Move change_amounts() to base class.

Update tooltip of the preference.
This commit is contained in:
Neil Booth 2016-01-15 15:21:25 +09:00
parent 641f23229d
commit 53fa973898
2 changed files with 44 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -2756,7 +2756,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
multiple_change = self.wallet.multiple_change
multiple_cb = QCheckBox(_('Multiple'))
multiple_cb.setToolTip(_('If appropriate, and the "privacy" coin chooser is selected, use up to 3 change addresses.'))
multiple_cb.setToolTip(_('If appropriate use up to 3 change addresses.'))
tx_widgets.append((usechange_cb, multiple_cb))

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@ -60,8 +60,49 @@ class CoinChooserBase(PrintError):
return penalty
def change_amounts(self, tx, count, fee_estimator, dust_threshold):
# The amount left after adding 1 change output
return [max(0, tx.get_fee() - fee_estimator(1))]
# Break change up if bigger than max_change
output_amounts = [o[2] for o in tx.outputs]
max_change = max(max(output_amounts) * 1.25, dust_threshold * 10)
# Use N change outputs
for n in range(1, count + 1):
# How much is left if we add this many change outputs?
change_amount = max(0, tx.get_fee() - fee_estimator(n))
if change_amount // n <= max_change:
# Get a handle on the precision of the output amounts; round our
# change to look similar
def trailing_zeroes(val):
s = str(val)
return len(s) - len(s.rstrip('0'))
zeroes = map(trailing_zeroes, output_amounts)
min_zeroes = min(zeroes)
max_zeroes = max(zeroes)
zeroes = range(max(0, min_zeroes - 1), (max_zeroes + 1) + 1)
# Calculate change; randomize it a bit if using more than 1 output
remaining = change_amount
amounts = []
while n > 1:
average = remaining // n
amount = randint(int(average * 0.7), int(average * 1.3))
precision = min(choice(zeroes), int(floor(log10(amount))))
amount = int(round(amount, -precision))
remaining -= amount
n -= 1
# Last change output. Round down to maximum precision but lose
# no more than 100 satoshis to fees (2dp)
N = pow(10, min(2, zeroes[0]))
amount = (remaining // N) * N
assert sum(amounts) <= change_amount
return amounts
def change_outputs(self, tx, change_addrs, fee_estimator, dust_threshold):
amounts = self.change_amounts(tx, len(change_addrs), fee_estimator,
@ -221,52 +262,6 @@ class CoinChooserPrivacy(CoinChooserRandom):
return penalty
def change_amounts(self, tx, count, fee_estimator, dust_threshold):
# Break change up if bigger than max_change
output_amounts = [o[2] for o in tx.outputs]
max_change = max(max(output_amounts) * 1.25, dust_threshold * 10)
# Use N change outputs
for n in range(1, count + 1):
# How much is left if we add this many change outputs?
change_amount = max(0, tx.get_fee() - fee_estimator(n))
if change_amount // n <= max_change:
# Get a handle on the precision of the output amounts; round our
# change to look similar
def trailing_zeroes(val):
s = str(val)
return len(s) - len(s.rstrip('0'))
zeroes = map(trailing_zeroes, output_amounts)
min_zeroes = min(zeroes)
max_zeroes = max(zeroes)
zeroes = range(max(0, min_zeroes - 1), (max_zeroes + 1) + 1)
# Calculate change; randomize it a bit if using more than 1 output
remaining = change_amount
amounts = []
while n > 1:
average = remaining // n
amount = randint(int(average * 0.7), int(average * 1.3))
precision = min(choice(zeroes), int(floor(log10(amount))))
amount = int(round(amount, -precision))
remaining -= amount
n -= 1
# Last change output. Round down to maximum precision but lose
# no more than 100 satoshis to fees (2dp)
N = pow(10, min(2, zeroes[0]))
amount = (remaining // N) * N
assert sum(amounts) <= change_amount
return amounts
COIN_CHOOSERS = {'Oldest First': CoinChooserOldestFirst,
'Privacy': CoinChooserPrivacy}