
btcamount = btcamount * 1000
quote = "%.8f"%btcamount
if quote:
self.gui.main_window.amount_e.setText( quote )