remove merchant script; it is now replaced by daemon and jsonrpc

This commit is contained in:
ThomasV 2015-11-30 10:59:39 +01:00
parent e9cc1d30be
commit 2be906fde2
3 changed files with 0 additions and 352 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
host = hostname of the machine where you run this program
port = choose a port number
password = choose a password
database = database filename
xpub = the master public key of your wallet
wallet_path = path where the script will save the wallet
received = URL where we POST json data when payment has been received
expired = URL where we POST json data if payment has expired
password = password sent in the json data, for authentication

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@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import time, sys, socket, os
import threading
import urllib2
import json
import Queue
import sqlite3
import electrum
import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"merchant.conf")
my_password = config.get('main','password')
my_host = config.get('main','host')
my_port = config.getint('main','port')
database = config.get('sqlite3','database')
received_url = config.get('callback','received')
expired_url = config.get('callback','expired')
cb_password = config.get('callback','password')
wallet_path = config.get('electrum','wallet_path')
xpub = config.get('electrum','xpub')
pending_requests = {}
num = 0
def check_create_table(conn):
global num
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='electrum_payments';")
data = c.fetchall()
if not data:
c.execute("""CREATE TABLE electrum_payments (address VARCHAR(40), amount FLOAT, confirmations INT(8), received_at TIMESTAMP, expires_at TIMESTAMP, paid INT(1), processed INT(1));""")
c.execute("SELECT Count(address) FROM 'electrum_payments'")
num = c.fetchone()[0]
print "num rows", num
def row_to_dict(x):
return {
# this process detects when addresses have received payments
def on_wallet_update(event):
for addr, v in pending_requests.items():
h = wallet.history.get(addr, [])
requested_amount = v.get('requested')
requested_confs = v.get('confirmations')
value = 0
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
tx = wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not tx: continue
if wallet.get_confirmations(tx_hash)[0] < requested_confs: continue
for o in tx.outputs:
o_type, o_address, o_value = o
if o_address == addr:
value += o_value
s = (value)/1.e8
print "balance for %s:"%addr, s, requested_amount
if s>= requested_amount:
print "payment accepted", addr
out_queue.put( ('payment', addr))
stopping = False
def do_stop(password):
global stopping
if password != my_password:
return "wrong password"
stopping = True
return "ok"
def process_request(amount, confirmations, expires_in, password):
global num
if password != my_password:
return "wrong password"
amount = float(amount)
confirmations = int(confirmations)
expires_in = float(expires_in)
except Exception:
return "incorrect parameters"
account = wallet.default_account()
pubkeys = account.derive_pubkeys(0, num)
addr = account.pubkeys_to_address(pubkeys)
num += 1
out_queue.put( ('request', (addr, amount, confirmations, expires_in) ))
return addr
def do_dump(password):
if password != my_password:
return "wrong password"
conn = sqlite3.connect(database);
cur = conn.cursor()
# read pending requests from table
cur.execute("SELECT oid, * FROM electrum_payments;")
data = cur.fetchall()
return map(row_to_dict, data)
def getrequest(oid, password):
if password != my_password:
return "wrong password"
oid = int(oid)
conn = sqlite3.connect(database);
cur = conn.cursor()
# read pending requests from table
cur.execute("SELECT oid, * FROM electrum_payments WHERE oid=%d;"%(oid))
data = cur.fetchone()
return row_to_dict(data)
def send_command(cmd, params):
import jsonrpclib
server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://%s:%d'%(my_host, my_port))
f = getattr(server, cmd)
except socket.error:
print "Server not running"
return 1
out = f(*params)
except socket.error:
print "Server not running"
return 1
print json.dumps(out, indent=4)
return 0
def db_thread():
conn = sqlite3.connect(database);
# create table if needed
while not stopping:
cur = conn.cursor()
# read pending requests from table
cur.execute("SELECT address, amount, confirmations FROM electrum_payments WHERE paid IS NULL;")
data = cur.fetchall()
# add pending requests to the wallet
for item in data:
addr, amount, confirmations = item
if addr in pending_requests:
with wallet.lock:
print "subscribing to %s"%addr
pending_requests[addr] = {'requested':float(amount), 'confirmations':int(confirmations)}
wallet.up_to_date = False
cmd, params = out_queue.get(True, 10)
except Queue.Empty:
cmd = ''
if cmd == 'payment':
addr = params
# set paid=1 for received payments
print "received payment from", addr
cur.execute("update electrum_payments set paid=1 where address='%s'"%addr)
elif cmd == 'request':
# add a new request to the table.
addr, amount, confs, minutes = params
sql = "INSERT INTO electrum_payments (address, amount, confirmations, received_at, expires_at, paid, processed)"\
+ " VALUES ('%s', %.8f, %d, datetime('now'), datetime('now', '+%d Minutes'), NULL, NULL);"%(addr, amount, confs, minutes)
print sql
# set paid=0 for expired requests
cur.execute("""UPDATE electrum_payments set paid=0 WHERE expires_at < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and paid is NULL;""")
# do callback for addresses that received payment or expired
cur.execute("""SELECT oid, address, paid from electrum_payments WHERE paid is not NULL and processed is NULL;""")
data = cur.fetchall()
for item in data:
oid, address, paid = item
paid = bool(paid)
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
data_json = { 'address':address, 'password':cb_password, 'paid':paid }
data_json = json.dumps(data_json)
url = received_url if paid else expired_url
if not url:
req = urllib2.Request(url, data_json, headers)
response_stream = urllib2.urlopen(req)
print 'Got Response for %s' % address
cur.execute("UPDATE electrum_payments SET processed=1 WHERE oid=%d;"%(oid))
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print "cannot do callback", data_json
except ValueError, e:
print e
print "cannot do callback", data_json
print "database closed"
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
cmd = sys.argv[1]
params = sys.argv[2:] + [my_password]
ret = send_command(cmd, params)
# start network
c = electrum.SimpleConfig({'wallet_path':wallet_path})
network = electrum.Network(config)
# wait until connected
while network.is_connecting():
if not network.is_connected():
print "daemon is not connected"
# create watching_only wallet
storage = electrum.WalletStorage(c)
if not storage.file_exists:
print "creating wallet file"
wallet = electrum.wallet.Wallet.from_xpub(xpub, storage)
wallet = electrum.wallet.Wallet(storage)
wallet.synchronize = lambda: None # prevent address creation by the wallet
network.register_callback(on_wallet_update, ['updated'])
threading.Thread(target=db_thread, args=()).start()
out_queue = Queue.Queue()
# server thread
from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer
server = SimpleJSONRPCServer(( my_host, my_port))
server.register_function(process_request, 'request')
server.register_function(do_dump, 'dump')
server.register_function(getrequest, 'getrequest')
server.register_function(do_stop, 'stop')
while not stopping:
except socket.timeout:

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ is a daemon that manages payments for a web server. It
creates Bitcoin addresses using a master public key (so you do not
leave your private keys on the server), detects when payments are
received and notifies your web application.
The workflow goes like this:
- the server sends a request to the daemon via POST. the request
contains an amount to be paid, a number of confirmations, and an
expiration period in hours.
- the daemon answers with a Bitcoin address, where the customer needs
to send the coins.
- later, the daemon will send a POST to the webserver, to notify that
the payment has been received OR that the request has expired
Since addresses are generated using an Electrum master public key, it
is possible to visualize payments in the Electrum client; you will,
however, need to manually adjust your "gap limit".
In order to use this script, first edit and rename
merchant.conf.template to merchant.conf
to launch it, type:
> python
In another terminal, you may send a request from the command line (it
will send the request to the running daemon via http). For example,
here is a request for 0.1 bitcoins, that requires two confirmations,
and expires in 120 minutes:
> python request 0.1 2 120