replaced jackjack encryption with corrected ecies implementation

This commit is contained in:
Lucas Ryan 2014-05-27 10:55:51 -07:00
parent 680fbf1d3e
commit 93f61f1717
1 changed files with 54 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -383,21 +383,6 @@ def ECC_YfromX(x,curved=curve_secp256k1, odd=True):
return [_p-My,offset] return [_p-My,offset]
raise Exception('ECC_YfromX: No Y found') raise Exception('ECC_YfromX: No Y found')
def private_header(msg,v):
assert v<1, "Can't write version %d private header"%v
r = ''
if v==0:
r += ('%08x'%len(msg)).decode('hex')
r += sha256(msg)[:2]
return ('%02x'%v).decode('hex') + ('%04x'%len(r)).decode('hex') + r
def public_header(pubkey,v):
assert v<1, "Can't write version %d public header"%v
r = ''
if v==0:
r = sha256(pubkey)[:2]
return '\x6a\x6a' + ('%02x'%v).decode('hex') + ('%04x'%len(r)).decode('hex') + r
def negative_point(P): def negative_point(P):
return Point( P.curve(), P.x(), -P.y(), P.order() ) return Point( P.curve(), P.x(), -P.y(), P.order() )
@ -493,83 +478,69 @@ class EC_KEY(object):
raise Exception("Bad signature") raise Exception("Bad signature")
# ecdsa encryption/decryption methods # ecies encryption/decryption methods; aes-256-cbc is used as the cipher; hmac-sha256 is used as the mac
# credits: jackjack,
@classmethod @classmethod
def encrypt_message(self, message, pubkey): def encrypt_message(self, message, pubkey):
generator = generator_secp256k1
curved = curve_secp256k1
r = ''
msg = private_header(message,0) + message
msg = msg + ('\x00'*( 32-(len(msg)%32) ))
msgs = chunks(msg,32)
_r = generator.order()
str_to_long = string_to_number
P = generator
pk = ser_to_point(pubkey) pk = ser_to_point(pubkey)
if not ecdsa.ecdsa.point_is_valid(generator_secp256k1, pk.x(), pk.y()):
raise Exception('invalid pubkey')
ephemeral_exponent = number_to_string(ecdsa.util.randrange(pow(2,256)), generator_secp256k1.order())
ephemeral = EC_KEY(ephemeral_exponent)
ecdh_key = (pk * ephemeral.privkey.secret_multiplier).x()
ecdh_key = ('%064x' % ecdh_key).decode('hex')
key = hashlib.sha512(ecdh_key).digest()
key_e, key_m = key[:32], key[32:]
iv_ciphertext = aes.encryptData(key_e, message)
iv, ciphertext = iv_ciphertext[:16], iv_ciphertext[16:]
for i in range(len(msgs)): mac =, ciphertext, hashlib.sha256).digest()
n = ecdsa.util.randrange( pow(2,256) ) ephemeral_pubkey = ephemeral.get_public_key(compressed=True).decode('hex')
Mx = str_to_long(msgs[i])
My, xoffset = ECC_YfromX(Mx, curved) encrypted = 'BIE1' + hash_160(pubkey) + ephemeral_pubkey + iv + ciphertext + mac
M = Point( curved, Mx+xoffset, My, _r ) return base64.b64encode(encrypted)
T = P*n
U = pk*n + M
toadd = point_to_ser(T) + point_to_ser(U)
toadd = chr(ord(toadd[0])-2 + 2*xoffset) + toadd[1:]
r += toadd
return base64.b64encode(public_header(pubkey,0) + r)
def decrypt_message(self, enc): def decrypt_message(self, encrypted):
G = generator_secp256k1
curved = curve_secp256k1 encrypted = base64.b64decode(encrypted)
pvk = self.secret
pubkeys = [point_to_ser(G*pvk,True), point_to_ser(G*pvk,False)] if len(encrypted) < 105:
enc = base64.b64decode(enc) raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: length')
str_to_long = string_to_number
magic = encrypted[:4]
recipient_pubkeyhash = encrypted[4:24]
ephemeral_pubkey = encrypted[24:57]
iv = encrypted[57:73]
ciphertext = encrypted[73:-32]
mac = encrypted[-32:]
if magic != 'BIE1':
raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid magic bytes')
if hash_160(self.get_public_key().decode('hex')) != recipient_pubkeyhash:
raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid key')
ephemeral_pubkey = ser_to_point(ephemeral_pubkey)
except AssertionError, e:
raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid ephemeral pubkey')
assert enc[:2]=='\x6a\x6a' if not ecdsa.ecdsa.point_is_valid(generator_secp256k1, ephemeral_pubkey.x(), ephemeral_pubkey.y()):
raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid ephemeral pubkey')
phv = str_to_long(enc[2])
assert phv==0, "Can't read version %d public header"%phv
hs = str_to_long(enc[3:5])
address=filter(lambda x:sha256(x)[:2]==checksum_pubkey, pubkeys)
assert len(address)>0, 'Bad private key'
r = ''
for Tser,User in map(lambda x:[x[:33],x[33:]], chunks(enc,66)):
ots = ord(Tser[0])
xoffset = ots>>1
Tser = chr(2+(ots&1))+Tser[1:]
T = ser_to_point(Tser)
U = ser_to_point(User)
V = T*pvk
Mcalc = U + negative_point(V)
r += ('%064x'%(Mcalc.x()-xoffset)).decode('hex')
pvhv = str_to_long(r[0])
assert pvhv==0, "Can't read version %d private header"%pvhv
phs = str_to_long(r[1:3])
private_header = r[3:3+phs]
size = str_to_long(private_header[:4])
checksum = private_header[4:6]
r = r[3+phs:]
msg = r[:size]
hashmsg = sha256(msg)[:2]
checksumok = hashmsg==checksum
return [msg, checksumok, address]
ecdh_key = (ephemeral_pubkey * self.privkey.secret_multiplier).x()
ecdh_key = ('%064x' % ecdh_key).decode('hex')
key = hashlib.sha512(ecdh_key).digest()
key_e, key_m = key[:32], key[32:]
if mac !=, ciphertext, hashlib.sha256).digest():
raise Exception('invalid ciphertext: invalid mac')
return aes.decryptData(key_e, iv + ciphertext)
@ -779,7 +750,7 @@ def test_crypto():
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
#test_crypto() test_crypto()
test_bip32("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f", "m/0'/1/2'/2/1000000000") test_bip32("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f", "m/0'/1/2'/2/1000000000")
test_bip32("fffcf9f6f3f0edeae7e4e1dedbd8d5d2cfccc9c6c3c0bdbab7b4b1aeaba8a5a29f9c999693908d8a8784817e7b7875726f6c696663605d5a5754514e4b484542","m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'/2") test_bip32("fffcf9f6f3f0edeae7e4e1dedbd8d5d2cfccc9c6c3c0bdbab7b4b1aeaba8a5a29f9c999693908d8a8784817e7b7875726f6c696663605d5a5754514e4b484542","m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'/2")